The Lost Sister Part 2
THE TWO WERE LED OUTSIDE TO THE JUNKYARD, Winnie was on Kali's left while Jane was on her right.
"I was just like you two once. I kept my anger inside, I tried to hide from it but then that pain festered."
"Festered?" Jane asked.
Kali stopped walking and looked at the two of them.
"It spread, until I finally I confronted my pain and I began to heal."
She continued to walk again and the two followed her, Winnie knew what Kali was talking about, the pain of feeling abused, different, and definitely outcasted but that's why she had her friends. She always talked to her family and friends, especially the guys about it. She confronted her pain long ago, she just had people there beside her.
Kali led the two to where there was no one in sight, there was train far away from them but Kali was focused on that.
"Do you see that train?" Kali Asked.
"Yes." Jane said and Winnie nodded.
"Jane, I want you to draw it to us."
Jane looked at the train and put her hand out, as she used her powers the train began to move and shake a little almost moving in the air until it stopped. Jane placed her hand down to breathe and Winnie grabbed her hand and rubbed her back.
"I can't." Jane says.
"Last night you told me you and Winnie lifted a van once."
"Yes." Jane says
"The bad men were trying to make you angry, good. So find that anger, focus on that, not the train, not its weight."
Jane then let go of Winnie's hand and began to use her powers again.
"I want you to find something from your life, something that angers you. Now channel it!"
Jane then gets ahold of the train,
"Did deeper your whole life you've been lied to, imprisoned."
Winnie then got flashebacks of her life back at the lab, being dragged by the arms. Electrocuted, poked, even stabbed her eyes started to form tears.
The train starts to move forward even with the wall in the way it screeched again the side coming faster.
"The bad men took away your home your mother."
Jane started to bring faster, closer as the pain from both sisters increased.
"They took everything from you, they stole your life Jane!"
Jane began to scream until she finally let the train go and fell to the ground. Winnie looked at her in amazement and shock.
"Woah yeah Jane!" The gang screamed out cheering her on, and Kali bent down to Jane's level and looked at her.
"How do you feel?" Kali Asked Jane.
"Good." Wiping the blood from her nose.
"Now it's your turn." Kali says to Winnie.
Kali was able to take Winnie to a part of the factory where there was dead grass and soil underneath their feet. Jane was sitting on the ground while Kali wanted to know what Winnie could do.
"I want you to give life to the grass."
Winnie nodded and looked towards the grass and closed her eyes she seemed to get the grass beneath her feet to live but nothing else. Kali nodded and began to talk.
"Just like Jane you are tied with emotions, she felt pain but for you I think you've already confronted your pain correct?"
"Yes, it was when I first lived with my family."
"Okay, instead of feeling anger think of happy thought think of things that made you excited."
Winnie nodded and closed her eyes once more and thought of her happiest moments.
Mom and daughter days with Joyce
Playing dungeons and dragons with the guys
Jonathan making her mixtapes
Her and Will drawing together
Dustin and her's first kiss..
Winnie opened her eyes to reveal not only the grass to live but tons of different flowers growing around her and Kali.
Kali smiled and grabbed a flower putting it behind her hair.
"Let's go I need to show you two something else okay."
The two girls nodded and followed Kali, Winnie grabbing a flower and placing it in Jane's hair.
They were shown a room filled with pictures some from newspapers or just one taken from cameras they were surrounded with notes or some with a red X.
"These are the bad men, as you call them. The ones we believe are still alive. You two know any of them?" Kali Asked.
The two girls looked around until Jane grabbed a picture from the wall.
"Him, he hurt mama." Kali got a better look at the picture.
"His name is Ray Caroll and he did more than hurt your mother." Kali said darkly.
"People like Ray they know about us it's made them hard to track but maybe not anymore." She says looking at the two.
Winnie went up stairs and started to through her back and saw her sketchbook. But then Winnie all of sudden felt a burn in her chest as if there was fire being pointed at her chest. She dropped her sketchbook and began to breathe heavily, it began to get hotter and hotter and she soon began to see a dark red mark on her chest.
