Shasha-Christaly -CupcakeUnicornShaSha
Melody- melia
T-10-The ghost
Story starts here!
Scene:High school
"Hey shasha,jenni,melody,indigo,whisp,and Judy"said Zea walking up to them
"Hey Zea!"said melody and whisp
"What up Purple girl"said ShaSha and jenni
"Hey z"said indigo and Judy
"So I got my driving license and I thought why not go to places!"
"I'm in!"said everyone.
The school bell rang and everyone went outside.
"Guys, I got to tell you something"said Zea
"What up?"said jenni
"Remember T-10 from 4th grade?"said Zea in a worried tone
"You have been getting texted weren't you!?"said ShaSha
''YOU HAVE BEEN TOO!"said Zea a bit surprised everyone nodded and then a ring from their phones went on.
Zea read it
"Wanna play? I'm back! With revenge!"
"Shit!"said jenni.
"Guys, what if T-10 got angry that we left her?"
"It's probably a prank!"Said whisp
"As a demon I know this is no prank! This is no pretty little liar because we know who it is, I think we need to meet by the fence"said z
Everyone agreed
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