Chapter 4: ALL My Love
Please excuse ANY errors.
October 13, 1998
~Elijah's P.O.V~
"YOU Darius?" My dad said taken aback. "That's a black man's name."
This nigga! Darius and I are no longer a thing. He was too afraid of who he was and didn't want to be seen with me. He wasn't living entirely on his truth. I didn't like any of that, so I dropped him like a bad habit.
"Dad, this is Máximo. Máximo, this is dad." I smiled.
"Hello, Máximo." My dad shook his hand. "Call me Woodrow."
"Who's that?" Máximo ask.
I rolled my eyes, "My dad's wife."
"Hello to you too, Elijah. Nice to meet you, Máximo. I'm Diane." She shook Máximo's hand.
This is the first time that I have introduced ANY of my boyfriends to my dad. I have one but I'm talking past relationships. He has met one on accident when he came home from work early one day and caught me and some other guy doing things. My dad is old school and is still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that I'm gay.
The slurs and verbal abuse have stopped but he's still adjusting. Diane is his new wife. This is the FIRST person he has ever been with and shown around since I was born. They've been together for approximately three years now and married for two.
Why don't I like her? She made my dad throw EVERYTHING of my mother's in the trash. When I had asked her why she did it, she responded with an out of sight out of mind. Why would she do that KNOWING I have NEVER met my mother and all things that reminded me of my mother are gone! All I have is a tiny locket that my dad gifted me for my eighth birthday.
I will say that she has helped my father come around to my sexuality. I didn't want to abandon him but I was done with him at one point in my life. Eventually, we hashed it out with the acceptance of a few things. Those things were major, but we worked through them as time passed. After all, it's just the two of us. All he has is me. I have him, my sister Tia and my friends. Diane also did help him become more lively.
I just will NEVER forgive Diane for throwing all of my mother's things away. It's a fucked up thing to do. Other than that, she's okay. Diane rubbed her stomach. Too many old folks are getting pregnant. I was laughing at DeVanté just for my dad to his new wife pregnant. We all sat down at the restaurant table. Máximo pulled out my chair.
"So..." I trailed off as we all sat comfortably in our chairs.
"So, how did y'all meet?" My dad asked us.
"We met in Atlanta where we live," I spoke up.
"How?" Diane asked us.
"My fashion show that neither of you attended." I smiled, picking up my menu.
"We had things to take care of." My dad replied. "Elijah, we told you."
"What were those things? You never explained. It just sounded like an excuse to miss it. You missed my VERY FIRST one AND the one this year. The first one, we weren't on the best of terms, BUT I would still show up to my child's important moments." My left eyebrow rose higher and higher as I spoke.
"Elijah, you don't understand." My dad shook his head.
"Not really." I rolled my eyes.
"Wasn't your fashion show in Cali?" Diane asked.
"Right? I didn't even think of that." My dad nodded. "He just wanted to bring up the fact that we didn't show."
"My SECOND fashion show took place in Cali NOT the first. It was much smaller." I corrected them. "You would've known if you showed up to ANY of them." I rolled my eyes at my dad.
"I don't wanna see men walking down the runway in women's clothing. That crossdressing shit is for the birds. I accept you for who you are, but I don't wanna see that shit. I'm sorry." My dad replied.
"Drow!" Diane looked at him.
"Is that what you think of us gay people? We all walk around in women's clothing. Do you see me in women's clothing? No. It's the nineties, many of us can't even go to the fuckin' corner store or a family gathering without being call a faggot or- or a fav in our regular clothing. So stop it. It's funny how you talk about stereotypes you're given but don't care about the ones you dish out." I said raising my voice here and there.
"Elijah, people are watching us," Diane whispered.
"And? I said what I said. Who gon' check me?" I said looking around the restaurant. "If they watchin' then they should probably listen they damn selves!"
