(3 Weeks Later)
(Nani is 9 Weeks)
11:13 AM
Pippa finally laid in her own bed, three weeks post op, feeling normal. She still had a little over a month to go, but the most difficult part was over. Surgery-wise.
The house was quiet. Petra was with Ant and Jasmine, Nani was asleep, as per usual since they got back, Sebastian had barricaded himself in his room, after Lin agreed to let him stay, and Lin was at practice. Pippa had nothing to do, but think. And in her thinking came solutions.
A text was sent and in a few moments two teenagers entered her room and sat on either side of her bed. "Alright guys. What's the game plan? Are you guys together? Co-parenting? Not parenting?" Pippa asked. Nani picked at the sheets as Sebastian stared at the covered home of his child.
"My dad would never let us be together. You saw him. He was ready to kick me out," Sebastian reminded.
"Don't worry about him. I can handle him. What do you guys want to do?" Pippa asked. The teens glanced at each other for a moment, before looking to Phillipa.
"I just want to be there for my kid. And if she lets me, there for Nani, too," Sebastian mumbled. The ball was now in Nani's court. What was she going to do?
"Well, I wanted to get rid of it. Forget this ever happened, but that can't be the case. So..." she trailed off. "I want to raise my child with both parents. I want us to be a family," she openly expressed. Pippa could see that the kids really did want to be together. And in all honesty, she didn't have an issue with them being together.
"Fine," she shrugged.
"Fine? What about what you said when we were 5?" Nani reminded, thinking back to the day of the Spider-Man kiss. Pippa rolled her eyes.
"Clearly times have changed. When you were 5, Lin and I were about to raise you guys as siblings. But, since that didn't exactly work out, we can't stop you. We all just started living under the same roof. There would be a difference if this were Sebastian and Petra because they have the same father. But, you and Sebastian have no DNA or blood connections. There's no ethical lines being crossed. Nothing's truly wrong with it," Pippa explained. Before she knew it, the teens gently threw themselves at her, engulfing her in a feather hug.
"Thank you so much, mommy," Nastasia cried.
"Thanks, ma. For real, you're the best," Sebastian thanked. Pippa finally pushed them off, and let them leave.
"So great, I probably destroyed my relationship for yours," she mumbled, placing her hand on her forehead. "Lord, let this work out, because I have no idea how Lin is going to take it," Pippa prayed, before pulling out her phone to create a new entertainment piece for the time being.
At the theater, Lin sat quietly in the back with Chris watching the dancer move through the choreo. "Perk up," Chris said, seeing his friend in a slight pout. "Pippa's on the road to recovery and will be at the shows in The Public. Life is good," Chris smiled. Lin, without moving a muscle, took a deep breath.
"Nani and Sebastian are having a baby," he revealed. Chris's smile diminished. Those were the last two people he ever thought would get together.
"Are you— how did— what did Pippa say?"
"On the flight home, she was looking at townhouses. I guess this is a thing. My son and step-daughter are together? It's weird. They are siblings," Lin gagged.
"Are they?" Chris rebutted. "Think about it, Sebastian was sent to Karen's nines month after you and Pippa were together. You went to jail and they moved. The kids only saw each other at school for 12 years. And now, they are thrown back in the family dynamic, but they aren't family. At least not the way you expected them to be," he laid out. Looking at it like that, Lin could sort of see, where everything was going. However, his 17 year old was still becoming a father. Something he didn't want in general. "Do they seem excited about the baby?" Chris asked. Lin unfolded his arms, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.
"Nani is asleep over half the time or at school. And Sebastian locks himself in his room. I think the sickness is getting to her. And he's afraid that if he leaves, I'll change the locks," Lin replied. Chris rose an eyebrow.
"Change the locks?"
"I may have threatened to kick him out when I found out. But I had good reason. It's not the case anymore, but he's just scared," Lin further explained.
"Talk to your son, talk to your step-daughter. Fix this. You don't want to miss out on your grandchild, especially if you live in the same house as them," Chris said, before getting up to get ready for his part in the last number. Annoyed that his friend was right, Lin pulled out his phone and started to place a call as he walked outside.
"Meet me at the CVS on the corner,"
12:02 PM
Lin stood outside the store, bundled in a warm jacket. He waited for a second as people whizzed past him. "What's up?" Lin heard, turning around to see his sun just as bundled.
"Let's talk," Lin said, guiding his son into the store.
A few blocks away, Petra and Madalynn laid in Madalynn's bed staring at the ceiling. With literally nothing to do on a Saturday, the girls were out of ideas. "Have you talked to Joey, lately?" Madalynn asked. The thirteen year old shrugged.
"Kind of. I'm not really sure if we're still together. I haven't really hung out with him in weeks, yaknow? And we see each other at school, but it's different," Petra mumbled. "What about you? Any guys?" She redirected. Madalynn ran her finger along her screen with a smirk.
"Girl, it seems like a new guy every night. I'm testing out and so far, Hispanic boys are winning," she said low enough not to get in trouble. Petra's eyes went wide.
"I thought you weren't doing it! That's why you and Victor broke up!" Petra reminded. Madalynn rolled her eyes and took a sip from her water bottle.
