Chapter 60
Romelle poured out Allura a shot of vodka.
"Here. You need to relax, Allura, you're so tense now."
Allura downed it. "Only around you." she mumbled.
Romelle laughed, mixing a Monster with her vodka, and chugging it. "What do you mean, only around me?"
Allura went slightly pink, pouring herself another shot, and shrugging. "Not sure."
"Surely you know. Maybe you just fancy me."
Allura felt her skin burn, and she nodded. "I do, Romelle. I really do."
Romelle turned and looked at her in surprise. "Really?"
She nodded again, not meeting her eye, and Romelle smiled.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that. Shit, Allura, you like me?"
"Please don't hate me."
"How could I hate you? I think you're quite nice yourself." she looked at her with a half smile. "Not even quite nice. I think you're really hot, Allura."
Allura finally met her eye, and she could tell what Romelle wanted. The thought made her nervous, but filled her with excitement. "Romelle, I've never... I've never done that."
"Well, do you want to?"
She nodded, feeling how flustered she was.
Romelle smiled, taking her hand. "I'll walk you through it, love. Don't worry."
"Oh, Veronica!" Kassy held up a tiny onesie, squealing softly. "We need this!"
"Kassy, that's the eighth one."
"She needs plenty! What if she throws up on herself all the time? She made me throw up enough for 2 people."
Veronica smiled slightly. "Fine. Get it."
Kassy placed it in the basket. "I'm so glad Shiro is setting up the nursery. To be honest, I didn't want to work out that Ikea shit."
Veronica nodded. "Plus, it gives us the job of buying literally everything from this store. Aw, Kassy!" she held up a little dress. Kassy covered her mouth.
"I can't believe I'll have a daughter. A beautiful little girl, and she's gonna look like me and I'm gonna do her hair every morning, and dress her up, and kiss her head."
Veronica nodded. "Same. I'm gonna teach her all about space, and my mom is gonna be the best grandma, and she's gonna have all the aunts and uncles in the world." She smiled, placing a hand to Kassy's stomach. "Thank you, Kassy, for making me a mom."
Kassy hugged her then. "Thank you for being a mom, even after everything."
A few weeks passed, and Romelle and Allura became closer and closer, both emotionally and physically. Allura's first time had taught her very much, and she was suddenly spending much more time in the bedroom alone with Romelle.
Coran had noticed her extra time with Romelle, and was quite sad that she was hanging out with him less. He understood what she was doing, and was emotional at the thought of the closest thing he had to a daughter growing up.
He, of course, noticed the moment she started throw up.
"Princess!" he said the first morning it happened. "Are you alright?! You don't look well at all!"
Allura cleared her throat. "Yes, Coran, I'm fine."
"You don't look fine. You should go to bed, you're probably ill." he helped her up. "Don't worry, I'll clean up in here, go get some rest."
When it happened morning after morning, however, he became concerned. He was in Kassy's house, having a coffee and gossip session, while ABBA played.
"I really don't know what's wrong! She's been so unwell, but then she picks up within half an hour. And then, she's tired all the time. Look, I know her and Romelle are having... physical relationships now, but it shouldn't leave her falling asleep doing the ironing!"
Kassy laughed. "Sounds like me at the beginning of my pregnancy."
Coran looked at her. "Does it?"
"Well, Altean pregnancies are probably different to human ones, right?"
Coran's eyes were so wide they were practically popping out of his head. "Not really! Yes, there's plenty of differences, but at its core it's the same!"
Kassy shrugged. "I don't know. It's probably just a bug, and she'll be fine in a few days."
"Kassy, it's been... 7 days. Surely she'd be okay by now?"
"Look, I have tests in the bathroom if you wanna steal one for her. If it'd even work for an Altean."
"No, no, no, it needs to be a very specific ritual! When an Altean is expecting a child, there's only one way to find out!"
"Coran, is this necessary?" Allura asked as Coran placed 7 candles around her.
"We need to know, Allura! You know what happens when you have sex all the time?! You get pregnant!"
"This is so embarrassing!"
"Should have thought about that before you had unprotected hanky panky, then! What did I tell Romelle? Don't be silly, wrap your willy?!"
Allura sighed, as he lit the candles, chanting the whole time. In theory, should she be expecting, the candles will go out in unison on the fourth line of the chant.
He sang it, and on the fourth line, all the candles went out.
Coran stopped, glancing over them all, going pale, before fainting.
Lance entered, seeing Coran passed out on the floor, and Allura surrounded by candles, looking slightly weak.
"I don't even wanna know." he said, turning, before Allura called out to him.
"Lance. I'm pregnant."
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