Chapter 51
Shiro arrived at Ulaz's school to pick him up. He was in one of his summer shirts and shorts, which happened to show off his toned legs and arm. He had shoved on some sunglasses, and crossed his arms as he waited.
A few mothers turned to glance at him, their eyes travelling over his physique. They exchanged a few whispers.
Then, Kassy joined him at his side. Cycling shorts, her hair, which had grown quite a lot since she had cut it, scraped back with a claw clip, some strands framing her face. She also wore sunglasses, and she joined Shiro's side, hand on her baby bump like it was another accessory. The dads turned around, eyes going first to her chest, then to her thighs and ass.
"Ugh, such a hot day. I'm so glad it's summer break soon."
Kassy shook her head. "This pregnancy is not mixing well with the heat."
Shiro smiled, arm around her waist, before the doors opened, and the kids ran out.
Ulaz saw them. "Mommy! My teacher wants to talk to you."
"Because I said cunt again."
Shiro nodded at her. "Go on. I'll wait."
Kassy sighed, before going to speak to the teacher.
One of the bolder mothers walked over.
"Afternoon, love. How are you?"
Shiro glanced over. "Hm? Oh, I'm very well, thank you."
"You've got a lovely son, or so I've heard. I'm Thomas' mother."
"Ah, well, it's nice to meet you." Shiro gave a dismissive smile.
"You were one of them Voltron thingies, weren't you? Did you have to work out a lot for that?"
Shiro glanced at Kassy. "Uh, I liked to stay on top of my game. I worked out a lot, not so much now." he gave a soft laugh.
Kassy nodded, said something to the teacher, before walking back over. "Now, Ulaz, you really need to know the time and place for saying those kinds of words."
The woman glanced over at Kassy. "So this is your wife, then?"
Shiro shook his head. "Oh, no. We're Ulaz's parents, but we're... we're not together."
"They're friends with benefits!" Ulaz said. "That's what my Auntie Romelle said to my Uncle Pants."
"Ulaz, no."
"So, you're expecting another baby together?"
"No, no, this isn't anything to do with me." Shiro laughed.
"So, you're remarried, you're single?"
Kassy sighed. "Rachel, spit out whatever you want to say."
"Well, you know Thomas doesn't see his dad anymore. And, well, Takashi is a very attractive man."
"That's very kind of you to say. Unfortunately, I'm not interested in getting in a relationship at the minute." He took Kassy's hand.
"Alright, we need to head to that appointment now." Kassy said. "See you, Rebecca."
"It's Rachel."
Kassy shrugged, and left with Shiro.
They picked up Veronica, and headed to the doctors for the ultrasound.
"What do you think it is, Veronica?" Kassy asked.
"I get the vibes it's a boy. Not sure, though."
"I'm team girl, all the way." Kassy said.
"Blackwood-McClain?" a nurse called out. The group stood up and went to the room.
"Morning, Miss Blackwood. Please, take a seat. Now, we have 2 things to do today. First, we'll be doing an ultrasound, and I understand you are hoping to find out your baby's sex today?" The doctor asked.
Kassy nodded. "Yep."
"Yep, we can do that. And, we would like to discuss the birthing plan as you're in your second trimester now. Is that okay?"
Kassy nodded, and the doctor started the ultrasound. Shiro sat with Ulaz on his lap, as Veronica went up to the screen to find the baby.
"Yep, there's your baby. Growing nicely, looking a good size. Have you felt movements?"
"Yes, they're quite active."
"That's what we like to hear. Now, let's see... ah, here we are. Congratulations, Miss Blackwood and Miss McClain. You're expecting a baby girl."
Kassy smiled. "A girl! Veronica, we've got a daughter!"
Veronica smiled, hugging Kassy. "We do!"
"Here we are, here's your ultrasound. So, let's discuss the birthing plan. Have you thought about how you'd like to deliver?"
"Well, I was thinking of a home birth. The reason being that hospitals... they're kind of triggering for me. Which is why I have a whole support group with me for an ultrasound."
The doctor smiled. "That's completely understandable. Well, at this point in time, everything seems to be progressing perfectly normally, as it should. I understand there was some complications at the beginning of the pregnancy, but at this point, everything should be in order for a home birth. Of course, just so you're aware, there's a chance this could change, so I need your consent to deliver your baby in a hospital should there be a medical emergency."
Kassy nodded. "In an emergency, or if it's necessary. But if all is healthy, I'd rather have the midwife come to my house."
"I'll put that down for you. Okay, thanks for coming in, have a great day. Again, any concerns or anything, you can always ring in and ask."
Kassy nodded, and the group left.
"Hey!" Lance was out on his lawn with Keith, shirtless. "So I have a niece or a nephew in there?"
Kassy smiled. "A niece."
Lance jumped up and smiled. "Yes! I have a niece! Ulaz, you have a sister!"
Ulaz didn't really care. "Daddy, can I please get a piggyback?" Shiro smiled, picking him up and putting him on his back.
"Alright, but only quickly."
Shiro took his son for a walk.
Romelle came from her house with Coran and Allura. "What is it? It's a boy, isn't it?!" She said.
"Okay, give me one more guess. Is it a girl?"
"Yes! I was right!" Romelle smiled, getting on her knees, a few inches from Kassy's stomach. "Right, little girl, I'm your Auntie Romelle. You're gonna be such a fashionista, in fact, I already ordered most of Gucci's clothes for you because my sugar daddy gave me so much money. So, girly tip number one, always wear a push up bra, and girly tip number two, find a sugar daddy."
"Thanks, Romelle." Kassy said.
"You're welcome!" Romelle got up, and wandered off.
Kassy posted on the groupchat that she was having a girl, and went for a nap.
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