( word count: 1552 )
AFTER THE SCANDAL HAD CALMED and the teens had handed over the evidence to an adult, Jughead demanded to see his father. Ginny, like a good girlfriend, went with the beanie loving boy to the Sherif's station but was quiet the entire time. First off, she was still in shock from the events, and secondly, she didn't want FP Jones out of jail.
Jughead did find out, however, that Clifford Blossom had in fact threatened FP Jones. And that was all that mattered to Jughead, his father was protecting him.
That crazy night had passed with the couple going to Ginny's and sleeping, especially since the next day was still a school day for them. Jughead and Ginny were happy to finally have a relaxing time during lunch with their friends when Betty brought up the Jubilee that Mayor McCoy was putting on.
Betty sighed, turning to Jughead. "I told her I wouldn't do it. Not unless you're up there with us, Jug."
"I appreciate the righteous indignation, Betty, I do, but Jubilees aren't my thing." Jughead snorted, turning to Ginny.
"Yeah, Betty," Ginny added, holding Jug's hand under the table. "Especially since all of you kinda ruined our last dance."
"Jug, how's your dad? Did you get in to see him?" Archie asked as he changed the subject, shoving some food in his mouth.
"Here's the latest. Mayor McCoy wants my dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence." Jughead announced and Ginny sighed, shaking her head at FP's indignation and denial of becoming a snitch.
"What? Whose names?"
"The Serpents. Sheriff Keller thinks they're the ones dealing the drugs that Clifford Blossom brought into the town." Jughead explained.
"My dad says more and more drugs are hitting the streets." Kevin stated, nodding his head in agreement.
"Kevin, relax, this isn't The Wire." Jughead turned to Kevin, rolling his eyes. "My dad says they're not the ones dealing."
"Kev, no one is forcing you to do drugs either," Ginny pointed out with a pointed stare. "Sure you're dads a cop but chill on the sheltered white boy shit."
"And meanwhile, Mayor McCoy hasn't even said the words "Clifford" or "Blossom" in public." Betty spoke up with a cough, trying to diffuse the rising tension. "It's all about how the Serpents are the problem, the villains. This is outrageous. I'm writing an article about this, and not just for The Blue and Gold, for The Register. This is a town story."
"Okay," Jughead intervened, noting how the blonde teenager was getting ramped up with anger. "As long as the article doesn't include my dad."
"No, it is going to be about your dad, Jug. It doesn't matter how many Jubilees Mayor McCoy throws. This town's changed. That needs to be acknowledged. Why are people so afraid of the truth?" Betty told her ex-boyfriend, but Ginny frowned, knowing Jughead didn't want more attention on his father or himself.
"Speaking of the truth Archie and I wanted to tell you–" Veronica spoke up, turning to Betty. Ginny frowned in confusion as Archie mouthed words at V, before he turned to the blonde as well.
"We've kissed a couple of times." Archie interjected.
"What?" Ginny spluttered, maybe she was too dense to realize that a relationship had blossomed between the two.
"It's okay, Vee. I appreciate you being honest with me, but I'm okay. I've had enough of boys for awhile," Betty told her best friend with a small smile but Ginny knew better. "I'm happy for you."
"Thanks, Bee." The couple said in unison, holding each others hand under the table.
Ginny Hopkins, however, noticed the longing stare Betty sent towards Archie when he wasn't looking. And the look Archie sent back towards her.
º º º
GINNY, JUGHEAD, AND ARCHIE went back to the Andrew's home to hang out. When they walked through the front door, teasing Archie, they noticed a strange lady in the kitchen with Fred Andrews.
Ginny was the first one through the door and noticed the woman before the two boys and Jughead chuckled to Archie. "That hottie kept looking at you." Both quieted down when they noticed her as well, and the trio went towards the kitchen.
Fred cleared his throats as the teens approached. "Hey, guys. Um This is Ms. Weiss from Social Services. She's, uh– She's Jughead's case worker."
