This a one-shot collection I created based on the theories my brother and I have been discussing about where the final arc of Bleach would go. I held off sharing them because some people do consider this to be a form of potential spoilers, but a few people I know are frustrated with where the Manga currently is going. I doubt they're the only people who need a pick-me-up, so here is 1000 Years: One Shots. Since this is a collection the starting rating is going to be T and if need be I'll bump it up to an M rating. Even if a theory gets disproved later on and I haven't written for it I'll still work with it for this collection.
Story Index
1. Killing Shot – All Quincy kill Hollows instead of sending them to Soul Society, or do they?
… Characters: Uryu, Ryuken Genre: Drama, Crime (sort of...) PG
2. Calculations – Does one Hollow equal one soul? Aren't the calculations off
… Characters: Rin, Akon, Hiyosu Genre: General PG13
3. Cold Truth - What Uryu and the others know about the Quincy is only part of the truth, there is more to their lineage then what he and the others have been told. The leader spills the beans.
… Characters: Uryu, the Vandenreich leader Genre: Drama, Suspense PG13
4. Changing the Academy – Kyoraku and Ukitake...
… Characters: Yamamoto, Kyoraku, Ukitake Genre: Historical (for Bleach that is) PG13
5. Pure One – BB reveals exactly what a Pure One is out of pure boredom with Komamura Sajin.
… Characters: Bambietta Basterbine, Momamura Sajin Genre: Drama, Suspense PG13
6. Cousins - Ichigo's memories from around the time his Mother died and before are somewhat vague. Even when another funeral crops up he can't remember those memories well.
... Characters: The Kurosaki family, Ishida families and Toshiro Genre: Family, Angst PG
7. Revival - Byakya has failed Renji and Rukia... or has he.
... Characters: Byakuya, As Nodt and a special surprise quest Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Horror PG13
8. Pure Zero - An arguement insudes between Shinji and Momo about Toshiro's stupidity.
... Characters: Shinji, Momo, a member of Zero Squad Genre: Drama PG
9. Pure Ire - Time to turn back the pendulum to see an event in the past.
... Characters: Aizen, Hikifune Genre: Drama PG
10. New Generation - Why do the Vandenreich want to attach?
... Characters:Bambietta Basterbine Genre: Drama PG
11. Whom - Who was it that pointed their blade at Urahara's neck?
... Characters: Urahara, Ichigo's friends and a few others Genre: Suspense PG
12. Snatched - Toshiro finds himself and Rangiku attacked, but the way the man treats him and Rangiku bothers him. PG13
13. Family Problems - Yamamotto has to deal with some family problems involving his niece.
...Characters: Yamamotto and his niece. Genre: Family, Angst, Drama PG13
14. Yin and Yang - Juhabach has a family.
...Caracters: Juhabach, Yamamotto's neice. Gin and Cang Du (before he was named) Genre: Family PG
15. E Stands for... Silbern was the original E among the Stern Ritter.
...Characters - Juhabach, Gin and Cang Du (before he was named) Genre: General PG13
16. Ran for Your Life... With the bloodlines weakening the Vandenriech leader makes the decision to bring in fresh blood and has his Stern Ritter kidnap a few young ones from Soul Society. Things begin to change.
... Characters - Juhabach, Gin, Cang Du (before he was named), Rangiku Genre: Friendship, Romance PG13
17. Ran for Your Life... This is how "Silbern" gets his canon name.
... Characters - Gin, Cang Du (before he was named), Rangiku Genre: Friendship, Romance PG13
Note: In Japan it is not against the law to marry your cousin even if they are first cousins because it is the forth level, the lowest level allowed. This is why you see cousin relationships a lot in Anime. The "circumstances" determine whether it is taboo or not and in this particular case it is not.
18. Bane of Family... Yamamoto ended up not defeating the Vandenreich Leader ever so long ago. What was the reason for it?
... Characters - Yamamoto, Juhabach, OC Genre: Family PG13
19. New Game... Cang Du and Rangiku are playing a "game" and Gin wants to play it too. Since they aren't around he decides to play said game with his father.
... Characters - Gin, Cang Du (before he was named), Rangiku and Juhabach Genre: Friendship, Romance PG13
20. Ran for His Life III... Juhabach begins to discuss which of the twins will marry Rangiku. Gin makes the decision because of the discussionshe hears to take Rangiku back to soul society and return her to her family so she can be happy and smile again. Ran has other ideas though, but so does Schwarx.