"Winnie?" Jane asked.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
Winnie composed herself letting her jacket cover her red chest.
"I'm fine, so what's up?"
"We are going to the bad man's house."
Winnie nodded and got a better look at Jane after regaining her posture. Her sister went through a huge makeover, she had her hair slicked back had a leather jacket on that was longer than hers and black jeans and black sneakers that she wore before. She even had eye shadow on and lipstick. Jane went downstairs with her and everyone was ready to go. They go outside to reach the van, walking getting ready to visit Ray Caroll.
"You girls ready to have a fun time?" Kali Asked putting her hands on the girls' shoulders.
Winnie got in the van but as she did she felt something wrong almost as if something wasn't right with her.
Winnie and Jane were in the car having fun with Kali as Mick blasted music in the car everyone dancing. Kali was giving Jane and Winnie both masks, Jane and Winnie both got a baby doll mask given to them by Kali.
"It's so people can't see your face, we don't want them to recognize you okay?"
Both girls nodded and stopped at a gas station, Mick was putting in gas while the others we're gonna go inside. Once again Winnie didn't feel good and Kali looked at her worriedly seeing her look a little hot.
"You want to stay in the car?"
Winnie nodded and Kali gave a nod to everyone as they looked at her.
"Funshine stay in the car with her, we'll be back."
"Get me a six pack of beer." He says.
"She looks sick." Axel says getting out of the car.
"We'll get her some medicine inside." Kali says shutting the door.
It was just Funshine and Winnie in the car now, he looked at her and moved out of his seat.
"Here, you can sit in my spot it's got a great spot near the AC."
She shuffled over there and switched spots, she gave him a smile as she got comfortable.
"You know, you remind me of my daughter." He says catching her attention.
"What?" Winnie asked.
"My daughter, it was kind of the whole reason I joined this group."
"Really What happened?" Winnie asked.
"My daughter was taken from me, she was gonna be the same thing Kali was. I tried getting her back, I was gonna break in Hawkins Lab at night but when I was getting out of the car about to break in through the gate at night. I saw them with my daughter in their arms dead, she couldn't survive the treatment they were giving her so they tossed her in the dumpster and lit it on fire so no one could find the body."
"I'm sorry."
"That's when I found Kali, I was in anger and despair after the death of my daughter I went to a motel. I found her near the dumpster and from then on I joined and began to kill those sick bastards after they killed my daughter. You remind me of her, she was your age and she always protected the one she loves just like your protected your sister from Axel."
"What was her name?"
Winnie and Funshine then heard shouting outside, she looked through the window and saw the gang rushing to car with stuff in their hands. Mick got in the car quickly and started the car, everyone dove in quickly and rushed away from the gas station.
"That was a close one." Axel said.
Kali sat next to Winnie and grabbed something out of her coat. It was medicine for a cold or flu, it was purple liquid and said "Grape flavor"
"Here, you should take some of this."
Winnie grabbed it from Kali and opened it, filling the cap up with the medicine and gulping it down with a shudder.
"You should rest, it's a long way to Ray's house."
Winnie rested her head on Kali's shoulder letting darkness consume her as she rested.
Winnie was being nudged gently as she began to wake up. She opened her eyes and saw Funshine.
"We're here Winnie."
Winnie rubbed her eyes and saw that it was nighttime and they were parked.
"We should case the place, stick to the routine. We have time." Mick says.
"We also have them. Jane can you look?" Kali asked.
Jane nodded and closed her eyes letting her eyes dart back and forth, she opened her eyes.
"He's watching television."
"Is he alone?" Mick asked.
"I saw him, no one else." Jane responded.
"Sounds good enough for me." Kali assured them.
"Me too." Dottie says giggling.
"Let's do this." Funshine said.
Everyone grabbed their masks and got out of the van, Winnie got out and Funshine stayed beside her.
