He's Home
2:20 PM
Hailee and Nastasia entered their last class of the day, ready to conquer their project. Drama class was the last stop before Nani and Hailee got to go to Art Therapy and work out some of their frustrations with her fathers. She loved to work with her hands when she felt angsty or overwhelmed, so Pippa automatically knew Art Therapy was the way to go when she turned 7. Ever since she walked into the studio for the first time, she got genuinely excited to be there. Especially after she and Haille started going together when they turned 10. It was her home away from home with Hailee by her side.
"Did you print out the last page? I couldn't get to it before study hall ended," Hailee asked, taking a seat in the middle right row of the Black Box Theater. Nastasia pulled out the page her bestie was in need of with a smirk.
"Of course I did. You texted 7 times about it," she replied, handing off the sheet and placing her backpack under her chair. Right before class started, Nastasia and Hailee's phones vibrated, causing them to quickly pull them from their pockets. It was a text from their bestie, Brielle. (top picture)
Elle: Hey Ladies! Just a reminder that the party is tonight after our moms leave for Jasmine's. My dad is gone for the weekend and the siblings are on board. Don't forget the drinks!
The teenagers read the text and shared a quick glance. "Are you bringing vodka?" Hailee asked. Nastasia shrugged and switched threads to the newest one between her and Sebastion.
"I don't know. It's gonna be whatever Seb can score from Karens. He's going over there after school to get the last of his things," Nastasia informed. Hailee silently nodded and pushed her phone into her pocket as the director of the Theater/ good friend of their families, Mandy Gonzales entered. She sat her bag at the small desk in the corner and came to the middle of the stage.
"Good afternoon guys!" She greeted. "If you all remember I assigned a project a couple weeks back on the history of a Broadway performance that you all liked. And I know we had fewer singles than partners, so let's start there," she instructed before heading back to her desk and grabbing her roster sheet. Nastasia took that as an opportunity to craft her text and send it before she got her phone taken.
Stas: Hey Butthead, don't forget to grab what you can at Karen's. We are leaving the house at 5, taking the metro out of the city and Benji is picking us up and taking us back to their house.
Seb: Okay, Beavis! Dom and I will be back in time.
Nastasia giggled to herself at their nicknames and placed her phone in her backpack. She was ready to party and let loose and have an all around good time. She wasn't worried about the consequences or the risk. All she was concerned about was how lit she was about to get.
The Other Side Of The Campus
Petra and Madylynn
sat in their free period classroom chatting about nothing. Well, Carrie and Petra were chatting, Madylynn was unusually quiet that day. When Petra caught wind of her best friend's silence she turned to her will sad eyes. "What's wrong, Maddy?" she asked. Madylynn pulled her hands into her sleeves and folded her arms across her body.
"I've been thinking about moving back home," the 13-year-old stated. She hadn't lived at home in 4 months after she and her father, Anthony, came to a disagreement about having her boyfriend, Victor over all the time. She told her father about how she was feeling, they broke into an argument, and by the end of the week, Madylynn had moved the majority of her stuff to Victor and his brother's house.
"Why do you wanna move back? Did something happen between you and Victor?" Carrie asked. Maddy nodded and wiped her sleeves over her clean face.
"Yeah. Last night he tried to get me drunk, which never bothered me. But last night he tried to sleep with me and when I told him we were definitely too young for that, he got mad. We got in an argument and I think I'm ready to break up with him," Maddy explained. Petra thought about how Joey had pushed up on her not too long ago with a shutter. The couple hadn't talked about what happened and sort of coasted over it.
"Well, I know for a fact that your mom misses you. She and my mom always talk about you," Petra said. Maddy glanced at them and took a deep breath. She hadn't talked to her mother or father in 2 months, out of respect for her sanity. She couldn't handle the constant fights or the name calling or the incessant belittling by her father. Maddy was hoping that with her new found freedom from Victor she would be able to get back into her parent's good graces.
