21. Heat Wave
Title: Heat Wave
Genre: Family
Characters: Toshiro, Schwarz, Rangiku, Bambietta, Jach Bach
Summary: Toshiro's world is turned upside down when he is "Snatched" away from Rangiku's side.
Rating: M
Date Posted: 10/02/12
Heat Wave
The man that stood in front of the small taicho of the tenth division seemed familiar for some strange reason. A hood covered the man's head, but the boy could see a few strands of black hair peeking out from under neath the cloth. Something felt strange ever since the man appeared in front of him. Perhaps it had been the lack of fear that the man's aura caused him to feel that caused him to make the dumb move of releasing his Bankai as he absentmindedly threw caution to the wind.
A panic then set in when he could no longer hear Hyorinmaru speaking in the back of his head, guiding him as he moved along. The boy quickly regained his composure and told Rangiku what to do. When this was finished he glanced back at the man. "I should be angry that someone stole Hyorimaru away from me, but for some reason I'm simply upset that he is gone and I can't for the life of me direct any form of anger at this man."
Toshiro found himself side stepping and watching the man carefully and took note that the man was watching him carefully back. Despite the fact the entire Soul Society was in danger and he had lost his zampaktuo spirit he didn't feel that his life was in danger. "This is not time to get cocky. I'm likely only thinking this because I have Matsumoto with me. I can't always rely on her to protect me."
Narrowing his eyes suddenly, he thought carefully about the situation. "He happens to be a Quicny so he'll specialize in long range style of fighting, so it will do me well to get in close to fight. He may very well have the ability to fight short range when necessary to limited capacity like Ishida, but I should still be able to cause some sort of damage."
Toshiro then found himself moving in to try and land a blow. As soon as he came close though, he found the man moving to use hand to hand combat. Caught of guard, he felt the back hand of the man's fist suddenly hit him hard across the side of his face. He found his body twisting and suddenly hitting the ground in a roll as the wall he was thrown into broke. He pushed himself up, frustration spreading across his face.
"Taicho?" Rangiku's voice reached him. As he reached to pick up his blade again he heard the busty female moving to confront the enemy. As he stood up and looked back towards the man he found his eyes going wide as the man knocked Rangiku to the side. He could feel his lips curling up in disgust.
"You don't treat women like that."
The man however payed him no mind and Toshiro found himself moving forward in order to attack the man again. To his surprise he was backhanded again, likely because he let his temper get the best of him. He could feel his back bending and his body then hitting the ground. The man still hadn't revealed his face, yet something was feeling strange.
The man stepped towards Rangiku as she suddenly stood up. The position she was in allowed her to suddenly see the man's face and her eyes went wide and a bit of fear flickered across her face. The woman swallowed and she was suddenly hit backwards, the power causing her to travel far. The small taicho couldn't help but notice that the man was taking things father with her.
"You..." The man suddenly found himself attacked from the side only to have to elbow Toshiro in the stomach and away from him. "As I was saying, you recognize who I am so why don't you go ahead and tell the boy who I am."
"Boy?" Two bright teal eyes narrowed. "I am no child. If that is the reason you took to not going all out on me..."
"Stay out of this." The man turned to face him and Toshiro could feel the man's eyes boring into him. "This is between me and that whore."
"Whore?" The child taicho suddenly found his temper flaring and him suddenly moving forward. Using the flat of his blade he managed to push the man back and away from Rangiku. "Stop acting like you know Matsumoto."
"I said to stay out of this child." The man suddenly knocked Toshiro away again and he found himself stumbling across the rumble before falling to his knees. "My business is with your mother, not you."
"My mother?" The boy turned to face the man. "You're the one who seems to be confused here. On top of the fact Matsumoto Rangiku is not my biological mother I died and came to soul society, I wasn't born here. And you have the gall to pretend that you know her. If you're trying to confuse her, it isn't going to work."
The man suddenly glanced towards the small taicho, this time having to throw the fukutaicho of the tenth division back. Rangiku then spoke up, her tone dark. "Don't worry taicho. I've never met any Quincy other then Ishida-san. He's just using a ploy in order to get under out skin. You should know better then to let people ire you by name calling."
The man suddenly hit her into the building ruins, causing a greater amount of rubble to occur. Toshiro moved forward, some sort of feeling that the man was familiar to him bothering him. His sword when in one direction wielded with one hand while his hand went for the hood to pull it back. The man's hair was a dark black and his pale teal eyes narrowed to look at Toshiro.
