8. Safe House
"The news is loving you guys."
Since Wanda gave me a good blow to the back of the head with a broken tree branch, I've had this nagging headache. This made sure I was out for the count when Tony needed help with containing Bruce. Then again so was the rest of the team, except Clint. Not that any of us really had any ability to get Bruce to change back.
Once I was able to stand up without the world tilting like a crazy boardwalk fun house, I managed to make it back to the ship that Ultron had gone to raid vibranium. With Clint's help, of course. I was there more or less for moral support since I couldn't exactly lift any of the Avengers back to the jet. Instead, I waited for them to break free from their nightmarish dream states. Barton was certainly curious as to why I wasn't in their state, to which I had to explain my hypothesis. Whatever she was using to trap the team in their minds was some form of energy. And as an energy manipulator, I must have been resistant to having my brain invaded by her. That just led to even more questions about my abilities, most of which I had no answers to. I like Hawkguy though. He was very respectful of my boundaries and secrets and didn't push for straight answers if I wasn't willing to give them up. It was definitely something I liked about him. He was so unlike Tony, who wouldn't stop until I gave a straight answer.
When Steve, Thor, and Natasha finally did snap out of their trances, they seemed wobbly and distracted. Clint ended up helping Natasha out of the stranded freighter while I offered to help Thor and Steve. Thor simply, but kindly, declined my offer and stated he was fine to walk back to the ship on his own. Steve was a bit more receiving of my offer and asked me to carry his helmet and shield for him.
"I was expecting your shield to be heavier." I lifted it up as I examined it before looking at Steve.
"Yeah?" A small smile tugged at the edges of his mouth but it seemed forced.
"Yeah. I mean even your helmet is heavier." I tried to make light of the situation but the Captain still seemed distant and distracted.
"Oh, really?" He asked seriously, lifting a brow as he looked at me in the corner of his eye.
"No. Just exaggerating." I gave him a weak smile as I turned my attention back to the shield.
"I thought so." There was a brief pause between us as I tucked his helmet under my arm so I could check out the inside of the shield.
"You always ask if I'm alright, but what about you? Are you okay, Steve?" Inquire sincerely. His head turned fully toward me, giving me a confused face.
"Of course." I lifted a brow at him, not believing his statement.
"For an Avenger, you suck at lying." That seemed to brighten his mood, even if it was just in the slightest as he chuckled.
"So I've been told." Then his head turned as he looked to where Natasha was with Clint's arm wrapped around her shoulders. Then his eyes grew distant again as though he was remembering something. That's when I took it as my cue to let him be with his thoughts.
I drop my head in my hands as I rub my temples. The pounding against my skull continues to grow more intense with the interruption of silence caused by Agent Hill speaking with Stark at the front of the plane. "Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." I solemnly lift my head and look over to where Bruce is leaning against a raised platform in the center of the Quinjet. He's got a blanket wrapped tightly around himself despite sweating. The doctor looks really shaken. Then again I would be too if I killed who knows how many people while a rejected raging Green Giant veggie man. And that's not even including the economic damage done. Who knows how many buildings were damaged or destroyed.
I pick at the edge of the jacket Stark threw at me earlier, grimacing at the caked layer of dried mud on it. I then carefully shrug it off and set it aside where I sit on the floor against some black crates. A frown takes hold of my face as I remember the horrified look Pietro gave me when I told him all the lost lives would be on the two of them. I get he's got a grudge, but is it really worth working with Ultron? I bet they don't even understand the half of Ultron's true plan, whatever that may be.
Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I look up. Thor is on the right side of the jet with his arms almost crossed as paces a few short steps back and forth. Whatever he saw in his nightmare really hit him hard. I didn't think an Asgardian could get this shaken up over a dream scene. Meanwhile, Natasha is sitting on one of the chairs close to Bruce, on the left side of the raised platform. Her head is cast downwards, a blank look on her face. She doesn't seem to be taking her hellscape well either. And of course, there was Steve. He was sitting in a chair against the wall of the jet close to the cockpit. His gaze is turned toward the floor as well. He seems to be deep in thought. I wonder what he saw. Was it something that had to do with his late best friend? Something that happened? Something that never happened and he wish did? Was it about the past or the future? I bring my legs up, my knees tucked under my chin as I think about the others. Hill and Stark continue to talk in the background.
"We're still a few hours out." Clint's quiet voice makes me look up. He's up front flying the jet.
