3. Cold Truth
Title: Cold Truth
Genre: Drama, Suspense
Characters: Uryu, the Vandenreich Leader
Summary: What Uryu and the others know about the Quincy is only part of the truth, there is more to their lineage then what he and the others have been told. The leader spills the beans
Rating: T
Date Posted:
Cold Truth
The Vandenreich Leader sat in his throne with his legs crossed, looking at the captured Quincy from the living world that was forced onto his knees with his hands tied behind his back. Uryu glared at the man with his blue eyes, his eye glasses cracked from the fight he had been in before they captured him. The man watched him with amusement.
Finally Uryu let out a deep sigh. "If you are going to kill me, just go ahead and kill me."
"Kill you? You're one of us aren't you?" The man stated with a smirk on his face. The teenagers mouth remained shut in protest. The man then spoke up again. "Do you think our attacks on the Shinigami was unjustified?"
The young man spoke up. "I know that the Shinigami killed a good deal of us off two hundred years ago, but the fact is we were causing an imbalance to the system. We could have caused the destruction of the world. This is about getting revenge on them for what happened two-hundred years ago."
"Our move actually wasn't about getting revenge for two-hundred years ago. Our revenge... if you can call it that relates to when we were kicked out of soul society a thousand years ago."
"That's impossible." Uryu's mouth twisted up in consternation. "We Quincy were scattered across the world and then came together here."
"Why would a group that is scattered across the world come together in one place if they are not related? All of us came from Soul Society and we were scattered across the world. The whole issue came about when we... the original ones who left... decided we were tired of letting our own be killed by the Hollows. It wasn't as if we had the option of those in the living world to see them again once we died."
"But it is still about the disagreement of what is better, to send the Hollows to where they belong or completely destroy them."
"No... this is about us being kicked out of our homes. The Quincy that were killed off two-hundred years ago was of a different group. While it may be true that you have ties to them we do not." The man continued to smirk. "So why shouldn't we take over the throne of Soul Society so we can return?"
"If you destroy the shinigami then who will control the balance."
"We will. It isn't as if we always destroy the Hollow and it isn't as if the shinigami always send them on. It depends on the hearts place. Justice or revenge. Not all of the Quincy were for destroying the Hollows but all of us were forced out. You of all people know what soul society and its laws are like."
"But what you don't tell me is whether or not you personally agreed with destroying the Hollows or letting them pass one."
"I believe in justice. I'm the leader, but which ever way my people sided with I couldn't let them be kicked out of their homes so we fought back. It is as simple as that."
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