Chapter 5
"Simone, where do you suggest we stop?" Marcel asked, rising to turn, seeing her pressed against his chest. "Eheh..." He blushed brightly, glancing down before David shouted in a girlish tone, "My eyes are up here, Marcel~." He teased. Marcel's eyes quickly avoided her chest as she let out a small giggle. "Thanks, Nogla."
"Anytime, Simone." He laughed as he sat at the table, charging his phone with the outlet that sat beside him. "Well, obviously there's gotta be a Walmart somewhere around here." She said, pulling herself away from Marcel, sitting across from Nogla at the table. "Speaking of," Jonathan said. He had one of the curtains tugged behind his chair so the rest of the group could at least see that he wasn't dead. "Well, better question is how much money do we exactly have, Jon?" Brian asked as he stepped out from the bathroom. Brock agreed. "We kinda dived headfirst into this without realizing that we do have a budge-"
"Unlimited." Jonathan said coldly, turning his head back towards the road. They were on some highway and Tyler creeped around from his curtain. "Unlimited? So we could technically buy the whole store?" He asked, stepping out. Everyone was afraid of Tyler when he was sleepy, hungry or just in a bad mood in general. He spoke his mind and that was a good thing, in a weird, twisted way. "Maybe." Jonathan simply put, accidentally dropping Evan's red sharpie, which rolled all the way back to where Evan stood. He got onto his knees and grabbed it, returning to Jon with a smile. Tyler scoffed at the two. He grabbed Brian by the back of his shirt when everyone was more focused on the food situation. They made it into the "master bedroom." And he quickly threw Brian onto the bed. He closed the door and locked it, groaning quite loudly. The group couldn't really hear him though, since there was music playing through the whole RV and lots of chatter amongst them.
"What the fuck- Tyler?!" Brian hissed from under his breath, looking at his metallic arm and sighing in relief, it wasn't damaged. "Listen, isn't it weird?" Tyler asked as he approached Brian. Brian nodded, clearly confused. "Hum, Tyler what do you mean. What's weird?"
"The whole Jonathan thing! You don't think it's weird that they just stuck together like they've been together their whole life?!" He said, taking a seat next to the other. He placed his head in between his palms, taking off his glasses and placing his head into his other palm. "Well, Tyler you're not jealous, are you?" Brian questioned. It just radiated off of Tyler, it was an undeniable fact he was jealous. "What? No, what the hell? Why would I be jealous?" Tyler asked Brian. Brian simply shrugged, looking at him. "I mean, a better question is do you have feelings for Evan?" Tyler paused, looking at him through the holes in his fingers. "F-feelings?"
Tyler continued to step carefully around the words he could say. "I am not... gay." He whispered that last word to himself. He was always so confused when it came to his sexuality so he just chose to instead not date anyone. "Tyler, you know none of us would judge you if you are." Brian spoke softly, gently touching his shoulder. Tyler groaned again, hanging his head back as his spine curled. "I might be, I dunno..." He placed his hand onto the back of his neck, flopping back onto the bed. "I mean, I really do l-" just before he could finish, brock opened the door, letting out a small snicker. "Guys were in the parking lot, are you guys ready to go?" Brian looked at a angry and upset Tyler before nodding, standing up and offering his hand to Tyler. Tyler looked up and shook his head as he smacked it away, standing up on his own. Brian shrugged it off and the three were quick to catch up with the gang. Evan stood, looking over his notes app on his phone. "Alright so we need some water bottles, trash bags, toilet paper, spare deodorant, tampons, and food, right?" He asked, looking up at everyone.
"Sounds about right." Jonathan said as he pulled out his wallet. "Well, let's get started. Brock, you go get started on trash bags, toilet paper, and deodorant ." Evan said, pointing at the him. Brock was efficient so he knew he could trust him with getting the basics. "Simone and Marcel, get tampons just in case and whatever else you guys think you might need. Get four packs of the large cases of water bottles too, okay?"
"Got it." Simone said with a smile, taking the money that they'd need and heading into the store with Marcel. "Alright David, you stick with Brian and go get the canned or boxed food we'll need. It's pretty important that you guys get bread too, alright?" Brian gave a nod as well as David. Tyler however was left over and Jonathan turned to him. "You're with us, man. We gotta get the plastic wear, plates and fresh foods." Jonathan added and Tyler let out a small whine. "You guys forgot to add me to your mind fuck of a plan."
