Chapter 14: Dissapeared
Ok, so I'm going to try out something requested by @The_Rook_21
So for now on, Underline shall not be used in this chapter and " speaking " shall be like
" *insert something* " said by someone
" *insert another thing* " said by someone else
I'll see how it goes, and with that my opinion shall be had.
So yeah. Is just no extra thing for action. So yeahhhh, that's the only updates on that. So off we ago!
(For those reading after I've updated all the chapters to be like this, this was awhile ago, and the action was underlined. So :D )
|€| Xornoth's POV |€|
I awoke, in a bed. In pain, a lot of pain, and I was definitely confused. I looked around, I was definitely somewhere. I looked down at my body. Covered in bandages, still, I was confused. Yes I remember what happened before- this. But like- WHERE THE HELL AM I?????? Like seriously what in the mother loving nether is happening. Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm helpppp me, please where in hell am I. Erm seriously where am I. I heard a door creak open, I spun my head to the door, the huge as hell door. Gem walked through, god dam everythinggggg.
" Hey, your awake. " Gem said
" Yeah yeah, no crap. " I replied
" Jeez, fierce as always. " Gem said with a sigh
" What ya expect from a demonic elf? " I looked at her in the, she shrugged
" I don't the ability to not be uncorrupted " She said
" Haha very funny " I said sarcastically
" Yeah erm, anyhow. " Gem said taking a breath in.
" Erin and Scott are no where to be seen. " Gem said
" Wowoowowow- so my attempted murders are somewhere we don't know? " I said. Gem nodded.
" How unexpected " I said sarcastically, Gem rolled her eyes
" Yeah yeah, that's comes from you mister. " She replied putting her hand on her hip
" Whateverrrr " I said dragging out the 'r'
" So, your clearly better. We have a battle to plan. So come on. " She said.
" Nuuuuuuuuuuu I want my sleeppppppppp " I said, dam this world.
" But you Scott-like Xornoth your obviously betterrrr " She said in the demeanour as I said.
" Whateverrrrr " I replied
" I'm still pain though. " I said shrugging
" Erin took a number on ya. She literally almost killed you like what- twenty times? " Gem said
" Hey! It hasn't been twenty! Probably like three or four- " I mumbled the last bit out
" Whatever you say un. " Gem said with a teasing glare
" Tease me all you want Crystal I'm not moving " Dam you Scott that moving sounded like your accent
" Whatever Scott " She shrugged
" Ey! I'm not Scott! " I almost shouted
" And I'm not crystallll~ " She said in a song like say, ew.
She walked over to me standing at the end of the bed I was on. She placed her hand in her pocket finding something.
" So, you're not coming? " She said
" Yup, all I want is sleep " I replied
" You sure?~ " She said pulling out a p necklace that shone with sliver, along with amethyst and rubys, with a vibrant aquarmarine. Shinyyyyyy~
" Ya like it eh? " Gem said snapping me out of my trance
" I. Need. It " Definitely, really, I need it.
" You have to come to the battle meeting~ " She said
" Give first " I said, my hand reaching out trying to grasp for it
" Alrighty here ya go " She passed it to be. I snatch it. Bringing it close to my chest. It reminded me of the times when me and Scott used to make jewellery. Hey- no flashback time. Bad me bad.
" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! " I squealed, it being barely hearable. But Gem heard.
" Alright let's go mister " She said.
I put the necklace around my neck. Where it should be. Gem passed me clothes. Elven clothes of course. I trotted of into a changing room I randomly found. Easily fitting into the clothes. I slid out the door walking back over. Putting on a straight face, trying to hold back the happiness I felt. I love shiny things.
" Oh yeah, you'll probably need this, since Scott is occupied in being corrupted and stuff " She said passing me the Rivendale crown
" Uhhhhhh- nice? " I said confused. But placed it on my head, with struggle, anyways.
" Right. Let's go! " Gem said, grabbing my wrist pulling me to the door.
We made it through the door. She let go. Phew, I didn't like that at all. She lead me to the meeting hall thing. Where I took a seat where Scott normally would.
No, before you say that I ship Xornoth and Gem, I don't. There becoming friends, Gem is slowly seeing Xornoth as Scott. Because like the books name. Thy tables have turned. Anyhow yay I have some motivation! Time to go write another chapter of a different book! Bye bye!
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