Chapter 68
TW some depictions of sexual harassment/assault
Despite the tough few weeks that followed, Kassy arrived home with her baby, and instantly fit herself in for some relaxing at home time. Not that she really did much else before.
Shiro found her in her music room, playing some song on the piano, humming softly along.
"That sounds nice."
"Thanks." she said. "It's one I wrote."
"It sounds lovely. When did you write it?"
"When I got on the Kerberos mission, and I was being harassed." she sighed. "Here, these lyrics explain it pretty well." she pushed the paper towards him, and he read over them.
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Yep, sums it up, I'd imagine."
"Kerberos was a crazy time." Kassy sighed.
~ wee woo magical transition sparkle magic back in time ~
"Can Kassiopeia Blackwood please report to Commander Iverson's office promptly?"
Kassy heard the voice ring out over the megaphone, and a few turned to glance at her. She picked up her bag, and headed there.
"Miss Blackwood." the man was tall, and muscular. Kassy had always been tall, but the man towered over her. "Take a seat."
She took a breath, and sat down. "Yes, sir."
"Now. You've been creating quite a stir, haven't you, hm? Practically begging to be on the Kerberos mission."
Kassy became breathless for a moment. "Yes."
"Now, you surely know that 'I want' never gets, don't you?" the man didn't seem particularly angry, in fact, there was an edge of amusement to his voice.
"Let's put together a deal, Miss Blackwood. You're intelligent. But being intelligent means very little here. We have some of the cleverest people in the world working here, and you understand that there's always going to be someone bigger and smarter than you. When they talk to you, you do as they say."
She nodded. "Yes, sir."
"Good. Now, I'd love you on the Kerberos mission. I think you'd be an excellent asset to the team. You wouldn't even be the youngest on the team. However... sending a woman on this venture. Oh, dear, if I sent all the females away into space, who would I look at?"
"Pardon, sir?"
"Do not interrupt me. If this is going to work, Miss Blackwood, you cannot interrupt me. Understood? Good." he said, not waiting for her answer. "So. Before I send you off, I want you to make it worth my while. Do you have any ideas of how you could do that?"
Kassy felt her palms begin to sweat. "Um. Studying... harder...?"
He laughed heartily. "Perfect. I like them innocent. Miss Blackwood, my idea is much more physical."
"I-I... um, I can lose the weight, I-"
"Hm? That's not what I was getting at, but seeing as you brought it up, you could stand to lose a few pounds. Let's aim for 20, okay? Anyway, Miss Blackwood, I'd like you to..." he leaned forward. "pleasure me."
Her eyes widened, and she stared at him. "Oh."
"Of course, you don't have to. It's up to you. I know how much you want your place on Kerberos, and your place in the Garrison. You know how much I want that for you too, darling? So, what do you say, hm?"
Kassy sort of stared at him in shock, feeling her stomach turn. "For my place at the Garrison, too?"
He nodded. "Yes."
She thought for a moment, before nodding.
"Good. We can start right now."
Kassy left his office a full 30 minutes later, and walked into one of the lounges, leaning on the table, and trying not to vomit.
"Hey, are you okay?" she heard a voice behind her. She didn't turn to look.
"I think I'm gonna throw up." she mumbled.
"Oh!" the person grabbed a bin from under the table, and handed it to her. "Hey, sit down. You'll be okay."
She took a seat, taking a few deep breaths, until she felt better. She looked up at whoever had helped her. "Thank you." she said.
"That's no problem. I'm Commander Holt, and I assume you're Kassiopeia Blackwood. I'd like to congratulate you on joining the Kerberos team. If you're feeling unwell, though, I'd suggest getting some rest. You can't get anything done when you're sick."
She sniffed and nodded. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you."
"If you have any questions, come speak to me. I'm happy to help. Don't worry, my son is new to the mission, too, you won't be the only one."
"I really appreciate it. Thank you."
Weeks passed. Kassy heeded his words, began eating less and working out more, hating herself every moment.
The first meeting came.
Kassy arrived early, as she had promised Iverson she'd give him a good luck kiss before anyone arrived. Even though the sight of him was enough to make her feel sick, she was doing whatever she could to keep her place on the mission.
However, he wasn't there. She took a few moments to calm herself, when the door opened, and in walked a familiar face.
"K... Kassy?"
He looked at her in shock, before going over, seemingly for a hug, before settling on a handshake.
"I didn't... I didn't know you were here! I knew we had another person on the mission, but I didn't know it was you! How've you been?"
