Chapter 18
A few hours had passed, and Shiro had gotten tired and stressed.
"Alright, Kassy, I'm just gonna go take 5 minutes."
She looked up at him. "You're gonna go take 5 minutes? I want to take 5 minutes, but I can't."
"I promise I'll be back in 5 minutes. Just keep breathing, okay? You have Coran."
"Oh, woohoo, lucky me."
Shiro hesitated before patting her shoulder and leaving. He went to the living room where the group was.
"Is the baby here? Is it a boy or a girl?" Allura got up and asked.
"Not here yet."
"Huh? Then why aren't you in there supporting your friend-wife or whatever you are?" she asked.
"It's kind of intense."
Lance shook his head. "You think that's intense? Try lambing season."
"Uh, no thank you, I've had enough of birth from just today."
"I'll go sit with her until you're feeling ready to come back in." Allura said.
"I'll come too!" Lance followed after her.
"What's up anyway, Shiro?" Keith asked.
"I don't know, I've just had this headache the last few days. The yelling isn't helping."
"You're probably just stressed." Pidge said.
"Hey, Kassy, had the baby yet?" Lance asked. She looked up and death stared at him.
"Do I look like I've had the fucking- oh! Ow!"
Allura grabbed her hand. "Ignore him, Kassy, just breathe."
"Just trying to lighten the mood." Lance mumbled as Allura breathed with Kassy.
"And you're sure we have no pain relief?" Kassy asked Coran. He shook his head.
"None strong enough to help with this."
"Ok, well, how much longer do I have to cope with this?"
"Well, last we checked, you're 7cm. So not very long at all."
Shiro came to the door. "I'm back." he announced.
"Ah, Shiro! Go sit with Kassy, she needs you. You two, you can leave."
"You know, one time in lambing season, the lamb got stuck in the birth canal." Lance said to Allura.
"Why would any of us want to know about that right now?"
"Wait until you hear how we got it out."
"No, thank you."
The two left, and Kassy grabbed Shiro's good hand, more for support than anything.
"You're doing a wonderful job, Kassy." he murmured to her. "You're far stronger than I am."
A few hours passed, and Coran was doing well, all considered.
"Final push! And then your baby will be here!"
Shiro watched, partially in awe, partially in fear, as his child was born. A few seconds passed, and there was a scream.
"It's a boy. Congratulations." Coran smiled, cutting the chord, and placing the baby onto Kassy's chest.
"A boy? We have a son, Shiro, our son..." she laughed through her tears. Shiro reached down, kissing her head.
"You did it." he whispered, placing a hand on the baby's head. "We have our little baby."
Coran grabbed a towel, wrapping the baby up, Kassy sat up and took him in her arms once more.
"Hello, baby. You don't have a name yet, do you? That's okay. That doesn't take away from how much we're gonna love you. And no matter what, we will always be here." she whispered. "Oh, I can't stop looking at you. You're so perfect."
"Who does he look more like?" Shiro asked.
"I can't tell. He's just perfect."
He nodded. "Have you thought of any names?"
"I want you to choose." she murmured.
"Me?" Shiro asked. She nodded. "Well... how about Ulaz?"
"Without him, I wouldn't be here having a baby."
Kassy nodded. "I love that name."
"Do we have baby clothes?" he asked. Kassy nodded again.
"We went to the space mall when you were gone to get everything we'd need. That's why we have his nursery set up and everything."
He nodded. "Can I... can I hold him?"
She nodded, and handed him to Shiro. He looked down in awe, saying nothing.
Some time passed, and there was a knock at the door. "Can we come in?" Allura's voice was heard.
"Yes, come in. But be quiet, he's sleeping. The baby, not Shiro."
"You had a boy?" she murmured. Kassy nodded.
"Does he have a name?" Rora asked.
"Ulaz." Shiro replied.
"What a nice name. I know it means a lot to you." Allura said. "Oh, can I hold him? Please?"
"Someone's changed their tune." Kassy smiled. "What happened to no babies in a space war?0
"I can't help it. I just love babies." She took Ulaz and smiled. "Oh, he's so... so cute."
Kassy smiled, and yawned. "Oh, I could just sleep forever."
"We'll leave you alone. We'll get acquainted properly later on." Pidge said. Allura handed the baby back to Shiro, and they left.
After they were out of the room, Lance cleared his throat.
"Am the only one who thinks their baby is kinda ugly?"
There was hums and nods of agreement from the group.
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