By Demetria's End-NO!
The meeting was as boring as meetings come by. Nothing new, just the same 'be careful' and the 'don't do anything dumb or without mind' blah, blah, blah. Same old, same new. Especially with me.
All of us had to sleep early for good rest but I seriously didn't feel like it. I wasn't sleepy at all. I do know that if I sleep I will get to talk to Rengar but I wasn't really feeling up to it. That was the most surprising part. Me not wanting to talk to my best friend that left for how many years? Unimaginable. Absolutely absurd.
I checked if I had everything and just sat there. To be honest, I was excited to go. But I was also nervous. Nervocited? I sighed and snuggled up in my bed. There was also the feeling of fear. The fear that we might not come back. That we would be all alone together down there.
The fear of leaving my family overwhelmed me. I thought of everyone else. They all have something to hold onto. The thing that clouded my mind most of all was about Rengar. How did he decide to leave everything behind for our safety? What about Ellie? His father? How is he surviving down there? Is he okay?
A week after he left, the danger of attacks came back saying that all peace was restored. How did he do that with the minimal magic power he had? Did he take the spell? Sure he could've gotten Spring to help him but- how? One too many questions cluttered my mind.
I sighed and decided that there was nothing better to do than sleep, right? Even though I didn't feel like it, I knew I needed it.
I woke up early at 4 in the morning and met up with the others in the Dining Hall.
We were all a bit groggy but none the less, we did well on staying awake. To my surprise, Demetria and all the other Guardians weren't there. After breakfast, we all went to our rooms to change and get our stuff.
I changed into the clothes they gave us. I check once more on my belongings that I needed to have.
Extra clothes: check. Food and water: check. Map: check. The thing I got from Spring: check. Some potions for incase: check. The things for the spell: check. I checked some other stuff off my list and put it away.
I sighed and slung the bag onto my back. I left my room to see Mackenzie waiting for me. I nodded and held a finger up wot tell her to wait. She nodded and rested against the column. I carefully opened the door to my brother's room to check on him.
I know he was still asleep but I felt a weird magic aura coming from all the rooms but Mackenzie's and mine. I sighed and closed the door. He was ok. He was going to be safe.
Mackenzie and I hurried down the hall into the Entrance Hall of the castle. Reyleigh was there waiting for us with the other Guardians and Javier. We opened the door and saw the most surprising thing that we have ever witnessed. Probably...
All in a group, there all the Guardrens stood there ready to leave with us. Those idiots.
"Oh, hi!" Tracey said waving at us. Over the time we've both spent here together, we basically call ourselves sister due to the fact that, A) we look almost alike and B) everyone mixes us up. So we basically adopted each other. We are still sticking to the fact that I'm a Demetria child and she's a Dzann child.
Not to mention Tracey and Logan have become really great friends. I don't ship them for the main reason that they're just like brother and sister.
"What do you think you children are doing at this time of day? Go back to bed!" Demetria said.
"Sorry mom but no can do. One of us- no I am not risking anyone of us to get... whatever you do- overheard the conversation about going to Land 2 or something and thought that we should tag along. It would be a great experience and, hey, Reyleigh's coming too and she's one of us newbies," Aharnish said.
Demetria was lost for words. She sighed and gave a simple answer, "No."
"What?!" The group yelled.
"We're all prepared and are ready to go. So too bad," Winston said.
They all cheered "Yeah!"
I looked up at mom and she was rubbing her forehead. "These children... guardians, help me out with our children..." they all nodded and 'captured' them making them all sit in a row.
After a lot of debating and holding back, they finally agreed to stay here in Luhaven and not go into danger. The only smart thing you did. Sigh... Finally. The portal was set and we all said our goodbyes.
"You better not die," Aharnish said before Demetria gave us a goodbye speech with a few tips "You will be heading to Earathen first and take one portals there. It is what you kids they call the Bermuda Triangle."
I heard a few gasps from the newer Guardrens. "When you go to down to level 6 at the Death Passer gates. Know that you only have one 6 Portal Ball so one you are in, there is no going back up here with that one ball. Keep the fact that this is the last 6 Portal Ball that we are using since we used the other one on your last trip.
"Remember that your magic will wear off faster when you are in a lower level. The place where you can regain your magic is at the Death Passer gates. One more thing," Demetria said. "No dying and no doing anything that is not logical. I want you own and back up as soon as possible with Rengar in tow. If he won't come back, tell him that Ellie misses him or something."
We all nodded though we all knew that one of us were going to do that. As in the doing anything that isn't logical. Javier tends to do that way too often. So often it's becoming a habit and I'm pretty sure that he knows it and I'm pretty sure all the Guardians have a reprimanding speech just waiting to be said. But the best part was that even she ships Elligard. Elligard for life!
We stepped in one at a time. It felt like last time. We all found ourselves in a random place with a lot of greenery. Trees covered our vision all around and there was a small river running beside us. The air was fresh and the sun was just rising. There was no trail to guide us any way possible. Vines hung from the trees and flowers were growing everywhere. There were a few moneys on the branches hollering about.
Which rotation of the Earathen Cycle were we on? None of us knew. All we knew was that this place was amazing. Not as amazing as Luhaven forests but- oops! A flock of birds flew overhead. I looked back and saw a commotion through the closing portal. I shrugged it off though I wish I knew what was going on.
We all looked forward and we started to walk that way when the next thing you know, we all were crashed to the ground. My face was buried in the dirt. Ew. This stuff is gross. Who the?
Please don't tell me that- "CLOSE THE PORTAL!" I looked back and saw the other Guardrens on a pile with the original four on the bottom. Vango closed it off and sighed flopping back onto the pile of bodies. 24 kids. One Quest. Magic drain. Ugh... This is going to be a long (but hopefully worth it) quest.
Fuhuhuhuhuh! So what do you think? the next chapter will be the last of this book. I will make a second one for you all and to finish. To be honest, I actually say By Demetra's End. Haha! It really means by the end of the end. Makes sense? No? Ok.
That photo is for Hurryup1 for her fanfiction. He is little Henry. Yooooooosh! Mueheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh!
What do you all think will happen next in the next chapter? If you're wondering why I made it the Bermuda triangle is because...
*takes a deep breath* Well, you knowhow planes or ships or whatever they send there always crashes, right? Well, I this book they all disappear because they go and become being a guard for the Death Passer and his gate until they die and the Death Passer will send them up. Or they also give them a new life and send them back into Earathen with no memories about it. How they get there? It's just soul there. Ghost like figures. The reason why they get no signal is from the magic. They put a spell on the island (which is actually shaped as a diamond. A huge mountain with the gate on the end of it with the Death Passer at the end) which disables all electronics and turns them all off.
Ok, even I don't know how to say that. Bye! Well some parts but... never mind.
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