16. Ran for Your Life
Title: Ran for Your Life
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Characters: Silbern, Schwarz and another canon character that will reveal who one of the twins is. But who is the other twin?
Summary: With the bloodlines weakening the Vandenriech leader makes the decision to bring in fresh blood and has his Stern Ritter kidnap a few young ones from Soul Society. Things begin to change.
Rating: T
Date Posted: 09/07/12
Ran for Your Life
The lady of the Vandenreich worked on a handicraft project. Her eyes didn't pay any mind to the silver haired youth pacing back and forth but the dark haired twin glanced up from the book he was studying from. Finally, Schwarz let out an exasperated sound. "Silbern... could you stop pacing."
"I wanted to go." The boy sat down in his chair, a pout on his face. "I'm Stern Ritter."
"I'm Stern Ritter too now and I'm not allowed to go either." Schwarz grumbled. "Of course, the only reason I'm a Stern Ritter is because there needs to be someone babysitting you at all times even when we go out to patrol the outskirts of our territory. You're way to temperamental."
"I want to play." Silbern stated with no whine in his voice.
"You're a psychopath." Schwarz muttered under his breath. "This is why you don't have any friends. Your idea of playing with people is all wrong."
"Fuhrer says it isn't." The silver haired youth pulled his legs up to his chest.
"Have you ever thought why you're not allowed to play that game when your not told to play it?" The dark haired twin set his book down, irritation spreading across his face.
"You're mad at me for some reason, aren't you? Mutti is really good at patching people up so there isn't a problem with me playing with people roughly."
"You're a monster."
"You're not supposed to call me names."
"Schwarz, don't call your brother names. Silbern, don't play with other people roughly. I don't like it."
"Father says to sometimes though."
"Don't go against your father's orders. When he wants you to do... that... then don't disobey him. He is not a man that you want to get on the bad side of. I may not be able to reverse some of the damage done." Sakura continued working away at the task in front of her.
"Don't bother mutti. It always goes over his head." Schwarz stated, frowning at his brother. "You're going to get yourself..." The boy paused, shaking his head. "Never mind. As I've said, you don't get it. Thinking about it makes me sick though Silbern. I'll just say I don't like seeing you get hurt."
"Mutti makes me feel better though." The boy stretched his hands out the front, gripping onto his fingers.
A knock came at the door and the boys looked up. "The Vandreich leader wishes to see the young highness in the royal court. The Stern Ritter has returned."
Both boy's stood up and they walked over to the court. At least it started off that way. Silbern started to hurry and run and Schwarz hurried to keep up with him, managing to yank on the back of his brother's clothing before he ran head long into the court embarrassing the both of them. "You know the rules."
"I doubt you understand what the means. You don't have any emotions Silbern."
"I get mad at you."
Both boy's however quieted down as they went to stand on either side of of their father. A group of people were gathered of various ages and their father didn't seem happy at all. "I thought I told you to take the children and not worry about any adults. Actually, I forbade you to bring any adults. This places me in a bad situation as we have no use for full grown shinigami or nobles. We want the young ones."
Cold teal eyes glanced around the room, the obstinate grin on the young man's face. When his eyes alighted on a small female crying her eyes out. He found himself swallowing for some strange reason and slightly fidgeting. Schwarz glanced over and noticed his brother's characteristic smile had suddenly turned into a frown. He let out a deep sigh knowing full well his twin would do or say something stupid.
"Why is that wet stuff coming out of your eyes?" Silbern blurted out, startling the Vandenreich leader. The man then glanced in the direction the pale teal eyes were looking. "Are you hurt? How else does wet stuff come out of your eyes."
The Vandernreich leader narrowed his eyes to glare and his son. The boy's odd behavior and strange expression had caused a few of the younger children to begin to cry even louder. He then looked back at the female his son had been looking at and noted that it was a small female around the twins age with short, strawberry blonde hair. She was holding onto the woman next to her for dear life.
"Have you taken an interest in someone here?" The man asked while leaning forward onto his hands.
The silver haired youth raised his hand to point at the female. "I want to play with her."
There came a few strangled sounds from the other Stern Ritter. Even Schwarz looked at his brother in shock. The Vendernreich spoke up. "You can play with her." When the boy formed his weapon the man raised his hand up. "But not that game. Take her to your mother to be cleaned up of that filth and then you can play with her."
The weapon disappeared and Silbern walked over to the female. "Will you come and play?"