... Characters - Gin, Cang Du (before he was named), Juhabach, OC and two other canon characters Genre: Romance, Angst R
21. Heat Wave... Toshiro's world is turned upside down when he is "snatched" away from Rangiku's side.
... Characters - Toshiro, Cang Du (before he was named) Bambietta, Juhabach Genre: Family R
22. Death to Traitor... Juhabach has a bone to pick with Aizen and it isn't about joining his army.
...Characters - Juhabach, Aizen Genre: Death PG13
23. Death... Being forced to accept a new life isn't a nice thing.
...Characters - Toshiro, Rangiku, Cang Du (before he was named Genre: Family, Angst PG13
Note: I was expecting Yamamotto to die. I didn't expect the chapter he died to be as depressing as it was.
24. Gift for Gin... Cang Du brings home a gift for his brother.
...Characters - Gin, Cang Du (before he was named), Toshiro Genre: Family, Angst PG13
25. Death... Toshiro and Rangiku talk after being dragged into the room.
...Characters - Toshiro, Rangiku Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Family PG13
26. Lost One... Someone holds a blade to Urahara's throat.
...Characters -Those in the world of Hollows Genre: Action, Suspensse PG13
27. Perfect Blood Line... Upon finding out that Kurosaki Ichigo's bloodline is Shinigami, part Quincy, he decides that he's found the perfectmat ch for his young grandson.
28. Children Born of Darkness... Ichigo findings out that Toshiro and he have a lot morein commonthenh e previously thought.
... Characters - Toshiro, Ichigo, Cang Du (Before he was named), Juhabach, Bambietta PG13
29. Uncle... Ganju calls Isshin Uncle so he is related to them, but...
... Characters - Shiba and Kurosaki families Genre Family PG
30. Kitty Kat... Urahara brings home a new member of the family, much to Yourichi's dissapointment.
... Characters - Yourichi, Urahara and Grimjow Genre Family, Humor pg13
31. Broken Trust... Toshiro finds his world breaking apart and the last straw comes with yet another death. In order to try to find answers he finds himself making a rather big mistake.
... Characters: Toshiro, Kyoraku, Ukitake. others Genre: Angst PG13
32. Idiocy... One persons view when it comes to the rag tag group.
... Characters: Those with Urahara Genre: Humor PG
33. Daughter Mine... Gin is dragged bacandk yet doesn't interactwithhisadrangikusdau n ' ghter, much to the girl's displeasure.
... Characters: Gin and Bambietta Genre: Angst PG
34. Exile... When Toshiro finds out that Ichigo is kicked out of Soul Society he finds himself even more torn then he is already.
... Characters: Ichigo and Toshiro Genre: Angst PG13
35. Broken Trust II... Toshiro heads to Vendereich only to find his big mistake coming back to bite him in the butt.
... Characters: Toshiro and the Vandenreich Genre: Angst PG13
36. Different Set of Twins... There is something that Ichigo and Orhime have, something they have to tell each other. What they have to say though makes things really awkward.
...Characters: Ichigo and Orihime Genre: Family, Angst PG13
37. Radeo Kon... Kon intervies young Masaki and asks some interesting questions.
...Characters: Kon, Masaki Genre: Humor, Satire PG13
38. My Sister... Ryukeni s over protective of Masaki and doesn't like the idea of Isshin being around, but he finds himself being ableto deal with it.
...Characters: Ryuken, Masaki, Isshin Genre: Family, Romance PG
39. Burst Bubble... Orihime's "world" comes crashing down.
...Characters: Ichigo and Orihime Genre: Family/one sided Romance PG
40. Oddities... Toshiro asks some questions of a couple people.
...Characters: Toshiro, Kyoraku... Genre: Mild Romance, Humor PG
Note - Toshiro/Karin
41. Perfect Blood Line II... Sequel to Perfect Bloodline
...Characters: Toshiro, Karin... Genre: Angst PG
42. Home... There was always that aching question of where he belonged. Apprehensively Toshiro takes a step forward and in getting to know his division members and he finds out where he very much belongs.
...Characters: Toshiro, Tenth Dibision... Genre: Friendship, Family, Hurt/Comfort PG
43. Zan to Zin... Theoretical piece on the discussion between the two as of chapter 540.
...Characters: Ichigo and Zangetsu...Genre: General PG
44. The Lies We Tell... The lies that have been told... the half truths that eat away at the soul. Toshiro is finding himselt being thrown into a pit of lies without realizing it.
