Heist to do.
Delirious's POV-
When Vanoss left the table without a word the guys looked worried. I just ate my breakfast in silence while the others talk about some reasons that might say why Vanoss left without a word. "He's been acting weird. He used to be a bit more cheerful but he's changed 3 months ago." Mini Ladd said. "I don't know guys. I know he hates talking about his personal shit but we need to know what's wrong with him." Wildcat said. Everyone agreed but they had an unsure face. "I don't think anyone wants to mess with him. I know I don't want to take the risk." Lui said. Everyone looked at each other and then Moo stood up. "I'll go. I mean, maybe he'll spill something out we never know until we try." Moo said. "No, no you're not going," Brian said grabbing Moo's arm. "What if he gets mad at you and hurts you?" He said and Moo looked down at the floor. "I guess you're right," Moo said softly. He sat down on the chair and I looked up at the ceiling. "Are you guys really that stupid?" I said kind of softly but enough for the guys to hear. They turned to look at me and then they frowned. "Why are you calling us stupid?" Wildcat said in a mad tone. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised but he didn't see my eyebrow since I had my mask. "Relax Wildkitty, I'm just saying that you guys don't get it." "Get what?" Droidd questioned. I looked at Moo and he had a confused face. "Moo, you're right. You should go talk to him-" "So he can get his ass kicked? I don't think so." Terroriser said mad that I told Moo that he needed to talk to Vanoss. "Terroriser, calm your Irish ass. Moo isn't going to get his ass kicked. I guess you guys don't know anything." "Then, if you're such an expert on this shit then tell us Mr. Know-it-all," Mini Ladd said. I sat up more straight and I was mad. "Don't give me that attitude Mini Ladd, or should I say, Craig Thompson," I said. Mini was drinking water while I was talking and when I said his name he spat out the water and it went flying across to the other side hitting Terroriser. "Aw, what the fuck man!" Terroriser said. Mini was coughing since he was choking on his water while Wildcat softly patted his back. When he finally stopped dying he looked at me. "How do you know my name?" Mini said surprised. "I know everyone and everything. I know all of your names. Tyler, Marcel, Arlan, Brian, Brock, and David. Everyone knows Lui's name so I don't have to say it." When I said that they just stared at me. "T-Then, if you know our names, what's Vanoss's name?" Mini said. I frowned. "That's the only name I don't know. He knows how to hide his name just like me. He can hide his name perfectly that I can't even guess." I said and they looked at the table hopelessly. I guess they wanted to know his name badly. "Ignore that, Moo talk to Vanoss and then come back. If he beats your ass then Brian gets beat me up if he wants and if I'm right then you own me $500 dollars." I said and he agreed. When he was about to leave I stopped him, "Brock, by the way, I'm always right so get the $500 dollars ready." I said and he nodded.
~Time skip to recent time~
The guys and I were still sitting on the table and then Moo came to the table and everything went silent. I just smirked even if they couldn't see it. "As I can see you don't have any bruises or blood. So, when am I going to get my $500 dollars?" I said with amusement in my tone. He looked at me and then handed me my $500 dollars. The guys had wide-eyes and then kept moving their heads to me and then to Brock. "Let's go to the planning room. Vanoss wants us there since we're doing a heist. I'll tell you then." He said still kind of shocked. We all walked to the planning room and when we sat down in our regular seats Moo had a small smile. "He said something really small but at least it was something. He said he was depressed but it was because he can't get someone out of his head and it's a guy." Moo said. "That's it? That's why he's been gloomy? Just because he loves somebody?" Mini said kind of confused. Tyler shifted in his seat a bit and looked at Mini. "Well, wouldn't you be gloomy if you loved someone? I know I feel that way..." Wildcat said. He softly whispered the last sentence but Mini heard it either way. "What? You, Wildcat the one with the anger issues, love someone. Who is it and why didn't you tell me?" Mini said facing Wildcat now. Tyler just shook his head. "Too personal to tell you. Anyways, when is Vanoss going to-" Tyler got interrupted by Vanoss himself walking inside. "When am I going to appear? Well, right now." Vanoss said and then walked to the end of the table without sitting down. He leaned on the table, supported by his arms, and with his right hand he turned on the table and clicked on something making a hologram of a bank. Like I said before, it's the same as the other table where we eat except that this one is a bit smaller. Very high-tech shit.
