12 Beginnings
10:25 AM
16-year-old Juniors, Nastasia and Liola, sat in the back of their school's fundraising art show on a warm Saturday morning. School had just gotten back in and the art club was showing off their summer projects. However, Nastasia and Liola had other things on their minds. "I can't believe your mom doesn't know," Liola gawked. Nastasia shrugged and pulled out her phone.
"What was I supposed to say? 'Hey, mom! Remember Liola, the girl you've met once in passing? Well, we've been dating for 8 months!' I don't think so!" Nastasia exclaimed. Liola rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"Well you were supposed to tell her 5 months ago when you made things official," she stressed. Nastasia glanced at the Princess Pandora ring she got Liola for their 3 month anniversary. She loved Liola, but she didn't love the thought of telling her mom she was gay and taken. She knew her mom would be cool with the gay part, but the dating part is what worried her. She and her mom were always close, but after Petra told Pippa that she didn't want to see her father a year ago, the house had been tense.
"I know. But you know what's happening at my house. You know what the added stress will do to my mother," Nastasia fought. Liola sighed with a nod and grabbed her girlfriend's hand.
"I hate that we have to lie about us though. And I hate even more that you can't go talk to the one person you're most comfortable with besides me and Hailee," Liola whispered. Nastasia refrained from letting a tear fall as Liola kissed her temple.
"I-I have to go to the bathroom," Nastasia stuttered. Liola nodded and dropped the warm hand. The 16-year-old slid into the bathroom and texted her dad.
Nastasia knew she probably wasn't going to get a response like she hadn't the last seventeen times, but she was going to try anyway. After she slid her phone into her dress pocket, Nastasia took a deep breath and stared into the mirror. "You are strong. You are beautiful. Cody didn't deserve me. And Mom didn't desert me. Live your life out loud and in person," Nastasia automatically recited. Pippa had been installing that in her girls for years. It was a confidence booster and reminder that they were better than the unfortunate circumstances before them. She wanted her girls to know that mom always had them even if it didn't feel like it.
11:22 AM
Petra glanced out the window of Carrie Onadowan's bedroom. They were supposed to be working on a history paper, but that was not in the forefront of their minds. Carrie took a hit of her Juul stick as Petra laid back on the full-sized bed. "What's wrong, boobear?" Carrie asked. Petra sighed and looked at her phone.
"Nothing, I'm just anxious. I want to see my dad. I miss him. But ever since he got out I've been nervous to see him, I've had to talk myself out of several panic attacks," Petra sighed. Carrie slid her vape into her pocket and sighed.
"I'm sorry. I know this must be hard. If it makes you feel better I miss Maddy," Carrie replied. They hadn't seen their best friend in six months after Anthony and Madelynn got into a huge fight, which caused Madelynn to move into her boyfriend's house.
"No," Petra half giggled, "that doesn't make me feel better. I wish we could see Maddy and I wish I could see my father without fear. It's not fair," the teen argued. Carrie pulled her best friend into a bear hug and kissed her cheek.
"Life isn't fair, but it's a hell of a ride," Carrie giggled before she jumped off the bed and dragged Petra on to the fire escape and towards the adventure that awaited them.
11:27 AM
Pippa started her morning, wearing her sports bra and running shorts, in the mirror with her bullet wound. A surreal feeling always washed over her during this time. Looking at the wound didn't feel like looking at her skin. It felt like it belonged to someone else. It belonged to a weak, reckless young mom, desperate for love and approval from all the wrong people. That girl was dead but before she perished, she left Pippa a reminder of what could have been. In return, Pippa traded the one thing of which was all too real. Her range of motion. With 20% gone, she was in excruciating pain when simply trying to hang out in her family's snow cabin. The cold was her biggest enemy. And because the bullet was never removed, when it gets cold out, her shoulder was in a frenzy. During winter, life was hell and during summer, life inside was hell. She couldn't turn the AC on and certainly couldn't live her life to the fullest on the slopes of Aspen with her girls or really anything like she had hoped. However, despite the pain, Pippa still traveled with her girls and did what she could even with a bum arm.
"Pip?" A strong Latino males voice whispered. Pippa looked back to see the love of her life in the doorway.
"You used your key," Pippa smiled. She ran to him and jumped into his arms. Lin held Pippa up by her butt and locked his fingers underneath her. She crossed her legs around his waist and kissed him softly. "I thought your P.O. was making you stay in that group home," Pippa assumed. Lin shook his head and walked her to the all white, queen bed. The recently freed man sat on the bed with his woman in lap.
"Nah. I told them that I couldn't stay in that house. It wasn't good for my program and told them I had to be with my family," Lin said. Pippa kisses him roughly before pushing him back on the bed.
"I love you," Pippa whispered, "more than you will ever know," she finished. Lin tugged at Pippa's sports bra strap and met her lips with his as they fell into a passionate blaze.
1:18 PM
Karen sat at the table as Sebastian walked into the front door. "Where have you been?" Karen asked. Sebastian rolled his eyes and tossed his backpack onto the couch.
"Nowhere," the sixteen-year-old gripped. He started for his room when Karen stood up and came between Sebastian and the hall. "Can you move?" Sebastian rudely growled. Karen folded her arms and popped out her hip.
"Can you explain these?" The mother figure asked. She pulled a row of conforms from her back pocket and held them in full view of Sebastian's unbothered demeanor.
"I think you know what those are. Clearly, you and Jimmy use them. I mean, that's if you guys are still sleeping together," Sebastian snarled. Karen deeply rolled her eyes and threw the condoms on the table.
"Bring a baby or STD into this house and you're done. You're out," Karen warned. Sebastian rolled his eyes and pushed past her. Once out of sight, Karen quickly pulled out her phone and called Pippa.
"Hello?" Pippa cheerfully answered.
"Is Lin back in your care?" Karen asked. Pippa nodded.
"Yeah. He's in the kitchen making lunch for the girls. Why?" Pippa answered.
"Come and get Sebastian. I'm done. I kept him the last 12 years and this child has lost his damn mind. Come and get him! I'm calling the social worker on Monday and we are getting a court date as soon as possible," Karen informed before hanging up. Pippa sat up quickly as the line went dead. She had no idea how to care for a teenage boy. She barely knew how to care for her daughters. She was in for a ride and had no idea how bumpy it was about to get.
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I HAVE A SEQUEL!! I hope you like it!!! Let me know!! Comment.Like.Follow💘 ily💕
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