My dad leaned forward. "Elijah, you know damn well not to be talking like that in this restaurant. We in Valpo where black people are almost population zero. You can't even talk like that in Gary or yo ass would get jumped by hella mothafuckas. I advise you to SHUT IT." My dad gritted his teeth.
Okay, he's right. I got a little carried away, but who wouldn't when their parent is sitting here looking them in the face and grouping everyone belonging to a group in ONE box.
"We ACTUALLY met in Elijah's last year of college. I was there for some of the athletes. We met AGAIN at his fashion show." Máximo spoke up trying to stop the growing tension.
I eyed him. "So, y'all never thought about leaving Gary?" I asked.
"I have but your father here wants to stay," Diane answered.
"It's home. I love my house. I OWN that house and it took me YEARS to pay off that mortgage. It holds a lot of memories." My dad looked at Diane.
"Good and bad ones." Diane fluttered her eyes at him. "I think it's time for new scenery. I don't wanna raise our children in that neighborhood. Home has changed, honey."
I've tried to get him out of that neighborhood, but he's stubborn and wants to stay because it's home. I could easily get my dad out of there due to my finances. The neighborhood had got pretty bad over the years. Full of hang members and abandoned houses. It's not where I want my younger sibling to grow up. Not unless it's gets better. My dad looked at her then at Máximo.
"So, how old are you?" My dad asked Máximo.
Máximo cleared his throat to speak. "I'm 29, sir. I just turned this year."
"A few years older. Please stop callin' me, sir. Everyone doesn't like it. What you do for a livin'?"
"I'm a physical therapist for mostly NFL and NBA players, but I do common people too," Máximo replied.
"Promising career. For how long?" Diane nodded.
"Two years now. That's why I was at the college. I was just starting out." Máximo responded.
"What did you do before then?" My dad asked.
"I worked in retail for years to put myself through college. I wanted something that I could benefit from as well as being able to help others do what they need to do." Máximo explained.
"That is good to hear that young folk still interested in going to college," Diane replied to Máximo.
"You know, dad she's right. You should leave the house. I understand if you don't wanna leave home, but that neighborhood ain't it. We don't have to sell the house. Maybe we can rent it out if you want?" I asked him. "I will even pay for the new house."
"Elijah, don't you see I don't wanna talk about it? I changed the subject for a fuckin' reason. Drop it." My dad said in a stern voice.
"I am not a child, so don't talk to me like one," I told him.
"I'm still your father."
"You didn't act much like one throughout my life. Now you decide you want to be my dad. I'm still an adult and you will not speak to me like I'm a child. If you gon' tell me somethin', tell me how you want to be told." I told him.
Yes, I lived with my dad throughout my life, BUT he wasn't emotionally there for me. He thought it would turn me SOFT; translation: GAY. Jokes were on him because I've always been gay. I just struggled to come to terms with it, especially due to the stigmas surrounding gay men.
He wasn't all the time there physically due to him being an alcoholic. He was there financially. When I needed him to buy me things as a kid is just about the only time we communicated. Even then he'd just hand me the money and when I was old enough he started handing me the keys. Either that or he'd yell at me for trying on my mother's things.
"I still don't want to talk about it right now. You're right about me not being what you needed me to be while you were growing up. I'm sorry for my past behavior but for Christ's sake, I'm trying to make up for the fucking past." My dad told me.
"Thank you for the apology," I replied.
"So, where are you from, Max?" My dad sipped his water.
"El Salvador. My family moved to California when I was fourteen. That's how we got here." Máximo replied in his thick accent.
"Oh, so that's why your accent is so thick." Diane chuckled. "I love it, by the way."
"Thank you." Máximo nodded.
"Yeah, you haven't been in this country too long. What happened to Darius? I was expecting to meet him. I've never even heard of you, Máx." My dad asked.
"Darius is long gone. You don't ever listen to me, do you? I LITERALLY stated over the phone that I was bringing Máximo to meet you... And Diane..." I trailed off.
