Chapter 15: Havocked appearance
Yeah no fight plot coming and I have no idea how to write fighting nor pre fighting stuff. So yeah, new writer problems. Oh well your reading this it must be somewhat good.
Haven't really done Pearls POV so yeah, and idk how she acts so oh well.
|€| Pearl's POV |€|
Shrub has being going... missing lately. It's starting to get suspicious, Erin and Scott have fled to. Somewhere, and coming back today, what have I gotten into... I stood on one of the many elven cliffs, my dress waving in the wind. I sighed. Genuinely, what have I gotten into, I walked away from the edge, carefully retracing my steps. Scott was on his way, I could tell my the snow storm on the horizon. I was caught of guard by a ice spike nearby, showing my reflection, I walked closer to it. Placing my hand on it's freezing surface. Looking myself in the eye. Which had changed colours. From its normal blue, to a lavender ish colour. My sunflowers wilting in the cold airs of the Elven mountain range. The tops of my dress where turning to, from the normal green. To a black, a wilted, turned, corrupted black. I sighed once again. I had gotten into this mess, can't get out of it. At least I'm still me for now. My hand slipped off the ice spike, my finger tips now tinned red from it. I know this won't end well. Always will. I just hope the others get me out of this soon- I never really wanted this. I came to hold Scott back, I'm only doing so slightly, and all Erin does is calm Scott until the right time. I thought- I thought this was the right choice, now, I see my wrong, but there always has to be others for the villain. Like take Joey and Sausage. The both were with Xornoth, eventually Sausages snapped out of it. And joined us to help. I guess- I guess I've taken place off Joey- not really though! I don't like Scott- nu uh, first he's gay. Second, just no. So that means- Shrubs a traitor. Speaking of Shrub, I seen her walking by, so I ran after her, going to see if she'll lie or not.
" Hey! Shrub! " I shouted, running to her.
" Oh! Hey Pearl! " Shrub turned around, her yellow eyes gazing at me, a traitor it is eh Shrub?
" Where ya going? " I said in a tone of obliviousness to her eyes. Traitor.
" Oh- just going out for the wolves! They need food! " She hid her nervousness quickly, not quick enough, traitor.
" Ah alright- don't be going to the other empires now. " I said in a joking tone. Tho I really meant it. To the traitor.
" Yeah! Yeah I won't! " She shut her mouth quickly and left, I'll spy on her.
We reached a cliff before she shot off into the sky, I followed. Where were we heading- Ah wait a second. I have and invs pot. Should drink that, I took it from my inventory and popped it open, swiftly drink it. Now I realised, we where heading to the meeting place. But the thing is, it was Crystal cliffs we where going, Gem must've called a meeting. Shrub landed, so did I. I followed her all the way to the meeting hall off Crystal Cliffs, my potion was running out. I hid behind a tree for cover as it ran out. Something landed on my head, a owl. Scott. I reached my arm out for it, I came down and I took the letter from its claws. Letting go up into the tree. I opened the letter reading it very quietly out loud.
Dear Pearl,
I'm coming back, we've decided to bring havoc amongst the empires.
I hope there isn't any faults in this.
Scott Major and Erin Fern.
" Well do I have a treat for you Scott- " I whispered
" Stay here owl, I need to send one back. " I whispered to the owl.
I took out a piece of paper and a pen. Quick writing down:
Dear Scott and Erin,
We have a problem, in terms Shrub is a traitor.
She over in Crystal Cliffs meeting room, up to no good.
I suppose we should put the fungus down before anymore trouble,
I'm glad you didn't tell us where you two were going.
I hope you make it here on time.
Pearlescent Moon.
I tied it to the owls leg and whisper ' To Scott Major ' to it. It flew off, hopefully we'll have enough time.
A few hours later
I was half asleep on the tree I was on, then I heard to pairs of Wingbeats. There came Erin and Scott. I stepped out from under my tree and faced them.
" How late are we to- this problem. " Erin whispered to me, every inside can still hear us.
" They haven't come out yet. " I whispered back.
" And Shrubs the traitor in this? " Scott whispered
" Yep, she isn't corrupted. A traitor shall she be deemed. " I whispered back to them
" Well, let's storm them, your good at hand to hand combat. Erin has overly powered magic. And I am, corrupted. " Scott whispered.
I nodded, so did Erin. We slowly snuck up to the door. I prepared my axe and shield. I stepped closer to the door. Hear I was, preparing to barge into the room. I kicked the door wide open. It flew off its hinges, I was surprised at my strength. I stepped into the room. Everyone staring at me.
" Guess. Who's. Back. " I said with a glare at Shrub.
Scott stepped in behind me, hands behind his back. Moving to my left side. His purple eyes bored a hole in everyone. Erin swooped in taking my left side. I looked to Erin, who looked to Scott. With a nod. Magic flowed up her wrist. In red veins.
" Say hello to my Magic " Erin said.
Scott wrapped his wing around me as Erin punched the floor. Red light erupted from her. Blasting everything back. Scott unsheathed his wing from me. I glared at Shrub. And charged. Jumping onto the table to get to her. My axe collided with something else. I twisted it around. Trying to get to Shrub. All going through my head was Traitor traitor TRAITOR KILL THE TRAITOR I swung and swung and swung. Until I gave up on her, and progressed on her blocker. Katherine, I advanced on her. Erin being taken on by everyone else, Scott on the side lines. Waiting for the right moment. Our weapons danced as we blocked and attacked. Shrub decided now was the time to advance on me, she equipped daggers. Attempting to drive them into my back, I kicked her. Send her into the wall. Continuing with Katherine, I finally got a deep hit on her. Right in the chest. She still fought. Got a lot of spice in her eh? I was constantly kicked Shrub back. Until finally. Scott had her. He drew a frost cover sword bracing it at her neck. I was hit my Katherine in process. Right on the face! Seriously. I blocked her again. Pushing forwards to avoid her attack.
" Why don't we stop fighting? Or the gnome gets it. " Scott said,
his voice lingering in the air. Everyone snapped theirs heads to him. Erin gave him a victorious glare. Everyone else was shocked or even more angry. Katherine relaxed. Took as the time to elbow her. So I did, she back off. And I walked over to Scott's side. Erin just simply left.
" Good good, anyways. " Scott lifted his hand.
" He- Bye bye. " Scott flicked his wrist.
Huge ice spikes arose from the ground. Jagged and sharp, and thick as hell. Scott looked to me.
" Pearl if you would~ " Scott said glancing to Shrub. I nodded.
" NO! " I heard Katherine faintly scream.
Right before I hit Shrub with the blunt of my axe.
No mercy for traitors. Scott flung her over his shoulder.
" I shall leave now~ with my friends and the traitor of course~ " Scott said.
" And don't worry! We won't do anything to her. Yet~ " Erin's voice rang. We where walking out the door, before I heard Gem scream.
" Why are you doing this Pearl!? This isn't you! " She screeched
" You haven't seen. " I said bitterly and stared at her.
I faltered for a second. But left, Erin waiting for me. She waved me towards them and we headed of. Back to base, which everyone probably knew of.
Woo! As you can tell. I have used the same format as last time. Bc I like it. And that's that! So off we go! Bye bye!
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