"Still a few hours out from what?" Stark asks.
"A safe house." Clint replies, but he sounds a bit unsure. My eyebrows scrunch as I ponder.
Where on this Earth would there be a safe house for the Avengers?
Prod prod.
"Touch me one more time..." I grumble as I rub my eyes after lifting my head from resting on my knees. I squint a second before looking up to see an uneasy looking Thor. "Oh, sorry, Thor." I chuckle uneasily as I stretch my legs in front of me.
"That's quite alright Lady Iris. The Man of Iron has asked me to wake you." I lift a brow quickly.
"What for?" I inquire.
"We shall be landing momentarily." He replies.
"Oh...okay. Thanks." He nods once before returning to the right wing of the jet. I yawn and then lift my arms above my head to stretch my back muscles. That was probably not the best position to fall asleep in.
"Have a good rest?" My head whips to the side and I look at Bruce. I don't think he's spoken once the whole time since Wanda got to him, or at least that's my guess based on how his voice sounds.
"Something like that." I send him a quick smile as I feel the jet begin to slow. I quickly stand up and grab hold of one of the jet's support beams to keep me steady. I wait until the aircraft comes to rest on the ground before I release the bar. As the hanger door lowers, I lift a hand to block the sunlight that suddenly pours in. Huh. Guess we did really have a few hours before we got to the 'safe house.'
I wait until Clint and Natasha pass me before making my way down the ramp. It doesn't go unnoticed that Clint is still supporting Natasha as I move out of the aircraft. Taking a nice breath of fresh air as we make our way to an old farmhouse, I casually look behind me. I find Stark, followed by Thor, Steve, and then Bruce. Swiveling my head forward once again, I cautiously walk past the front gate to a home before stepping off to the side to take it in. The rest of the team pass by me without giving a second glance.
I find my head tilting to the side as I try to decide whether I should follow or wait. I mean, I am still covered in dried mud. It'd probably be rude to waltz in and track dirt along with me. Humming for a moment, I finally decide to walk up to the house, up the porch steps, and timidly walk inside the house. I'm just in time to watch two children, a boy and a girl, run down the stairs. My eyes widen a fraction as I watch them dash into a living room where the rest of the Avengers are, or more importantly, Clint.
I always knew he had a parent like attitude. Guess I know why now.
I watch on with wide eyes as Barton picks up the younger girl and pulls the boy into a hug. Then a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "These are...smaller agents." I hear Tony trying to explain the situation to Thor, but it sounds like he himself is trying to figure it out.
"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The young girl asks Clint.
"Why don't you hug her and find out?" I hear Natasha say as she walks forward, being met in the middle by the girl. My jaw must drop a bit when Natasha leans down and picks her up. That's...odd. I shut my hanging jaw quickly and turn toward a pregnant woman I've never seen before. She's looking at me, curiously and cautiously while Clint has his arm slung over her shoulders.
"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve apologies right away like the gentleman he is.
"Yeah, we would have called ahead." Tony finishes for him. "But we were busy having no idea that you existed." At once I roll my eyes.
Nice one, Tony. Real smooth.
"Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined." Hawkeye comes to who I'm assuming is his wife's defense. "He kept it off SHIELD's files. I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." He continues. I shoot him a smile as he leaves the room with his son.
"How's little Natasha?" Natasha asks the woman. I clasp my hands behind my back and rock on the balls of my feet as I patiently wait to speak with Clint's wife.
"She's...Nathaniel." I watch as the woman gives the ex-assassin a look that says 'sorry.' That's when Natasha leans down toward's the woman's expanded belly and whispers 'traitor.' I quietly chuckle at the exchange. Thor then brushes past me with a firm look on his face. Everyone turns and watches him leave but Steve's the only one who follows him out.
"Hey..." I look away from where the Captain and Asgardian left to see Clint's wife in front of me. I jump and then place a hand over my heart. "Sorry." She whispers with a timid smile.
"No, no, it's my bad. I zoned out." I chuckle and then smile at her analyzing gaze. She looks...confused. "Uh, hi. I'm Iris."
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Laura." I give a timid smile. "Your accent...it's...?"
"Russian. But I guess it's got a little bit of an American tinge to it." I inform. The woman smiles and nods apparently more relaxed.
"Um, I hate to bother, but do you mind me asking if I could take a shower?"
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