The small child then found himself knocked back. It was then that he and Rangiku felt a sudden flare of spiritual pressure and they knew it was time to get serious. "Particularly since Yamotto is likely to use his bankai and it is likely to counter what little I am still able to do with Hyorinmaru."
He made the mistake of saying this out loud and the man suddenly pulled out his clawed weapon and took a stance, watching the boy carefully. He still didn't make many moves to out right attack either of them. But looking at the man's face he couldn't shake the familiar feeling the man presented to him. He released Hyorinmaru into shikai mode and began to use the ice attacks, surrounding the man.
Suddenly, the ice began to shatter and he spoke aloud that he wouldn't be able to use his zampaktuo much longer. The man then spoke up again. "Is that really something you should be telling me? You seem to have blurted that out rather fast."
The small taicho moved his mouth open. He could feel a sweat building up and he found himself opening his mouth but snapping it closed. "Fuck, I almost told him I wasn't doing well in this sudden change of weather. I've got to hurry and get this over with, but hurrying is going to cause problems in itself. I need to hold out until Yamamotto Taicho is finished."
The man moved forward, almost as if he knew the small taicho was at an advantage. Both the small taicho and Rangiku were thrown off as if they were flies. Finally, Toshiro felt his blade falling from his hand and he collapsed to the ground. To his surprise, someone caught him and he instinctively closed his eyes and began to relax.
As he did this, he took a deep breath and caught the sent of the person. His eyes snapped open upon realizing that the person was not Rangiku. The smell was male, but he was sure it wasn't anyone he knew and he felt himself lifted up onto the man's shoulder while his blade scrapped the ground as it too as picked up.
"Put my taicho down!" Rangiku's voice came to him.
It as then that a heavy rain suddenly came pouring down. The sweat was washed off his limp body and he could feel himself beginning to shiver. The man's body was muscled and shaped in a way that was yet again somehow familiar, but he couldn't place it. The person spoke up and was stepping backwards. "Well, that is my signal to leave. I've accomplished what I've set out to do."
There came a pulling sensation and Toshiro could hear Rangiku screaming his title, but the words became farther and farther. He then felt the man carrying him forward and he heard a door opening and his blade being placed down before they were moving again. He felt dizzy and ill, wondering what was going on and why he wasn't dead.
After a bit of time traveling along and looking down at a pale flooring of a building he heard running water. He felt the man bend over and felt himself lowered to the ground and he found himself glancing around the white colored room. A huge bath was in the middle and he watched as steam came up from the water. The bathing room was decorated with elegant counter-relief.
The man stopped down and took Toshiro's face in his hands as the breath of the small taicho came out in a frosted manner. "Let's get you cleaned up. You'll feel better after you've had nice bath. You also won't be trembling like you are."
This caused two bright teal eyes to glance down at the small hand owned by the same person and the small taicho found that indeed his body was shaking uncontrollably. He opened his mouth to say something but found he was to dry to say anything. His confusion about how he was being treated was growing.
The man was gone for quite a few minutes and when he stooped down again Toshiro felt nice cool water placed to his lips. His eyes suddenly widened and he began to gulp the cool treat down without even considering whether or not the water was poisoned. The man quickly pulled the water away. "Hey, slow yourself down. I'm doing this so you don't get sick, but if you drink it that fast you will be."
The small taicho let out a deep cough and he spoke again, his mind wandering to someone important. "Matsumoto..."
"You mean that woman." The man narrowed his eyes and Toshiro found himself flinching. "Don't worry. Despite the fact I don't like her, I couldn't chance you being upset about her dying so she's very much alive. She's just not going to be a part of your life anymore."
The cup was placed back to his lips and Toshiro found himself suddenly balking and his hands reached up to push the cup away. "Hold it! I... you..."
The words were stopped as soon as he felt his head swim. He reached up and placed his right hand to touch his head. The man spoke to him. "Relax. You're going to be taken care of."
"What the hell is going on. If Hyorinmaru... if I still had Hyorinmaru he would help me make sense of this. They're supposed to be our enemies." The man's hand suddenly reached up to pull on the top part of the uniform to remove it. The small taicho felt his breath come harshly and his hands reached up to touch the mans hands. "What are you doing?"
"I'm getting you undressed so you can take a bath." The man suddenly gave him a look of confusion, the first major sign of emotion that the man had.
