Day 3
*I just wanted to clarify/make a note of that while my evil character is transgender, I do not believe that transgender people are evil and I hope nobody is offended by this portrayal. There are in fact other characters in this story that will be transgender, and they will be less wicked. That being said; this is also Kylux and both Kylo Ren and Hux are portrayed as murderous villains, so the terms evil and villain are all relative. Anyway, on with the story so, happy reading!*
After a single sleepless night without my suppressants, I awoke with the tell-tale beginnings of a rough migraine. This wasn't my actual heat, but rather some pre-sickness symptoms my body used to alert me that it was coming. Pulling on my thick jacket over my thin black tank top was more of a struggle than it normally was or ought to be. Shuffling as tall as I could manage down the halls, I managed to make it onto the bridge, ready to inspect everything. Ren was sitting in my chair, his legs crossed like a school girl waiting for a lower classman to reprimand them. Or at least, that's what his posture gave the air of. His head was actually turned to look out into the stars. Before I could decide what to do about him, Phasma came over with her helmet off and under her arm. There was a startled, almost wild look across her features.
"We have a problem." I gave her my full attention, ignoring Ren as she continued. "We were finally able to distinguish where the intruder entered from and found their vessel. It was a rebel ship, which is really no surprise. However, after observing the security tapes; we were able to see that there were seven people aboard the vessel when it landed. This means that there are five spies on the ship, perhaps even within our ranks currently."
"Only five?"
"I went down to check the ship and found one who was apparently keeping watch. He's in our prison bay, currently residing within one of our cramped cells. It's not my department to lead an interrogation. Plus, I figured you'd want to question him as well." A plan was formulating in my mind as she said that.
"Could you get anything out of him during your encounter?" The word encounter came out with slight disgust and made me purse my lips in nearly a sneer. She knew it wasn't meant for her but still gave me a frustratingly pointed look.
"No. However, his name was in our database. I'd theorize that the intruders put fake identification into our systems so they could more easily stay inconspicuous for a longer amount of time."
"Understood. Go with Ren to interrogate the prisoner, we need to know their intentions and where they're hiding. Preferably more in depth than just my planned assassination." I paused, turning to glower down at one of the lower officers. "Mitaka." He turned to give me his full attention, trembling slightly like the coward he is. "I expect the bridge to remain in a fully operational condition until I return from a separate matter." Phasma gave me a questioning look, which I promptly ignored.
*"You know she's just worried about you General."* The internal drawl of the man in my chair angered me.
"Fuck off Ren." I mumbled aloud, not caring about the strange looks I received for the comment. As if I cared what the crew thought of me in the moment. My heavy steps echoed through the sparse halls as I marched down to medical. When the door swished open, all I could spy was a distressed droid moving from side to side. At first I thought the thing was malfunctioning, but then I was thrown against the wall opposite the door. Then a blue lightsaber slashed through the freaking out bots circuits. Hands came from nowhere and grabbed my arms, holding them behind my frazzled form. Something pricked at the back of my neck and I began to feel super dizzy. Not tired, just dizzy; so whatever drug they'd given me wasn't meant to make me unconscious.
"Comfortable General?" The cold voice from my nightmares asked, sounding slightly different than the one I had grown up hearing. It was the one and only man who had been forced to be my friend for years by our incredibly horrible fathers. Four days after his unfortunate presentation, he ran away from home. As a mere beta, he'd never make his father proud. The last news I'd heard of him was his sex change. Sure enough, a woman stood in front of me, not the dude I once knew. I couldn't find fault in him for that alone, but for all the other things he'd done to me when we were children, I could. All my problems stemmed from all he'd done to me. He'd beat me while my father was present. He'd done other things to me. Neither of them cared or was surprised when I presented as an omega. To them, it justified all the abuse.
"Not particularly Henry." The chick that used to be him could not contain her rage and slapped me hard across the face. There was a ring on her ring finger that split my lip and made me wonder who would want to marry this psychopath. Her foot managed to kick me in the crotch and I cried out in complete and utter pain. A presence was trying to break into my mind and I was struggling to keep it out. It was barely okay when Ren did this, but this presence didn't happen to be him. There was no way I would ever willingly let a spy have access into my brain.