...Characters: Toshiro and other characters. Genre: General, Slice of Life PG
Notes: I have a few one-shots partially written and I have others that I'm going to write despite not necessarily being compliant with later chapters, but this is inspired by 543. Pretty much I'm working out some kinks in the theories I came up with. Not that it matters whether the theories I come up with turn out true. That's part of the fun of theoretical work. Also... I ask for a bit of willing suspense of disbelief when it comes to this particular chapter. The Vandenriech has attacked soul society again and taken Toshiro away. Also, a bit of shuffling with the relationships for this one. :D
45. Siblings... Gin is his usual self. Pretty much his interactions between two of his possibly siblings.
Characters: Gin, Jugram, Cang Du and a few of Juhabach's possible wives.Genre: Family G
46. Jail of My Heart... Toshiro had a wish, a wish to have a family that is blood related to him. When his wish comes true it ends up being his worst nightmare.
Characters: Toshiro and others from the Vandenreich family Genre: Angst/Horror/Family R
Notes: I originally came up with the idea for this one around chapter 540, but it is also influenced by chapter 543. Also, this theorizes that Juhabach attacked again and kidnapped Toshiro again. Also keep in mind that "yu" and "ju" technically aren't interchangeable for each other, but... well... you'll see.
47. 46... Toshiro is brought back and hears that the Forty-Six is planning on executing Juhabach's entire family line. He asks for an audience with them.
Characters: Toshiro and the Forty-Six Genre: General PG13
Notes: Again... assume Toshiro is kidnapped during a second run, Ichigo wins and Juhabach is dead.
48. Bad Homecoming... What do you do when you find out your twin is the worst of both your parents?
Characters: Toshiro, Bambietta and other female family members. Juhabach and Cang Du as well. Genre: General PG13
Notes: Again, Toshiro is kidnapped during a second run. I'm actually not surprised with Bambietta's characterization in chapter 544. She's got Gin's sadistic side as well as his liking for cutting people in half. She's also got Rangiku's bad trait of using her sexual appeal to manipulate guys. Also, I was originally trying to write a different one-shot called "Harrassment", but it ended up taking a different turn. So I'll try going about that one a different way. Actually... this one shot had a mind of its own and wasn't very nice to me when I tried controlling the direction it went in.
49. Duty... Pretty much where chapter 545 left off.
Characters: Kyoraku, Tatsuki, Keigo and Mizuiro Genre: Friendship, Angst PG13
50. Forgiveness... They were pardoned... and yet they caused so much pain.
Characters: Toshiro and Cang Du Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort, PG13
51. Creepy Kid... A different spin on why Gin said what he said during the Winter War.
Characters: Gin and Ichigo Genre: Angst, PG13
52. I'm Sorry... Ties in with "Creepy Kid".
Characters: Gin, Yamamotto and Chojiro Genre: Angst, PG13
Notes: A lot of people have surmised that Gin saying he could put things into Ichigo's hands means that he can pretty much go ahead and die in peace. Rangiku's saying Gin left her nothing is a confirmation as well that he is dead. However, people should know by now that you've got to dig into what Tite Kubo means. I've never thought either thing was a confirmation of him being dead. This is pretty much what Gin would say to Yamamotto and Chojiro before he takes off.
53. Icy Fear... Toshiro finds himself recognizing the place he is.
Characters: Toshiro and other characters. Genre: Angst, Psychological PG13
54. Icy Panic... Toshiro finds himself recognizing the place he is.
Characters: Toshiro and other characters. Genre: Angst, Psychological PG13
55. Away in the Shadows... There was a reason Rangiku always struggled to find Gin. He had a habit of slipping off into the shadows.
Characters: Gin, Rangiku, Toshiro Genre: Angst PG
56. Always Two... There are snide comments made about Ichigo's zampaktuo. Takes place after the war and tenth division is the way it used to be.
Characters: Ichigo, Toshiro, Bambietta Genre: Reflection PG
Notes: At least one person has told me that the "from the shadows" thing surprised them. I recently discussed something with by brother involving the zampaktuo arc and how Ichigo's attack was no longer tainted black once he separated from dark Zangetsu. People thought this was a mistake on the part of the Animators just as they thought it was a mistake for Soifon to refer to the first division fukutaicho as having a captain level zampaktuo. I have a theory behind why tenth is still around despite recent changes but I'm not going to be able to go into that one in this one-shot.
