Small memory.
Vanoss's POV-
I couldn't go to sleep since I was thinking. Thinking about a mission I was planning and trying to decide the best things to do for the mission. Then, I got a message in my phone. I opened my phone and I saw a message. 'WARNING!: The guest room's window was opened'. Immediately I know Delirious was escaping somewhere. I didn't really do anything. What? You expected me to act like a mom and start yelling at him for leaving? I'm not overprotective, only when it comes to friends or anyone I love dearly.
Instead, I just plan for the heist we're going to do tomorrow which is basically today since it's 12:35 in the morning.
~Tiny time skip until Delirious arrives.~
I checked my phone because another warning was posted and I checked the camera to see Delirious arriving at 2 in the morning sharp. I decided to sneak up on him so I just went to the guest room he was staying in and I sat at the end of his bed. I heard foot steps coming closer to the room and I just sat there quietly in the dark. Then I saw the shadow of two feet and I just stared at the door. Waiting for it to open and reveal Delirious. The door opened and when Delirious flicked on the lights and saw me he cursed and pulled out his knife quickly. "Call down. It's just me," I said with my legs crossed and my arms crossed. "So, where did you go?" I just waited for Delirious to answer my question. I saw in Delirious's eyes how confused he was. "H-How, I-I- What? How did you know I escaped?" He sad clearly confused. I just grabbed my phone, unlocked it, and showed him the video of him escaping. I then locked my phone and crossed my arms again. "Answer me. Where did ya go?" i said and looked directly at his eyes. "None of your business. I just went to do something quick." He said and took of his sweater to reveal him just wearing a white T-shirt. He turned his back to me to hang his sweater up and I just stared at his back muscles. I blinked and shook my head slightly.
No Evan. You can't be in love with him. He doesn't love you back.
When he finished hanging his sweater he sat down in a chair. He crossed his leg and waited for me to speak. "You know, Delirious. I can be trusted. If it's one of your little missions or some shit just tell me. Nothing is holding you back. I'm not bossy even if I am the boss." I said and stood up. I was about to grab the door handle until Delirious stopped me. "Wait, Vanoss," He said. I turned around and looked at him. I sat down in my spot and waited. "I do have some small missions but it's just killing my targets. Nothing that special. The thing is that I have missions like that monthly. If I get lucky enough, then I get them weekly. That's why I escaped." When he finished I just nodded. "Well, if you have other small missions to do then just say so. If I'm too busy then just leave but send me a message telling me you're leaving. Well, I'll leave. You need to rest since we're having a heist tomorrow." I said and opened the door to leave. "Oh and Delirious, one more thing. If you're going to talk to Mini, try to talk to him normally. Don't flirt with him or else Wildcat will get all jealous. I saw you talking to Mini and Wildcat didn't seemed happy about it." With that I left to the planning room so I could finish what I didn't finish.
~Le time skip to le morning.~
I was woken up by my alarm clock. I was on the table of the Planning room. Confused, I stood up from the chair and looked at my phone. 9 o'clock. I stretched and did my normal routine. I went to my room, changed into my running clothes, and went outside. I started running towards the forest close to the house. While running I was thinking of Delirious and the heist. I was thinking about the weapons the guys will need, especially Delirious since he has a knife instead of a gun. I thought maybe I should give him an easy weapon since he's barely starting. Then I remember he said he could use a gun. But, just to make sure I'll give him an easy weapon to use so nothing bad happens. I ran to the same spot where I spotted Delirious on top of a tree but instead of walking towards the tree I walked to the small little pond. I sat down and touched the cold water and a particular memory came into mind.
I was just 16 at the time and with a group of friends. These friends weren't my gang but my ex-friends who I don't even talk to anymore. I, of course, was the leader and everything that my friends wanted to do had to get approved by me. One of my friends in particular, named Jonathan, always got his ideas approved since I did have a big crush on him. Plus, he was the quietest and calmest out of all of us so he barely asked to go somewhere. This time he asked to go somewhere that nobody knows even existed. I don't know what it's called but he said he went there and it was kind of cool.
