Chapter 8
Kassy had been avoiding Shiro, hardcore. She didn't want to bring any attention to what had happened - which, in turn, brought more attention to her sudden change in attitude.
She was sat in the kitchen, drinking some tea, when Shiro entered. "Hey, could we talk really quick?"
"Sure." she said. "Sit down."
He took a seat. "Ummm... I don't think we should do that again."
She nodded. "I completely agree. That was so stupid of us."
"Yeah, I mean, you have no idea what kind of can of worms that could open. In space, no less!"
"Yeah! Plus, we're just friends. This is a bad idea."
He nodded, silent for a moment. "Stop looking at my lips."
"You stop looking at my tits."
The two kissed again; his hands gently on her waist. The door opened, and they pulled away quickly.
"So, yeah, that's why I don't like beef." Kassy said. Shiro nodded.
"Completely understandable, oh, hi Lance!"
"Hi guys! Why don't you like beef?"
Kassy sighed in relief that it was Lance and not literally anyone else. "Umm, a cow. Stood on me. When I was like, 4."
"Oh, sounds scary. Where's Hunk's secret stash of food?"
"Umm, cupboard at the bottom. Bye!"
The two left, sneaking to Kassy's bedroom, and locking the door.
"We shouldn't do this." Shiro said, taking his shirt off.
"I know." she replied, doing the same.
"So, why'd we call a secret meeting?" Coran asked.
"It's not a secret meeting. It's a secret gossip sesh." Rora said.
"Who are we talking about?" Pidge asked. She glanced around and noticed Lance, Shiro, and Kassy absent.
"Kassy and Shiro."
"Where's Lance?"
"He didn't get the memo. Anyways, those two are totally fucking." Rora stated. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Oh, my God, I know right?" Hunk replied. "It's like they're trying to hard to hide it but not really trying at all. They're not even quiet."
"Why are they getting all hot and bothered anyway? We're in the middle of a war. There's no time for hanky panky." Coran shook his head.
"I know! It's completely inappropriate. What if the Galra attack and you can't form Voltron because Shiro's getting lucky?" Allura replied.
"I don't think that's our issue here. I didn't see any space condoms, you guys." Pidge shrugged.
"Oh, God." Allura said, simply.
"Hey guys! Oh, cool, secret meeting? What are we talking about?" Kassy asked, joining them.
"Nothing." Allura said, turning and glaring at her.
"What's that look for?" she asked.
"Nothing." Allura shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
"Tell me. Have I done something?"
She glanced over the others, who were watching. Pidge seemed to be praying for a scrap.
"Alright." she replied. "Whatever you say."
Shiro entered. "What's going on?"
"Nothing much." Keith replied.
"Yeah. Nothing at all." Allura replied.
"Yeah. After you just gave Kassy a dirty look for no reason." Rora mumbled.
"I don't know, maybe don't go around looking at people aggressively? I get you're a princess and everything, but..."
"Oh, I barely looked at her, come on."
"To be fair, it was kind of a dirty look." Pidge added.
"Yeah." Kassy said. "Look, if I've done something, just tell me."
"Kassiopeia, you are living proof of what growing up fatherless does to a person."
Kassy looked at her for a moment, before walking over, and punching her in the face.
"Woah! Woah! Stop!" Shiro said, going over.
"Get her, Kassy!" Rora called to her.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Pidge started chanting.
Kassy meanwhile was yelling at Allura. "You have no idea what you're talking about! You can shut the fuck up, because you don't have a fucking dad either!"
"At least mine died! At least I know it wasn't because he left me!"
"He didn't leave me!"
"Ha! No wonder you left your siblings. All alone, to fend for themselves. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, now, does it?"
Kassy lunged at her again, pushing her to the ground.
"You leave my siblings out of this, you bitch! That's none of your business!"
Pidge and Rora continued cheering. Keith was watching in a mixture of shock and entertainment, and Hunk looked absolutely terrified.
Shiro grabbed Kassy, lifting her up.
"Ladies, ladies, time out!" Coran said, going to help Allura up.
"You can't fucking talk about my family when you couldn't even protect your own! Do you understand what I'd do for them?! I would give up my life if it meant they survived. Unlike you." Kassy yelled at her. Shiro's grip on her tightened.
"Right, split them up. They both need to calm down." Coran said.
Shiro walked off with Kassy, back to her room, and sat with her as she sobbed into his chest.
"She-she can't talk about me like that!"
"Shhh. I know. She can't. But you can't respond with violence."
"I didn't even do anything to her!"
"I know. I'm gonna talk to her. You just need to calm down now. Then we can discuss this like adults." She continued sobbing, and he rubbed her back gently. "It's okay. Just take deep breaths."
A few hours later, Shiro had convinced Kassy to go and talk to Allura. Coran was with Allura, a hand on her shoulder.
"Right, ladies. Things got a bit out of hand earlier, hm?" He said. Kassy said nothing, and Allura cleared her throat.
"The issue that lies here is that the minute anyone said something, Kassy resorted to violence."
"The issue that lies here is that you insulted me without reason." Kassy said, looking straight ahead. "Why don't you like me? What did I do?"
Allura looked away, having no answer for her.
"Right, well, this is good! Nobody has shouted, or punched yet." Coran said. "Now, Kassy, can you explain how Allura made you feel?"
"Allura, you made me feel very uncomfortable and angry. What you said was very triggering and hurtful."
Allura paused for a moment. "Oh."
"Ok, Allura, how did Kassy make you feel?"
"I felt very.. triggered. And hurt. And now I realise why you said what you said." she said nothing for a moment. "I'm sorry, Kassy."
She blinked. "You're sorry?"
She nodded. "And I understand if you don't want to forgive me."
"I don't. But I appreciate the apology. Sorry for punching you in the face."
"It's okay. I suppose I deserved it."
"Okay! That's good! Can we maybe have a handshake?" Coran asked.
Allura held out her hand, and Kassy stared at it for a moment, before taking it and shaking it.
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