57. Backfire... Toshiro gets hurt by his own new ability.
Characters: Toshiro, Bambietta, Bazz-B, Jugram, Lilly Genre: Suspense PG
58. こ-き-よ... Today's Radio Kon episode is about BG9
Characters: Kon, Orihime, Uryu Genre: Theoretical PG13
59. 550a... There is a secret behind BG9
Characters: Toshiro, Granny, Rangiku Genre: Theoretical PG
60. Despair... that's a burning pain to deal with.
Characters: Toshiro, Bazz-B, Bambietta Genre: Theoretical PG13
61. Lost One... Why design a robot?
Characters: Shaz, Bazz-B, Jugram and two others Genre: Theoretical PG13
62. E Stands for... Theory behind Bambietta's powers.
Characters: Bambietta, Toshiro, others Genre: Theoretical PG13
63. The Way We Are... People deal with feelings in different ways.
Characters: Bambietta, Toshiro, Rangiku Genre: Theoretical PG13
64. Yups... Toshiro finds himself rescued and then finds out something he doesn't want to hear.
Characters: Toshiro and some others... Genre: Angst PG13
65. I... As Toshiro lies there he comes to realize he doesn't want to die.
Characters: Toshiro... Genre: Angst PG13
66. Like Us Gang goes in for the killing blow.
Characters: Toshiro, Bazz-B, Cang Genre: Angst R
67. Twisted... The floral cross equates...
Characters: The Stern Ritter Genre: Theoretical
68. Twins... Bambietta believes Toshiro has mental issues while Toshiro is tired of her leveling things. Of course, things turn out differently then they would both like.
Characters... Bambietta, Toshiro and a few others... Genre: Humor, Angst PG13
Theory Index
Quincy don't completely destroy Hollows like Shinigami think. ~ If it is true that the Quincy destroy Hollows when they defeat them then why didn't they take issue with Uryu destroying hollows. He even took over Ichigo's Substitute Shinigami duties while Ichigo lost his ability to fight. What if what determines whether a Hollow is destroyed or not is where the killing blow on the Hollow is levied. This is the real reason why Shinigami are trained to aim for the head. Uryu unlike the Quincy of the past actually aimed for the head and not the body... or the heart area. Another idea is that Uryu is stronger then Ichigo realizes, which is why Kirge makes the comment that the leader thought he would be stronger then what is known. Stories: 1.) Killing Shot, 2.) Calculations Status: Unconfirmed
Quincy and Shinigami are one in the same. ~ Despite the fact Ichigo would be considered a half breed instead of a full blood he is able to perform the Blunt, which can only be learned naturally if one is a Pure Blood. On top of this the Shinigami have the attack force within their army, but are missing the tanks as well as the long range weaponry that is normally associated with a strong army source. We also know there are lots of things that have been left out of what the Quincy have told us. Stories: 3. Cold Truth, 5. Pure One Status: Confirned. Juhabach has been revealed to have blood ties to the kind of Soul Society. (Status may be adjusted as more info comes out.)
The war caused the way things were run at the academy to change. ~ We also know that a thousand years ago Yamamoto failed to kill the leader of the Vandenreich. Another fact we know is that the Academy wasn't always known as the "Spiritual Arts Academy". When it was originally founded it was called the "Shinigami Academy." It now trains students not just to be shinigami, but also Kido Corps and the Secret Police. What if the reason for this change was due to Soul Society losing the Quincy a thousand years ago as part of their army. Stories: 4.) Changing the Academy Status: Disproven … Apparently the academy was not formed until after the war.
Ryukin and Masaki are siblings and thus Ichigo and Uryu are cousins. ~ Do you guys remember the Fullbringer Arc that a lot of people disliked and thought was pointless? It may not be as pointless as some people think and was there to drop some clues for people to pick up if they weren't too disenchanted with the story line. One of the weak points to Tsukishima Shukuro's powers is in order to insert his presence into someone's past he needs to remove the presence of another person. Yuzu specifically says that he is their cousin and the last time they saw him was at the funeral of Grandpa Rin. Stories: 6.) Cousins Status: Partly disproven, partly proven... Ryukin and Masaki were actually cousins who were raised as siblings and think of each other as siblings. This still makes Ichigo and Uryu cousins.
Byakuya will survive by becoming a Hollow. ~ Everybody thought he was dead and I had an anonymous reviewer ask my thoughts about his "death". I figured this was a possible sollution as something drastic had to occur for Byakuya's character to grow. Stories: 7.) Revival Status: Disproved... the drastic thing Tite Kubo choose was different then I had in mind. Still... Byakuya may still have a hollow he's got to deal with... or I should say has dealt with.
Members of Zero Squad are "pureones". ~ There is something that sets the members of Zero Squad apart that got them selected. Perhaps it is because they are pureones like Ichigo. They may even have a Hollow form. Stories: 8.) Pure Zero Status: Unproven... What caused them to be selected for Zero Squad has been revealed, but there may be more to it.