"Mini, Nogla, and Lui. You three are going to stay in the getaway car. Mini, you'll hack into the bank and make the cameras turn off and also the power. Make it seem like if it was on lock down but open the doors I only tell you to open. Nogla, you're the healer so you know what to do. Lui, if the cops find out about our heist just make sure none of them make it out alive. You'll get the best sniper and you'll shoot all the cops you please." Vanoss said. A small hologram of a van appeared next to the bank and three little figures were inside. "Once Mini deactivates the cameras Terroriser and Moo will go inside the bank. Once they're inside, Mini, you'll make whole building go on lockdown. Then, both Moo and Terroriser will kill the guards inside the bank. Once they're dead Terroriser will tell me and you, Mini, will open the doors for everyone else to go in then quickly close the doors again. Since the whole building can lockdown if someone wants to lock it down nobody can go out and come in. Wildcat, just in case, you need to throw some smoke grenades in front of the glass doors so no one sees inside. Droidd, you know more about bombs and shit so I'm going to need you to make some traps in the vents and anywhere else you think people might enter so no one can enter. The safe inside the bank is special. Since they have a lot of gold inside there the safe is very dangerous. It can't even get hacked so I'm going to need help. Delirious," Vanoss said and turned to look at me with a serious face. "I can help. I think I know what kind of safe you're talking about." I said. He nodded and started thinking. "Alright then. I think I just said everything I had to say. Droidd, you hand everyone a good gun. Even to Delirious because I'm pretty sure he can't use a knife in a gun fight." He said and walked out. The hologram disappeared and the table shut itself down.
Everyone grabbed guns, even me, and changed. Everyone had on black clothes except for both Moo and Terroriser. Moo and Terroriser had tuxedos so they didn't look suspicious once inside the bank. Everyone, except for Mini, Nogla, Lui, Brock, and Moo, had masks. Vanoss had an owl mask; Droidd had a wolf mask (He doesn't have a mask so I just chose a wolf); Marcel had a monkey mask; Wildcat had a Pig mask. Me, well, I already have a mask that I never take off so I'm good.
We were all waiting for Mini in the living room but Vanoss was too impatient. "Come on Mini Ladd! If you don't come down I'll tell Wildcat to bring you down!" He said in an agitated voice. "Hold on! I still need to find my shoes and I can't find them!" Mini yelled. Vanoss was tapping his foot quickly and had an angry face on. After 5 minutes Vanoss gave up. "Wildcat, go get Mini for us." He said with an annoyed voice. Wildcat nodded and walked upstairs I guess to Mini's room. We heard a yelp and then Mini was yelling at Wildcat, "Put me down, Tyler! I need to find my shoes!" Mini yelled at him. We saw Wildcat carrying Mini by his shoulder and he shook his head. "Nope, Vanoss said to bring you down. By the way, you're acting like a white chick when you say you can't find your shoes." Wildcat said. Mini just huffed and crossed his arms. Wildcat kept on carrying him until he reaches the getaway car. Then, he placed Mini down and Mini got inside the black van. Since Mini didn't have any shoes Tyler just handed him some yellow flip flops. Mini had a tuxedo so when he had yellow bright flip flops he looked weird. "Alright, everyone in!" Vanoss yelled. Everyone went to the back and the only seat available was the front seat next to Vanoss. When I sat down and closed the door Vanoss had on some shades and then looked at the guys in the back. "Mini, you know you just said Wildcat's name out loud, right?" Vanoss said. Mini nodded. "Delirious already knows our names so it doesn't really matter. The only name he doesn't know is your name." Mini said. Vanoss looked at me and started the engine. "Cool." Is all Vanoss said and started driving.