I took my car and drove everyone there. Since I didn't know where it was Jonathan had to sit in the front seat pointing at the direction and telling me I went the wrong way. When we arrived and got out of the car we saw a huge house in the middle of trees. When everyone got out Jonathan smiled at us. "Come on. The lady inside is a fortune teller and she probably already knows all of our names." Jonathan said while he walked towards the front door. We all walked towards the door and when I was about to knock the door opened revealing a kind young lady probably in her late 20's. "Greetings Evan Fong. I have been expecting you and your friends." She said. I was so confused as in why does she know my name. She then answered me as if she knew what I was thinking. "How do I know your name? Well, didn't Jonathan already told you I was a Fortune teller? I know the past, present, and future. Come in please and follow me." She said and I started following her followed by the guys.
I guess we were at her living room because of the furniture and it was beautiful. There was even a fireplace. (Picture from the beginning.) She sat down on a single sofa and everyone else sat down on the sofa's. I sat next to Jonathan, of course. She looked at all of us and frowned. "Oh my. Something is going on here and it's not good." She said. I was so confused and then she looked at Jonathan. "Last time you came here you were so full of energy with your sister and step-parents but now you're so quiet." She said and I looked at Jonathan. I thought he was just really quiet but I guess I was wrong. "I see now," The lady said. "The problem is all of you except for Evan." She said and looked at all of my friends. I was still facing Jonathan and then I saw him go tense. I was so confused as in what was happening. "You all know how Jonathan hates to be called beautiful. He had many problems because everyone called him gay because of his looks and you guys told him that multiple times. I see in the future something bad will happen when you guys leave and something beautiful will happen to both Evan and Jonathan." She said. I was red 'cause I was mad at the guys but so confused on what she meant by something beautiful will happen to both Jonathan and I. She smiled at both Jonathan and I then stood up. "I'm sorry, Jonathan. I know you wanted this day to be cool because I know the future and stuff but I had to say this so I could help all of you. You guys can all leave." She said and walked towards her stairs giving Jonathan a last smile.
I walked out of the door and when I was close to the car I turned around with my arms crossed. The guys looked at me and stopped. One of them tried to get inside the car but I pushed him back. "Dude, what the fuck? I'm trying to go inside the car." The friend I pushed said. "No one is going inside. Jonathan," I said and he raised his head and stopped looking at the floor. I opened the front door and motioned Jonathan to get inside. He slowly walked towards the seat and sat down. I closed the door and gave him a small smile then turned to see the guys and frowned. "You know Jonathan trusted us for a reason. He didn't like being called beautiful and he thought maybe we won't call him that. I told him neither one of us would call him that but I guess I was wrong." I told them. One of them gave me a 'whatever' look and talked back. "You know, Evan. Maybe you should just leave the guy alone. You know he's a fag and yes he is beautiful but I would never date or hang with a fag. Why do you thing I never want to hang with him? Maybe you're a fag too because of that idiot. Do you? Do you have a crush on the little fag, big guy?" He said mockingly in the end. My face felt so hot because I was so angry I think I would've exploded. I walked towards him but the guys started getting more alert like if they were ready to fight. I just shook my head and looked at my now ex-friend. "I knew all of you since 1st grade and this is how you guys are going to act? Such a shame." I said and before I turned around I quickly gave my ex-friend a powerful punch which made him pass out. The guys just looked at their friend on the floor and then at me. I just turned around and walked to my car. "Hey!" On of them yelled. I turned to look at him. "How are we going to go home?" The same person said. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Walk or call a cab or some shit. I'm not going to pick anyone up." I said and started the car driving to Jonathan's house.
*MAX- Lights Down Low (ft. Gnash).You can play the song.*
While driving I looked at Jonathan and I saw him stare out of the window. I hated looking at Jonathan like that. He looked so broken and sad I felt guilty even if I don't know what I did. "What's wrong, Jonathan?" I said. He just shook his head. "Nothing." He said. Did he really think I would fall for that? Apparently he did. "Jonathan, I'm not stupid I know something is wrong. What is it?" "Nothing really." "Is it what happened with the guys? It's not your fault. They deserve that for calling you what you hate being called." I heard small sniffles and then I realize he was crying. I stopped the car on the side of a small little forest and looked at him. He had on his blue hoodie and he was wiping the tears out of his cheek with the sleeve of his sweater. I grabbed his hand and I heard him gasp softly. "Jonathan, please look at my eyes." I said with a small voice. He looked at me with his soft baby blue eyes and I saw how they sparkled in the sun set. "Why are you crying?" I asked him. He cried softly and with his other free hand started wiping away the tears. "I'm s-sorry..." He said and then started sobbing. I quickly pulled him towards me and hugged him. I was known for hating hugging people and I was also known for not having feeling but Jonathan made me actually have feelings and he was making me feel guilty and I just wanted to cry. Yes, the famous Vanoss, leader of the most dangerous gang and the person know to not have mercy, wanted to cry. When I pulled back from the hug I saw Jonathan crying less but he still had small tears in his eyes. I then remembered the perfect place that will probably make Jonathan relax. I started driving for just a small minute since we were that close to the place. I was driving to a small cliff I only know even exists.