"Your stepmother." Diane corrected.
"Diane," I repeated.
"Diane who's also your stepmother." My dad told me.
"What are you guy's having?" Máximo asked.
"What?" Dad asked.
"The baby?" Máximo asked.
"What baby? Are you callin' me fat?" Diane leaned in.
"I'm sorry, I just thought-"
"I'm kidding. I am pregnant. About that..." Diane turned to my dad with a smirk.
"What?" I asked.
"We're having twins. There are two different embryos. A boy and a girl." Diane cheesed.
"Oh, wow! I'm havin' TWO siblings." I spoke with wide eyes, but mostly to myself.
"Yes. Two siblings" My dad chuckled.
"That old body of yours can produce twins?" I joked.
"You damn right. These old bodies worked up some magic." Diane laughed.
"Oooh, excuse me. I think I just barfed in my mouth a little." I said covering my mouth with my hand. "But congratulations."
"Thank you. Elijah, you never discussed whether or not you wanted kids. Do you?" Diane asked.
"Eventually," I told her.
My dad frowned. "How does that work? Two men having babies?"
I chuckled. "Dad, surrogacy is always an option."
"How do you feel about kids?" Dad turned to Máximo.
"I- I'm not sure if I want any. I put most of my life on hold to take care of my siblings and honestly I still am. There are so many of us." Máx replied to my dad.
He never told me that. That's one thing we never talked about. Kids. I know for sure that I want some and more than one. It was boring and lonely for a while being the only child. That's why I think I was so eager to attach myself to people who had no good intentions for me for the majority of my life. I want my kids to have each other to lean on and be attached to. That way they wouldn't attach themselves to fake people. Eventually, I did find out who were the genuine ones, but it was tough for me. I looked over to Máx.
"You seemed to be shocked by that Elijah?" Diane asked.
"Oh, no. No, I'm not really surprised by that." I chuckled awkwardly. "So... Any names for the baby?"
"Carrie and Carrington." Diane smiled.
My face scrunched up. "Dad?" I turned to him.
"Yeah, Diane came up with Carrington after I said, Carrie and Elise." My dad told me. "She wanted the names to go together. Like Yin and Yang."
Nina is my mother's middle name; Mildred Elise McBrand. That's probably the reason she dismissed that name. Besides, I was keeping that name just in case I have a daughter. It has the first three letters of my name, so it's completely fine with me.
"Oh, Carrington is a- a very... What's the word I'm lookin' for?" I said snapping my fingers trying to come up with something.
"Great name," Máx spoke up.
"Yeah, right..." I said sarcastically, but they didn't catch on. "Right!" I said in a more exciting voice. Yeah, he's definitely going to get jived on in school. "Why Carrington?" I asked.
"It came to me in a dream." Diane smiled.
"I also came up with Ella and Eliza as the girl name and Eldridge as the boy. I like that." My dad nodded proudly.
"Yeah, those old names. The girl names are fine, but Carrington or Eldridge. My po' lil baby brother will definitely get jived on at school. It's the nineties, dad and Diane. Remind me of slave names. That or the masters' sons." I chuckled.
"You think so?" My dad asked.
"Yes." I nodded stifling a laugh.
"I'll just tell him not to worry about what others say." Diane shrugged.
"It doesn't work like that with kids. When you're a child, what everyone says to or about you matters because school is where you spend your most significant time. He won't believe that until high school or until he's grown." I told them.
"You don't know that." My dad. "Imma just tell his ass to man the fuck up. People gon' talk about him regardless of what his name is. Do what we all do. Turn all that into strength and do what you gotta do."
"No doubt that he going to be messed with. Some folk just don't know how to handle it. I didn't." I told him.
"Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks." My dad chuckled. "I had more things to worry about at that age. I was too busy taking care of my family members, fighting they battles that I had to ignore my own. The roaches that we always seemed to have, the rats that ate the roaches because we ain't have much food for them to eat. On top of that, we had to worry about trying to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Let's not talk about racist mothafuckas comin' to our neighborhood to mess with us and destroying where we lived even further."
