Chapter 24: Lights
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And it's the final battle.
Who knows what shall happen!?
|#| Xornoth's POV |#|
Time was of the essence, the seven days flew by like a second. It was time, I stood out of my house. The Rivendell breeze swaying my clothes and hair. I sighed and continued to stare at the sky, at the approaching Gem. It was nearing sunrise. We chose to meet early, planning I guess. Gem landed almost on me, but she steadied herself.
" Hey Xornoth- " She said between breaths.
" Hi. " I replied.
" Are you ready? " She asked.
" As I'll ever be. " I replied.
Wingbeats of many where sounding from the distance. It was nearing sunrise. The sun only just peaking over the horizon. The emperor's landed in front of us. Only ten or twenty feet away.
" Are we all here? " Gem asked.
" All of us. " Joey replied
" Alright, Xornoth you got there before any of us last time. How'd you do it? " Gem said.
" Simple " I said, lifting my hand snapping my fingers.
Within a second, we arrived at the portal to the end.
" Thanks?- " Gem said trying to steady herself.
" Yourrrr welcome " I said.
" Wellll lets go? " I said.
" Yeah, lets go. " Gem said.
I sighed, stepping up to the portal.
" See you on the other side! " I said.
I fell backwards into the portal. Letting the void of it corrupt my vision.
Wooooooooooooo! Cliffhanger I guess!
More will come later in the day or the time I upload. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Pain!
Hold on I need music
|#| Xornoth's POV again |#|
I appeared on the obsidian plat form, hovering above the void. I stepped forward onto the bridge in front of me, my heart racing. A whoosh emitted from behind me. I spun, Gem was there. I waited for the others.
It took awhile, but happened. All the emperors where here, my heart felt like it was going through my chest.
" Let's go. " I said. The emperor's looking to me and nodding.
I let them go first, moving to the side. They flooded past me. I stepped in behind them. We made it onto the end stone island. The emperor's stopping only ways away from the podium. I stepped forward into them, Pearl there idly. Erin floating mid air, a crystals beam on her. I looked to the sky, a cyan dot flew around crystals beams attaching to it. Scott. He landed on the pillar. Jumping down onto the floor. I'm a survivor! I'm not gonna give up! My mind raced like my heart.
" Emperor's! Hello! I see you've entered my domain~ " Scott said.
" Yeah yeah, give us our real Scott back. " Gem said, her staff in hand.
Now I see, everyone was following the plan, weapons in hand. I took a deep breath in equipping the Rivendell axe. I furrowed my eyebrows, focusing on Scott. Who noticed. And stared back.
" Hmph, how about. No, I'd rather die. " Scott said, his eyes giving a purple glow.
I strengthened my stance. Prepared for the attack, Scott made the move, an Ice spike grew from the ground, I placed my foot on it bouncing of. My axe clanking with Scott's sword he equipped.
" Just us again huh brother? " I groaned trying to push his sword back.
" Yes, it is. " I said. I took a breath.
Shrub had gotten two crystals down already. Joel gotten two too. All I got to do is survive. I strained against Scott. And escaped his lock, stumbling backwards. I focused my eyes. Drawing my axe up again. I attacked, my axe swing down, clashing against Scott's sword. I escaped the lock quicker, we where in focused combat, I took a step left. Scott right, we circled each other, waiting for the attack. Scott flicked his wrist, ice spikes, breaking throughout the ground around him. I dodged one coming right at me, and charged into battle. My axe clashing against his sword. I spun the sword, escaping. Another ice spike. I bounced of it, and another. Planting my feet on one. Pushing off, I leapt into the air, my axe crashing down. Mine and Scott blades danced, the cleaning of metal echoed into the endless void. I made one more attack with Scott, the last crystal was destroyed. Scott realised immediately, letting out a quiet groan. We circled again. Our weapons crashed into each other, I put my hand not in use use on Scott's wrist. I gave me a look of ' Seriously? Your trying that?'
" Of course I am, I'm a daredevil brother. " I whispered to him.
I let my magic, blast our weapons away. My axe almost hit Erin. Scott sword clattering on the ground, we circled again. Eyes focused on each other, screams of agony and anger where everywhere. I blocked them out, I focused on the crystal on Scott's neck. I need to get it of. I raised my wrist in a second flames bursting out. As I dodged Scott's ice. Shards of ice floated around his head. He shot them towards me, I jumped into the air, twisting to avoid being hit. Once I landed I let fire leap towards Scott. He dodged, the flames burning into the ground. I crouched down as Ice came at me, flinging my own fire back at him. The fire incasing my wrists now. We circled again, I ran right at him, dodging ice on the way. Colliding into his body. We rolled on the ground. Fighting back and forth for gaining the upper hand. I laid on my back pressing my feet to Scott's stomach, my hands clamped on his shoulders. I threw him into the air, throwing myself up in the process. He caught himself mid air, I took off towards him. Anger in my eyes. I air tackled him, we twisted and turned. Until we collided with the ground, I rolled across it, before forcing a stop, lifting myself onto my feet. Blood dripping down my forehead, and a badly hurt arm. Who cares!? There's adrenaline apparent, so no pain! I braced myself again. We ran into each other, fire and ice battling each other, a bright light emitted from the contact. I almost went off the edge, I pushed myself up. Darting towards Scott again, colliding again. I attempted to grab the crystal, Scott slapped my hand away, through me, off him with ice, I got back up. Glaring, flames encased my wrist again, licking it. I circled. Staring, Scott followed me, I teleported, right behind him. My fist making contact with his back. A bright light emitted again. I landed on the edge again. Scott approaching, limping only lightly. I braced again. Before a purple light hit Scott, crashing him into a pillar nearby. He stared to his attacker. Gem, staff pointed and ready. Scott braced, and ran. I teleported right into battle. Flames bursting from the ground protecting Gem, I looked, she nodded. She slammed her staff into the ground, a purple glow escaped. Once it was gone, she was gone. It was me and Scott, flames drifted towards him, ice coming at me too. We barely dodged. And crashed into him again, throwing him off his rhythm. He stumbled, we where getting normal Scott, a teal glare flickered from purple for seconds. Before snapping back to purple. He glared at me again, I shrugged and went into combat again. Fire licking my wrists. Ice caressing Scott's hands and arms. Another bright light, we tumbled back, I flew right up. My wings frozen solid. Scott's wings partly burned and his body was bleeding, from wounds I gave. Angry red burns visible under thorns clothing. Once again, we collide, tumbled against each other again. For awhile. He threw me off him. I got back up immediately, a trident whizzed past his face. Jimmy has joined the fight. Scott scowled, before Joey approach my left. I sighed, the others are joining. With swords in hand, they attacked. Some blasted away, some only just missing Scott. Then Gem appeared, right in front of Scott. She took the crystal and ripped it off. Lights flashed everywhere. I mean everywhere. As I opened my eyes again, I seen a glimpse of what happened. Gem was knocked out, crystal in hand. Actually. Everyone was out. I looked near the bedrock podium. On the floor was Scott, not the dragon Scott. Not corrupted. Normal old Scott, I was myself again, hurray! That took longer than needed. I sighed of relief. Letting darkness corrupt my vision again.
Hahhahahhah! Don't worry this book hasn't ended! There's a lot more chapters coming! So. The battle has taken place. But will they wake up? Will the other chapters just be demon Xornoth killing everyone? Or is it going to be ordinary? Who knows! Not me.
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