While he was driving music was being played and the guys were singing which was funny and strange at the same time. Mini was still kind of mad that he didn't find his shoes and Wildcat just laughed at him for acting like such a white bitch. (PLEASE DON'T GET OFFENDED IF YOU'RE WHITE! Sorry if it did offend you.) Vanoss, on the other hand, stayed quiet and focused on the road. When I looked at him he kept on looking at the road with a blank face. No emotion or movement. For some reason, I felt guilty and that's a feeling I never felt. I know I didn't do or said anything bad to him but I still felt guilty. And, to top all of that, he sounded so familiar. Like if I've known him for all of my life. It's so confusing!
While I was staring out the window I saw a huge beautiful bank. Bingo. We parked right in front of the bank since you can park there, and unbuckled our seat belts. Vanoss's seat and my seat turned around once Vanoss clicked a button and everyone stared at Mini. Mini grabbed his laptop and started aggressively typing. I could see from his glasses some lines appearing fast and then I realize it was Mini typing, did I mention he types really fast? After a minute Mini clicked a button and smiled. "I'm done. Now, Moo and Brian can go inside and I'll go into lockdown mode." Mini said and Vanoss nodded making Moo and Brian nod back and then they left. We watched them walking and then once they entered Mini waited five seconds and then clicked a button. Vanoss handed everyone an ear piece and we turned them on. After a minute we heard Brian speak in the ear piece, "Alright, everything is fine. You guys can come inside." "Alright, everyone. If we need to leave, leave everything and help each other out. No one is left to die." Vanoss said and everyone nodded. We all got out of the van, except for Nogla, Lui, and Mini, and walked to the entrance. When we reached the door Vanoss told Mini to open up the doors and he opened them but immediately closed them when we entered.
I saw everyone on the floor and then I saw two dead guys on the floor. Wildcat grabbed the smoke grenades and placed them on the entrance making it impossible to look inside and outside. Droidd grabbed some bombs from his satchel and walked to the closest vent. Everyone else, plus me, walked to the safe. We opened up a door and we saw a huge, circular, silver vault door. But, it wasn't your traditional vault door, no. It was a really expensive vault door which was named ''Impossible to open'' unless you actually know the passcode. It was difficult to open but I knew how. "So, Delirious, you know how?" Vanoss said. I looked at him and smiled under my mask. "Piece of cake," I said and looked at it. I walked close to it and looked at the bottom. I saw some wires and looked at the colors. Red, white, blue, yellow, pink, orange, brown, black, and green. Of course, there were so many wires, what did you expect? "I see wires. Now, I just need something important." I said as I stood up and checked my pocket. Empty. Nothing in my pocket means we're screwed. "God dammit!" I yelled as I tried to search my other pockets feeling them all empty. "What?" Vanoss said confused. "I think I dropped something important," I said then Mini interrupted. "Hey, Delirious, did you drop like a little notebook or some shit? 'Cause there's a small ass little blue notebook. The right size to fit in a pocket." Mini said. "Yeah, that's mine. Open it up since I can't grab it and turn to the, um, to the page labeled, 'STR800 Vault'." I said. Then, it got kind of quiet. "Um, Delirious, why are there names of people and their address, and their phone number?" "None of your business." "Alright, found the page. Um, this is some weird shit that I don't understand..." "It's morse code, can't you read morse code?" "No I can't but, Nogla can!" "Then hand Nogla the fucking book! We're wasting time!" "Alright!" Both Vanoss and I face palmed. I swear, it's only been like, a week or more and they're annoying me.