"You will never call me that again, you hear me? Henry's dead. Has been for quite some time. But thank Luke, Cari's alive. And Cari want's a bitch to control. And after your crew locked up my fiance, you should be grateful that I've chosen you as the lucky candidate. Be happy, as this way you'll totally live from the attack. Although, you will divulge everything to me, for I can now use the force and I'm not opposed to ripping all your precious knowledge from you General." Cari smiled sinisterly down to me, her reddish brown hair pulled into a thick ponytail. There was one other man at her side. He was the one holding my arms back. Cari pulled out my box of suppressants, waving them in front of my face while laughing idly down at me.
"You were right Cari, those sure were important enough for him to come down here for." The man holding onto my arms drolled on, sounding like he was on the duller side of the knife drawer. Mentally, I began to reach out for Ren's presence. I could feel it somewhere aboard the ship, and could sense that I'd probably need him to escape from her clutches. Cari somehow managed to intercept my thoughts, unfortunately.
"Whose Ren? Some slut you've been sleeping with in my absence? If you are under the impression that you can contact her mentally, then she must be a force user. Let's take him to his quarters through the vents and put a force obstruction collar on him." It took us a while to travel through the pipes and arrive in my quarters. Shortly after entering the room, there was a sharp knock on the door. After a second of the sharp knocking, Cari snapped a collar around my throat and pulled me in for a forceful kiss to keep me from opening the door from the inside. Moments later the door swished open and in stormed Ren followed by Phasma. Both had their masks off and paused in shock to observe me with lips locked onto the woman in front of me. Phasma was the first to move, noting that I would never willingly kiss a chick in any circumstance. As Phasma stepped forward, the boy working for Cari tried to duck into the pipe but he didn't make it that far. Suddenly, he was floating limply in between the pair of newcomers and us still in a liplock. Cari had somehow managed to pull my regulation pants down while I was still disoriented by the effects of the drug they gave me and she'd managed to pull my dick out with her manicured fingers. A fire ignited in Ren's eyes and he suddenly looked rather handsome, even though his eyes only spoke of murder.
Distress simmered into my bones as I felt a pre-inkling of my heat settle into my gut. It was nearly time for it to begin. Less than an hour and I'd have to figure out some way to cope with becoming a stupidly hormonal animal. Everyone in the room was suddenly very aware of the fact that the time for my heat was fastly approaching.
"It's almost as if you want to mate with me." Cari smiled cattily, pulling my head in and blowing little puffs of air into my ear while curling her hand up around my penis. Little did she know that while she could access my ear, I could also access hers. She was unaware of my plans from here. Thinking I would give in to her sexual desires, she leaned into me. But I snarled and bit down hard on the shell of her ear. A chunk of her ear came off into my mouth and blood was instantaneously pouring out from the wound. She shrieked and dropped me to the floor, tossing her bodyguard into Ren and moving back towards the vent. I managed to cover myself once more while Phasma stopped Cari in her tracks.
Phasma grabbed her by the hair and thrust her command staff straight through Cari's back into her heart all in one fluid motion. That bitch couldn't even see it coming. And my anger only really remained because I wasn't the one who'd killed her. I expressed this by hitting Phasma on the shoulder in a deceivingly friendly manner.
"I wasn't about to let her get away, having done that to you. And I figured you'd rather I do it than him. No offence." She gestured to Ren as if the two of them had had a similar discussion before. When did that happen?
"Whatever. I need to get back down to medical before my time is up and my heat takes over and ruins my life." I grumbled, moving towards the door before my legs gave out from under me. "You have got to be kidding me!" I shouted as Ren caught me and moved me into his arms, running alongside Phasma towards the medical wing. After what seemed like an obscene amount of running we made it to the medical wing and I reached over for my suppressants. That's when it hit and I knew it was too late.
The pain was instant and quite unbearable, even more so than usual. So unbearable in fact, that I basically just passed out from the pain.
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