"Don't." Toshiro felt his cheeks flush up.
"What do you mean, don't?"
"I can do it myself." His eyes darted to the side. The situation was becoming more and more akward.
"You aren't in a condition to do it by yourself."
Two teal eyes suddenly looked right at the man. "You don't know that."
"You don't know that you can." The man pushed Toshiro's hands away and began to tug off the clothing.
"You remind me of someone." The words came out of the boy's mouth without realizing them. Irritation was in his voice as he said this.
"You are really bad about blabbing out what you shouldn't." The man managed to get the one side off and began to work on the other. "So... who do I remind you of?"
Again, the words came out of his mouth. Why he choose the name he did he honestly didn't know. "Ichimaru Gin..."
"You mean Silbern." The man continued with what he was doing while Toshiro became even more confused.
The man reached down to untie the lower part and Toshiro's hands suddenly reached up. "Please..."
The man paused, this time looking Toshiro straight in the face. "I'm not going to hurt you."
The boy's eyes closed. "It is best not to fight this as I don't have the physical strength. I also don't know what is going on or what he is planning on doing."
The man finally finished undressing Toshiro and moved the boy to the tub edge and the small taicho felt his feet go into the warm water. The child taicho wrapped one arm around his chest while the other rested over his private area. "Are you comfortable with the water temperature?"
"Does it really matter?" The white haired boy's eyes suddenly went wide as he heard a door open and a set of small feet come forward.
"Oji-san, are you in here? You missed the end meeting, so ojii-san isn't happy with you" A female voice came to Toshiro's ears and he felt his cheeks flaring up with a great amount of heat. He didn't try to turn around and see who it was but instead pulled his arms tightly around the two areas, his knuckles and finger nails turning white.
"You mean oheim and opa." The man let out a sigh while placing a hand on top of of the white head of hair. A rough panicking sound came from Toshiro's lungs as he tried fighting off his panic.
A sudden squeal was heard from the female. The small feet were heard coming forward and the man was pushed slightly away from Toshiro. The small white haired male felt the female wrap her arms around him in a hug. He felt her chest pressed into his back and saw black hair coming down off his shoulders causing the sounds of panic to turn to a form of silent panic.
"You're here! We can take a bath together." The female's sudden statement caused Toshiro to suddenly choke.
"Bambietta!" The man snapped his words out.
Toshiro's eyes were wide from shock and he reached up weakly to remove her arms from around her neck. The girl continued to speak. "I've been waiting for this for a long time."
Regaining his composure the small taicho spoke up in protest. "Hold on! This isn't at all decent."
"Why not?" The girl's mouth was close to his ear.
"Because you're a girl, while I'm a boy!" Toshiro's voice strained. "Let go already!"
"There is nothing wrong with us bathing together, all things considered."
"Bambietta!" The man snapped at the female, causing her to stop speaking while she turned her head to look at the man. "You're old enough to bathe on your own or with other females."
"I like bathing as a family though." The girl stated. "You and ojii have never said no before and we've always bathed as a family. You can't hog him to yourself you know. I want to bath with him too you know."
"She said that he was going to bathe with me." Something clicked in Toshiro's head and he began to struggle. "No! Wait! No, I always bath by myself."
"You don't bathe with other males?" The girl continued to hold on.
"I don't undress in front of anybody. Please." He felt the surge of energy leaving as fast as it came.
"As if I was going to let you bathe on your own when you're not well." The man let out a deep sigh as he pushed the girl away.
"And whose fault is that oji-san?" The girl's words bubbled out. "You can't hog him. I won't let you."
"Get out Bambietta. Now isn't the time for this." The man stated, taking a break to lift her up and carry her out of the room. The door clicked and he came back while Toshiro trembled and wrapped his arms around his body as he tried to process further what was going on. "Don't worry, I have no plans of bathing with you. You need time to get used to your new life."
Toshiro felt himself lifted into the water and his pained body screamed with delight as the heat relaxed his overly tensed muscles. "I don't understand what you mean by..."
The door clicked open and he felt the man flinch. "Bambietta."
The girl didn't listen to the growl in the man's voice. There was the sound of cloth hitting the floor behind him. Toshiro made the mistake of turning around in time to notice that the female had removed the top half of her clothing. He didn't get a good chance to look at her face and instead turned back and covered his eyes with his hands as his cheeks flared up yet again.