"Okay, Mini handed me the book. Cut the brown wires first (-.-. ..- - / - .... . / -... .-. --- .-- -. / .-- .. .-. . / ..-. .. .-. ... - .-.-.-). Then, cut the black and green wires together at the same time (- .... . -. --..-- / -.-. ..- - / - .... . / -... .-.. .- -.-. -.- / .- -. -.. / --. .-. . . -. / .-- .. .-. . ... / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / .- - / - .... . / ... .- -- . / - .. -- .). Then, cut the red and blue wires together at the same time too (- .... . -. --..-- / -.-. ..- - / - .... . / .-. . -.. / .- -. -.. / -... .-.. ..- . / .-- .. .-. . ... / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / .- - / - .... . / ... .- -- . / - .. -- . / - --- ---) Then, grab one orange and one white wire and cut them. Once you cut them join them together (- .... . -. --..-- / --. .-. .- -... / --- -. . / --- .-. .- -. --. . / .- -. -.. / --- -. . / .-- .... .. - . / .-- .. .-. . / .- -. -.. / -.-. ..- - / - .... . -- .-.-.- / --- -. -.-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. ..- - / - .... . -- / .--- --- .. -. / - .... . -- / - --- --. . - .... . .-.). Finally, you leave the green and pink alone. That's it." Nogla said. I stood up and then looked back at the vault. I wasn't done yet, when I saw the passcode lock I realized I should've broght my notebook. "Who ever has my notebook needs to open it to the same page but in the back." I said and then I heard some things move around. "Alright, does it have morse code?" Mini said. I sighed and looked at Vanoss with a 'I'm too tired to deal with this look'. "No, it doesn't have morse code." I said. "Yay! Alright," I heard, form the ear piece, Tyler chuckle from Mini's stupidity. "Okay, for the passcode you need to press, 33547487. Wait, doesn't that spell 'Delirious' in phone numbers?" I chuckled. "Yeah. Problem?" "No, I think it's weird." "Catch me outside, how about that?" "Fuck no! Not even as a joke!" I heard the guys laugh and a particular laugh made me smile. Vanoss's laugh was small but still beautiful. Once I put the numbers in I waited for five seconds and then we heard three clickes and I immediately pressed 1817. The vault door had a small red screen saying it was locked but then turned green. "Welcome, Delirious. Have a happy robbery." We all heard the vault speak. Yeah, the vault could speak but when I cut the wires and put in the numbers in I can make it change.
The vault opened up and I opened the door even more. "Let's go," I said. Marcel, Droidd, and Tyler went inside and started filling in their bags with gold bars. I stared at the crazy amount of gold and then Vanoss walked next to me, smiling at the amount of gold. "How did you know what to do?" Vanoss asked me. "I know a guy who knows how to make these types of locks and he told we how I can unlock it," I said. I turned to look at Vanoss and he still had his shades on. "You know, we're inside not outside. Why do you still have your shades on?" "Why do you still wear that mask? We're inside so nobody is going to see you except for us." "Do you want to die?" "Is that a threat I hear?" Vanoss said looking at me and raising an eyebrow. "Woah, calm down you two. We don't need someone to die right now." I heard Lui say from the ear piece. Vanoss handed me a bag to fill with gold and I took it. We both entered and started filling in the bags. Not going to lie; gold is very heavy.
"Guy's, we have company." I heard Lui say in the ear piece. We all turned to look at the glass doors but then we remember it had smoke blocking our way. "How many cops arrived, Lui," Vanoss asked. We heard some small screams and then Lui answered, "About 15 cop cars. Some of them are trying to go inside from the-" He didn't finish since we heard one of the bombs from the vent explode. Wildcat ran towards the sound of the explosion and we heard gun shots. "Yeah, it's time to leave boys," Wildcat said as he was shooting. Vanoss nodded and gestured to everyone we needed to leave. "Nogla, start the van now and drive close to the entry," Vanoss said in the ear piece. We all ran towards the entrance and then we saw Brian and Moo shooting the victims. No mercy, that's Vanoss's rule. "Mini, open up the front doors, now," Vanoss said. We heard some people yelling behind us and saw a SWAT team. Great, just, great. We all jumped to a place to hide and started shooting. "Something's wrong with the server! It'll take about 5 minutes to unlock the doors!" Mini yelled as we heard some gun shots in the background. We needed to wait so we did what we needed to do, shot until we get out or die.
