On The Night Of A Flood*
You see that * next to Flood! Don't act like you don't! I haven't seen y'all in a while so I thought or first meeting of 2019 (three months late srry) would be spicy! Enjoy!
A Month Later
3:15 PM
Lin, Nani, Seb, and Petra sat in their dark living room, glancing at one another. The power was out, and New York was experiencing heavy rains from a costal hurricane that was traveling their way. Phillipa was stuck at her brother's house since all roads leading to the city were either flooded or closed off. "Anyone want any cereal while I'm up?" Seb asked, as he hopped off the couch. No one replied, so he took that as a no.
"What would they do if you were still in jail and it flooded?" Nani asked, clearly directing the question to her dad.
"Nani!" Petra bit. Nastasia's face went sour as she whipped her head towards her younger sister.
"Woah, dad. You didn't tell me you went all Freaky Friday on a Tuesday. And wait, I always thought Seb would be body snatched by dad. A girl just makes an odd choice," She joked. Lin tried to hold back his laugh as Petra threw a lightweight pillow that missed her sister completely.
"It's not funny! Jail is a scary place. You can't just ask someone about it. He could have PTSD!" Nani defended. Lin decided this was a good place to step in and held out his hand.
"Hey, P, it's good. I'm okay. We can talk about it. I only did a short stent in jail during the shortest trial known to man, and was actually transferred to the prison. But, when it flooded, we weren't allowed in the yard. So, for that hour that we were allowed to have rec time, we went to the gym and worked out or played ball. I was never good at any sports, but I got slightly ripped, so floods weren't that bad," Lin truthfully answered. Seb dropped next to Nastasia on the couch and took a bite of his Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
"Did you join a gang? I would've joined a gang. I would not be caught dead as someone's bitch," he chewed. With a quickness, Nastasia stole his spoon and took a bite for herself earning a swift spoon tap to the cheek.
"You already are someone's bitch," Petra mumbled inaudibly. Lin was very confused at the sight and decided to just get up and go. His laptop still worked, and his phone hadn't quiet died. He was going talk to his girlfriend and hope that his devices died at bedtime. "So, what the fuck is up with you guys? Are you dating or what cause this weird," Petra asked. Nastasia and Sebastian immediately froze. Were they being obvious? They must've been if Petra asked. Oops.
"Dating? We both have girlfriends. And he's basically my brother! Ew!" Nastasia over sold, getting up from the couch and heading to her room.
"Good thing she's into fashion, because she's a shitty actor. Be safe. Don't tell mom and dad. Listen to me or don't. I don't care," Petra muttered, moving to her own room leaving Sebastian alone with his bowl.
"Wow, that was— what the fuck?" He asked to literally no one since even Busker had left the premisas. How they went from prison to he and Nani, Seb would never know. He wasn't paying attention and clearly that screwed him over. Again.
4:11 PM
Phillipa came out of the back room and took her place back at the island across from Phoebe. "That was Lin. The kids are fine, but my powers out. Thankfully the only food in the fridge is milk and some leftovers from last week, that I'm praying Sebastian doesn't eat," she rambled. Phoebe couldn't agree more. She lived in a house full of garbage consuming beings.
"Yours too?" She asked sipping her water. "I don't get it. Clearly it smells funky, don't eat it! How hard is that?" She rhetorically asked. Pippa rolled her eyes and played with her plastic cup.
"I think I'm gonna call her," Pippa stated, playing the pronoun game to force Phoebe into the conversation.
"Call who?" The OB played along. She grabbed her wine from the fridge and two glasses, telling by the way Phillipa was sat. But Pippa refused.
"None for me. I'm doing a thing," she vaguely skimmed over. "But, my sister. I think I'm going to call her. She reached out not too long ago with her new number, so that must mean she wants me to call it, right?" Pippa asked, not sure what was normal in a relationship with an estranged older sister.
"I hope you're not seriously asking me. I'm an only child. My answer is purple," Phoebe baited, taking a sip of her Rosé.
"Purple? What?" Phillipa questioned. "That has nothing to do with what we're talking about and makes no sense," she continued. Phoebe swung her arms around dramatically. As if she were replicating a tornado.
"Exactly! That how I feel! I didn't grow up with siblings! So you asking me about sibling related stuff makes as much sense to me as purple does to this conversation. Call her or don't. At the end of the day, do what feels natural," Phoebe accidentally advised. Pippa narrowed her eyes with her head tilted in confusion.
"You went through all of that to give me advise in the ends? Wh— what'a really in that cup?" she laughed. Embarrassment took over Phoebe as her cheeks went red and an innocent smile appeared.
