Chapter 76
"I can't believe it's New Year's Eve." Shiro made a weak attempt at putting on his tie, before Kassy went over, tying it for him before he even got the chance to ask.
"It's been the, like, 3rd craziest year of my life." She replied.
"What's the first 2?"
"Uh, craziest, getting captured by Galra. Second craziest, the year after that when we were in space and you got me pregnant. Then, this last year."
Shiro nodded. "Figures. It's been... kinda strange, actually."
"Kinda? Honey, we beat aliens in a space war. And that was just January, so much has happened since then. Maeve died, I mean, I got married, got divorced, had a baby. Lance and Keith got engaged and married, Rora and Axca are engaged, Hunk and Shay are expecting. Romelle and Allura got together and are having a baby, too. I found my dad. Lotor returned. And now Coran has had a daughter this whole time."
Shiro smiled. "I feel like the only one with nothing going on. Other than getting with you, I haven't had an ultra defining moment in my personal life this year."
"That's not necessarily a bad thing, sweetie. It's a lot for one person in one year."
He smiled, kissing her cheek. "Hey, there's been something I've been meaning to ask you."
"What is it?"
"How do you feel about marriage?"
Kassy thought for a moment. "I don't know." she said after a moment. "Look, it's not that I don't think we'd have a healthy, long lasting marriage. But I thought the exact same with Veronica, and I can't help but second guess myself, especially considering we had no problems until we got married. I really would love to, but..."
"Hey, it's okay. We've only been together, what, 5 months anyway."
"Shiro, let's be honest. We've been together a lot longer than 5 months. It's just we decided to label it 5 months ago."
He smiled. "Yeah, you're right. But my point is, there's no rush at all. We move at your pace. And that goes for everything." he took her hand, kissing her fingers, looking at the ring he got her. "Remember what I said about the ring?"
"It means that no matter what, it's you and me together."
Shiro nodded. "That's right. Now, come on. Matt will be getting ants in his pants if we don't show up to Rora's party soon."
Kassy smiled. "Let's go."
Elrine entered the kitchen, holding 3 bottles of champagne.
"Rora!" she called out. Lotor saw her, and immediately took them from her arms.
"Please, allow me." Lotor's voice was smooth, but the minute he made eye contact with her any suavity he had left him, and he felt his cheeks heat up. He quickly moved, placing the bottles on the counter so she wouldn't see his blush.
"Thank you, Lotor." she smiled. "How are Earth parties?"
"Um..." Lotor commanded himself to pull himself together; be a man; and not stutter. "W-well, uh, lot's of alcohol. Matt drinks the most, o-or I heard at least, um, don't quote me on that... music, dancing, but not like traditional music, i-it's more like... um... you'll enjoy yourself, anyway. Maybe. I don't know. I don't really know you."
Elrine looked at him with a smile. "Oh, you are cute, aren't you?"
Lotor turned, his blushing face now twisted in a scowl. "Cute?"
"Look at you getting all flustered. Look, I just wanted to say, thank you for freezing me. I thought that was quite thoughtful for a irredeemable villain."
Lotor looked at her, face softening to confusion. "Oh. Well, you're welcome."
Elrine smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek gently. "I don't know how Ill ever repay you."
"No, no, no repayment. I'm trying not to be an irredeemable villain now."
Coran walked in at that moment. "Rora, have you seen- ah, Elrine, even better. Oh." he turned and saw Lotor. "Having a chat? With my daughter? Without me present?"
"Father, don't be silly." Elrine touched Coran's arm gently. "I'm a grown up now."
"Lotor, I understand you were raised in the Galra empire, but as you are half Altean, I'll explain the Altean way to you. A male must be approved by a female's primary carer before he can talk to her. And as Elrine's father..."
"Father, that's the way of ancient Altea. Don't you find these rules and regulations a little... outdated? I mean, you don't see Kassy's dad going mad at Shiro for looking at her."
"Yes, well, have you tried stopping them two? They're like a pair of bunnies."
"What's a bunny? Anyway, I was just thanking Lotor. Nothing for you to worry about."
Lotor's eyes narrowed. "Well, alright. As long as it was a thank you and nothing else. I have my eye on you." he stared at Lotor as he left.
The rest of the group came before Lotor could resume the conversation with Elrine, and she was quickly noticed by Matt and Daisy.
"Oh, my God, Altean ears are so cute. You're like a fairy." Daisy said.
"I don't know what that means. But thanks!" Elrine replied.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Elrine. I've been chatting to Kassy for the last week, cos we're besties as you know, and she told me all about you. Damn, Coran's daughter? Wasn't expecting that."
Elrine laughed. "I know. He's a little overbearing but he means well."
Lotor watched her speak to the many men who came over, glaring daggers at each one. He did not consider himself brave enough to go strike up a second conversation with her, however. So he just sat. Glaring.
"Come on, why are you glaring at Keith? He doesn't even like girls." Rora asked, sitting next to him.
"Uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about." Lotor replied.
"Come on. Elrine? You're in love, baby."
Lotor frowned. "You're crazy."
"I thought you were being nice."
"Crazy is the nicest word I could think of, sorry." he sighed. "I don't have feelings for Elrine."
"Look, Lancey Lance has told me all about the obsessive Galra genes. Keith is half Galra, you see? I know how you can get when you find your partner."
"It's not like that, Rora." his voice was almost a growl from frustration.
"Calm down. Look, you can admit your feelings to me. I know you were raised to not ever talk about anything other than battle strategy or smart things, but here, people will listen to you."
Lotor frowned. "She makes me feel weak. And I'm addicted to the weakness. It makes me feel like I'm in the air, with light shining down on me, do you know how long I went without light? And I see her, and I want to scoop her in my arms and protect her. But she makes me so weak that even just talking to her makes me nauseous."
"Well, it's not quite nausea. It's like this feeling in my stomach, like when your heart pounds from stress, but the positive version."
Rora smiled. "Lotor, those are butterflies. It's called having a crush. Look, she's being swamped with men right now, Coran's gonna burst a blood vessel. You go do it the Altean way, ask to speak to her on a personal level and you'll have his support at least."
"Then what?"
"Talk to her. Take her out. You can do it, Lotor."
Lotor took a breath. "Alright."
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