Stop - 4 (End)
Blood, Mentions of suicide
*Sans's POV*
I was thrown out of a bag and rolled onto grass. "Hello Sans... One of my worst enemy's... And Sarah... I've hated you ever since I laid my eyes on you... And when I put my knife into that sister of yours." Chara says and I could hear Sarah growl. "All I need now is ReFresh... And once I kill him and take his soul... I'll force you to watch your loved ones die." Chara smirked. "You're sick!." Sarah spat and Chara glared. "You know... I always wonder what happened to you after I stabbed you... Did she die... Who. The. Hell. Cares." Chara laughed. "I swear when I get out of these ropes I will rip your GOD DAMNED HEAD OFF!!!." Sarah yelled. "Alright you leave me no choice." She smirked and in a swift motion stabbed Sarah and she screamed out in pain. "STOP!!!." I yell and she turns her head to me. "Oh come one Sans you know she can't die." Chara laughed and Sarah winced when Chara ripped the knife from her stomach. "I-I w-will kill y-you." Sarah says coughing up blood. "What are you going to do? Burn me? Not with your hands tied up like that." She smiles and punches Sarah in the face and Sarah scowls. "Well goodbye." Chara laughs and teleports off. "You're one tough girl." I say wiping my tears on my jacket. "Ha. Nothing happened to you and you're crying." She laughs and looks up. "I'm not crying I just... A bug flew in my eye." I smile and look away. "We may die." She laughs. "Yup." I smile.
*Error's POV*
"GUYS JUST FUCKING DO THE THING!!!." I yell and I could hear ReFresh laugh in the background. "ALRIGHT!!! Alright." Cap yelled and grabbed Sarah's hand, they stayed there for a minute with their eyes closed before doing anything. "She's in.... Washington, DC." Sarah says and Cap grabs our hand and Fresh's. Little did we know someone had grabbed us before we teleported.
We landed in a forest and I sighed.
*ReFresh's POV*
"Hey guys grab as many adults as you can and meet us in Washington, DC... They have Sarah and Sans." I say quietly sneaking behind Fresh as to not let him see me.
*Sarah's POV*
Me and Sans sat there telling jokes and I absolutely knew I was going to die. "Have you ever wanted to die?." I ask Sans and he tenses. "Yes." He says looking away. "Me too." I say and he looks at me concerned. "Before I fell down here I was abused and bullied... I wanted to go up the mountain to kill myself... But my mom forced my sister to come with me... I wasn't going to leave her there, I had planned to call the police before I did it... And when we were walking up the hill, three girls that bullied my and my sister started walking with us, Maddie was the leader, following was Tay and Layla... When we made it to the top, we found this giant hole that looked like there was no bottom... She lit my scarf on fire then splashed water into my sisters eyes... She pushed us in and I remember waking up and immediately finding Flowey... The hurt in his eyes... I almost guessed Maddie was going to push Tay or Layla in... Because she was the Frisk that fell in many times before... Bit she found an easier target... And when Chara stabbed my sister, something snapped, I burst into flames and killed her right then and there... I am a monster." By the time I was finished I was in tears. "The resets drove me crazy... But I could never find the courage to do it... I wanted to... But I couldn't... I couldn't leave my brother by himself... So I begged Frisk not to reset and luckily she broke the reset button and chose to live with us." Sans explained. "Good morning." Chara chimed skipping in. "Oh why are you crying?." She asked then slapped me. "Screw you." I said. "Thinking about when I killed your pathetic sister Casey?." She laughs and I furrowed my eyebrows in anger. "I'm surprised Flowey still loves you." I spat and I saw her eyes change for a moment. "I keep telling him what you have done... But he always says the same thing... 'Even if she killed everyone in the world including me, I would still love her and she will always be my sister'." I say and a tear went down her face, but she had the same psychotic smile. "Whatever he's just a dumb flower." She says, but I could hear the tiniest hurt in her voice. "I have set a trap for your family so have fun." Chara giggled and skipped back into the house. 'Hi mommy' I heard and jumped. 'Uh, hello?' I reply. 'It's me, Tané' I smile. 'What's up?' I ask. 'You're being pretty chill for being kidnapped' She laughs. 'What? How did you know that?' I ask. 'Mom told me. We're on our way' She says. 'I'm going to kill your mom' I say and she laughs. 'We will be there soon' She says and I nod even though I know she can't see it. "What just happened?." Sans asked. "My daughter found her power." I dance as much as I can. "You are a strange one." Sans laughs.
*Ink's POV*
"Mom look I can fly!." Amy yells at Valerie. "That's awesome. What did she say Tané?." Valerie asks. "She said what's up and that she is going to kill you." Tané laughs. "DAD!!!." I hear and see two people running. "DAD!!!." Pj yells running toward me with Palette closely following. "We are coming." They say. "No." I respond. "Yep there is no stopping us." Palette says. "Whatever, but you will stay far away." I say giving in knowing they will find a way. "Lets go get the rest." I say and teleport us.