"Bambietta, not now!" The man got up put the sound of running feet could be heard as the girl hurried over to the other side of the large bath. Toshiro could hear more cloth hitting the ground and then the water splashing as her body slid into the water.
"Can I please leave?" The words came out of Toshiro's mouth. He heard the water moving as the girl moved and he suddenly felt her breath on his face. He opened his fingers up to peak with one eye, only to slap it shut upon seeing something he didn't want to see again. He found himself sinking into the warm water and bubbles escaping from his mouth.
"I don't get why you don't want to be near me? I mean..."
"Bambietta..." The man let out a deep sigh. "You're getting into his personal space.
"I wish he would just come and take a bath with us. That would solve a lot of problems, despite the fact I still would be far from being happy about this situation"
The girl suddenly moved to where she was right next to Toshiro, her front area towards the edge of the large bath. "Why don't you come take a bath with us oji-san?"
"It's oheim." The man let out a deep sigh. "Please get out of the bath Bambietta."
"He wants you to join us."
Toshiro felt his hands suddenly fall away from his eyes in shock. "How did she know?"
"He wonders how I know too."
The small white haired male suddenly felt himself moving to the other side. The bath had a ledge to it for sitting on and thus it was easy to move away from her. He looked over at her, biting his lip as he did so. Her lower part was hidden by the warm water while her top was covered by her arms and the edge of the bath.
The man knelt down. "Bambietta, if I take a bath with the two of you, do you promise to give him some personal space?"
"Fine. Ojii-san is still in that boring meeting discussing what we're going to do now that we've gotten what we want."
"He didn't say he wanted me there?" The man let out a deep sigh. "He didn't perchance send you to fetch me."
"He's not happy with you but he figures you had your reason for not coming. I don't see what is so important about this."
"You wouldn't."
Toshiro closed his eyes, wishing he had his zampaktuo to talk to. Everything was to confusing. A clicking sound of a wooden tub was heard from behind him. He then heard someone enter the water. "I just want to go home."
"You are home." The small female spoke up. Opening his eyes he could see she was in the same spot, but her head was resting on the edge of the pool and she was looking at him. The color of her eyes were the same as his, something he had never seen before.
He suddenly felt the hand of an adult male push him forward. "Just relax little one."
Toshiro's eyes closed again. "This is just a bad dream."
"You said that out loud." The man stated firmly. "After I get you cleaned up you can go to sleep and rest as long as you want to."
"I really don't understand what is going on..."
The door clicked open. Bambietta suddenly bubbled again. "Ojii-san!"
"Hello your majesty."
Toshiro's eyes snapped open. He couldn't see the person yet, but his mind was putting something together that he did not like. "The only person they would call their majesty would be the leader of the... which also means we lost. And that also means that these two are related to him."
A slight choking sound escaped his lips and the huge man came around the corner. The man's eyes turned to look right at him and he felt his entire body freezing. The man was huge and had an aura about him that he wasn't comfortable with. "What is he doing here Schwarz?"
The young taicho felt his body getting the better of him as well as the heat from the bath. His eyes rolled back into the back of his head. While he blacked out, he could still hear the things going on around him as he sunk under the water, not to mention feel the man next to him lift him up and carrying him away from the bath. He coughed out painfully warm water that had gotten in his lungs.
He was set down on the cold floor and he could feel his body being toweled off. He heard Bambietta getting out of the water and her wet footsteps coming over. For some reason she decided to sit down on his stomach. "Are you all right?"
Not stopping to think he opened his eyes and caught another view of her. Instead of saying what he wanted to say, he quickly covered his eyes with his arms. The panic attack he had been fighting to suppress suddenly came bubbling forward. "Get off of me! Get off of me!"
"I'm not doing anything wrong though."
"You are a girl!" The words came tumbling out of his mouth.
"Bambietta, why don't you come and take a bath with me."
"But..." The girl moved to look back at the Vandenreich leader. For some reason she ended up moving away.
Toshiro's breath came roughly and he heard the man going around and doing something. The other, much bigger man spoke up. "He is a bigger headache then your brother was Schwarz."
"Give him a chance. He is his own person." Toshiro felt the dark haired man with the scar on his lip helping him up and dressing him. He then felt himself scooped into the man's arms and the left the room. Glancing up he could see that they were in a huge place. Every so often he would see an ice sculpture of some kind. The feeling of the ice felt familiar and welcoming for some reason. He also noticed he was dressed in clothing similar to the Vandenreich.