"I'm gonna stay beside you, you don't look too good and Kali said to."
Winnie nodded and everyone went into action as Mick stayed in the car.
"Keep it running." Kali tells her.
"Meet you around." Mick says driving away to the back.
They all walked together and made their way up the stairs to the apartment complex. Jane looked at the door and reached her hand out unlocking it.
They go inside quietly to see Ray fixing the tv, Jane, Winnie, and Kali both sneak up behind him.
"Hello Ray." Kali says.
"Jesus Christ!" Ray shouts trying to run away only to see Funshine.
"Sit down, please." Funshine then grabs Ray and makes him sit down in his chair.
"Just please..... just take what you want." He stutters.
"Oh we will." Axel says.
"Where's your wallet." Dottie asked.
"My bedroom, in my jeans." Axel and Dottie nod and make their way to his bedroom.
Funshine makes his way to the door guarding it so Ray couldn't escape. Winnie, Jane, and Kali stood in front of Ray as he looked at the three in fear.
Kali takes off her mask as well as Winnie and Jane. Ray looked at them confused as Kali moved forward.
"Do you remember us?" Kali Asked.
"No... no I don't."
Jane makes the light flicker and when they come back on Kali made him see the younger version of them both Winnie and Jane at age 5 and Kali at age 9.
"What about us do you remember us?" 9 year old Kali says.
The lights flicker again to reveal their normal selves and Kali punches him in the face. He falls to the floor as he pleas for mercy.
"You hurt mama." Jane says angrily, she then screams and launches him towards the wall making the wall behind him crack.
"Please, I just did what he told me to do. He told me she was sick."
Kali looked at Winnie,
"This is her's." Winnie nodded and stayed back, she didn't like this side of Jane.
She knew that she was upset but it didn't have to be like this. Winnie then all of sudden felt a wave of exhaustion, she felt dizzy and held onto the chair.
"Winnie?" Funshine said.
"I'm fine."
"Wait! I can help you find him."
"Who?" Kali Asked.
"Brenner! I can take you to him."
"Papa is gone." Jane says.
"No he's still alive."
"Do not lie to us Ray." Kali says.
Winnie then began to feel dizzy again, she watched as Jane was about to kill him by choking him but couldn't do it. Kali grabbed her gun aiming at him, Funshine came over to Winnie and helped her but it was too late as she went unconscious.
"Winnie!" He shouted.
Kali looked at Winnie and looked back at Raymond as he continued to plea.
"If he's alive, Jane will find him. Just as she found you."
As she was about to shoot she was interrupted by Axel and Dottie.
"K we gotta go!"
"There's kids." Dottie explains.
Kali was about to shoot once more but Jane stopped her and used her powers to get rid of the gun. Raymond gave her a grateful look but Kali looked at her with anger.
They begin to hear sirens and police vehicles and made a run for it. Funshine held Winnie and rushed her to the car as fast as he could. They could see Mick in the van and she opened the door for them getting back in.
Jane looked at Winnie in panic, wondering what's wrong with her. She was interrupted by Kali grabbing her arm.
"If you decided to not to kill him that is your choice but don't you ever take away my choice understand?" She says sternly.
Jane nodded and looked out the window, hoping that Winnie was alright.
Winnie was still fast asleep on the bed at the warehouse, Kali felt her forehead as Jane sat on the bed next to her.
"She feels so cold." Kali says taking her hand off.
Jane said nothing and looked away from Kali, Kali noticed this and sat across from Jane.
"I was once just like you both, you know that?" Kali
Started "but I'm so hard on you because I see in you my past mistakes."
"They were kids." Jane says to her.
"Does that excuse that man for his sins? Were we three not also children?" She asked her.
Jane looked away again not answering.
"I remember the day I came into the rainbow room and you two were gone.... so, when my gifts were strong enough I escaped. I found a family like Winnie's, a place where I was far away where I hid. But they couldn't help me, and I eventually lost them. I decided to play the part, to stop hiding and to use my gifts against those who hurt us."