The girl shook her head rapidly, fear evident in her pale colored eyes. Schwarz let out a deep sigh and glanced at his father, wondering if he would be allowed to step in. The Vandernreich leader nodded his head and the dark haired twin walked over and forced her away from the woman. The girl began to kick and scream as he pulled her away from the room. To his dismay she even bit down on his arm.
Silbern followed along with a smile on his face and his arms folded behind his back. "What do you want to play?"
"I don't want to play with you!" The girl stopped biting Schwarz arm long enough to spit out her words.
Screams were suddenly heard coming from the room and the silver haired youth suddenly frowned. "They're playing the game without us. Perhaps we should go back."
"Game! You monster! My mother was in there! She's one of the ones..." The girl stopped short before she simply went limp in Schwarz arms, bawling her head off sobbing for her mother.
Silbern frowned. "Your sad that your mother is hurt. Don't worry, mutti can fix her."
Schwarz was surprised to find the female lifted from his arms and suddenly thrown over his brother's shoulder. The dark haired twin shook his head. "Wait... Silbern."
"I'm taking her to mutti like I was told to." The boy then headed off at a fast speed, his brother hot on his heels trying to keep up. The silver haired child dropped the girl in front of his mother. "Mutti... make her mother better."
The woman glanced up from her work, frowning as she did. She then looked down at the girl who was crying in front of her. "Silbern, what have you done!"
"I brought her to you like..."
"No! What happened to her mother! What did you do to her mother?" The woman's eyes filled with panic.
"Nothin'... I was told to take her away and wasn't allowed to play in the game. You can make her mother better, right?" The boy smiled at his mother.
"No... I can't child." The woman closed her eyes. "While I can heal a good deal of injuries there are things I can't heal. One of them is... one of them is something called death."
"What is..."
"Death is where someone can never, ever come back." Schwarz grumbled. "Why did you suddenly take an interest in someone outside of the family?"
"I..." Silbern frowned. "Then the people I played the game with aren't going to be able to play the game with me again."
"No. You're not going to be able to see them ever again. That is... you might say that is the point of the game." The woman leaned over and scooped the small female into a hug. "Now there... it isn't the end of the world."
Schwarz watched as his brother moved closer. "Do you want to be friends?"
"How can you ask a thing like that! You monster! I hate you! I hate you! I hate all of you!" The girl buried her face into the woman's arms, sobbing her heart out.
"Silbern... she doesn't want to see you just yet. I'm going to take her to my room to calm down. Why don't you... find something else to do." The woman stated, scooping the girl up and leaving the room.
Schwarz turned towards his brother, glaring at him. "You are an idiot."
His brother however reached up to brush a tear away. "I don't like this feeling. I don't like wet stuff coming out."
"Silbern..." Schwarz shook his head at his twin.
"They aren't going to be coming back to play with me. And she won't play with me either." The silver haired child tried forcing the tears back, but couldn't stop them. "I don't like this."
"You idiot! If father catches you crying... which is what wet stuff coming from your eyes is called... he'll..." Schwarz watched as his brother turned and went to sulk in a corner. "What do you think you're doing? Father will not be pleased at all with your behavior! So come on out of that corner. You aren't in trouble."
"It feels like it."
The dark haired twin flopped into a chair, letting out a deep sigh. Eventually, their father came back with a smile on his face. "So... how do Silbern and you like your new friend."
Schwarz glared over at the corner where his brother was. "Why don't you ask Silbern? He's been moping in the corner practically since we got back."
The man frowned and walked over. "Silbern?"
"I'm not playing that game anymore!" came the rather sudden announcement.
"Silbern... if you aren't playing the game you can't be E, and if you aren't E you aren't a member of the Stern Ritter anymore."
"I don't care! Playing the game makes her hate me!" The boy turned back to glower into the corner. "I want her to like me."
"You've never cared if someone outside of the family liked you before." Schwarz shook his head, confused as to why his twin was acting the way he was.
"This is different. I don't know why it is, but this is different. I want her to like me. And I don't like the feelings that cause wet stuff... crying as you put it. I want to be left alone." The boy folded his arms across his chest.
It was around this time that the woman came bustling into the room. "I finally got her asleep." She then turned towards her husband. "What do you think you're doing? Actually, I'm wishing you had been more upfront with him as to what those games you had him playing were."
"He knew full well what he was doing." The man glared over his shoulder at the silver haired twin.
"No he didn't." Schwarz slipped down into the chair, the situation having annoyed him long enough. "He thought mutti could bring every single one of those people he played the game with back so he could play the game with them again."
"Silbern..." The man opened his mouth to say something, but then snapped it shut. "I'll be in my room resting. I have a major headache. That child is always giving me a headache."
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