Chapter 17: Out
Wooo painnn!
|€| Gem's POV |€|
I awoke to a blinding light. Literally blinding me, I tried to avoid its rays. But failing, I sat up, looking at my surroundings. I was in Crystal Cliffs hospital, some other emperors in beds too, some standing around. But one caught my eye. Xornoth, he laid peacefully in a bed across mine. A device hooked up to him, he was, very much out. Very much out. Joey at his side obviously, I mean the man tried to marry him what would you think. And that was when he was a demon. Think of what he's thinking right now! Actually no never mind don't do that- don't risk your mind on that-
" GEM! " A familiar cheery voice emitted from somewhere.
Everyone's heads spun to me, everyone rushing over.
" Hey? " I said groggily.
" Your alive! I can't believe it! " Fwhip said.
Meanwhile I was trying to see if Xornoth was alright, Joey hasn't left his side at all. Not even to glance at me, he normally would, even just a small glance. Something was wrong with Xornoth.
" Is Xornoth's okay? " I said.
" I- Uhm- we don't know... " Lizzie muttered.
" WHAT!? " I screeched. Everyone's ears probably bursting.
" Get me to him. NOW. " I needed to go, I needed to... he can't die! He- he can't!
" Gem you need rest- " Sausage said.
I ignored him, getting off the bed, a blinding pain shot up my leg. I grabbed my staff which was nearby, using it to walk over to Sc- Xornoth. I had my ways, I sat down next to him, just staring at him.
" Do you think he'll survive? " Joey whispered to me, I looked up to him, tears in his eyes.
" He's Xornoth, he will. If he's gone then Scott's gone. And that's just double pain. " I whispered back.
" Oh... Yeah right heheh- " Joey seemed a little happier.
" He'll make it, hell will give us the approval. " I whispered.
" Hell? But- oh yeahhh " Joey whispered back, we had a mini laughing fit.
" How'd this happen anyhow? " I whispered to Joey, who slightly sank.
" When you were out. I guess- Xornoth gave into pain because he just- collapsed. The impacted of Scott's ice on his leg gave him a beating, but like you said he'll get through this! We know he will! He's Xornoth for sakes! " Joey whispered, oh poor him.
" He will, we know, we all do. " I whispered back he gave me a reassuring glance.
" Let's hope this doesn't happen next time. " He whispered with a teasing glance.
We chuckled quietly, I left Joey to be with Xornoth, and retreated to my bed. Joey can talk to me, I think he knows that now. At least Xornoth was breathing and alive.
And hour later
I was almost half asleep on my bed. Before I heard a window creak open, and a couple of steps down to me. I opened my eyes to see Erin hovering above me.
" Ey, what ya doing awake? " Erin said blandly
" See you, " I replied
" Eh makes sense, anyhow. Bye bye you. " Erin said.
Magic charged up her arm. She blasted me into the other wall. Again. Disturbing the other emperors, awakening them. They all scrambled to their feet to form a line to protect me and Sc- Xornoth.
" Now that I have your attention!~ " Erin said dropping down from where she was.
" I have a little note from Scott. " Erin said.
" If it's a note from Scott then why send me into the wall?" I asked.
" You where in my way. " She shrugged.
" Anyhow, me and Scotty are gonna be gone for awhile. Oh yeah, Pearls coming with and Shrub is. Heheh~ Somewhere to not be found. " Erin stared at each ruler.
" Anyhow gotta dip! " Erin said before blasting out the window.
Black dots appeared in my vision, Welp, here I go back to hell. My mind said as I began blacking out. I collapsed to the floor, being knocked out again.
Woo yay still pain.
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