Aizen wanted a position in Zero Squad. - The man was ambitious. Stories: 9. Pure Ire Status: Unconfirmed
The Vandenreich want to kidnap the children. - Tite Kubo has said that the Vandenreich's attack on soul society would leave the place pretty much devastated. However, soul society has faced being killed and the buildings destroyed before. The V also know if they kill to many people in soul society that they'll end up destroying themselves. There is only one thing I can think of then that would be worse then what they've seen before. It would be the taking of the children. But why? Because they need the children to build up their future generations. Stories: 10. New Generation, 12. Snatched, 21. Heat Wave, 23. Death, 24. Gift for Gin, 25. Death Status: Disproven... they weren't going after the kids and there was a different way that Soul Society was devistated.
Juhabach's family consists of... - His wife, two sons... one of which is Gin... his sons wives... one of which is Rangiku... his grandchildren... which includes Toshiro, Bambietta, Lillynette, Yukio... his wives Uncle/Father/Grandfather... Yamamotto and/or Soul King... his son's wives Uncle/Brother/Father/Grandfather... Ukitake... and some others. Stories... 13.) Family Problems..., 14. Yin and Yang, 15.) E Stands for..., 16.) Ran for Your Life I, 17.) Ran for Your Life II, 18.) The Bane of Family, 19.) New Game, 20.) Ran for Your Life III, 21.) Heat Wave, 22.) Death to a Traitor, 23.) Death, 24.) Gift for Gin, 25.) Death, 33.) Daughter Mine , 48.) Bad Homecoming, 51. Creepy Kid Status... Slightly proven... Juhabach's father is the Soul King, but not the father of an unnamed wife.
E stands for execution. - Bamietta was going nuts with her weapon, so my first guess as to what her powers were was E for execution. Stories 15.) E Stands for... Status... Disproven
Gin is being held captive by the Vandenreich. - Pretty much what it says. It does tie into the theory of who Juhabach's family happens to be. Stories... 24.) Gift for Gin Status... Unproven
Urahara met Gin in the world of the Hollows - Pretty much what it says. Stories... 26.) Lost One Status... Unproven
Shinigami/Quincy hybrids are the perfect bloodline due to their power. - Pretty much what it says. Stories 27.) Perfect Blood Line, 41.) Perfect Blood Line II Status... Unproven
Hybrids are the dark children. - Juhabach talks about Ichigo being a son of darkness. Stories... 28.) Children Born of Darkness Status... Neutral
Isshin is the forth Shiba sibling. - He's likely the eldest. Stories... 29.) Uncle Status... Unconfirmed
Grimjow was the one Urahara met in the desert. - What it says. Someone there wanted to fight Ichigo after all. Stories... 30.) Kitty Kat Status... Unconfirmed
Toshiro will try to sneak into Quincy territory. - What it says. Stories... 31.) Broken Trust Status... Disproven
Toshiro's twin is... Bamietta. Stories... 33.) Daughter Mine, 48.) Bad Homecoming Status... Unpoven
Ichigo and Orihime are twins. - This is a theory I discussed with my brother before, but didn't want to write it as the theory will bother some Ichigo/Orihime fans. However, chapter 530 caused the theory to be brought up and discussed again as this particular chapter helps the theory out one might say. Yes, they have different birthdates but even that can be explained away. Stories... 36.) Different Set of Twins, 39.) Burst Bubble Status... Unconfirmed
Ryuken thinks of Masak as a sibling. - Some people think that Ryuken has romantic feelings for Masaki but I think he sees her as a sibling. Stories... 38.) My Sister Stuatus... Unconfirmed
Juhabach has multiple wives. - Pretty much what it says. Stories... 45.) Siblings Status... Unconfirmed
Toshiro is named after Ukitake. - Change the "to" to "ju" which follows the naming pattern for Juhabach and Jugram and you get Jushiro. Stories... 46.) Jail of My Heart Status... Unconfirmed
The ice palace is tied to Toshiro. - A thousand years ago... and his attack lasts for a thousand years. Stories... 53.) Icy Fear Status... Unconfirmed
BG9 is Gin. - My brother messed with the hirigana quite a bit before chapter 549 because I remembered something I learned from Detective Conan about Japanese keyboards. Then the chapter came out and he was like, "See! See! I told you Gin is alive! Not only did I tell you he was alive I told you he would be using his zampaktuo as his arm and it will be a tribute to Zombie Powder. We'll see him of course wielding a grappling gun." So... well, if it isn't Gin he's going to be disappointed if you can't tell already. And yes, he told me that many months ago... including the fact Gin will be using a sword like that character from Zombie Powder. Stories... 59.) こ-き-よ Status... unconfirmed... not likely
E stands for explosion. - The theory is that Bambietta's powers are fire based. Stories 62.) E Stands for... Status... Proven. Her power is "The Explosion" instead, but they are fire based.
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