"I'm a mom of two monsters who hasn't slept since before medical school 20 years ago. I don't even know what's happening, right now," she excused, before sipping her drink a little faster. Pippa stared in amazement as her sister in downed a half a bottle of wine rather quickly. "Alright, I'm going to take a nap on the couch. Any joiners?" She asked, grabbing her bottle and sliding to the living room. Phillipa snatch the bottle and sat it back on the counter.
"I think Rosie should stay here, but I will gladly take her place," Pippa said, plopping onto the familiar sectional with Phoebe and curling up to watch a movie on her old flat screen.
Nastasia quietly straddled Sebastian in the dark blue room. After hearing her kid sister get on FaceTime she snuck off to Sebastian's room like she'd done for several nights this month. "Is it weird that our parents are dating and we're messing around?" Nani asked, playing with his shirt.
"Nah. We were raised together for point five seconds. There was no time for us to actually bond like siblings," he shrugged. Nastasia nodded and slipped her hands under his shirt. "Are you finally ready? I have a condom in my desk," Sebastian asked. Nani bit her lip and shrugged.
Sebastian got up from his bed, carefully throwing Nani to the side, locked his door, and grabbed the small golden wrapped rubber from the draw. "Strip," he smirked, taking off his shirt and dropping his joggers, to show Nani he was commando. Nastasia followed suit by whipping off her tank top, where she was already braless, and slipped off her shorts. "Damn, are we really about to do this?" he smiled, crawling over her and forcing his lips into hers. Nani scooted to the middle of the bed without breaking the kiss, taking his length in her small palm.
"This part is not foreign," she replied. Sebastian slipped her thong to the side, feeling how wet she was with one hand and preparing for the new frontier with the other. Her attraction allowing him to glide his middle finger in easily. A low moan slipped past Nastasia's lips as Sebastian added another finger.
"Are you ready?" Sebastian asked, rubbing his tip against her entrance. The cold, lube covered plastic tickled Nastasia, pushing her to chuckle with a nod.
"Get on with it," she begged. Slowly, Seb broke through her uncharted territory, but watched her hand fly to her mouth as her eyes started to water.
"What? What's wrong?" He immediately stopped, warming Nastasia's heart. He genuinely cared about her.
"Nothing. You just... you did it. Don't worry about the tears, their involuntary," she played off. Sebastian cautiously enter her folds again, this time with more ease. He stroked slowly, to let her adjust. But when she said, "oh come on! If I wanted slow humping I'd call the homeless dude down the street," Seb knew it was go time. He forcefully slammed into her core before taking quick strokes in and out. Nastasia had only once felt this much pleasure with Liola when they were experimenting with different toys.
"Fuck," Seb groaned into her neck as he became more excited. Nastasia wrapped her legs around Sebastian's waist allowing deeper penetration and access, which she was not prepared for. The amount of adrenaline running through her body, plus the great size that invaded her walls, caused her body to start shaking with pleasure during, what she assumed was an orgasm. She had to fake it with Liola and this was much more intense than when she was alone.
A few strokes later mixed with her clenching walls dragged Sebastian over the edge as well. "Holy shit, we should've done this sooner," Nastasia breathed as Sebastian collapsed on her chest, still hard, and still inside her. His hand moved up her torso and found her right boob, playing with it to get her back into the mood for many more rounds to come
On the other side of the wall, Lin stared at the ceiling watching the fan twirl from the air coming in through the open window. If Pippa we're home, she would kill him for having a window open during a storm, but he moved the cushion out of the way. Only the wood was getting rained on, no biggie.
He hadn't realized how hard the subject of prison must've been on Petra. She was very sensitive, which he loved. But since he was on the outs the world looked different. Not too different that he couldn't recognize it. But different enough that he wasn't sure how well his musical would do go over. But, he was going to do it. He had a few chords left in the last song, and he was determined to finish it. It might not have been as popular as In The Heights, but Hamilton was going to hopefully put food on the table for he and his family. Because while Pippa had done great with a family of three, being a family of six was a bit more daunting. He was ready to make his mark and do his do diligence as a father and boyfriend.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
NANI!!!! SEB!!!! What about your boo's??? PIPPA WHY YOU NOT DRINKING??? ARE YOU GONNA CALL YOUR SISTER? DID ANYONE GET THE REFRENCE IN THE TITLE??? DID YOU MISS ME? WHATS NEXT??? I hope you enjoyed! Thoughts, feelings, emotions?! ily💕Comment.Like.Follow💘
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