Eventually they came to a rather large room that was filled with quite a few items that a normal child his age or younger would like. The man walked over to the bed and set the boy down and carefully covered him with a blanket. "This is your room little one. It's part of your new home."
The small child glanced around and then shook his head. "This isn't my home. My home is back in Soul Society. You all expect me to just accept this. I'm not a Quincy, I'm a shinigami."
"Actually, you're a hybrid between the two." The man stated. "I guess I owe you an explanation of sorts as you're clueless as to what is going on."
"I've already figured out that you and that girl are related to the leader of the enemy group of Quincy." Toshiro glanced away. "You've also taken my best friend away."
"I'm not sure what you mean by best friend. You do realize that you're also related to that man."
"I told you that I wasn't born in Soul Society. I died on a plain of ice."
"Strange... I know what your inner world looks like so I know it happens to be a plain of ice." The man let out a deep sigh. "My brother's name... my twin brother to be exact... happens to be Silbern. He is the man you call Ichimaru Gin."
"But Ichimaru is a shinigami." Toshiro's eyes open wide.
"He's also a shinigami hybrid. Plus, the Quincy used to be a part of soul society a long time ago but we were chased away from our homes. Of course, that was before even I was born so I hold no grudge. Your mother..."
"Are you sure you have the right person?" The small shinigami tried sitting up, only to be caught as he nearly fell by the man.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You're trying to tell me that Ichimaru Gin is my father and Matsumoto Rangiku is my mother. I don't have any parents. I grew up on the Rukongai with my grandmother. What proof do you have?"
"You inherited the ice zampaktuo when your grandmother, Silbern and my mother passed away. The dragon zampaktuo pass down through the family line."
"That would mean we're also related to Yamamotto as he has..." Toshiro paused and closed his eyes and chocked out the words. "Had..." He let out a deep sigh. "I still don't believe you."
"I was there when you and Bambietta were born. The two of you share the same birthday, December twentieth."
The small taicho closed his eyes as he felt hot tears spilling down his cheeks. "She's my twin sister then?" He then took a deep breath. "You did all of this just to get me here?"
"My brother was the eldest. As he has passed away that makes you the heir."
Toshiro bit his lip. He suddenly found himself yelling. "Why! Why is it that my life is always chosen for me? Not to mention you all had to go and kill people I know and care about instead of just asking me to come."
"The mission was two fold." The man glanced away. "I told you that we Quincy originally came from Soul Society. Our bloodlines are stronger when we have contact with Soul Society or have shinigami blood line added in. While you've been brought back home, others have been brought to marry into our younger generation."
"This is stupid!" Toshiro found himself flopping down onto the bed and clutching the sheets tightly. "You still killed innocent lives to get what you wanted. The wars were over a thousand years ago!"
"In the living world that would only be a hundred years. It really isn't that long ago." The man placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You can have whatever you want you know."
"No I can't." The small taicho continued. "I can't go home. I can't go to the place I know is home."
"You know what I meant, so don't twist your words around like your father always did. You can have a good, happy life here and not have to worry about anything."
"You separated me from my mother!"
"A woman who didn't tell you that she was your mother."
Toshiro suddenly sat up and found himself slapping the man in the face as hot tears poured down his cheeks from morning those that were dead and those who he wasn't sure about. "She didn't know. If she had, she would have told me. She really didn't recognize you!"
"How do you know she wasn't hiding something from you?" The man rubbed his cheeks.
"Because I know haha! I know when she is hiding something from me! I've know all her tricks for hiding sake. I know all her tricks of trying to get out of paper work. I know when she is mad at me for doing something I shouldn't. While we've always had a mother and son relationship I've always been the one acting like the parent most of the time. She believes she met Ichimaru in Soul Society!"
"How is that proof?"
"The only reason you're against her is because you think she took your brother away! Which tells me you don't really understand him because he was always running away from everyone and refusing to get close to the people who wanted to get close to him. And how can you not sense that he is still alive? He has to be still alive! He's just still running from us like the moron he is!"
"I've touched on a sensitive subject then."
"Sensitive subject my ass! This entire thing is a sensitive subject and nobody treated it with tact!" Toshiro flopped down on the bed. "Just go away."
"I'll be locking the door on my way out. I hope you understand why." The man got up and the door clicked. Toshiro felt himself tremble as he thought about everything that happened to him.
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