"Good, good, it's nice to see you again." she smiled, the sight of her old best friend enough to calm the anxiety in the pit of her stomach.
Then, Iverson entered. He looked mildly annoyed at arriving after Shiro.
"Ah, Lieutenant Shirogane. I see you've met Kassiopeia Blackwood."
"Actually, Miss Blackwood and I go way back." Shiro smiled.
"Oh, how touching."
Then, Samuel entered with his son, Matt.
"Matthew, please meet Kassiopeia Blackwood." Sam said. "And you already know Shiro."
Matt walked over to say hello and shake her hand, but froze, hand stretched out, eyes widening as he gazed first at her face, then her chest. His cheeks went slightly pink.
"Uh, hello." Kassy smiled, shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you."
Matt blinked a couple of times, and then Sam gave him a subtle jab in the ribs. "Oh! Uh, it's nice to meet, meet you too. Ha."
"Right. Let's get started before our lady gets too distracting." Iverson said. Kassy could see Matt's head turned towards the board which Iverson was presenting, however his eyes seemed to be somewhere else.
Afterwards, Kassy could see Iverson make a beeline for her, and she knew it would result in a meeting in his office. However, Samuel turned to her.
"Now, Miss Blackwood, Shiro, my wife is making dinner for us all tonight. Would you like to come?"
Kassy smiled. "That sounds really lovely. I'd love to."
Shiro nodded. "Yes, thank you."
Kassy didn't need to glance at the commander to feel his eyes burning a hole in her head. She tried to ignore it.
Meeting Colleen and her 2 daughters gave Kassy something so wholesome to think about. She looked at the young woman at the table, Rora, with her sunglasses on. She was back from the UK for just a week, and she thought of how much hope she had.
And the youngest, Katie. She was full of life that Kassy had had once.
Kassy felt as though any fight; any life she had inside her had been stolen the moment her name was called on the megaphone. Ever since, she had lost her appetite, her stomach constantly churning with anxiety, always a bit light headed. But being in the presence of people filled with such life, such love for each other - the feelings subsided just for a few hours.
Colleen had put a hand on her arm, and murmured something to her. "Give the men hell. Let them know you're a woman and that's what your strength is."
Kassy heeded Colleen's words, and carried them with her.
So, when she was next called into Iverson's office, she knew what to do.
"You look incredible. So hot." he murmured.
"I'm not sucking you." she replied. He stared down at her for a moment.
"You're not?"
The look on confusion on his face gave her confidence. "Yep."
"Oh. So, you want to be removed from the Garrison, then? You are aware sexual relations in order to progress your career is highly against Garrison code?"
"You started this."
"You think they'll believe you? Look at you, Blackwood, you're built like a prostitute. You're asking for it just by standing there. You are really the most impractical addition to that team, you know how little the men will get done with you around? Consider yourself lucky."
Kassy stared at him, feeling herself tear up. "I'm more than my body."
"Not in the real world, sweetheart. You think I give a shit about your intelligence? You were chosen because you're sexy. Now, I believe there's something of yours I've yet to see."
His hands went to the bottom of her shirt. And she let it happen.
That final meeting couldn't have come quick enough. She was so ready to be away from Earth, away from her siblings, away from Iverson.
The relief of the words that came from Iverson's mouth in the latter part of the meeting was almost delicious.
"And, it's the last night. Go home. Get rested, take some time for yourself. You've earned it. I'll see you tomorrow."
They all got up and made to leave.
"Oh, Miss Blackwood, I'd like to speak to you." Iverson said as everyone else left.
She frowned. "Yes, sir."
As soon as they were alone in the room, he placed a hand on her waist. "You're coming home with me."
"But... my siblings." she mumbled.
"You think I care?"
"Please can I call them, at least?"
He sighed. "If you must. Now, when we're at mine, you stay quiet, you get undressed, and you wait for me. You got it?"
Kassy nodded, trying to stop herself from crying again.
That next morning, all she wanted was to go to bed and cry for a year, and hope it was all a bad dream. However, she was put in a taxi, and taken to the Garrison.
News outlets. A huge crowd of people. She spotted Colleen and Katie in the crowd, cheering them on.
Shiro turned to her. "It's a little overwhelming." he had laughed, seeing her tired, stressed expression.
She had her photo taken, and then, they were alone on the ship. Her anxiety in that moment was at its calmest. She was finally leaving.
She was sat next to Shiro, and she knew he was the only one who could hear her.
"Shiro, Iverson..."
"He... um... nevermind."
Shiro glanced at her with concern, however before he could question it, the ship let out a huge roar, and they were off.
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