Chapter 34: Pre fight
Hellllooo! I've come here to say that I have a new book out! It's called Devious Colour and it's an empires s2 book, exciting! It's Scott focused bc we love giving Scott trauma. But, other than that. Let's get into this shall we? Also I'm listening to Cell Block Tango Will writing this. Oh yeah, first some fluff then angst.
|¥| Scott's POV |¥|
Today was the fight, the final fight against the thing. I hope this'll go good this time. I sighed, I placed my crown on my head, staring at myself in the window, pushing back tears begin to cloud my eyes. This could be the end. Hopefully not... hopefully. I took a breath.
" Erin, brother, are you ready yet? " I said.
" Yeah just about. " Erin said.
Xornoth gave a noice of approval.
" Alright, can y'all silently follow us? " I said.
" Yup! " Erin said.
Xornoth gave another approval noice. I turned around, exiting my room, walking down the stairs, I was faced with everyone else.
" Everyone got everything? " I said, startling some people.
" Believe so. " Gem said.
" Right, let's go. " I said.
I exited my house, extending my wings, I looked to the sky hesitantly. I focused on the sky, shooting up into it. Looking down upon the others, they were hesitant. Pearl came first, I seen Xornoth and Erin waiting under the twisted willow. Pearl joined my side, followed by Katherine and Shrub. I rolled my eyes and just flew away, hearing rockets burst behind me. The others sped ahead, well. Just Joel and Gem. I scoffed, these idiots can't remember the plan, extending my wings more, I dived, under them, going back up in front of them, continuing my flight I realised the others were joining in the game thing. I let them overtake me, letting myself slow down to Xornoth and Erin. Going higher just by some.
" So, want us to do it now? " Erin said.
" Go ahead. " I replied.
I placed a hand of one of my feet, Xornoth's hand on the other. Warmth being to go to my feet. I bent, folding my wings slightly, they pushed forwards, I flew forwards, since I was higher there no risk of hitting anyone. I flew past Jimmy, Lizzie, Joel, Katherine, Shrub, Pearl, Pixl, then I front, Gem. Unfolding my wings as rockets were becoming closer. Cliffs ahead, no sign of dragon. Instead of over, how about under? I dived into the cave of the cliff, Pearl followed behind.
" YO SCOTT! " She screamed over the wind.
" YA? " I screamed back.
" TEAM UP ON OTHERS? " She screamed.
" HELL YEAH! " I screamed.
We exited the cave, now under everyone. More cliffs ahead. I slowed down letting Pearl catch up.
" Hey, can you get us forwards more? " She said.
" Yeah I can try. " I said.
I took her hand (NO SHIP IDIOTS.)
" Might be cold. " I said.
" Don't mind. " She replied.
Looking to everyone above us, and then back to the oncoming cave. Everyone's teamed. A shallow cave ahead, oh well. Pearl stopped flying, holding onto me for safety. Gaining speed, right before we hit the cliff. I opened my wings to there full extent. Hearing a low growl from myself. White light, I blinked. We're in the cave, looking behind me I seen Gem flabbergasted. I snickered returning my gaze forwards. Pearl's wings extending, I let her go. She got back up to me quickly. Rockets and wings behind us. Wall ahead. Even if I'm a elegant king who'm doesn't do this kind of stuff most of the time, who cares? Gotta be wild sometimes! I dived, before hitting the ground, extending my wings, stopping me from hitting the ground, getting steadier. My hair blew in the wind, Gem.
" Split? " Pearl said.
" Split. " I replied.
I paused myself midair. Teleporting behind Gem. I lifted myself upwards. Going in front of Gem.
" HeyyyYYyy! " She said.
I giggled, I felt like a kid again. Gem trying to catch up with me. We spun round each other, pushed each other. Other stuff. Definitely feeling like a child, I pushed her. Away from an incoming spike, going around the others. What did Xornoth do in the end... right, he bounced off the spikes! And luckily there was a thick one ahead. Overtaking Gem, I went behind the spike, placed my foot on it, and flung myself forwards, still dodging the spikes, Pearl caught up to me somehow.
" I see you've gotten Erin and Xornoth haven't you Scott? " She said.
" I- erm- uh- " I guiltily smiled.
" Don't worry! It's a good plan, even if Xornoth does become corrupted again, at least there's a less chance of death. " She said.
" That's what I thought! Gem just wouldn't listen! " I complained.
" No complaints king of Rivendell, it's fun time! " She said. I snickered.
" Ok, do you mind if I'm on your back? " Pearl said.
" Just don't disturb my wings and you'll be fine, " I said.
" Alright! Because everyone else is doing it to know there teammates I thought I could! We will have to switch flights tho... " She said.
" Ah alright, and what's tho? " I asked tilting my ears.
" Tho is short for though, how'd you know I said tho? " She asked.
" Elf. " I shrugged.
" Fair enough. " She said.
Pearl landed on my back. Thinner spikes ahead but who cares. Going in front of them, flinging off them. It's fun! I did a bigger jump. Pearl screamed. I laughed, I actually laughed. Weaving through the spikes I landed on a cliff edge, it's getting dark already. The other empires landed too. Some scoffing others groaned. I didn't blame them, that was pretty fun and it ended so soon!
" I guess we should set up camp. " Gem mumbled.
" Yeah. Under the trees would be better than out in the open. " I said.
Everyone began walked into the forest, roars of a dragon sounded. I paused in my tracks. Dragon... roars of a dragon... oh no...
" Scott? " Gem said turning around.
I shushed them, my ears twitching ever so often. The roars getting louder.
Everyone ran, as soon as I finished speaking. I easily overtook everyone. Being 6'8 does that. Skidding to a stop under the trees. Everyone was there, all but one. Shrub. Being the shortest does meet you're the slowest.
(Most of the time, I'm looking at my tall friend irl with knees that don't work properly and is pigeon toed)
" Shrub! " I heard Katherine shriek as she fell down onto the ground. All of us retreaded into the trees. Shrubs foot was stuck, and the dragon was approaching. I quietly gulped, my eye caught Erin, who was glancing at Shrub to me. She did random hand movements, signalling run to Shrub and teleport back.
I braced myself, anchoring my foot into the ground as Shrub desperately tugged on her foot as the dragon approached. I charged forwards, breaking into a fast sprint, skidding to a stop. I landed next to Shrub, freezing the vine over and breaking it. I grabbed her body, she clung on. As the dragon was close enough in range to fire at me, I teleported. I don't know how I'm doing it but I am. Landing behind the others, they spun. Katherine running to me snatching Shrub. I got up, brushing myself down, everyone asking if Shrub was okay. Pearl and Gem approached me.
" Are you okay Scott? " Gem asked.
" I'm fine. " I replied.
" Are you sure? Your bleeding from the head. " Pearl said.
" I am? Huh, don't feel it. " I said.
" Weird. " Gem replied.
The conversation of asking if rather me or Shrub was okay continued for awhile.
Okay, I'm going to sleep now, I'll write a fight at some other time. I'm sleep rn.
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