"No, I thought it would be a great idea if you two went in together alone. I still have some routing to do with the maps and I need time to sort out the finer details about Luke's case too. Not to mention some time away from you nerds." Evan smirked, reaching into Jonathan's hand and pulling the RV key. "I'll unlock it when everyone's back, now play nice, boys." Evan said, quickly going into the van and locking it from the inside. Jonathan was still staring at his hand, jaw dropped before yelling through the cracked passenger window, "Really, Evan? Mature much?" He laughed as he turned to Tyler. "Well, let's go." Tyler said, marching off into the store. Jon trailed behind him, knowing this wasn't the best decision Evan has ever made...
"Simone what size pussy you got?" Marcel chuckled as she was searching through some boxes of tampons. She let out an annoyed groan, turning to see Marcel confused whilst holding a box of adult diapers. She crouched, astonished at his stupidity. "Marcel, those are adult diapers." He paused, turning the box over in confusion before giggling at his own idiocy. "Tch, sorry..."
She smirked as she continued, throwing what she needed into a basket and then off they were towards condoms. "Could never be too careful, could we?" She said with a giggle, placing a pack into the basket as his eyes widened. "How could I have ever gotten so lucky..." He questioned while he moved closer to her, connecting their lips. She pulled away after a quick kiss, reminding him that they had shit to get. "Bottles." She said, making her way to the packaged drinks towards the back of the store. "I say, we get those and some coffee or energy drinks." Marcel said, picking up a few packs of monster, redbull and some ground coffee with creamer. "You know, I actually agree with you right now." She put simply, having marcel carry the rest of the water.
Meanwhile, David and Brian were in a small quarrel in the packaged foods isle. "David! We are supposed to get packaged foods. Not whatever this shit is!" Brian yelled, picking up all the candy from the cart that David had snuck in. "SO?! He said we had an unlimited spending, so that means get what you want!" David said, tugging on the box of licorice Brian had in his hands. "DaviIIIID!" Brian yelled, tugging back. After a few minutes of the back and forth, they passed by Marcel and Simone. "Just let him get the candy, we need a few sweets anyways." Simone simply said, walking past them. "See?!"
"FINE!" Brian said, throwing the candy in to the cart after breaking. "You can get the candy." "Good thing I wasn't asking." Nogla remarked under his breath. "Don't forget who has the money, bitch." Brian huffed.
Brock was on a mission however, making his way quickly through the store, hitting every spot he needed to. Getting trash bags, tissues, and other bathroom needs. And just to be careful, he got batteries, extra chargers for everyone and a first aid kit. He was of course the first to finish, making his way back to the RV already with a smug look on his face. When he got to the van though, he went to turn the knob and groaned to see it was locked. He sat on the curb with his bags of paid groceries, humming to himself as the sun beat down on him.
And finally, Tyler and Jonathan. They were so silent and tension filled. They worked silently, bumping into each other every so often. The silence was dropped when Jonathan dropped a tomato right onto Tyler's white shirt. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry..." It had a white smear dead in the center of his chest. Tyler was staring down at the list before looking up with intent to kill. "I just bought this." He said, grabbing him by the shirt and raising his fist to punch him. "Do it." Jonathan said with a plead in his voice. "And he will never forgive you." Jonathan said, looking and staring straight into his eyes. Tyler let out an angry breath, shoving him off and rubbing his head. They were dead silent, occasional shitty remarks here and there until checkout. They were working well together- surprisingly well too. Tyler worked on handing Jonathan the items and Jonathan scanned them, and of course paid. "I can tell you love him." Jon said as they were scanning. Tyler's face began to heat up, ear burning red. "You know nothing about me." He said with a scoff. "It's so clear. You act like no one can tell how jealous you are of me. What is it? The money? Hair? Clothes? Accessories... or is it him?" Jonathan hummed, waiting for the next item to be handed. When it took longer than expected, he turned fully to a clearly upset Tyler.
