Chapter 5: Escape
|€| Gem's POV |€|
Around about an hour later٫ Scott finally woke up he lifted his head and looked around. Once he did. He looked to me.
" Where am I? " He said in a hushed whisper like voice.
" In Fwhip's dungeon " I replied
" Wh- what? " He said in a panicked tone
" Nonono Gem why have you decided to do this?! " A worried Teal gaze set down on me.
" Gem you and the others have to leave NOW. " Scott said worry lacing every part of his voice.
" I choose not٫ this is just your plan for escape " I said Scott closed his eyes and took a shaky breath.
" Its your death wish٫ I've tried to help. " Scott said.
He was still for awhile, his eyes laid close. Then, he opened them, deep purple eyes replaced the teal ones.
" He warned you " Scott said sinesterly.
Only four seconds later ice shards grew from the ground ice plastering the walls quickly٫ everyone was shoved into the wall I landed with a crash. An ice spike emerged from the ground٫ very close to my throat. Scotts chains broke off٫ letting him land on the ground. He took the black stone collar off like was a speck of dust on his shoulder.
" That was easier than expected " Scott said and just left٫ like nothing happen! The audacity of this elf.
" Have fun!~ " Scotts voice rang from the stairwell leaving us all alone.
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