"Times are different. You grew up during the Jim Crow era." I told him.
"And Apartheid just ended four years ago." My dad chuckled. "Your point is?"
"That's a whole 'nother country." I shook my head.
"Other countries always seem to affect us. How do you think Jim Crow made it to the states?" My dad asked.
"As soon as people could, black dudes went to white women leaving the HUGE families they created starving and to fend for themselves, because women still weren't able to work in corporate," I replied. "Instead of fixing the problem which was to eliminate racism, self-hate REALLY showed its face in our community."
"They said those women weren't submissive. Women have to be submissive." Máx spoke up.
"Nigga, I 'a beat yo ass." I turned to him. "Oop, I'm sorry Diane and dad." I apologized even though this probably isn't my first time cursing today.
Diane told him. "You can't speak about women being submissive if you don't even date women. Submissive as in getting beat if dinner wasn't ready by the time they came home? It could still be cooking and women would get beat up. Submissive as in staying silent when they talkin' to you crazy? I know from experience and I was helping to raise my ex-husband's kids. I was a housewife while he worked. For what? To get my brains beat in if I missed a spot while cleaning? Or because he had a hard day at work or trauma he ain't heal from. I advise you to shut the fuck up, Máxime or whatever the fuck your name is."
I put my hand over my mouth. I have never heard Diane curse. She's always so soft-spoken.
"I'm sorry I offended anyone, but where I'm from that doesn't mean being submissive. That's abuse. Our culture is very different from the American culture. I don't condone abuse. It's a misunderstanding on my end and I'm sorry." Máx apologized.
"Change of subject? It's been a tense night." My dad chuckled. "Let's have dinner talk instead of this. However, we got to this subject."
"Yes!" We all agreed whiles laughing.
"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you and for what I said." Diane smiled.
October 19, 1998
~DeVanté's P.O.V~
"You take the words out of my mouth
You take the song out of my head
You take the half and make it Whole
You take the worry out of my soul
Baby take all my love out of me-"
I stopped the tape which made Kirby stop singing. "Kirby, I KNOW you can do better than that. Sing that shit like you mean it. You sound all sad and shit." I chuckled and sat back in my chair. "I wanna believe you feel this way."
Kirby is one of my new up-and-coming artists. Sometimes when. She sings it sounds breathy. Certain songs sound good like in this one because it goes with the song but in other cases, it doesn't and is just overbearing. I usually don't tolerate that, but because of her style of music, it's fine. She has that southern twang because she's from Memphis. I didn't have to work with her too much. She had everything she needed to be an artist. She came, she saw and she conquered.
"I'm sorry, DeVanté. I'm just- I don't know." Kirby shook her head then looked down.
"You good in there?" I asked her.
"I'm good. It's just the lyrics are powerful. I don't know if I can give this song the delivery it needs." Kirby replied.
"Trust me, you can. You killed it on the last two songs we just recorded. That's why I gave you this song to sing. I know you can deliver it the way I intended it when I wrote it. Your first hit took the world by storm. This one and the other songs we recorded can do the same. I'm sure you feel this way yo dude." I replied to her. "The first verse was great, but you gotta keep it up. Need a break?" I asked her.
"I do. Is a few minutes okay?" She asked.
I pressed the speaker button again to speak to her. "It's cool. Just don't take too long. Time is money." I clicked the button to where she wouldn't be able to hear me.
I grabbed my water bottle and took a few sips. I wrote this song last month while Tia was out of town. She's back now and has been for a couple of weeks. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and I thought that was just a bunch of cliché bullshit. I thought distance pulled relationships apart because- well, it's been my experience.