"Thanks," Madylynn softly smiled. She started to absentmindedly doodle on her binder while waiting for the bell to ring. She couldn't wait to get out of the school, get her things and go home.
4:25 PM
Sebastian and Dominique stumbled into the apartment with Sebastian's last duffel bag and a backpack full of Bourbon and Vodka. Carefully, Dom sat the backpack on the floor next to the couch as Sebastian dragged his bag to the back. "Beavis! Short Stack! We here! We ready! Let's go!" Sebastian yelled, tossing his bag into his room and almost running into the girls.
"Okay! Calm down! What did you bring me?" Nastasia asked, turning the GPS off of her phone that she knew her mom would track. Domonique carefully pulled the backpack into her lap and unzipped the top to give Hailee and Nastasia a peak. "Damn, those are huge. Is Karen gonna miss them?" Nastasia asked, shoving her charger into her crossbody and taking a deep breath. Sebastion shook his head and fixed his watch. "Everyone ready?" Nani asked. The girls nodded, but Sebastion was a bit apprehensive.
"How do we know the moms won't be there when we get there?" Sebastion asked as they started toward the front door. Nastasia rolled her eyes and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"We'll be fine. If I know Momma, which I do, she's back in the city with Née, getting a little buzzed at Jasmine's right now in preparation for tonight," Nastasia said, locking the apartment door behind them. The group looked at her weird as they entered the elevator.
"Preparation? For what?" Sebastion asked. Nastasia folded her arms over her chest with a smug grin.
"You really wanna know?" she smirked. The girls caught on to what she was going at, but Sebastion clearly needed someone to spell it out for him.
"Yeah," he said as if it was obvious. Nastasia smacked her lips and shrugged.
"Tonight. My mom. Your dad. A locked door. And lots of sex," she dramatically explained. Sebastion gagged as the four of them stepped out of the elevator. The women laughed at the over the top reaction, while heading into the warm spring afternoon. "Hey, you insisted I tell you," Nani said, shifting the blame fully onto her little "brother". The young latino lightly shoved his "sister" as they walked down the sidewalk to their charity out of the city.
"Shut up. I don't like to think about our parents fucking. That's disgusting," he laughed. Nastasia caught her balance on Hailee and playfully scoffed.
"But it's not disgusting when you're fucking your girlfriend a door down?" Nani sassed. Sebastion shook his head and dramatically slung his arm around Domonique's shoulders. "Oh, you totally proved your point. Great argument," she sarcastically praised, causing Hailee and Domonique to burst into laughter.
"You fuck girls, you wouldn't know," he playfully dismissed. Nastasia smacked the back of her brother's head and followed her friends into the grimy metro tunnel.
"I'm bi and I 've had heterosexual sex before. It's not that exciting. At least with Liola, things got exciting and creative. All the guys our age just wanna hit it and quit it," she replied. Sebastion looked around them dramatically and walked through the turnstile.
"Her lack of presence really drives that point home," he observed. "Where is she, anyway? Wouldn't a party be something that girlfriends attend together?" he continued. Nastasia shrugged and wrapped grabbed Hailee's hand.
"She is my date tonight. Liola got grounded, so Groff is holding her hostage in the house. He won't even let her go to her room, because he's afraid she'll sneak out through the window," she explained. Sebastion's eyebrows skyrocketed, unsure of what he would do if Lin got that crazy.
"What the hell? What did she do? Groff is literally the most chill parent our of all of ours," Domonique asked. She wasn't In The Heights or Broadway born per se, but her mom married Seth Stewart when she was 9, so she was married into the gang.
"She probably got an attitude with Lea. They have been beefing for like a month and a half now. And she won't say why," Nastasia guessed. The group came to a stop at the platform of the train as the world around them sped past. Hailee dropped her head on Nastasia's shoulder, ready to just chill out at this party. With everything going on at home, she was overwhelmed and in a need of a break. "Fuck, Hail, did we let Busker out? I don't remember and mom is gonna flip if he pee's in the house again," Nastasia asked. Hailee silently shrugged, definitely not sure. Sebastion listened to the conversation and mentally high-fived himself for making sure to leave his door closed.
