Chapter 3: Started
You know
|€| Shrub's POV |€|
I ran to Scott's side and bent down immediately.
" Are you ok Scott?!?!? " My voice rang with worry for him.
" S- Shrub " Scott's voice was weak, and fragile. I don't think anyone has heard him like this... oh this is very concerning.
" Yes Scott? "-Shrub
" Am I a child? "-Scott
" No, no your not, "-Shrub
" But Shrub... "-Scott
" No, no but's Scott, first what wound is this- "-Shrub
" I don't know- what happened back there isn't really normal for me "-Scott
" Alright, let me see... "-Shrub
I moved to the front of Scott's body. He was still trembling and in shock٫ I took one of his hands and inspected it.
" Im going to need some water. There's to much blood " I said before standing up and getting a cloth٫ rinsing it in water.
I sat back down and cleaned the blood off. I stared in awe and terror at his wound.
" What is it? is it that bad? "-Scott
" No- "-Shrub
" Then whats wrong? "-Scott
" It looks corrupted. "-Shrub
|€| Scott's POV |€|
I looked down at my hands, Shrub was right, my hands looked corrupted, covered in a haze of ice and something else.
" Holy Aeor what have I done? " I muttered to myself, Shrub questioned me silently.
" No Shrub I didn't do this on purpose. And what are you looking at? " I said, answering one of her silent questions.
" Your necklace- it's more- teal? " She replied, I looked down, she wasn't wrong.
A haze of teal wrapped ferociously around it, I looked to my hands, it looked almost the same as the crystals colours, except frost plated most of it, and my hands looked more- Ender like? I don't know...
" What. Is. Happening. Scott. "-Shrub
" I don't know. I think it's the necklace.... Wait, the corruption... Gem said it changed colour what if- "-Scott
" The colour is teal "-Scott & Shrub
We looked at each other in terror, by now my wound healed, wait what? It healed? Anyway, I bolted out shrub following behind, I opened my wings and took of.
" Shrub call a meeting with the other empires and ask about this new corruption. I'll check the empire's will the empresses and emperors are gone. " I said to her.
" Got it! I'll go get Gem, Pearl and Fwhip first. " Shrub replied.
We flew away from each other, I flew to Shrub's first, easily spotting the corruption.
I landed next to a spot, it was teal, and purple. Like the necklace, Argh! I new it was bad news.... Wait does that mean- I- oh no- I need to tell Shrub, NOW.
Private chat started
<Smajor1995> Hey Shrub
<Shubble> Yeah?
<Smajor1995> We're correct
<Shubble> Really!!?! Oh thank Aeor
<Smajor1995> One bad thing though
<Shubble> Scott what have you done
<Smajor1995> I think I'm corrupt, tell the others, please Shrub.
<Shubble> But you only think! It's not like it's actually real-
<Smajor1995> Have you seen my hands? It's a high chance I am corrupt. Good luck Shrub, if it is actually true. Try to get the necklace off.
Private chat ended
I sighed, I hope Shrubs telling everyone. I kicked a rock, groaning. Aeor I've failed you, probably again. Oh I hope you can forgive me. A cold breeze swept by, think Aeors answered. I took off towards the sky, towards my empire. I landed at the doorstep of the church. Slowly opening the door, I walked past the isles to the lectern, new writing.
My champion, you've not failed, you've only uncorrupted your brother, with the help of the other empires, you'll be fine, and Xornoth will be in his crystal again.
So he's out, great. I sighed.
" Thank you for forgiving me Aeor, I'll try to not be corrupted as long as I can. For now, this crystal can't come off. Literally I've tried it won't. " the necklace was stubborn, and stuck around my neck like glue. I have to message Shrub.
Private chat started
<Smajor1995> Shrub
<Shubble> Yeah?
<Smajor1995> Tell everyone I'm corrupted, and to be careful around me.
<Shubble> Wait what
<Smajor1995> What I said was true. I'm corrupted, and for safety, I need to stay away from the meeting, kick me out if I come there at ANY point. Got it?
<Shubble> Oh my Aeor Scott
<Shubble> Fine just be safe alright? What's the idea though?
<Smajor1995> It is the crystal, take it off I might be fine. Oh and apparently Xornoth's out, uncorrupted. So, I'm definitely corrupted, Good luck Shrub.
Private chat ended
I let out a sigh, time for the worst.
|€| Shrub's POV |€|
I sighed as I waited for the rest of the emperor's, I need to tell them the news. IMMEDIATELY. All of a sudden everyone bursted through, I was waiting were Scott would normally, on his throne. I called a meeting I Rivendell, don't know why, just did.
" So Shrub. Why'd you call all of us? " Joey asked.
" I have, so much bad news. " I replied.
" Great. " Fwhip said.
Everyone took there seats, and waited patiently, I sighed. Here we go.
" So, the corruption right? "-Shrub
" Yeah what about it? "-Lizzie (With SASS)
" I've found the source.... "-Shrub
" Wait really? "-Pearl
" Yeah, now here's the bad news, a lot of it. "
" Go on, "-Joey
" So, the reason is uhhh- Scott- "-Shrub
" Wowowoowow!- slow down. Scott did this? "-Gem
" Well- the necklace did, so yeah, the necklace is corrupted, which in turn means- "-Shrub
" Scott's corrupted.... "-Gem
" Yeah.... Bad new again, the only way to stop him, is by removing the necklace. So that's happening, while Scott is corrupted. "-Shrub
" So a new Xornoth? "-Lizzie
" Wellllllll- thing issss- Xornothisoutandheisntcorrupt "-Shrub
" Slow down!- what was that?! "-Joey
" Xornoth is out. And uncorrupted. " Everyone stared at me like I was a mad man.
I heard footsteps approaching. Scott's.
" Lock the door! "
" What? Why? "-Katherine.
" LOCK THE DOOR! " Gem used her staff to lock it as the footsteps landed at the doorstep.
" Oh emperors~ Let me in~ " Scott's voice rang sinisterly.
He banded on the door. Like, fricking banged.
" I said. LET. ME. IN. " I've never heard Scott like this.
I pointed to open window. As Scott drew something sharp. I could hear it, it dragged n the floor. Some of the emperors left outside already.
" What. Have. I. Said? " Scott said, once again. Sinisterly.
" Oh well. You leave me no choice. " The noice and world froze, even the emperors.
An axe drew. And crashed through the door. Again and again, some emperors stood in shock. Some screaming. The Rivendell axe made a last swing through the door. Everyone was out. Waiting for me.
" Heheh~ HERES SCOTT! " He screamed, throwing the axe at me.
I was frozen in time, Scott's eyes glowed a purple hew. His normally owl like wings Hm were black and looked like a ravens! His tip of his hair where taking a purple and black fade to. Gem grabbed me just in time. Swinging me upwards, out the window, into air, we left going faster than ever. But. Wingbeats loudened behind us, Joeys empires wasn't far now, two pairs of wings flapped behind, one flew higher, and crashed into the other, we dove into Joeys empires, avoiding tree branches on the way down.
Woo that done, buh bye for now!
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