I've spoken about my experiences on plenty of occasions. I was dead wrong for thinking that way. I have felt the longing feeling for a couple of others in the past, but all of that was one-sided love or turned into it. THIS here is GROWN man feelings. My feelings are much stronger than any of those times put together with Tia. It's like everything is much more intense. I recorded a shit ton of songs today for my artists. I grabbed my notebook to jot down some lines of another song while she prepared herself.
"I'm ready," Kirby replied. "From the top."
"A'ight." I pressed the record button and let the beat play.
Kirby sang the first verse then the chorus.
You take the words out of my mouth
You take the song out of my head
You take the half and make it Whole
You take the worry out of my soul
Baby take all my love out of me
Baby take all my love out of me," Kirby sang the lyrics strongly and I sat back impressed. This woman can blow!
I just gotta give you thanks
For being selfless with me
See everybody wants something
But you just want me for me
Such a supernatural feeling
Such a cosmic release
See loving used to give me pain
But with you, I feel peace
She started up the chorus again, the bridge then added her own little spice to it at the end. The music faded. "I'm ready to add some ad-libs."
I pressed the speaker button. "I was just finna say that. But see? You aced the assignment. I wanna listen to it all the way through before you do just to be sure." I replied.
"Okay." She nodded and I pressed the play button to listen to it.
I let it play through to listen to every, still impressed. "Okay, now!" I spoke to her. "We gon' replay it and THIS is where you sing your ad-libs."
"I'm ready." She replied.
I pressed play and she did her thing. "I LOVE it!" I told her.
"Hell yeah! Shit was allat!" Damon yelled out.
I stood up because my ass hurts! I have been in the studios since last night. First I was at the one at home then I came to my main recording studio when the morning hit. It's now a quarter past one in the afternoon. I stretched my body out. I'm ready to go now. Kirby walked out of the booth.
"Can you replay that for me?" Kirby questioned.
"Yeah. Press the button, Damon." I told him.
I paced the room, bobbing my head, listening to the song again. "You did good."
"Thanks, De." Kirby nodded.
"Well, I'm finna go. Imma catch y'all later. Make sure y'all notify somebody when y'all decide to leave. A'ight." I said then walked out.
My back hurt like a mothafucka! I headed down to the first floor via the elevator. I made my way to my office to collect all of my winter gear. People are definitely out of their fucking minds when they say Atlanta isn't cold in October, including my girlfriend, her brother, and Daryl. Her mother is on the same page with me. I put on my winter stuff, then left out. I waved at my front desk clerk, as well as security.
"Oh, you got a few calls, but you weren't in your office, so I took a message from those people." Daisha handed me the slips.
"Thanks. Have a good day." I stuffed them into my pocket, before signing out.
"You too." She waved.
I'll just read it when I get home. I opened the door and walked out. From afar, it looks to be a walking milk dud approaching me. As I walked further, I saw that it's Pac approaching me. He stopped in front of me.
"Wassup, De?" He dapped me up.
"Sup, Pac? Long time, no see." I chuckled.
"Yeah, I been busy touring and shit. Still am, but since I'm back in the states, I figured why not come see how business is booming here. I heard and see all great things about yo label."
"Yeah, I know you been on tour."
"What can I help yo Mr. Clean head ass with?" I asked him.
"I wanna talk business," Pac replied.
"A'ight, let's step into my office." I turned around and I headed back to the building. "Where you just come from?"
"I just got back from Australia."
"Oh," I replied not really caring, just trying to make small talk. We walked inside. "Sign in," I told him.
"Sign in? Where I'm at, a hotel or some shit?" Pac joked.
"I have everybody sign in and out whenever they're entering or exiting this building," I told him then signed back in myself. We both walked into my office. I hung my coat up. "Take a seat," I told him, pulling out my office chair so I can take a seat. Pac sat down and I followed. "What can I do for you, Pac?"
"So Suge been trippin' and I'm searching for a new label to sign to. Since we go back, I figured why not see about yo shit." He shrugged.
I opened my box of cigars and pulled one out. "Want one?"