*Pj's POV*
"Uh, Pj they just teleported without us." Palette says. "I know... Now lets go get the others." I say and Palette grabs my hand. "Yeah, then we can save your boyfriend." Palette says and I blush. "And who do you mean by that?." I say. "You know ReFresh, I know you like him." He smiled and I blushed brighter. "Well as long as you ask Goth out... GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, HE HAS THE HUGEST CRUSH ON YOU AMD I KNOW FOR A FACT YOU LIKE HIM!!!." I yell and he slaps his hand over my mouth. "Say a word to anyone about this and I will kill you." Palette says and I nod quickly. "Lets go." Palette says and we teleport to Blues house. "HEY PLUM!!!." Palette yelled knocking on the door. "What?." He asked opening it. "You wanna beat the shit out of something." Palette asks and Plum nodded quickly.
---;-;--- Time Skip
We had gotten everyone and we just needed on more adult... I wasn't ready for this, I barely knew this guy, but I heard if you could get him a gun, he could shoot a guy from a mile away. "Hello?." I say as I knock on the door. "Yes?." He says opening the door. "Are you Cae Sans?." I ask and he nods. "We need your help." I say and he leans against the door frame. "Who are you?." He asks with a smug look on his face. "Inks kid." I explain. "And Medi has favourited me." I say and he nods. "Lets go." He smirks and we nod and he teleports us to Washington, DC. "Where are we supposed to go from here?." Cae says. (CAUSE ALL OF ME!!! LOVES ALL OF YOU!!! Sorry) "Over there at the tree line." I say and we run towards it and see all of our parents and a couple more Sanses in a line with two humans. "Cae get up there." (Lol Cae, k... I'm so funny) I say and he nods teleporting beside one of the humans scaring the shit out of her.
*Sarah's POV*
Me and Sans were watching out of a small window in the house and saw what Chara did, she put two distractions in the chairs we were once in. "Sans... She's going to kill them." I cry. "I-I..." He stutters. "Hey bitches." Someone says making me jump so high I swear I could have fallen out of my chair. "Out of all people I would never have expected you guys." I say and all four of them laughed. "They can't fool us with that trick, you have two cold hard killers here." Horror laughs mentioning himself and Dust. "I am offended... You have offended your boyfriend." Lust laughs crossing his arms. "And his boyfriend." SwapFell says. "Can you help us out of these chairs before I watch that bitch and many others kill my wife and kids." I growl and they cut me loose.
*Pj's POV*
"This doesn't feel right." Cil says and I nod. "That's not mom..." Tané says and we all stand up watching eagerly.
*Fresh's POV*
"Idiots..." We hear and whip around. "You know... Sans was right... On days like these kids like me... Should be burning in hell." She laughs and I am about ready to attack. "I also have been doing some recruiting." She laughs and a whole bunch of Chara's and evil Frisk's appear. "We got this." I say and we all start fighting, I notice Horror, Dust, SwapFell, Lust, Killer, Sensy and Ganz join. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!." We all hear and a ball of fire goes right at Chara and knocks her off her feet. "Bitch." Sarah says as Chara turns to dust.
*Pj's POV*
"How come they aren't respawning?." Amy asks. "I've broken the button, but one slipped through and is waiting on respawning." Tané explains. "And I'm protecting all of there souls." Amy explains.
*Error's POV*
All of us were getting pinned down, which surprised most of us. "FINALLY!!!." One of the Chara's yelled.
*ReFresh's POV*
I've been keeping a distance, but when my mom got pinned down I lost my shit. "THAT BITCH!!!." I yell as dark purple tendrils that we're strung like flew out of the ground and shot at US!Frisk killing her immediately. "THANKS REFRESH!!!." My mom yells, but then everyone was in the air, being held up by magic.
*Pj's POV*
After they were held up I could almost see steam on Palette's forehead. "Palette... LETS GET THESE ASSHATS!!!." I yell and everyone stood up and started running as fast as we could. Tané was becoming a ball of ice. Amy was a ball of lava. Gradient had black magic in his hands. Palette had two sharp bones in both of his hands. It was pretty much like Palette for everyone else. Once we made it Tané and Amy flew right into the crowd of Chara's and Frisk's knocking out most of them. My paint came out of the ground and slashed at them. "Nope." One said and knocked me over, I cover my face waiting for impact, but it never came.
*ReFresh's POV*
I saw Pj get knocked down so I teleport beside Chara and impale her with my tendrils. "He's mine!." I yell and hit her again turning her to dust. "Thanks Ree." Pj says and cuts off one Chara's head who was running at Cil. "Lets do this." I say and high five Pj.
