Chapter 40
"Hey, everyone. It's nice to see you all again."
"Hi, Shay!" Pidge said. Everyone waved at the Balmera girl.
"Oh, uh, Shay, this is Kassy. She's a good friend of ours."
Kassy glanced down at Shay's hand in Hunk's, then up to her face, then at Hunk. She cleared her throat.
"Hi." she said, flatly.
"Oh, it's really nice to meet you!" Shay smiled.
Hunk glanced at Kassy, who was staring ahead of herself, and quickly changed the subject.
"So, how've you been?"
"Hey, what's the matter?" Hunk asked. He had gotten Kassy on her own, and she'd been distant with him and Shay.
"That Shay girl. What are you doing with her?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you all cosied up to her? Did you forget about Maeve?"
"What?" Hunk said. "Look, I miss Maeve. A lot."
"But now, just a few months later, you're getting with some alien chick?"
"Kassy, maybe you're being a bit unreasonable. Maeve would want me to be happy, right?"
Kassy snorted. "Oh, no, she wouldn't. She'd curse your name if she was alive. That's why she probably went to Hell."
"Well, regardless, I appreciate how hard this has been for you. But you can't expect me to never move on."
Kassy shook her head. "I'm not saying that. But this is my little sister. My dead little sister, no less. Don't sit and expect me to be all warm and loving towards your new girlfriend knowing that Maeve would be sobbing in my arms if she knew."
Hunk frowned. "Sorry. But I can't put my life on hold for your sister."
"Be thankful you ever had the option." she stood up and left.
"Why am I so upset over this?" Kassy sighed.
"However you're feeling is valid. But try to be nice to Shay, alright? She's not done anything." Shiro placed a hand on Kassy's shoulder. They were in the doctors, waiting for her first ultrasound.
She sighed. "I'm really trying not to be rude. But I see her and I think, Maeve's replacement."
"Good afternoon, Mrs Blackwood-McClain." A doctor said.
"Oh, it's just Blackwood."
"Oh, right, sorry. Are we ready for our ultrasound?"
Kassy nodded as the doctor set it all up, starting the procedure. Shiro and Kassy watched the screen.
"There's Baby 1." the doctor pointed.
"Pardon, Baby 1?" Shiro asked.
"Yes, you're expecting twins."
Kassy stared at the doctor in disbelief. "You're lying."
"I legally cannot lie to patients."
"Twins? Like, 2? Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yep. Here's one, there's the other."
Kassy said nothing, just staring at the screen.
"You okay?" Shiro asked, quietly.
"I have 2 babies." she mumbled, before tearing up, covering her mouth. "Shiro, I'm having 2 babies."
Shiro smiled. "Yep."
She laughed softly. "I'm gonna have 2 babies!"
"You feel happier now?"
Kassy nodded, hugging him.
The doctor printed it, and handed the picture to her. She gazed down at it, smiling.
"You can't leave! I won't let you!" Pidge shouted from inside her closet.
"That's not how it works, Pidge." Rora sighed. "Look, I'll be back to visit. And I'll call you every day, I promise. And I'll fly you out so you can visit."
"You're not going."
"Yes I am."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"No you're not."
"Look, we can do this all day. I'm leaving. You can't stop me."
Pidge frowned. "I'll miss you. I already had to go without Matt and dad, now I have to go without you?"
"I'm just a call away. If it's an emergency I'll be on a plane faster than you can say Quiznak."
"I can't do this without you, Rora."
"Hey, come out the closet."
"I'm aroace."
"Don't be stupid. That's my joke."
Pidge came out, and wrapped her arms around Rora. "When do you leave?"
"2 weeks."
"Then I guess we'll have to make them count."
"Is this the ultrasound?" Veronica asked. Kassy nodded, showing her. Lance and Keith crowded around.
"Notice anything?"
Veronica stared at it. "Is there... is there 2?"
Kassy nodded and smiled. "There's 2 babies in my tummy!"
"It's twins?!" Lance said. "You're actually gonna give birth twice?!"
"Woah! Please name at least one of them after me. Please."
"What if they're both girls?" Shiro asked.
Kassy snorted. "Sure, little Lancette, say hi to your Uncle."
Hunk entered, Shay not far behind, and Kassy's smile dropped.
"Oh, you got the ultrasound?" he asked.
"Mmhmm." she responded, flatly.
"Can I see?"
She pushed it towards him, and he picked it up, looking at it.
"It's twins, Hunk!" Lance said. "And they're naming one after me."
"I think Kassy was joking, Lance." Shiro said.
"Not fair." Lance mumbled.
"Twins? Woah, that's great! Congratulations!"
"Mm." Kassy said, looking down. "Oh, well, it's late, I'm going to bed." she said, quickly, before leaving.
Shay excused herself and followed, finding Kassy outside.
"Hey, Kassy, was it?"
She turned, uncertainly. "Yeah."
"Um, I feel as though I'm causing some tension here. Between you and Hunk. And I wanted to say... um, I'm sorry. I don't wanna ruin anything. Can you please explain what I've done, though?"
Kassy sniffled, not realising she was tearing up. "It's not your fault, Shay. You seem lovely. But, I... um, I have personal issues. You see, Hunk and my little sister had feelings for one another. But my sister died in the war, and... and you just remind me of what could have been."
Shay nodded. "I'm so sorry for your loss. Um... if me being here is too upsetting, I'll leave."
Kassy shook her head. "No. I'll be fine."
Shay smiled slightly. "Hey. If you ever need anything, then I'm here. Congratulations on the babies."
"Thank you, Shay." Kassy smiled softly. "I'm sorry I... I'm sorry I was cold with you."
"Consider it forgiven."
Kassy smiled, and then she grimaced in pain.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just... I just got this pain in my stomach."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I should- ow!"
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