"Waiting is overrated. I lost mine to Jonah Capland last month. And so far my favorite is Miguel Guerra. I've seen him 3 times in the last week," Madalynn bragged. Petra's eyes went wide.
"Well, I'm not risking it! Nani is pregnant, and I don't want to be like her or mom," Petra said. Madalynn's eyes went wide.
"What? Who's the baby daddy?" She asked, pulling out her phone. "I have to call Carrie! She's never going to believe this!" Petra took a deep breathe and rolled to her side.
"My brother. My sister is pregnant by my brother. But it's okay, because they weren't raised as sister and brother. Or whatever. How did we go from them hating each other to them building a family?" Petra muttered. Madalynn groaned as her phone went to voicemail.
"Wait, how did your parents not know Seb and Nani were fucking? They weren't loud?" Madalynn asked. Petra gave her a dumb look.
"Are you?" She sarcastically replied. The fourteen year old rolled her eyes.
"Point taken," she agreed. "Damn. That's crazy. Nani was the last person I thought would be pregnant. I was thinking Bri or Hailee," Madalynn laughed. Petra couldn't disagree. That was definitely something the entire friend group would concur with.
1:59 PM
"Sorry, I'm late," Sebastian mumbled, joining the table of teenagers at P.S. Kitchen, their favorite restaurant that Karen showed them as kids. Around the table sat Mirabelle, Brielle, Benjamin, Hailee, Dominique, and Judah. "My dad and I were talking," he smiled, pecking his girlfriend's head. Hailee smiled proudly as everyone else looked confused.
"What the hell is going on?" Brielle asked, sipping her drink. "I thought you guys were..." Dominique rolled her eyes with a short smirk.
"Nope. He left me for her, but I fucked her ex, so it kind of worked out," Dominique said. "Plus, we have no bad blood. I was the first to know," she smirked, forcing the couple to have to share what they know.
"Know what?" Judah asked. Nani bit her lip and pulled out a picture. Their faces lit up as the group passed the ultrasounds around.
"Nuh Uh!" Hailee beamed. Nastasia nodded as her best friend side hugged her. "Please tell me I'm God mother status!" She begged. Nani rolled her eyes.
"Obviously!" She agreed. The pictures floated around the table as the teens took Snapchat's and videos congratulating the besties. "I just want to thank you guys for your support. I literally was so scared, but I'm glad I have you guys," Nastasia thanked. The friends quietly cheered and returned the pictures back to their rightful owners
"Are you guys going to move into the same room, so the baby can have its own nursery? How is that going to work?" Mirabelle asked. Nastasia shrugged.
"Honestly, probably not. I don't think our parents would be okay with that, or maybe they will, but if we do, he is moving into my room. It's definitely bigger," Nani decided. Sebastian, with his arm around Nani, and his hand on her stomach.
"Whatever you want," he agreed. Benjamin took a sip of his drink and handed the pictures to Sebastian.
"So are y'all thinking boy or girl?" He asked. The couple shrugged, not having thought past telling their parents. The teens talked for hours, about school, their plans, and life as the afternoon grew older.
At the apartment, Lin hurried into his bedroom. "Baby!" He called, accidentally waking his fiancé.
"What?" Pippa mumbled, rubbing her eyes and doing the best to stretch without hurting her sternum. Lin dropped two huge bags on the bed.
"Chris and I did some talking and Sebastian and I did some shopping. Look it!" Lin smiled, unloading the bags onto Pippa's clean sheets. Her eyes focused allowing Pippa to see the sheer amount of baby things. Bottles, diapers, wipes, white onesies, a whole slew of things.
"Baby, you are going to scare her. Trust me, when I found out I was pregnant, the last thing I wanted was a bunch of baby stuff. It will overwhelm Nani and that's the last thing we need. It's a sweet gesture, but I suggest hiding this from her until she's ready." Pippa suggest. Lin sulked, tossing everything back in the bags and dropping it behind the bed.
"I just— I feel bad about what happened at the hospital. I want her to trust me. I want to be a good Papa," Lin sulked, sliding into the bed with his fiancé. Pippa smiled, watching him lay his head on her shoulder.
"I know baby, but this is their kid. We have to let them figure it out and come to us when they want," Pippa said. "Hey, just remember. It's all the fun of having a baby with none of the responsibilities. Even though we have to pay for everything," Pippa sighed. Lin ran his hand over his face.
"The joys of parenting and grandparenting," Lin muttered. Pippa did her best not to laugh, due to her pain. "How is it that they are having a baby and we still end up paying?" He asked.
"I don't know about you, but my checks aren't going towards another mouth, especially a mouth I'm not carrying. I will pay for my house, that they are welcome to stay in, but you won't can't me buying any necessities," Pippa answered. "One of them or both of them are getting job. I don't care who," she said. That was a plan Lin could get behind. He hated the idea of the kids working so young, but at the same time, they had child to take care of and relying on he and Pippa wouldn't help them grow as parents. It was time for the kids to take true responsibility.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
Im thinking of cutting the story short. Like 20-25 chapters. Idk. Lmk what you think. Thoughts, feelings, emotions?! ily💕
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