The reveal.
(A/N: I didn't draw the fanart. It also doesn't apply to the story I just liked it. :3)
Vanoss's POV-
I am the boss of this gang but this time Delirious was the one in charge. I hated the idea of someone else being the leader but it felt fine when he was the one leading everyone. Everyone was in their own personal car except Delirious since I can't trust him to use his own car so he was using the same car I let him use which tracks his location. He told us it was a one-day long trip so we all returned home and grabbed some clothes. We already had some guns in my car so it took less time to pack.
Me, being the planner, already booked rooms in a hotel so we wouldn't go to a random hotel to stay the night but, of course, there weren't enough rooms for everyone so we had to share. There were only 5 rooms so it went like this: Wildcat and Mini, Marcel and Droidd, Brian and Brock, David and Lui, Delirious and me. Delirious wasn't too exited when I told him he was going to have to stay with me. He didn't want to remove his mask so he kept quiet while everyone else talked on the ear-piece.
It turned dark rather quickly and when we reached the hotel we were going to stay in it barely turned night time. We grabbed our bags with clothes and grabbed our room keys then sat down on the couches to discuss the situation. "We still have a couple of hours left until we reach the place. We all need to be well rested and we need to get up early and leave at 6 in the morning." Delirious said. The guys nodded and I looked over at Wildcat. He kept staring at me and smirking. "What do you want Wildcat?" I asked a bit annoyed. "Looks like someone is mad because he can't boss anyone around." He said and everyone laughed, except for Delirious, while I growled softly. "By the way, how do you know that place, Delirious?" Lui stated. We all turned to look at him and I saw how he tensed up and his eyes looked sad but then murderous. "The past is the past. It cannot be changed and I don't want to speak about it," He stood up and walked away to our room with the keys. The guys looked at each other and I shook my head lightly. "I'm going up to my room. Once you guys stop acting like confused monkeys go up to your room and sleep. I'm not going to wait for anyone." I said and started walking up to my room.
When I opened the room door I walked inside and saw a king size bed. I swear that the lady said there were going to be two beds but I guess I was wrong which is weird since I'm never wrong. Delirious was sitting down on a chair close to the window while playing with his knife. I didn't say anything and placed my bag, which contained my clothes, on the floor right in front of the night stand that was next to the bed. I checked my phone and saw that it was 1:43 AM. I went to the bathroom to do my business and changed into my sleeping clothes which was just some basketball shorts and a black plain shirt. When I got out I saw Delirious still doing the same thing: Watching outside and playing with his knife. "Are you not going to sleep?" I said as I sat down on the bed. He turned to look at me and the reflection of the full moon made his eyes look even more bright. His eyes are probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, well, except for Jonathan's gorgeous blue eyes which look a lot like Delirious's eyes. "I'll go to sleep once you go to sleep." He said in a soft voice. I nodded and laid down on the bed which made me fall asleep instantly.
I then woke up by the sound of my alarm but when I checked my phone I realized it wasn't my alarm but it was the alarm that I receive if someone escaped or enters the house. I sat up immediately and grabbed my phone. The video footage was live so everything that was happening I was watching. I saw two people walking in, one had green hair and the other one had black hair but kind of grey-ish skin. When I saw the guy with green hair I saw his normal blue eye and a septic eye with pointy ears. The other one had black eyes. The place in your eye that's supposed to be white was all black and he was wearing a tuxedo. I was so confused and then when the guy with the tuxedo walked close to the cameras I saw static and then saw normal again once he was getting farther away.
I felt the bed move and when I turned around I saw Delirious sit up but this time he didn't have a mask. He rubbed his eyes and then he looked at me. No wonder he seemed familiar; the baby blue eyes, the love for blue, the creepy and lovable laugh. He's the one person I always love for my whole life. It was my Jonathan. My breath got heavy and then when he realized he didn't have his mask he quickly reached over to his night stand and grabbed his mask but before he could place it over his beautiful face I said his name, "Jonathan?" I said with sadness in my voice. He froze and then looked at me mad and confused. "How the fuck do you know my name?" He said. It felt like someone punched me in the stomach really hard. It was him. Tears wanted to fall out of my eyes but I pushed them in. "I-It' s me... Evan..
Evan Fong..." I said and his eyes looked at me carefully and then his eyes were wide and his breath started to speed up. "No... No it ca- YOU'RE lying, right?" He said and I shook my head with a smile. "Jonathan, who else would know your fucking name?" I said while laughing. Now his eyes were getting watery. We both moved towards each other and hugged while crying softly.
At this point I didn't care that my place was getting robbed or that we were going to a secret place. The only thing that mattered at the moment was Jonathan. We stopped hugging and then I looked over at his red lips. I quickly attack his lips. The part of me that used to be happy and in love finally appeared again and the part of me that was depressed and angry just dissapeared. The kiss was the light that illuminated the dark side of me and for once I was happy. When we stopped kissing we just looked at each other and smiled stupidly. I saw fresh new tears falling out from Jonathan's eyes and I wiped it away with my thumb. "All this time you were with me and I never knew," I said and laughed. "I am so stupid." He shook his head and pulled me closer to him. "I'm the stupid one here since I didn't even recognized you. I should've recognized you." He said and got mad at the end. I giggled and shook my head while looking at him. "Jonathan, you changed a lot. Back when we were first dating I was the tallest one and you were so inoccent and adorable. Now, you're not inoccent at all and instead of being adorable you're hot and sexy," I said and he laughed. "May I add, I have muscles now," Jonathan said and started flexing his arm. I nodded and we spent the whole night cuddling and catching up with each other.
That night was special. It was an amazing night. Sadly, when there's good news there are always bad news...
I have good news... I FINALLY HAVE MY OWN PHONE!!! Which means I will post sooner and I won't be missing out on anything important. That's all I have to say, PEACE!!✌✌✌✌✌
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