*3rd Person*
The battle wasn't quick and so far the Chara's and evil Frisk's were losing. "Who the hell is holding up them?." ReFresh yelled pointing at the adults. "I don't know." Pj yelled back before forming a sword and with one swift movement cut Chara in half. "HELL YEAH!!!." Plum says throwing punches everywhere and stabbing people. "Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?." Pawn asks throwing chess pieces like they were ninja stars. "YOU TELL ME BOOK EATER!!!." Plum yells and Pawn looks annoyed. "I AM NOT A BOOK EATER YOU FUCKWAD!!!." Pawn yells back. "SURE YOU BRITISH SHITSTICK!!!." Plum yells. "YEAH BUT I LOVE YOU!!!." Pawn yells. "LOVE YOU TOO!!!." Plum laughed. "THERE!!!." Gradient yelled pointing to a Chara. "I GOT THIS!!!." Amy yells throwing a ball of lava at her, killing her and making her drop the adults. "Guys." Pj says looking around.
*ReFresh's POV*
"Guys." I hear Pj say and fall to the ground. "PJ?!!." I yell and run to him. "Pj? PJ?!!." I yell and he looks up at me sadly. "NO NO!!!." I yell looking at the stab wound. "I-I never wanted to tell you this, but... I like you Ree." He smiles weakly. "I like you too." I cry. "I hope you guys get through this." He says. "NO PJ YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE!!!." I yell and he smiles. "See you round." He smiles and turns to dust. "No... PJ!!!!." I yell and look at Chara. "You... You... YOU BITCH!!!." I yell standing up, I could feel the magic practically pouring out of my eyes. "Thank you." She laughs and I kick her hard in the face. "Come get it bitch." I say and she laughs, I kick her again, then punch her. "You will pay for what you did to me and my friends... And I will kill you twice as hard for Pj." I say and stab her making her turn to dust.
*Palette's POV*
"Tané are you alright?." I ask crying because she looked stressed. "Fuck it's hard to keep someone at 0.5 health." She explains. "What do you mean?." I ask. "Pj needs to load into the world since he's a glitch." She explains. "You are the best person ever." I say wiping my eyes. "In 3...2...1." She says and Pj popped up behind her. "Holy shot you're alive!." I yell and ReFresh turns around. "PJ!!!." He yelled running to him. "REE!!!." Pj yelled hugging. "They're gonna kiss and I don't wanna see my brother do that." I say and turn around.
*ReFresh's POV*
"I'm sorry." Pj says looking at me. "For what?." I ask. "Scaring you." He cried. "You know... You said you liked me before you 'died'." I smile and he blushed. "And you said you liked me back." He says and it was my turn to blush. "Sooo.... With you be my boyfriend?." Pj asks. "Yes." I smile and he kissed me.
*Fresh's POV*
I watched and started laughing at Palette as he was gagging in the background along with Cil. "I SHIP IT!!!.' Blue yells. "OH GOD NOT THIS AGAIN!!!." Error and me yell at the same time. "Well Error... I guess we did a pretty good job." I say looking him in the eyes. "Yeah... I guess we did." He smiled and I kissed him. "ALL THE SHIPS!!!." Blue yelled and I had to stop kissing Error to laugh. "SARAH!!!." Carter and Cater yelled hugging Sarah in a death grip. "Can't... Breath." She laughed. "Whoa... Guys I have detected another soul... It's also at 0.5 health and it's been around for a while." Tané says. "I'm gonna charge it up because it says Nice on the front... That's not really what it says, but I can't pronounce it." Tané explains. "In 3... 2... 1." She says and someone falls on her. "Hello?." Tané asked getting up off the ground and poking the girl. "WAT THE FECK!!!." She jumped up and looked around. She had brown hair, a purple sweater, black pants, blue shoes, a blue scarf and she was holding a gem. "Sarah?." She asks looking at her. "Casey?." Sarah says and runs to Casey hugging her. "Casey I missed you." Sarah smiled. "Wow bitch you old." Casey laughs. "Well you're no adore the explorer either." She laughs. "Tané, Amy come meet Casey." Sarah says and they go over to meet them. "NEICE?!!." I heard Casey yell. "WHO GOT YOU PREGNANT?!!." She yelled and Sarah rolled her eyes. "VALERIE!!!." She yelled and Val laughed and teleported over to Sarah. "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!!." She yelled and I laughed. "Well... This was a good life so far." Error smiles. "Yep... A glitch and a parasite." I laugh. "Well as you once said to me 'Don't dis the 90's my glitchy friend' when you tackled me in the god damn Anti-Void... Oh broski you like my eyes?." Error says doing an impression of me. "You are still my brotato chip." I say. "God can I go for a weak without your 90's shit?." Error. "Well your my husband so... Nope." I laugh. "And trust me... It's going to stay that way." Error says.
Well guys this is sadly the end... I had a lot of fun making this and hope to do more soon, if you have any suggestions comment them and I'll see if I can do them... HAVE A AWESOME DAY AND...
Words: 3000
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