Home - 2
*ReFresh's POV*
"This place is cool." I say walking around, I look back and bump into something. "What the heck?." I hear and look up to see a very colourful skeleton. "Hey kid what's hangin' I'm Fresh." He says in a weird accent. "Um...." I didn't want to give away my name to a complete stranger. "I'm Ree." I say and Pj nods in approval. "Where are your parents?." He asks and I point to Pj. "And who might you be?." Fresh ask, but Pj wasn't afraid to give away his name. "Pj." He says and Fresh takes his shades off. "As in PaperJam?." He asks and Pj looks shocked. "Y-yeah." Pj says with wide eyes. "Y-you're not dead?." Fresh asks. "No." He says. "Your dad will be so happy to see you." Fresh says. "You know my parents?." Pj asks. "Of course I do." He says. "Well maybe you can help me?." I say. "Is Ree your real name?." He asks. "No... Its ReFresh." I says and his eyes go wide. "ReFresh?." He says. "Yes." I say. "I already know your mom and dad with miss you." Fresh said. "How?." I ask. "I know because I'm your dad." He says and my eyes go wide with shock. "Come here." He says and I run and hug him. "How about we take Pj to his dad and we can go surprise your mom." He said and I nodded happily. "And on your birthday to." Fresh says opening a portal. "What? My birthday was yesterday." I say. "You would've had to have been on the surface because time is ahead up there." Fresh says. "Isn't it February 7th?." I ask. "No, but - AAHAHAHAHH!!!." Fresh yells as 5 people fall in front of him. "Uh..." They all looked out cold. "PLUM, PAWN, GRADIENT, TANÉ, AMY, GOTH, PALETTE!!!." I yell running up to them. "What happened?." Plum says waking up. "Please can we take them with us?." I ask. "Yes." He says and levitates them through the portal except Plum. "You guys stay there, I need to go deliver Plum to his mom and dad." He says and we nod.
*Blue's POV*
After everything Fresh said, I was starting to lose hope of ever seeing my son again. "BLUE!!!." A voice rings from the door. "COMING!!!." I yell, run and open the door to be greeted with Fresh and a boy, he had clothes like me but purple, teeth like Fell's without the gold tooth and his eyes were purple circles. "I give to you... Plum." Fresh smiles and I immediately hug him. "IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!." I yelled. "Well I'll leave you two." Fresh says. "Thank you Fresh." I say and pull Plum into the house.
*Fresh's POV*
"Ok I'm back." I say walking up to them. "SARAH!!!." I yell once I see her because I was pretty positive that Tané and Amy were hers. "Sup." She says. "Did you have to daughters?." I ask and she nods. "Yes, there names were Tané and Amy." She explains. "Thought so." I say and pick them up. "OH MY GOD!!!." She yells and hugs them really tight. "Thanks Fresh." She says and walks away with them. "Okay who do we have left?." I say and turn around. "I remember you, when you went missing your parents got really upset, they don't go out anymore." I say to Pawn. "Oh I'm sorry." He says. "Your dad is a great friend of mine." I say. "Really?." He says. "He was there when ReFresh was born." I explain. "We better not let your parents wait any longer then they should." I say and start walking through another portal. "Here." I say. "Where?." He says. "ChessTale." I say and walk to Chess's house. "Why?." ReFresh. "Your mom Chess lives here and I don't know if your dad is here." I smile. "You like making people happy don't you?." Pawn asks. "Yes." I say and knock on the door and almost get an immediate answer. "Yes?." Chess asks in a very tired voice. "I think this belongs to you." I say and pull Pawn in front of me. "Pawn?." He asks. "Yes that is my name." He says. "Yep, just like your father." He says and hugs him. "Thank you so much Fresh." Chess says and pulls Pawn inside. "Goth, Palette." I say. "To make things faster I will bring you Palette to your house, okay Goth?." I say. "Yep." He says.
*ReFresh's POV*
I had so many questions for my dad and if Chara (IT KEEPS AUTOCORRECTING TO CHARACTER) would come back for me. "You know... I think Chara may want us back." Pj says almost like he read my mind. "Why?." I ask. "To experiment on us again." Pj says looking forward. "Okay Pj your turn." Fresh says coming back. "Uh." I smile as I see someone sneaking up behind Fresh. "BOO!." They yell. "FRICK!!!." Fresh yells and whips around. "MEDI YOU SHIT!!!." He yells. "Sorry, Yusebi and Cae are out so I wanted to visit someone." He shrugs. "You can come with us to return Pj." He says. "PJ?!!." He yells in excitement. "OMG I MET YOU WHEN YOU WERE 4!!!." MEDI yells and shakes Pj. "Ok cheesus give him a break." Fresh says and Medi stops. "OKAY LETS GO RETURN THIS LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL!!!." MEDI yells and picks Pj up. "ONWORD!!!." He yells. "wtfwtfwtfwtfwtf." I hear Pj say quietly. "You feeling left out? It's cool bro." Fresh says and put me on his shoulders. "You can lift me?." I say shocked. "Yeah your not that heavy." He says. "That's not what Chara said." I shake my head. "What did she say?." He asks. "Every time they would knock me out they would leave me wherever I dropped and when I asked why she told me I was fat and worthless." I say. "I. Am. Going. To. Kill. That. Bitch." Fresh says. "I have never seen this side of you Fresh." Someone says and once again Fresh jumps, but with me on his shoulders. "AHAH!!!." I yelp as I fall. "NOPE!!!." Fresh yells and I stop before I hit the ground. "Ah, Ink, just the person I wanted to see." Fresh says. "Dad... Could you maybe... Put me down?." I say and Fresh set me down gently. "ReFresh?." This Ink person asked. "And this is Pj." Fresh says and Medi hands Pj to Ink. "This... Is... The... Best... Day... Of... My... Life." Ink cries holding Pj tight. "WAIT!!! Where's Palette?." Ink asks panicked. "At Reapers." He says. "Why?." Ink replies. "Because he didn't want to leave Goth." Fresh adds. "Ok I'll make sure to call Geno." Ink says and walks away. "Can I get down?." Pj asks and I laugh cause he's scared of heights. "GRADIENT COME ON!!!." Pj yells and Gradient runs towards Ink and Pj.
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