"I smoke blunts, not that shit," Pac said laughing.
"I don't smoke, it's just- you know what I'm sayin'." I lit it and put it in my mouth then took it out. "He know you plottin' to leave?"
"Nahh, just like I would do a job, I want to find a replacement before I turn in my notice." He chuckled.
"Look, Pac... Suge is a businessman and that nigga be trippin'. Him and his goons. I don't want NO trouble with that nigga. I'm not scared of his ass, but he know people that hold hella power. You know. You his whole bread and butter. You bringin' in most of that records money and sales. He won't let you go that easily. How's the contract lookin'?" I asked him.
"That nigga been usin' me. I ain't even know that shit. I thought me and him was cool, but that just goes to show you to not mix business and friendship. Pac exhaled then continue, "It says that I still owe that nigga for bailing me out and can't move on until I do. He gon' let me out that shit eventually."
The part about not mixing friendship and business are true, especially after all the people's women Pac slept with he was supposedly friends with. While it's not my business, it taught me a lot. Jodeci was NEVER signed to Suge, but he was managing us at one point and once we started going to L.A more often, things went from sugar to shit.
We were thinking to sign to him, but quickly changed our minds and decided to just leave it be. We were able to sign under a label for a short amount a time and that was just enough for us to release the album and all the other shit we did.
"That sounds like a YOU problem. I'm not trying to be harsh or nothin', but what I'm running is a business. That could get my business in a whole lotta legal trouble. I'm not trying to go through that shit again. Then there's Suge trouble that I don't have time for. We can do another album collab, but as far as that goes, I'm going to have to decline." I told him without beating around the bush. "That is until you deal with the legality of it all. You should get yourself a good ass lawyer. Either that or Tyson to get you out that bogus contract. He act like he ain't got shit to lose." I chuckled at that last part.
"That's why Jodeci never signed with them. We wasn't lookin' to be in another fucked up situation. What Suge saw was a vulnerable nigga in prison who was desperate to get out. He noticed all the albums you made platinum and gold and made you a deal. Because you were so desperate to get out of prison, you signed not even thinking twice about the loopholes they put in these contracts. You just listened to his words and signed. That's how they get you. When you desperate and vulnerable..." I told him. "I'm sorry, Pac. But that's just the way it is."
"How you use my own lines against me, nigga?" Pac laughed. "Nahh, but I understand what you mean. I don't wanna bring trouble to your establishment. When I get shit straight, I'll most likely be back. Anywho, How you been, nigga?"
"Shit, I can't complain about a damn thing right now. Everything been goin' good for me personally and business-wise." I chuckled. "You?"
"Not so good in BOTH of those categories, but you know, I'm tryin' to do my best." Pac shrugged. "I heard somebody got yo nose wide open and for a while?"
I laughed. "Head over heels. From who?"
"The fuck you mean, who? Nigga, EVERYBODY talk in the industry!" He said laughing. I nodded towards the photo on my desk. Pac grabbed it and turned it around. His face scrunched up. "Tia?"
"Aye, you ain't gotta do all that." My tone slightly raised.
"She actually datin' yo ugly ass?" He laughed loudly.
"Nah, it's a publicity stunt!" I said sarcastically, snatching the picture from him. "YES, we together, nigga."
"Damn, that's crazy. I was just fuckin' wit' y'all all those times. She caved in FOR YOU?" Pac's eyebrows rose.
"You still with that nigga Quincy Jones daughter? That's a weird-ass nigga too." I chuckled.
"Weird indeed, but he a'ight. Yeah, I'm still with her. We engaged now, but ion know about that shit." He shook his head.
"Then why the fuck would you propose?" I asked him. "Seems to me when you're in doubt, you'd do the complete opposite."
"She pregnant and I always thought my kids, well at least first would be with my wife. It felt like the right thing to do, but... You know how that goes?"
