day 02 [pt.2]
Ryan sighs, as he scrolls through Youtube on his laptop.
Though, he couldn't get that nightmare off of his thoughts. He had his head laying against his hand, his expression emotionless yet in his mind, he feels so disturbed. He felt terrified honestly of sleeping again, he was scared of who he will have to murder next.
It haunted him so fucking much that he felt like breaking down right there, if Luke wasn't by his side.
"Aye, I can sense your aura from here. Y'alright?" The devil notices, looking at him. The bunny sighs, rubbing his temples. "The nightmare. It just felt so real and I'm horrified by the thought of who will be next."
Luke frowns, sighing aswell. "... I wanna help but I don't know what to do."
Ryan feels bad for Luke as he looks over to him.
Why do guardians deserve this shit?
Ryan thought. "Toonz.. It's okay, really. All you have to do is.. Be my guardian for 100 days and that's it. I don't like being alone whenever I'm sick honestly, considering the fact also that I live alone by myself now." As he finishes saying that, the devil's expression quickly reads 'you had a roommate before?'
The bunny nods, smiling. "Remember Bryce, that kind and joyful blondie the last time I went out with my friends? Yeah, he was my previous roommate."
He smiled, though it looked like a sad smile. Ryan's thoughts switches, recalling memories of him and the blonde having fun together, and during those times, he thought that they were forming some kind of connection.
Ryan was an idiot for falling for Bryce on the day he said he got a girlfriend, and decided to move out with her.
It was all unrequited feelings that fucked up Ryan for a month but now those emotions remain, yet he bottles it inside, although it still pains him everytime the blonde is in his sight.
Luke notices Ryan's depressed expression that just screamed 'i love bryce but he's taken and moved out'. He sighs, wishing himself that Ryan knew the truth.
"Luke, don't you have a human form or somethingggg?" Ryan whines, desperate for a hug because he felt lonely at the moment. And he was too lazy to get out and pay for food in a restaurant.
Luke shrugs, "I'll have that perk in about... 2 days. You remember Vanoss, right? He already has that perk."
Ryan groans loudly. "Quit whining like a baby, Ohm."
"I just miss hugging someone."
Suddenly his phone rings. Ryan's head instantly goes up, picking up the phone.
"Hello, who is this?"
Ryan felt quite nervous with how this person shouted his name, "Uh, who are you?"
The person begins whispering, "It's Vanoss. I'm using human form, and.. And it's an emergency!"
"Delirious is in the hospital... He's passed out from blood loss."
"C'mon guys, I'm alright."
Everyone of Jon's friends were clueless yet worried. Except for Ryan, he had to do something. He had to do something so that none of them would find out.
"Jonathan, I told you to stop hurting yourself.. Jesus."
Ryan makes a signal to Jon that it's acting, making him row with the flow. "It's not my damn fault Ohm! I'm clumsy as shit,"
Ryan glances at Vanoss, who made an 'oooohh' face. The bunny chuckles, "Just be careful next time, okay? Now you're gonna be stuck in a hospital for what, 2 to 4 days?" The bunny crosses his arms, shaking his head in disapproval.
The others (except Evan lmao) laughed, falling for their act.
"Great work, Ohmie." The devil whispers in his ear, grinning.
It was the afternoon, almost night, and Ryan didn't bother eating lunch after he got home. He didn't feel hungry at all, probably his laziness covering up the hunger. The bunny suddenly felt weak today. He sighs, slumping on his couch.
"What's wrong with you?" He hears Luke, making him turn and see the devil. "Tired. Bored. I don't know what to do at the moment." He groans loudly, rolling and rolling until he fell the couch and hit his head on the glass table, his now unconscious body hitting the floor.
Luke's voice faded into nothingness as Ryan's vision went completely black.
"Welcome back, little bunny."
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