"Jughead, I know how terrible and emotional the last few days have been for you. Your father's facing serious jail time. Your mom's over-extended and out of state. We just want to make sure that you're taken care of." While the woman was talking, Jughead refused to make eye contact with anyone, his arms crossed across his chest defensively.
"Well, he can keep staying with us, right, Dad?" Archie spoke up.
"I offered already, Arch." Fred said with a tone of finality in his voice.
"Great, so what's the problem?"
Fred sighed, ashamed. "It was a DUI. After your mom left. Look, we can talk about this later but between that and my cash flow problem, it knocks me out."
"There is a family on the Southside that's offered to foster you." The woman spoke up and Ginny froze at her words, what? "They're good people, they've worked with us before."
"That doesn't sound completely horrible," Jughead mumbled, avoiding everyones gaze. Ginny wished she could reach out and hold his hand but wasn't sure if it was an appropriate time to do so.
"It does mean you'll be in a different school district, Jughead, and you'll have to transfer schools." The woman said.
"What the hell? When is all this supposed to happen?" Archie asked in shock.
"What?" Ginny whispered, tears glazing her eyes. All of this drama happening– it was too much– and Jughead would be at a different school?
"The paperwork's been processed. Unless there is a radical change in your father's case, you'll be on the Southside by the end of the week."
"No!" Ginny protested, stepping forward to speak as her throat tightened. "Jughead can live with me."
"Do you have a legal guardian?" The woman asked the young girl.
"N-No," Ginny stuttered. "But I was planning on becoming emancipated."
º º º
IT WAS THE NEXT DAY AT LUNCH when Veronica decided to approach Jughead and Ginny. The two had been thinking about the events of last night and how Jughead would still go to the foster house, despite Ginny's offer of emancipation.
"Betty's babysitting Polly, mind if I join you?" The two were pulled from their quiet conversation to look up and see Veronica Lodge in front of them, holding a lunch tray.
"Are you sure you want to sit at the social pariah table?" Jughead asked her.
Veronica laughed as if it were a joke Jughead had said. "I've been sitting at it for months, why should today be any different? By the way, I've been thinking. We have a lot in common."
"Oh, because my dad's going to prison and your dad is getting out?" Jughead asked snarkily.
"We've dated each other's best friends, I was going to say. Even though now, it's a bit awkward. But yes, the prison thing, too." Veronica winced as she smiled at Ginny who, bit into her apple and glared down the raven haired Latina.
Before it could get anymore awkward, Cheryl Blossom approached their table and Ginny held her breath as she waited to hear what the redhead had to say.
"Jughead. I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel you the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this." Cheryl pressed her pendant into his palm with a sad smile painting her red lips. "My iconic spider brooch. It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawn shop. Enough to keep you in burgers and S T-shirts for years, if not decades."
"Cheryl, what is going on?" Veronica asked slowly, wondering why Cheryl was acting so strange.
"I'm–" But before Cheryl could continue, Kevin approached the table.
"Guys, hurry. It's Betty's locker. Come on, it's bad."
"Come on, come on!" The three teenagers got up from their table and followed Kevin out of the cafeteria, dragging Archie along who had no idea what was going on.
"What's going on?" Archie asked V, who just grabbed him and pulled him with.
"Come with us."
"Oh my god," Ginny said in shock, staring at Betty's locker. Go to hell, Serpent Slut.
The words were painted in red and even Ginny had sympathy for the blonde girl who had tears in her eyes. Her sister, Polly, stood beside her as everyone gawked at the vandalization. What made the display more horrifying was the little doll that had a noose around its neck.
"Betty. Betty." Jughead and Archie said quickly as the blonde approached the locker, ready to tear it down. Both boys pulled her back as she attempted to rid the horrible words.
"It's nothing, Jug, it's just a jerk with a can of spray paint." Betty squirmed in both boys arms, wanting to tear it down.
"I don't think that's spray paint, okay?" Jughead told her, finally pulling her away from the scene.
Everyone followed Jughead, Archie, and Betty out of the hallway and away from the horrible display.
They thought that the worst was yet to come, but it was far from over.
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bangin' out these chapters to start up Game of Survival!! Are you excited?
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