Kali looked over at Winnie, and placed the blanket over her.
"But now you and Winnie are faced with the same choice. To hide away with your police man and Winnie to stay with her family or stay and face him."
"Who?" Jane asked.
"The man who calls himself our father." Kali says darkly.
"Papa is dead." Jane says getting up.
"That man tonight disagreed." A man says.
Jane turned around and saw her so called "papa" Kali was using her powers to get through to Jane. Jane back away in fear.
"You're not real." Jane says.
"All this time? And you haven't looked for me? Why? Because you thought I was dead? Or because you were afraid of what you might find?"
"Go away." Jane says closing her eyes as tears began to fall.
"You have to confront your pain. You have a wound Eleven, a terrible wound. And it's festering, do you remember what that means? It means a rot, and it will grow..."
"Get our out of my head." Jane says angrily.
"And eventually, it will kill you."
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Jane screams making the lights around her flicker and Brenner disappearing. Jane began to sob as Kali came to walk over to her.
Winnie began to wake up and saw Jane.
"Jane...." She says groggily.
Jane couldn't hear her as she sobbed uncontrollably.
"This isn't a prison, Jane. Your always free to return to your policeman and Winnie to go back to her family. Or you two can stay, and avenge your mother. Let us heal our wounds together."
Kali walked away leaving Jane and Winnie all alone, Winnie walked over to Jane only for her to grab onto Winnie tightly and sob.
It was a couple minutes later when Jane finally calmed down, Winnie and Jane were discussing what they were gonna do.
"I can't stay here Jane, I-"
"I know." Jane reassured her holding onto her hand.
Winnie and Jane both began to pack for Winnie and Jane saw her flannel and held it close to her chest. Winnie looked at Jane and saw that she was in a trance, her eyes were darting back and forth. Winnie went over to her and grabbed her arm only to be sucked in.
"ANYONE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP!" Winnie heard Dustin scream.
She was in the dark place all over again just like when she saw her mother. She saw him on the ground screaming into his radio.
Winnie went to grab him but he disappeared into thin air. She shouted to him trying to reach him but she was pulled out of there when hearing police officers.
Jane opened her eyes too and looked at Winnie, both rushed to the window of the room and saw police officers barging in. Kali grabbed their hands and looked at them.
"Let's go."
Winnie grabbed her bag full of stuff just in time and followed Kali, they all met up with the others and saw the police officers coming in. Kali used her powers so the officers couldn't see them, everyone in the group looked nervous as the police went around them. When the all left the room the gang made a run for it, as they went outside police officers saw them, and began to shoot. Axel pulled out his pistol and began to shoot at them.
Mick helped Jane and Winnie to the van as Kali used her powers to make an illusion of the wall she created.
Everyone got in except for Jane and Winnie, Kali looked at them confused.
"Come on you two."
"We can't, our friends need us." Winnie says.
"Now is really not the time to do this." Axel says nervously.
"Look your mother brought you two here for a reason, they cannot save you both." Kali says.
"No.... but we can save them." Jane says.
"We're Sorry."
Winnie and Jane ran into the alley as Kali began to scream for them. Funshine watched as Winnie ran away and he too was upset and yelled for Winnie.
Jane and Winnie cried as they tried to ignore the pleas from Kali. The watch as the van disappears and the police chase after them. Leaving Jane and Winnie all alone again.
Winnie and Jane were able to get tickets for the bus back to Hawkins. Winnie sat in the inside again and sat beside Jane. Jane laid her head on Winnie's shoulder and looked at her.
"You feel cold." Jane says.
Winnie pupils became dilated almost as if something took over.
"He likes it cold..." She says.
The bus began to go back him unknowingly what was awaiting for them. Especially Winnie........
A/N: Hey guys sorry for this really long wait you had to endure. I was dealing with a lot of stuff and since I'm trying to get this finished I'm also going to be editing the book as well. So hope you enjoyed the chapter❤️
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