Chapter 79
"Hey." Hunk found Kassy in her living room, stooped over a load of photos.
"Oh, hi, Hunk."
He glanced over them. Countless pictures of the same girl; growing up.
"Is that Maeve?" he asked.
"Yeah. It's a year today since she..."
"Yeah?" he placed a hand on her shoulder. Her own hands shook as she held one picture in particular for longer.
"This is how I remember her. She's maybe... 13 here? When I think of Maeve, this is what I see. The dreamer. Always painting, drawing, sketching, doodling. She had huge plans, you know?" she smiled softly. "She was gonna be the next Picasso. Her words, but I reckon she could have done it."
"If she'd been given the time." Hunk murmured.
She nodded. "I stopped being depressed over it, Hunk. I'm angry. I've never been angrier in my life, looking at these pictures. That Galran took my baby sister's life. She was rash, reckless, stubborn, yes. But she was creative, kind, smart, and she didn't deserve to die." she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "And if I ever find that Galran? I'm going to grab his head and snap his neck." Kassy said those last words with a quiet force behind them.
Hunk took her hand. "Would Maeve want you speaking like that?"
"Oh, absolutely, the girl was insane. Sometimes, when I see you and Shay, I hear her voice whispering, cut his dick off."
"I think that's psychosis, Kassy."
"Just kidding." she smiled.
He pulled her into a hug. "I know it hurts you to see me with Shay. And I'm sorry. But, well..."
"I can't expect you to sit around forever moping, I know, I know." she hugged back. "Every so often I wish just once I could make huge demands of someone else, though."
Hunk smiled. "I get it."
She pulled away. "Thanks for the chat, Hunk."
"Any time."
"Truth or dare?" Elrine had her head on Lotor's chest, and he played with her hair gently.
"How many people have you killed?"
"Not sure." he replied.
"How many would you kill for me?"
Lotor sat up. "I'd end the entire universe tomorrow if it meant holding you in my arms all day today."
She laughed. "You're so cheesy."
"I'm serious." he murmured, kissing her forehead. "We haven't known each other long. Not properly, anyway. But... it's like this void inside me is being slowly filled every time I see you and hold you and touch you. And if ending the universe tomorrow meant that void was filled, well, I'll allow us to be the perfect tragedy."
Elrine smiled, her face flushed. "You really know exactly what to say, don't you?"
"I just say what I feel, darling." he replied, his voice low. His lips met hers again, and he allowed himself to push onto her body, slowly working her onto her back. "Right now, I'd like to feel you."
She giggled. "Then feel me you shall."
"Axca, there's a pool at this venue."
"Rora, why do we need a pool at our wedding?" Axca asked.
"To swim in, duh."
"Why would we be swimming at our wedding?"
"Cos there's a pool."
Axca sighed. "Okay. So, everyone's wet. Then what?"
Rora leaned in, glanced around to make sure nobody was listening. "Towels."
Axca smiled. "Alright, fine. We can have a pool wedding."
At that moment, Coran entered. "Where's Elrine? She seems to be leaving her bag here a lot. She doesn't even own a bag."
"Uh- I don't know." Rora said. "I'll go look upstairs."
Rora ran off, knocking on Lotor's door. "Hide Elrine right now." she hissed through.
Lotor and Elrine stared at each other, him in his boxers, her in her bra, and he opened up the massive closet, hiding her inside. Then, he lay down on his bed, trying to look casual.
"She's not upstairs." Rora said.
"Hey, didn't she mention going shopping?" Axca asked.
"Oh, yeah, she did." Rora said.
Coran stared at them, eyes narrowed. "I'm checking."
He burst into Lotor's room, finding him lying on his bed in his boxers.
"Where is my daughter?" he asked.
"Coran, respectfully, I'm in my underwear, would you mind leaving?"
"Tell me where Elrine is!"
"She's not here." Lotor glanced down, and saw Elrine's panties on the floor. That would surely raise questions. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down, please, I'm begging you, Coran, don't look down.
"Hmm. Well, alright." Coran said, turning and leaving.
Lotor breathed a sigh of relief, and waited until Coran had left.
"Elrine? Where were we?"
"So, Lotor's in a relationship with Elrine?" Pidge's voice was hushed.
"Yep. And Coran has already told Lotor he'd crush him into dust in less than one dobosh if he found him with her." she covered her mouth and giggled. At that moment, Romelle burst in.
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing." the two said, in perfect unison.
"Lotor? And Elrine? I.E. Coran's daughter?"
"I'm not confirming anything." Rora sipped her tea. Romelle hated Lotor's guts; reasonably so.
Romelle stared at the two, before running home. "Coran! Coran, I need to talk to you about Lotor!"
"What is it?" Coran asked.
"I was right about Lotor. He is a liar. I just overheard Rora telling Pidge that him and Elrine are together and hiding it from you."
Coran stared at her for a moment, before his face went red with anger. "He what?"
Romelle nodded. "I knew we couldn't trust him!"
Coran grabbed his keys. "I didn't want it to come to this. But you lie to me? Especially where my daughter is concerned?" he shook his head and made to leave.
Allura, at that moment, ran into the kitchen.
"My water just broke."
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