"I-I just don't get it! I have been there for him for years! And you just met us, what? Two days ago? Why did he choose you?!" He said, frustratingly holding the eggs. "Tyler, it's not about who he quote on quote chose, I told you what I wanted. Friends, nothing more." He half lied. Jonathan look a tug at the eggs next.
"I-... I'll be outside." Tyler huffed, shoving his hands into his Jean pockets and angrily stomping away. Jonathan paid and carried the groceries to the RV, and there Evan sat in the drivers seat, curled up and listening to music. He heard Tyler angrily yelling from outside the van to let him in and Evan was hesitant, but nonetheless gave in when he did a quick head count through the window. "Where's Jon?" He asked in a skeptical tone "here," he said from behind him the RV. "Alright alright," Evan let everyone in, making sure to give Jonathan a look in his direction. "Can we speak alone?" Evan asked. Jonathan had his arms full of groceries, packing them up into cabinets, cupboards and the fridge/freezer. "Uh... sure." He said, quickly feeling a grasp around his biceps, dragging him to the back room of the RV.
"What's up?" Jon asked, closing the door behind him. Tyler noticed- of course he did. He was always keeping an eye on Evan.
"How did things go?" He asked softly, turning to see Jon leaning against the door. "I'm... not really sure." He said, placing his hand over his face. "Jon! I gave you one job and it was to not pick fights, what happened?" Evan said with an annoyed groan. "Listen, Evan he's really skeptical of me and I truly don't know what else I could do just to prove to him I am not... looking to hurt you- or any of you for that matter."
Evan sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I don't know either, maybe I should talk with Tyler?" He asked, clearly in a slight distress. His best friend and his new friend were at each other's throats and weren't even trying to see that they had bigger things head of them, like what Evan had been putting his energy into. "I think you need to just sit down and have a long, deep conversation about relationship, friendships, Etc." Jonathan explained, one hand on the door knob and the other in the back of his neck. He wasn't meaning to over step into Tyler's "territory." But did Evan even feel a way like that towards him? It wasn't fair for Tyler to be jealous over something like this- they weren't dating.
Jonathan left the room, leaving an awkward pause between the two before Tyler stepped in, being sent in from Jonathan. "Hey, Ev, what's up?" He asked, closing the door with confusion spread all over his face. "Tyler, I know you're skeptical over Jon... and you have a valid reason, but why are you so... jealous?" Evan asked while Tyler still stood over him, examining the slightly smaller male. "W-hah, Evan what?" Tyler asked, his face heating up, turning a pink toned peach. "I see how you and Jonathan are acting around me, you act like I'm- oblivious." Evan mentioned, pulling his knees to his chest, still resting at the edge of the bed. "You both are acting like I'm purposefully choosing one person of the other when you of all people should know I don't choose people. I try to keep everyone involved and active in our group, I'm just trying to get Jonathan used to it all!" Evan said, his voice growing in tone. "And you're pushing him away! You're acting like a jealous boyfriend- I'm not your boyfriend, we are not in love! You are my best friend and should understand that." Evan said, untucking his legs and standing up for himself- literally.
"Evan I'm just worried-"
"Worried what?! That I'm gonna fall in love? News flash Tyler, even if I do it isn't anything you should be jealous over!" He yelled out, getting up close to his face.
Tyler's eyes widened and then closed shut, revealing tears. "EVAN! IT'S BECAUSE I LO-" And his words were cut short by Brock entering the room. "Oh... I'm so sorry." Brock apologized, hands full of toilet paper he was going to put in the room that was connected to the bathroom.
Brock set it down, closing the door quickly and warning the others to leave them be for a bit.
After the awkwardness, Evan looked over "Because you... what?" Evan asked softly, clearly mislead.
"I don't know... I just worry over you because you're my best friend." Tyler said, lying straight through his teeth. Evan sighed, rubbing his temples. "I'm sorry, Tyler. Seriously this is just stressing me and all I ask is that you guys please resolve whatever is going on."
Evan left the room next, packing up the rest of the groceries. Tyler stood, dumbfounded as he collapsed onto the bed in thought.
It wasn't long before Evan had checked everything and more off the checklist, nodding to Jon that he was good to start pulling out and go off on the way.
- A.D
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