"Nahh, nigga. I never got nobody pregnant, so I wouldn't know." I shook my head. "Why lead her on? Especially with somethin' like marriage. She not even the only girl you dealin' with. Ain't ever been and everybody know that."
"She don't. She got a hunch, but not sure. She said yes to the proposal."
"Pac, it's like we switched places or some shit. Even though, I ain't ever did nothin' like that. That's kinda fucked up, but that's y'all business." I shrugged. " I can't give you shit, but advice."
"Nahh, I'm still the same Pac. It's that she look down on people and ion like that shit. It's crazy and she keep accusing me of fuckin' around on her. I am, but that's who I am. I'm not a one woman kinda man and I accepted that. I love a variety of women." He placed his fingertips against his chest.
Yeah, if you don't know, this nigga Pac be wilding. K-Ci and JoJo told me what happened at the party when they did How Do U Want It video. Not to mention when I did use to hang with him. This nigga has always been wild! I can't throw stones because I was the same way, but sometimes you just have to grow up.
Growing up doesn't mean stopping your fun, just be more responsible and take your health into consideration. Pac has a drinking problem, weed problem, party problem, and tends to surround himself with the wrong people. All the shit I dealt with, except for the marijuana part. I wasn't too big on smoking weed. In place of that with mines was prescription pills.
"Nigga, you don't make no sense. But like I said, that's y'all business and whoever else you decide to step out with." I said getting up from my seat. "I'm about to head out."
Pac stood up. "A'ight, nigga. Nice catchin' up with you. Imma fuck with you later."
We dapped each other up, signed out, and parted ways. I headed home. The minute I got in the house, I went upstairs and showered. When I got out, I dried off and went into my drawer because it's where I keep my comfortable clothes like most people.
I nodded to the beat in my head and sang my lyrics. "Cause I be's the flavor of the motherfuckin' year, so nigga sit your ugly ass down and drink a beer, 'cause the dough be rockin' shit for the year." I turned around and screamed, just as I was about to take off my towel.
"Hi, babe." Tia snickered while waving. Her legs are crossed and she's definitely comfortable.
"Tia, imma need you to wear a damn cowbell or some shit. You always doin' shit like this." I chuckled.
"But I wasn't even trying to scare you, I was just sitting here." She shrugged.
"Bullshit, you was gon' watch me take this towel off and everything," I told her.
"Nope. Scouts honor, babe." She held up her hand.
"That ain't no GOTDAMNED scouts honor. That's Star Trek." I told her laughing.
"I would've turned my head."
"Again, bullshit." I pointed at her. "Because if it was the other way around, I damn sure wouldn't have turned around. I'm being honest. That is unless you tell me not to." I corrected myself.
"Towel on... Towel off... I wouldn't be witnessing nothin' special."
I scoffed at her then snickered. "Yeah, okay..." I said sarcastically, facing her.
I pulled off my towel. Tia jumped up and took off runnings out of my bedroom, but not before taking a look. I shook my head laughing. She didn't have to run, she could've calmly walked out of the room. I put on my draws and my clothes, then exited my room, looking for my girlfriend.
"The fuck you run for?" I said once I spotted her.
"It was out of instinct, I guess." She replied.
"Well, I can DEFINITELY see into the future." I hinted, looking at her from the corners of my eyes.
"Shut up." She laughed.
"I'm so serious," I told her.
"Whatever. Mama ain't raise no BIOTCH!" She said getting in my face.
"I'm not even about to play with you." I shook my head at her.
"Baby, we should go to a haunted house. It's around Halloween time and I've never been." She said out of nowhere.
"A haunted house? When?" I questioned.
"Today. We should go right now."
"Now?" I repeated.
"Yes, now!" She exclaimed.
"Random, but okay. Let me go get dressed. We both so damn random." I told her.
"Okay." She nodded.
Word Count: 5,830
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❤️Thanks for the support that you've been giving me. I'm very appreciative. WOW, we're REALLY on book two!❤️
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