Chapter 18: Normal?
Wooo more pain!
And do you like my doggo up there? He's cute Eh?
He's also in pain. Idk how, he just is.
He also old boi.
|€| Xornoth's POV |€|
I awoke to pain, and someone slapping me across the face.
" Jeez! What the hell- " I almost finished my sentence, but my mouth was covered by something. I looked up, to my surprise, it was Pearl. I looked around, I wasn't in Crystal Cliffs anymore.
" Xornoth listen- " Pearl whispered.
" Scott is way more corrupted than before- I'm losing myself! You need to get that crystal! " She once again, whispered.
" Now awaken yourself idiot! You've been asleep for five days! " Pearl said and went to slap me, but I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes, I was back, back at Crystal Cliffs. I stared at the celling, comprehending what in hell just happened. I looked to my left and seen the sleeping figures of Gem and Joey, Gem on the floor with a blanket and pillow. Joey on a chair with a blanket. Now to think of it, dam it wasn't freezing. I say dam like it's a bad thing when it's quite good, I can't really comprehend cold. I sat up, and faced the two sleeping figures.
" Hey, wake up sleeping beauty's " I said, Joeys blanket flew off hitting Gem in the face.
" Ow Joey what in the living hell?! " Gem screamed from under the blanket
" Sorry! Didactic mean- that- I think- " He hadn't see me.
" OH HOLY JEEZ- " Joey screamed falling backwards on his chair.
" What!? " Gem said flinging the blanket off her.
" Oh it's just Xornoth. OH XORNOTH HELLO! " Joey was- well over flustered. Gem spun and faced me.
" Xornoth! Your- alive! " Gem said
" I mean I'm right here, sitting up aren't I? " I gave her a questioning glance.
" Or am I possessed by Scott oOoooOoOooOo~ " I said, making both Gem and Joey chuckle.
" Yep, that's our Xornoth. " Gem said, Joey still chuckling.
" Oh my Aeor and Xeor Xornoth- " Joey wheezed.
" Hehhehehehhehehehhe " I laugh said. Sending all of us into a fit of laughter.
" Holy it's cold- " Joey shivered.
" I'm not cold, Gem? " I said.
" Cold, and your a demon you can regulate your temperature. " Gem said.
" Wha????? " I turned my head slightly staring at Gem, I looked like a confused puppy, including the ears. Because that's what my ears where doing.
" Oh my lord look at youuuu~ How could you ever be a demonnnn~ " Joey said, not sarcastically.
" You can change your temperature I guess, " Gem shrugged.
" Actually May I touch you? I wanna make sure you don't have a fever. " Gem said, I nodded.
She came closer to me, sitting on the bed, she placed her hand on my head.
" What? " Joey said puzzled.
" COME FEEL HIMMMM " Gem squealed again, god she breaks my ears sometimes.
Joey walked over, touching my cheek.
" OoOoOooOOoOo " Joey... said?
" R a d i a t o r " Gem echoed. How?????
Gem just lunged onto my chest, hugging me. Joey somehow squeezing in.
" Help " I muttered as the squished me.
" Warm " Gem mumbled into my shirt.
I escaped their grasp. In my normal clothes still? Huh, cool. And not cool at the same time.
" GET BACK HERE YA BIG RADIATOR! " Gem kind of screamed, not really tho. It was just loud.
I ran away, darting out the room, running down the hall. Arriving in the living room. Skidding on the floor catching myself.
" Uhhhh- Hey Xornoth? " Shrub said, ah she's back.
" Hi- " I said as I heard them approaching.
She barged into the room. Joey behind her.
" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh- " I screeched. Somehow having a voice crack at the end, darting off again. Skidding down everything. I found myself in a loop, as I circled the living room over and over. And right in front of everyone Gem just tackled me. Joey joining.
" Help " I said trying to get out from there grasp.
" Nah your mine now boi. " Gem said snuggling into my back.
" Noooooooooooooooooo " I muttered into the floor, before remembering. I can teleport.
I clicked my fingers, because dramaaaa~ I can do it without clicking, I teleported away from them, Gem and Joey were startled, quickly getting ready to jump at me. The rest of the emperors surrounded me. Right before the could get me, I shot off onto one of the beams above, the emperors now fighting each other.
" That funny Hm? " I heard someone. I spun to them Pearl.
" Pearl? " I muttered.
" Not actually, my body is corrupted so I just took a break from it. " She said.
" Fair enough, do you know what there fighting about? " I asked her.
" Nah. Why? " She asked.
" There fighting over my heat, Gem is calling me a radiator. " I replied
" Dam, she used to called Scott a fridge. " She said.
" Poor Scott, how is he? " I asked.
" Oh Scott? His corrupted self is fine as day, but himself is, overthinking. " Pearl replied.
" Huh, so he's gone too? " I asked, she nodded.
" He was gone for awhile Xornoth, but you've been out for five days sooo- " Pearl said. Another person appeared beside me, a cold breeze following.
" Xornoth? " The familiar questioned.
" Scott. " I replied.
" Oh hey... Uhm " He was awkward. Social anxiety I guess, he has isolated himself for long periods of time.
" Hey... how you holding up? I guess- " I asked, I had no idea how to talk to him.
" Fine- WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON DOWN THERE?!?! " Scott screamed asked.
" There fighting over my warmth, I escaped them by coming up here. " I replied.
" Ah, you should stop that- " Scott said.
" Yup- Bye Scott! Bye Pearl! Bye Scott! " I said.
" You said ' Bye Scott! ' twice. " Pearl said.
" I like Scott. " I shrugged my shoulders, Pearl giving me a-look of ' Seriously??? ' hahhahah funny.
I jumped down, catching the attention of everyone.
" Can we not wreak the house? " I asked them.
" Jeez sorry- " Joey mumbled. Everyone else mumbled.
Gem walked up to me and just hugged me. I froze, I have never been hugged by anyone but Scott- NONONONONO FLASHBACK BADDDDD. Phew. I put a hand on her back and patted her, not really hugging back.
" Hug me back idiot. " Gem whispered into my shirt.
I bent down hugging her back. Still not knowing what to really do, awkwardddd. Gem was just there, she put her head on my shoulder. I lightly flinched, not expecting her there.
After awhile. I accept her embrace, softening into it. I could fell Gem smile, and all the other emperors where just puzzled, except Joey, Joey was just Joey.
" I've tamed the beast. " Gem said.
" This is the most weird day ever- for me at least. " I said.
" Weird?!?! This is fun!!!! " Lizzie said joining in on this hug thing going on.
" Wooo! Pile on! " Joey said, jumping into the two, joining the hug.
He was followed by Shrub, who was followed by Katherine. Then everyone else.
" Help me Aeor and Xeor " I muttered under my breath.
I sighed and just accepted my fate, oh well.
I'm tired.
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