We shot one but every time we kill one two more appear. We're all running out of ammo so that's great- note my sarcasm. "Mini hurry the fuck up or else we're going to die!" Vanoss yelled in the ear piece. Everyone else was wearing their mask except for Vanoss since he had shades on, so I could see how red his face was getting with anger. I was shooting but then my ammo ran out. "I'm out of ammo guys," I said. I went down to hide so I don't die and one of my thoughts came to mind. I really didn't want to do this but what other choice do I have? Die or live? I rather live thank you very much.
Don't even have to ask. I know.
I growled a bit and Vanoss turned to look at me. "Hey, did you get shot?" He said. I shook my head and then chuckled a bit. My vision kind of got fuzzy then it went back to normal. I wasn't controlling myself anymore. It was Delirious controlling me. "Are you okay?" Vanoss asked me again. "Just perfect," Delirious said. I could hear from the earpiece everyone saying 'Why did your voice get deeper' and 'Are you okay'. Again, I wasn't controlling myself. Delirious turned to look at Vanoss and Vanoss had a kind of amazed look. Delirious stood up and grabbed the knife I always hide and he ran fast enough to make it hard to shot my body. The guys kept on shooting while I just ran around slicing people's neck. They all covered their necks and then fell to the ground. Of course, I wasn't fazed by what I was seeing and Delirious, on the other hand, was having a blast. He was laughing and I could feel myself kind of losing control of him. I mean, I can let him play around but I need to control him or else I'm dead and hell will be unleashed. There were fewer people so I could let Vanoss and the crew handle it.
Time to stop Delirious.
Oh, come on. Let me kill the rest.
No! Time to stop, now!
You're no fun...
Delirious ran to the same spot I was at and then I felt dizzy. I could feel my legs and hands but my legs were heavy. He used too much of my energy. It felt like I had elephant feet and it doesn't feel good. I took several deep breaths in and then the shooting stopped. What's taking Mini so long? I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I turned to look at Vanoss. "You good, man?" He asked. I nodded and he removed his hands from my shoulder. "You did good, Delirious. Mini, what's taking you so fucking long?" Vanoss sounded carrying in the beginning but was pissed when he spoke to Mini in the earpiece. "I got it! Everyone out!" Mini yelled. Tyler was the first one of since he burst out the door with two bags full of gold. The van was right in front of the doors so everyone placed the bags on the back quickly and jumped in the van. Vanoss was driving again and I jumped in the front. He quickly drove and I was kind of surprised at how fast the van was.
About 10 cop cars were chasing us followed by a helicopter. That's when you know you did a successful heist. The guys took turned trying to shoot the drivers in the seat of the other person inside the car but they mostly hurt them in the shoulder or missed completely. Vanoss was driving all over the place so he sometimes lost some cops. The only big problem was the helicopter. I looked behind at the guys and they were all focused on the cops that they probably didn't even notice the helicopter. "Guys, do you have an RPG-7? 'Cause there's a fucking helicopter." I said. They all turned to look out the window and rolled their eyes. Droidd looked at a box with weapons and pulled one out. "Here. If you miss I have more." Droidd said and handed it to me. I got out the window and pointed at the helicopter. I wasn't surprised when I got shot on my left side. Not joking, it hurt like hell but ignored the pain and shot at the helicopter. It got it and then started going in circles until it landed right on top of the cop cars.