When I arrived I looked at Jonathan and he was still crying small little tears. When I parked in front of a small border of trees Jonathan looked confused. "W-Why are we h-here?" He said. I just turned off the car and got out of the car. I walked over to Jonathan's side and opened his door. "Come on. I want to show you something." I said and raised my hand so Jonathan could take it. He unbuckled his belt and slowly took my hand. When he grabbed my hand I started pulling him out of the car slowly and then closed the door. When I closed the door I started pulling him towards the woods. He kept on saying 'where are we going' but I didn't respond. When we finally reached the end of the trees there was a small cliff and if you look down you could see the city and the small little area of trees. I took a deep breath and let the air out of my lungs. I heard Jonathan gasp and then when I looked at him I saw his tears stop. "Do you like it?" I told him. "Y-Yeah, it's beautiful." He said and I pulled him a bit closer to the cliff. When I sat down he sat down right next to me and I didn't let his hand go. Then I felt his hands slip away from mine. I missed his touch right away and I looked at him. "Evan, why are you doing this." He said and faced me with a sad face. "Jonathan, because I-I..." I took a deep breath and stood up. I was nervous. I wanted to tell him I like him- no, love him. This is the right time.
I looked at him and he had some tears coming out of his eyes. I sat down next to him and grabbed his hands softly. He looked at our hands and then looked at me. He tried pulling his hands out of my hands but I didn't let go. "Jonathan, hear me out please." I said and then stopped trying to pull his hands out of mine. It turned dark at this point and it was a full moon so I saw how his eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Jonathan, I know you probably don't have the same feeling as I do but I love you. I had since a long time ago but it isn't because of your looks. I love how insane your laugh is and how awesome you are. You're so full of energy and always smiling in dark times. You actually made me feel what no one else would made me feel. You made me feel love. I had never felt love for anyone. I might say they're cute or something but I never actually loved someone like I love you. You changed me big time, Jonathan." I finished saying. He looked in awe and then he did what I thought he would never do. He actually leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back and pulled him closer by his hips and he hugged my neck. I could taste his salty tears and I felt so many emotions. Sadness, Happiness, shock, but especially love. He was sitting on my legs at this point and we kept on kissing. We had to stop kissing since their's something called air and at that point we were dying by the lack of oxygen. I looked at Jonathan and we were both smiling widely. "Jonathan Dennis, will you do the honers of becoming my lovely boyfriend?" I said confidently. He giggled and looked at me in the eyes. "Yes, I do want to be your lovely boyfriend my prince." He said and kissed me again. We stayed like that for a long ass time until I got a message from my mother telling me 'where the fuck are you'. I looked at the time and I saw it was 1 am. "Jonathan, I need to go home before my parents start to lecture me about being late. Sorry, I wish I could stay here with you forever." I said as Jonathan moved and I got up giving him a hand. "No problem, I'm just glad we could spend some time together. Every second counts." He said and gave me a small kiss.
When we walked to the car we just goofed around as I drove Jonathan to his house. When I made it to his house I stopped the car and he looked at his house. He faced me and gave me a small smile. "Evan, we can't tell my step-parents about us. If they find out they'll flip out big time." He said. I nodded since I understood that. "My parents would punish me for life if they found out about us too. Don't worry I understand." I said and gave him a kiss before he left. Once I saw him go inside the house I started driving to my house.
*Please don't go- by Joel Adams. Press play.*
Sweet, right? Well, everything went bitter once two years passed. Jonathan and I were still together at the time but somehow someone told Jonathan's parents about us and they forced Jonathan to move to North Carolina. I would be 793.8 miles (1277.4973 kilometers.)away from him. At the time, I was at the airport saying goodbye to him. "Jonathan, listen to me." I said with tears in my eyes. He looked at me with sad and teary eyes. "I love you too much to let you go. I will find you one day even if it takes me years to find you. I swear on my life I will find you. You stay in North Carolina and don't move from there or else I won't find you. Please, promise me that." I said and started crying. "I-I promise, E-Evan. I love y-you." He said and kissed me. I kissed back and we stayed like that for a while until we heard an announcement saying that all people going to North Carolina need to proceed to the plane. I gave Jonathan a last kiss and hug before he left and joined his family. His sister found out about us but instead of being mad she was excited and happy for us. Now, she looks sad and so hurt. "Bye, Evan. I wish you could still be with Jonathan." She said and hugged Jonathan. His step-parents looked so disgusted they might as well puke on the floor.
