Chapter 48
Lance sighed sadly. "We're breaking up."
Kassy looked at him, in complete shock. "You are? Why?!"
"Things just... they're not working out anymore."
"Oh God... I'm so sorry... are you okay?"
Lance frowned. "I don't know."
Kassy pulled him into a hug. "I'm here for you, sweetie."
Kassy left Lance's house. She went about her day; going shopping, heading for lunch, before returning home.
"Hey, Shiro!" she called. Shiro came from the kitchen, his hair completely black. "Did you dye your hair?"
"Huh? What do you mean? Aren't you ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"Kerberos, of course!" Matt said. "My name is Matthew Holt, it's nice to meet you!"
"I'm Samuel Holt. It's a pleasure."
"Kerberos...? But..."
"But what? You wanted this, didn't you?" Shiro asked. His eyes went blank. "You brought it upon yourself, didn't you?"
She glanced at the 3 men. All of them had completely blank eyes.
"Yeah, Kassy. Didn't you beg and fight and suck some guy's dick just to be here?" Matt said. "Don't turn away now."
Kassy turned and ran out of the door, heading to Hunk's house. The scene she was met with was not pretty.
"Kassy!" Maeve smiled. Except she had blood gushing from her neck, creating a pool at her shoes. Kassy stared in horror. "I missed you!" she opened her arms, going for a hug. She glanced behind her, and saw a lifeless heap on the floor. Shay. Hunk was cowering next to the dead body, shaking.
Kassy turned again, running from the house. She went to Coran's house.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart!" Coran smiled at her, taking her hand, and leading her to the kitchen, where there was food laid out. "My, your breasts look very nice today!"
Kassy stared at him. "My breasts?!"
"Yes!" Coran said, placing his hands at her waist. "So hard to believe we're having a child together!" Kassy stared at him in confusion, as he leaned in, kissing her.
Kassy woke up with a gasp. She glanced around, and saw Shiro fast asleep, both of them completely naked. An eyelash was stuck to her cheek, and she didn't need the lights on for her to see the foundation on her pillow. She took a few breaths, coming to the realisation it was a dream, and she was in a hotel in France and had fucked Shiro the night before.
She fell back asleep.
"Since I got pregnant, I've had such weird dreams. Like, last night, I had this really vivid one, like, it felt so real." Kassy took a bite of toast. "Like, it was so scary. Lance and Keith had broken up, Shiro, Matt, and Sam started tormenting me for going on the Kerberos mission, and Maeve came back from the dead to kill Shay."
"Oh, nice." Lance said. "Sounds fun."
"The scariest part, though, was that I was pregnant with Coran's baby."
Coran looked up. "What?!"
"I know." she shook her head.
"Wait, so, me, Matt, and Sam were tormenting you?" Shiro asked.
"Yeah, like, because PTSD and the fact that I kinda brought it upon myself. I guess that manifested."
"Dreams do have meanings." Hunk said. "And it seems like you got the trauma manifesto. I mean, Lance and Keith breaking up probably means you're still torn up over your divorce. You're clearly not over what happened on the Kerberos mission, and you are exploring hidden depths about your sister."
Coran cleared his throat. "And the expecting Coran's child thing?"
"Oh, I have nothing for that." Hunk said. "That's just a bit weird."
Kassy nodded. "Yeah, I guess."
Romelle finally joined everyone, hair messy, makeup all over her face, wearing a T-shirt backwards.
"Morning, Romelle." Keith said. Romelle responded by raising her middle finger at him.
"That's not very nice." Coran said as she took a seat.
"Someone get this woman some coffee." Lance said. Keith poured her a cup, and handed it to her. She absentmindedly sipped it, slowly coming to.
"My head has never hurt so bad in my life. And, and I've had some really bad hangovers."
"You're probably still drunk, honey." Kassy said. "Here, take some ibuprofen." she handed it to her.
Romelle took it. "Oh, thanks, sexy milf." she mumbled.
"So glad that name is catching on."
Romelle groaned, leaning her head on Coran's shoulder. "Who let me drink?"
"Well, we're not gonna stop you. You're an adult." Allura said.
"Ohhh. I threw up in a plant pot on my way down here, and I'm pretty sure that's not good for them." she yawned.
"Have some water. You need to keep hydrated." Keith said.
Romelle nodded, opening her eyes. "Oh, the light... oh, I'm going back to bed."
She grabbed a bottle of water and went back upstairs.
"So, any nice plans for today?" Shiro asked.
"Pidge, Keith, Lance, Shay, and I are all heading to the Louvre." Hunk said.
"Seems like Romelle's staying in bed." Allura said. "So I'll be spending the day with her. I've missed her terribly."
"I'll be getting my explore on." Coran said. "I'd love to see the Eiffel in the flesh."
"Okay, well, let's meet here for dinner at 7pm. Sound good?" Shiro asked. Everyone nodded.
The group split up, saying their goodbyes.
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