Everyone cheered in the van while I held my wound with my hand. Vanoss drove inside an alleyway and then stopped. He looked at the guys and then at me. "You got shot, didn't you?" He said in a monotone voice. "Oh really? I thought I got stabbed." I said with sarcasm. He shook his head and started driving again. "Nogla, help Delirious," he said and kept on driving. My seat turned 180 degrees and Nogla was right in front of me. "Okay, you can either take off your shirt completely or just show me where you got shot." He said. I pulled my shirt up enough for him to see my wound. He grabbed some alcohol and sprayed it in my wound. It kind of hurt but I'm used to it so it doesn't faze me anymore. I didn't flinch or anything and then Nogla grabbed some tweezers. He slowly tried to grab the bullet and that's when I actually hissed. "Calm down, it's almost out," Nogla said. I looked at the guys since they were staring at me. "Are you guys just goin' to stare at me?" I said and they quickly turned around. Nogla pulled out the bullet and immediately put alcohol in my wound. I squeeze my eyes shut and take in a deep breath. He starts stitching me up and I relaxed a bit. When he finished he rubbed a bit more of alcohol and nodded. "I'm done. By the way, cool water dragon tattoo." Nogla said and started cleaning his tweezers. "Thanks." Is all I said as the seat turned around another 180 degrees. "Vanoss, don't you have a fire dragon on your right side?" Mini said. Vanoss just nodded. The whole car ride was quiet and that was kind of strange. Even if I barely knew the guys for about a week or a week and a half, I knew they were normally loud. They were so focused on their thoughts that they probably barely realized we arrived home.
Vanoss was the first one to enter the mansion. I exited the car and then got a call. I checked who it was and, of course, it had to be my sister. I roll my eyes and answered. (I don't know his sisters' name so I'm making the name up.) "What's up, Joy?" I said. I moved the phone out of my ear because she started screaming. "I can't take it anymore! Princess won't follow my orders! I did as you said and I tried everything! It's been only like a week or whatever but I can't take her anymore! You need to have her back." Joy said, mad. I rolled my eyes and took in a deep breath. "Do you know where I am?" "No, where are you?" "While in the convention I could choose a gang right?" "Yeah?" "Well, I got Vanoss's crew." Again, I had to move the phone out of my ear because she was screaming like a fangirl she is. "Oh my god! Really!? You got them!! AHHHH!! Aren't you happy!?" She yelled. I turned around and the guys were looking at me. Some of them were smiling and laughing. "Hold on Joy," I said on the phone and put the phone down. "What do you guys want?" I said. They burst out laughing. "I-Is that y-your g-girlf-friend?" Lui said. "No, that's my sister. Why are you laughing?" "Because it seems funny that the famous Delirious is getting yelled at," Droidd said with an accent. I just rolled my eyes and turned around putting the phone in my ear. "Alright, did you hear laughter in the background?" I said. "Yeah, was it them?" She said. "Yeah, except that Vanoss wasn't there so too bad. Okay, about princess. I can't bring her here." "Well, talk to Vanoss or else I'll put her on sale." "If you put princess on sale I will personally rip out your kidneys and sell them." "Calm down asshole. I won't sell princess. Just talk to Vanoss and maybe he'll let you keep princess." I took a deep breath and looked around. I turned around and the guys were gone. "I'll try but if he says no you have to keep her until the year is over." "You don't even visit her and me!" "I will, just, not right now. Sorry." "It's fine. Bye, Del." "Bye, Joy." I turned off my phone and went inside.
I went directly to my room and took a shower. While taking a shower I was thinking. Why does Vanoss seem so familiar? His voice is so soothing and I could listen to him forever. The way he looks and acts is so familiar but I just can't put my finger to it. He seems like a blurry memory I can't remember his name but it feels like I'm supposed to know his name. It's like if his name is hidden inside a treasure chest and I need to find the key in a pile with millions of keys that look exactly the same. No matter which key I try to use to open up the chest it doesn't work. Why did he have to be so mysterious? If I asked him that he'll probably tell me why am I covering my face with a mask. This shit is too confusing. When I finished taking a bath I got dressed in some joggers and a white plain shirt. I went down to the kitchen and the guys were celebrating while watching the news on the successful heist. "The Vanoss gang is at it again, folks. They robbed about 56 pounds of gold which are estimated to be worth $1,009,680.72." The reporter said on the television. Everyone started cheering loudly and I just stood still drinking a beer they offered me. For the rest of the night, we just drank and drank until the guys were all drunk. I only drank 2 beers with Vanoss so we both were fine. Once we helped the guys go to their room we all went to sleep.
Hey, everyone! Sorry, this took a long time. I have a lot of shit goin' on in life and I'm getting grounded WAY too many times. Sorry, and PEACE!
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