GINNY HAD BEEN WORKING WHEN SHE HEARD what had happened without her. And now, she was with her friends, talking to Joaquin about why he was FP Jones one phone call.
Archie began the conversation. "We know FP used his call from jail to get in touch with you. What did he say?" Ginny recalled when Ms. Andrews had mentioned that to her, Arch, and Juggie.
"It was basically just a warning. Said to lay low." Joaquin told them, nervously watching the group interrogate him.
"No one uses their one call to say stay low." Archie muttered.
"Joaquin, do you know something? I'm not talking to you as your boyfriend, I'm talking to you as the sheriff's son. Did FP kill Jason?" Kevin spoke up and the chilling tone he used made Ginny freeze up. Kevin had always been happy but now, he was serious.
"Yeah. I mean, I—I assume." Joaquin eventually muttered.
"Oh, my God. Did you see him pull the trigger?" Kevin breathed out, disgust etched in his features.
"No, no. God, no." Joaquin's eyes widened in horror, holding his hands up in defence.
"Then why do you think he did it?"
"On July 11th, I got a phone call in the middle of the night from FP. Said he needed help with some clean-up job at the Whyte Wyrm." Joaquin began and the teens surrounding him held their breath.
Ginny closed her eyes, knowing that Joaquin was deep in with the Serpents and would do whatever FP Jones wanted. That's why Joaquin rarely spoke to Ginny– probably because he knew the shit that happened between her and his gang leader.
"What job?"
"The basement of the Whyte Wyrm is off limits to everyone, but that's where I met FP, and that's where I saw–He'd been shot. I never asked FP if he did it. I just–I mean, I was terrified. I just assumed. We stashed the body in the freezer, cleaned up the mess, got rid of any evidence."
Ginny clutched to the chair she was sitting on, wondering what the hell made FP Jones kill a teenage boy? Was it because of her? Was it because Jason was planning to tell the police?
"You are a criminal." Kevin said, disgusted, as he stared at his boyfriend. He thought he knew who Joaquin was, but he was wrong.
"Joaquin, FP has done jobs for my dad, Hiram Lodge, in the past. Do you think killing Jason was one of them?" Veronica stepped forward, ready to question about the one thing nagging her.
"There was one time I overheard a conversation between FP and Mustang." Joaquin spoke up.
"Who's Mustang?" Ginny knew who he was and didn't like the man, he would come into Pop's sometimes and harass other customers.
"He's another Serpent. The only other guy who knew about the clean-up. The guy you got into a fight with at the Wyrm. I heard him tell FP something about some rich guy. I don't know who."
"Where is Mustang?"
"No, no, no, no. You do not want to go see him." Joaquin had panic in his eyes as the teens around him began to stand up. Ginny knew that going to see Mustang would be dangerous but she couldn't stop her friends.
"Yes, I do. And you're going to take us." Kevin stated, a hard state sent his way. "Or–Or I'm going to tell my dad about your little clean-up job."
Ginny felt bad for Joaquin, who's bright eyes fell as his boyfriend looked at him in a new light.
º º º
THE DAY SEEMED TO DRAG ALONG as Ginny and the others decided to get to the bottom of what happened and why FP Jones confessed.
"Not that much money in local crime and villainy, huh?" Kevin spoke up nervously as they walked through the motel, kicking trash out of their way as they began to ascend a staircase.
"This place is better than the dump I live in," Ginny muttered but no one heard her besides Joaquin, who knew what life was like on the Southside– Kevin, Veronica, and Archie were just privileged white kids.
"This is him, here." Joaquin announced awkwardly, raising his fist to bang on the door. "Mustang? You here?" He called out as her pushed the door open, letting the group inside of the small room that seemed unoccupied.
The four began to mill around the motel room, noticing the drugs everywhere and Ginny followed Archie into the bathroom as Archie sharply breathed out. "Oh my God."
"Oh, my God." Ginny yelped as well, falling back into Archie who put a comforting arm around her and Veronica as they stared down in horror at Mustangs dead body. His eyes were wide even in death as the drugs killed him.
"I can't–I can't be here." Joaquin managed to get out before he bolted from the room as he looked into the room. Ginny was shaking as she stared down at the lifeless figure of the gang member. She had never seen a dead body before.
"Let's go. Call my dad." Kevin ordered, pulling Ginny away from the scene and out the hotel room.
Ginny felt like she was in a daze, she had never seen a dead body before. And now, the image of Mustangs blank eyes would haunt her dreams forever.
º º º
GINNY HOPKINS WAS IN A DAZE, as her surroundings blurred together and police and parents started to arrive. Ginny had no legal guardian anymore so when Fred Andrews arrived, he tugged her gently towards his truck, a frown on his face.
"This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. If you stay on this path, you will end up dead. Just like Jason Blossom. You gotta believe me. Okay? When I tell you I'm trying to protect you. That is my job. It's the only one that counts. Do you got that?" Fred Andrews lectured to the two teens but only one was listening.
"Yes." Archie stated as he sat in the middle. He glanced at Ginny in concern as she blinked away unshed tears.
Ginny stared in front of her at the road, wondering how Riverdale got into this mess, and how dangerous life was now. Especially with FP Jones, a gang leader, who wanted one thing— and Ginny Hopkins was something he was obsessed with.
Would he ever let her go?
º º º
JUGHEAD HAD MET UP WITH BETTY AFTER he visited his father in jail. Ginny hadn't been answering his phone– nor was Archie.
"My dad's been lying to me his whole life, but he's never been any good at it. I saw it in his eyes. He didn't do it." Jughead ranted to Betty, thinking about how in those last moments with his father in his jail cell.
"So, why lie? Who is he protecting?" Betty asked, wondering what was going on.
"I remember. He told me."
The time flew by for the two as they began to piece together the mystery of who killed Jason Blossom. "Veronica says she's guilty of plenty, but not murder. Plus, she has an alibi. She was in New York."
Jughead sighed, "So, that just leaves Hiram Lodge."
Betty added, "and Clifford and Penelope Blossom.
Jughead's phone began to ring loudly and he answered his phone immediately as he saw Ginny's name pop on his screen. "Ginny? Are you okay?"
Jughead's heart froze as he heard her sniffle and hiccup. "C-Can you come over?"
"I'll be over in 5."
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