Chapter 13: Run boy run
On we go
|€| Xornoth's POV |€|
I was out walking in the Rivendell woods. Just walking. Another pair of footsteps echoed behind me, I spun. Seeking Scott. In all his corrupted frozen 'beauty'.
" Why hello dear brother. " Scott said.
" I have one thing- no three things to say. " He said.
" Go on. " I replied.
" First, meet Erin, formally know as Eclipse. " Scott said.
A 14 maybe 15 year old walked out from the woods. Erin. Her pure black wings were speckled with white. A dragon tail swooped back and forth behind her, once again, black as a raven. Horns grew from her head, more straight than Scott. Dark brown eyes stared at me. Glaring.
" Secondly. The uncorrupted, useless Scott is gone~ I'm here now~ " His voice rang with seriousness.
" Thirdly. Die for me please. " Scott said venom lacing his voice.
Erin charged at me, I dodged just in time.
" Run boy run~ " Scott's voice rang ominously, and sinisterly.
So yeah, Erin's running at me, so I ran. Fast as I could. Dodging through trees. My cloak thing get caught on each branch. I unclipped it shoving it in my pocket. For now, it's time to run. So, I continued. Seeing Joel, Lizzie and Shrub ahead. Running faster i barged through them, a oncoming cliff was appearing, I heard Erin gaining. As I made it it the cliffs edge. I jumped off. Flinging myself into the air. Opening my wings, charging forward in flight. Wingbeats pounded behind me. Erin was definitely still there. Flying time. I was trying to gain more speed. Erin kept going. Silent flight I guess. Until I was shot by something in the back. I dropped, falling down to the ground with speed. A couple of rulers seen me crash. I pushed myself up, the pushed through them, Erin close behind.
It's time to run! TIME TO F)!,/@'G RUN.
I heard her gaining faster and faster. More rulers ahead. Pushing through them, I need to lose her. But how she's right behind me. I could fell blood drip down from everywhere on my body. The crash wasn't very nice. But adrenaline was there. Pushing me through. Run boy run. Was the onl only thing I could think of right now. Just run. Keep going. Run boy run. I heard Gem call after for now it's time to run, STILL TIME TO RUN FASTER, I was gaining speed the more the adrenaline kicked in, a cliff ahead. My wings weren't in the best star though. I could glide, but that's it. Now I know where I am. Crystal cliffs. If I swing a right there shouldn't be a cliff. So I swung a right, Erin skidded, but continued our chase. I kept running, holding back- tears? I don't know. But just energy right about now. Sweat dripped down my head as I ran and ran. Run boy run. Like holy heaven to hell and back she was close. For now, running. I seen more rulers. I couldn't barge through. I gained as much of my power as I could. And jumped over them. Landing and continuing to run. Why meeeeeeeee I internally screamed. Why not Scott? Give him more trauma! Oh- I see- erm- Just run me. No cliffs ahead. Good. Can't really fly. Erin was definitely gaining. Soon, she jumped into me. We crashed into the ground. Tumbling over each other. I kicked her in the stomach. Getting her off me. Red magic charged up her arm. The other rulers seeing the thing. I dodged, pushing myself up running again. TIME TO RUN TIME TO RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Erin was definitely behind me. A magic blast hit me in the back. Owowoowowoowoow that hurts. Just run. Time to runnnnnnn~ dam you Aeor and Exor. I kept running for who knows how long. Starting to approach Rivendell's borders. I knew these well. There was a cliff ahead. Just run me. The cliff was closing, in so was Erin. Well, time to jump off a cliff to my death! I seen Scott just vibing in a tree. Awaiting me. He jumped down . Sending an ice blast behind Erin. Erin ran off to the side. Scott quickly gaining on me, cliff ahead. Don't they were expecting me to jump- So I did. Jumping to my death, I think. Mid falling, adrenaline hit like a train. I opened my wings. Ignoring every wince of pain. Adrenaline was there anyhow. I shot off into the sky, hovering. Seeing the wreckage Scott caused. Gem on the ground. Everyone else stunned. The ice spike un-thawed. Nu uh not today Scott. Not killing em! I will yeah- not you Scott! My mind thought as I flew into him, send us hurling across the ground. I used my wings to stabilise me. Well, pissed off Scott. A violent purple glare, well, glared at me.
" Time to leave! And probably run! " I said aloud. Darting away.
" OH XORNOTH~ " I heard Scott sinisterly shout from the distance.
I knew the other rulers were following. Scott running in front of all of them. He's 7'2 for sakes his legs are dragons and long. So, yeah. Time to run! I kept going. Everything getting blurry every second. Until I heard Scott blast into the sky. Saying something in something. I don't know it's not Ender that's for sure. I kept going. Knowing Erin was behind me. And out of reflex. I felt my body tiring. Getting slower and weaker every passing monument. I heard Erin blast off. Finally. Peace. As I went to stop to catch my breath. I fell into darkness. Passing out. I mean. I guess the book was right. I was trying to be murdered. Oh well, I'm passed out now. Was the last thought I had before hitting the ground. My energy begin drained. Along with my awareness.
Hehehehhehehe drama
And cliffhanger
I need to right my other books new chapter anyhow. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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