Chapter Three
Two days later...
The three teenagers sat on the carpeted floor, Robert scribbling on a diary while Yamileth and James shared the bottle of wine, James lifted from his parents cabinet.
Two days ago the three friends visited the old well house where unexplainable things happened; from Yamileth's missing flyer to Robert encountering IT and the three mysterious doors. But when the red balloon floated out of the house and popped in front of the 17 year old girl, she lost consciousness. The only thing she could remember was a creepy clown voice whispering in her ears 'you'll float too'.
As soon as Robert was done he looked at them and said, "guys," he pointed a finger at the sketch of the sewers he'd made from the well at the abandoned house to the barrens. "The barrens, it's where IT lives."
"Not again," James muttered.
"You said IT lives in the well house," Yamileth said putting the bottle down.
"Yeah," Robert nodded, "he does but...this," he pointed at the barrens again. "Is where he truly lives and it's where all those missing kids are."
"Enough of this bullshit!" James puffed.
"I told you...I saw IT and if we don't stop him he's coming for us."
"He isn't!" James looked at the boy angrily, "you're afraid of clowns that's the reason why you saw a clown and thought that was IT. End of story."
"I did not," Robert protested, "he was IT himself in the flesh Pennywise the dancing clown."
James scoffed, "pennywise the dancing clown, very scary I see...a clown who dances."
"Boys," Yamileth interjected, "if I've not mistaken nona had told me a story about a dancing clown."
"You don't have to_" before James could complete his sentence Robert looked at Yamileth and said, "let's go to nona then."
"No! No! No!" James shook his head in disapproval.
"You stay behind, me and Yami would go." Robert stood up and offered his hand to the girl.
"Please don't," James said but Yamileth took a deep breath and took Robert's hand as the boy pulled her up. "Okay, fine!" James said annoyingly, "go ahead and end up in the sewers like the other kids."
"Not funny J!" Yamileth gave James a stern look as she walked out of the living area with Robert.
James huffed and turned to say he was sorry but his friends had already left.
"Would you want to be in an old age home when you're old and gray?" Yamileth asked as they made their way towards the old age home where her grandmother was.
"I would," Robert responded, "if it meant I'd be spending my time with my best buddies."
Yamileth smiled, "me too."
"Do you think we'd be the same after high school?" He asked.
The girl shrugged, "I don't know...but I hope we do."
"James has to change, that's it."
The girl chuckled, "he'll never."
"You're right," he agreed, then he turned to her, his expression serious. "Can I ask you something personal?"
She nodded as a yes.
"Was Josh the reason why did what you did, at the well house?"
She shook her head lightly, "no...I don't know."
The night of Halloween at the well house party, Yamileth's ex boyfriend Josh appeared out of the blue and tried to make amends with her after everything he'd put her through. She knew he was playing one of his games yet again to make a fool out of her. She was so infuriated by him that she'd chugged down a whole bottle of liquor and everything seemed to blur after that, she had no idea how she ended up alone at the basement and cut herself. She'd have bled to death if not for her fellow mates who'd found her in the nick of time.
Robert put an arm around her and said, "we're here."
The girl gave him a small smile as they walked into the two storey house. Her grandmother was taking a sun bath in one of the balconies having her afternoon tea, when the two teenagers arrived.
She'd commented on how good they look together and had shared about her day and the magazine she'd read the other day, until, they got the chance to ask her about the dancing clown. She wasn't able to recollect much but she'd told them; during the Bradley gang incident she'd seen a clown floating outside her window. He'd introduced himself as Pennywise the dancing clown but her parents didn't believe her, even though many of the town people had witness a clown in the shoot out.
"Was he tall, was he wearing white and his hair orange? His lips red with a devilish smile?" Robert asked as soon as she completed her story.
"I don't remember much son, but I'd never forget his bright glowing eyes."
Robert nodded in approval, "yes, yes bright glowing golden eyes."
"Have you seen him too?" She asked excited.
"Yes," he replied.
A little unexpected smirk appeared on Nona's face as she slowly turned towards her granddaughter and tilted her head, "you'll float too."
"What...?" The girl gulped.
Then the old lady started screaming, two nurses came running and tried to calm her down.
"Nona?" Yamileth called.
Robert grabbed her wrist and said, "we should go."
The nurses sedated the old lady.
"She'd been acting out for a while," one of the nurses said.
"Since when?" The girl asked concerned.
"It's been a while," the nurse said, "no need to's common during old age."
"Do my parents know?"
The nurse nodded, "yes, they do."
The girl leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her grandmother's cheek, "I love you."
"You guys should be leaving," the nurse said.
"Yeah, we will." Robert nodded.
"Thank you for taking care of her." Yamileth thanked the nurses as they walked out of the house and into the street, after a few good minutes the girl looked at Robert and said, "that's what IT whispered to me, 'you'll float too'."
Robert turned to her, "for real?"
She nodded, "yes."
The boy grabbed her forearm and said, "we'd need supplies."
"For what?"
"To end IT once and for all."
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