4:33 PM
Phillipa, Jasmine, Phoebe, and Renée lounged around Jasmine's apartment a floor above Phillipa's old place. They were indeed day drinking and had been for a while. The actresses had an off day from shooting or the stage, and the doctor was coming off being on call for 72 hours. Phoebe's boys were at home in the house that Phillipa and Scott bought together. And since she worked in the city, she made her first priority spending time with her friends before heading to the lonely suburbs with her family.
Pippa took a sip of her wine and let out a long sigh. "He's back. He's back, the sex is great, and the parenting thing is okay," she started. She waited years for Lin to be back home. It wasn't always like that, but in the present, she was glad that he was back.
"I remember when you and Lin got into that fight after he beat Cody and then caused a riot and Cody's death," Jasmine reminisced. Pippa groaned, thinking about that terrible day.
She'd taken one year old, Petra, to visit her father, while Nani was at school like always. However, this time, Lin had a bandage on his arm and a bruise on his forehead. When Pippa asked him about it, Lin said he and Cody fought, it caused a riot and that Cody had fatally succumbed to his injuries. To Pippa, that meant that her second baby daddy staged a riot and murdered her first baby daddy, which scared her. After that day, she stopped bringing Petra by and didn't tell Nastasia anything. It took four years of phone calls before Lin could convince Pippa to come back and talk to him. And even when she did, she didn't bring Petra until she started to ask about him when she turned seven.
On the contrary, Phillipa didn't even know where to begin to tell Nani about her father, so even to that day, she still harbored that secret. And while she felt bad about it, there wasn't much she wanted to do. Cody was dead and while Pippa definitely wanted Nani to know, she knew that if she told her Cody died she'd probably have to add the part about how Lin killed him. So for everyone's sake, she would wait until Nani asked to see him and then tell her he died in prison during a riot, but the perp was never caught.
"Can I be honest?" Pippa asked, grabbing the attention of her friends. "I was secretly happy when Lin said that Cody was gone. I dreaded the day that Cody would be released and come to find us, but once I heard it felt like I could breathe again. I didn't have to worry about my daughter's safety with him out," Pippa revealed before taking a huge swig of her drink. Phoebe gave her sister-in-law soft eyes as she stroked her hair. She knew how badly Pippa was in love with Lin, but she was worried that she was blind to the real danger in her home.
"Do you worry about your safety with the girls when Lin is around?" Phoebe asked. Pippa sat up on the couch and slowly shook her head.
"I used to. I mean he is the man that shot my ex-husband and clearly murdered my ex-boyfriend, so that was off-putting, but Lin has never intentionally hurt me or Sebastion or the girls-"
"What about Mandy?"
"I believe that Lin needs to apologize for what he did to her and she can choose whether or not to forgive him, but that's between them. He is going to his meetings, he is in therapy to get back into the right mindset, and he's back at Pixar working on a new project. He's trying to be a productive member in society and I can see that he is actually putting in the effort. And even with everything that he did, he has been a better man than Cody ever will. So, no I don't worry about the safety of my girls when Lin is around," Phillipa defended. She abruptly excused herself to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. She didn't know why she was so worked up over that question, but she knew what she saw. And she saw a different man than the one who went to jail versus the one that is in her house now. She understood where they were coming from, but she needed them to see that the man they used to know was no more. That the man she let back into her life was the man she started out with. The goofy, sweet, strong, but silent guy that came to her apartment to pitch her a half-finished show.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters, WOULD YOU TAKE LIN BACK?? MADYLYNN WANTS TO COME HOME!! THIS PARTY IS GONNA BE LIT! WHERE'S PETRA? WHO'S GETTING IN TROUBLE FRIST? SEB? NANI? BABY P? lmk what you wanna see!! maybe your comment will inspire an entire chapter! ily💕Comment.Like.Follow💘
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