I was watching, from a window wall, all the planes but I was looking at Jonathan's plane in particular. I saw it start to move and I just waved and saw a small hand wave back at me. It was Jonathan, waving at me. I had tears in my eyes and as I walked to my car flashbacks came into my mind of the fun times me and Jonathan had. Jonathan and I agreed on breaking up since we would meet new people but I don't think I would date anyone besides Jonathan. I promised him I will find him and I'll keep the promise. One day I will see him again.
~End of Flashback~
I opened my eyes and I still had my hand in the small pond. Since when did I have my eyes closed? I don't know but I said what I always say when I'm here in the pond every single day. "I will see you again, Jonathan. I promised you that I'll meet you again and I'm going to keep my promise." I said and started running and doing my daily exercises.
When I went back to the house I opened the door and the smell of bacon hit me hard. It smelled really good and when I walked to the kitchen I saw the one and only Delirious making breakfast. "You're the guest here and you're making breakfast. I can cook too you know? I can just cook." I said. He turned around to see me and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind. I enjoy making breakfast." He said. Something about him makes me feel so safe and at home. I stared at the bacon on a plate and grabbed one. When I bit into it I fell in love. "This is amazing."I said and finished all of the bacon. "Thanks." He said.
Once all of the guys woke up Tyler started joking about how we killed his family. Everything was great. The breakfast was good and everyone laughed. But, I couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan. When I went to the pond and had that flashback, that was the first time that ever happened. I stopped listening to the guys and went into deep thoughts.
I always thought that I will never fall for anyone and here I am, falling for Delirious. When can I meet Jonathan again? Every time I think of him I get so angry. Angry because I can't find him and a lot of time has passed. Every single day I try to make myself more happier and I tell myself that I'm one more day closer to him but then reality hits me. I might never find Jonathan again... I stood up from my seat and placed my plate on the dishwasher. I walked to my own room ignoring the guys calling me.
When I entered my room I walked close to the balcony. My room had ruby red walls with black lines; basically everything in my room was red, gray, black, and white to summarize everything. When I walked close to the balcony I stopped close to the rays of the sun and I stayed in the shadows. I looked outside of the balcony and saw a small cliff. Every time I look at the cliff I remember the first kiss Jonathan and I shared together. I smiled at the memory but then stopped, remembering that I was alone. No Jonathan, yet...
I heard a small knock on the door and I turned around slightly with my hands in my pocket. "Come in." I said. When I said that I saw Moo walk inside. He closed the door behind him and stood still waiting. "Speak." I said. "What's wrong, Vanoss? You're not the same lately. 3 months ago you were happier and more energetic. Now, your gloomy and, well, you look depressed." Moo said. I took a deep breath and let it out when I looked back at the cliff. "You know I don't like talking about my personal life. You're taking a big risk, you know?" I said facing him again. He nodded and looked at the ground. I closed my eyes for five seconds and looked at him again. "This is the only time I'm going to tell you anything personal," I said and Moo raised his head fast to look at me surprised. I sat down in one of my red chairs and he stood still. "You're right. I am more gloomy. I'm also depressed. The reason is that I fell for someone and I can't get him out of my head. I try but I can't. That's all I'm saying. You can leave. Tell the guys to meet up at the planning room because we have a heist to do." I said and stood up walking to the same spot I was at. I heard footsteps and then a door open and close. I kept looking at the cliff. Jonathan, why are you so hard to forget? Delirious, why is it hard to stop thinking about you? I looked at my feet and couldn't help but feel so lonely and depressed. I want to look for Jonathan but at the same time I don't want to because I'm falling for Delirious.
I was having a headache just thinking about that. I missed Jonathan so badly but at the same time Delirious was also a choice. I walked to my bathroom and grabbed a pill to stop the headache and walked to the planning room since the guys are probably waiting for me.
SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! I'm getting more grounded and it's a new year. -_- Sorry, did I mention I have anger issues? That's why I get grounded a lot. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and PEACE!! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
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