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Captain America: The Wheelchair Chronicles
"I still can't believe Steve broke his leg." I cackle, my fingers playing with the curly locks of white platinum hair that belong to Pietro. My eyes are trained on the television. Currently, there's a marathon of Sherlock playing. I mean, it's not really a marathon considering there are only nine episodes, but whatever. 'Marathoning.'
"It is rather humorous." He comments, his lips pulling back into a wide grin as he looks up at me from where his head is resting in my lap. I smile down at him.
"Just go get a room you two." Sam sighs loudly from his seat to the left of the couch.
"Sure, after you go back to fondling your little mechanical bird, Sammy boy." I fire back sarcastically, a teasing smirk on my face.
"Keep looking at each other like that and maybe I will." Sam crosses his arms across his chest as he kicks his feet up on the edge of the coffee table. I roll my eyes at him before I look back down to the sarcastic speedster who's still using my lap as a pillow. He wiggles his brows at me suggestively and I shake my head, a small smile appearing on my lips.
"Yeah, no thanks. I'm perfectly content right here, watching Sherlock." I give a quiet exhale as I recline further in my seat. My golden iris' follow the movement of the show. However, my eyes shift away from the tv when I hear squeaking coming from the other side of the room. "Ah, well speaking of the disabled devil." I lick my lips before pulling my bottom lip between my teeth to keep from laughing. "It's the cripple." I joke. I quickly lean down and press a quick kiss to Pietro's forehead before gently nudging him into a sitting position so I can get up. He grumbles, but disgruntledly sits up anyways. I slide off the edge of the couch and walk over to where Steve's fighting with the door, trying to get into the living quarters. He's having trouble holding the door open and getting through it at the same time. "Looks like the doors in this age have no respect for the elderly." I chirp and hold the door open so Steve can roll into the room, giving me a disapproving look as he does so. "Oh, come on, Cap. We all knew this day was coming. After all, you are like 100, right? It's only natural that your bones are becoming fragile." I chuckle. "Maybe we should start looking for an old folks home for you..." All I get in response is a well-aimed elbow to my thigh, which causes my leg to cave briefly. "Rude, Steve." I huff before a grin makes its way back onto my face.
"It's just a broken leg. It's not like I'm dying." Steve huffs, his arms moving in a steady rhythm as he spins the wheels on his wheelchair.
"Did you not just hear the part about you being 100 years old, Cap?" I ask, my tone flat as I lift a brow at him. "Besides, the moment you're born, you're dying. Growing, getting old, and then BAM! Dead." Instead of verbally responding, Rogers shifts the course of his wheelchair and runs over my foot, causing me to yelp. "THIS IS NOT THE AMERICAN SPIRIT," I shout and lift my foot into the air. I stand on one leg and cradle my foot with my hands. "That hurt, you soggy piece of cornbread." I mutter, pouting towards my foot before gently setting it back down to the ground.
"I did tell you I would run you over with my wheelchair." Steve says evenly, causing me to glare at him.
"Yeah well, that was when you weren't in a wheelchair. Plus we were at Clint's." I fire back grouchily before moving back to the couch, where I sit back down next to Pietro. Steve just glares, and Sam and Pietro chuckle.
My eyes snap over to where Steve is giving a long, loud sigh. His hands limply sit in his lap while he's staring up at the ceiling with the most bored expression one can create. I can see him moving his jaw side to side, gears obviously twirling in his mind.
"Alright!" I exclaim and stand up, causing the trio of men to look at me. "Let's go do something because if Steve sighs one more time I'm going to lose it." I declare and brush off my jeans before placing my hands on my hips. Sam, Steve, and Pietro all stare at me expectantly. "What do you guys do for fun?" I question, looking to Sam and Pietro for ideas. Instead of answering me, they look at each other before shrugging. "Oh, don't you guys go silent on me now." I sigh and roll my eyes. "What stupid manly stuff do you guys do when Wanda, Natasha, and I aren't looking?"
"We, uh, do pointless challenges?" Pietro offers, his eyebrows pulled together.
"Like what?" I ask, moving my hands from my hips so I can cross them across my chest.
"See who can jump the furthest." Sam offers.
"Find out who can throw paper into the trash can from the farthest distance..." Pietro responds next.
"Oh my gosh, you guys are so lame. Ok. Well, we can't really see who can jump the farthest because of the cripple," I comment. Steve just gives me a flat look, to which I grin. "But...I do have something else in mind." My grin turns into a wicked smile as my plan begins to formulate in my mind.
"Here, Pietro hold this." I hand him a stopwatch. He looks down at it, and then back to me.
"Why do I have to time it?" He asks with eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"Because it wouldn't be fair if you participated, man." Sam states, stretching his arms above his head.
"You'd kick all our butts." I add, moving back over to stand next to Steve's wheelchair.
"Iris...are you sure about this?" Steve asks hesitantly, staring straight down the empty hall.
"Yeah, come on, it'll be fun." I chuckle as I pick up one foot and rotate my ankle before shifting and doing it to my opposite foot.
"I gotta admit, Iris, wheelchair racing was a good idea." Sam comments, stretching the muscles in his legs.
"Right?" I laugh. "If you guys need any ideas for other stupid stuff to do, just lemme know." I shoot Sam a wink. In the corner of my eye, I see Pietro roll his eyes. I smirk before taking a step in his direction. I plant a quick kiss on his cheek and watch as his mood drastically changes to a cheery one. "Okay, now let's do this." I take a step closer to Steve. Pietro straightens up, looks down at the stopwatch and then back to us.
"Ready...set...go!" He shouts and the three of us burst forward. I take the lead, Sam behind me, and Steve trailing behind the both of us. However, the placings soon change. Sam is passed by Steve, who's spinning the wheels to his wheelchair faster than I've ever seen. He begins to gain on me, before passing me. His face is hard with determination and his eyes are set on the end of the hallway. I frown and shift my weight to the balls of my feet while pumping my arms at my sides. I manage to keep pace with him before he slightly veers closer to me. My foot collides with the wheel, which causes Steve's chair to turn sharply before tipping over. I yelp and fall over the side of it, and I listen as Sam races past the two of us. His arms are in the air, hands clenched in fists as he yells 'whoooo!'
Steve grumbles from where he is on the floor, and I move off the tipped wheelchair. I land on my butt in the space next to Rogers. He's on his side before he turns over and sits up. I look over at him and he looks at me. We stare at each other silently for a moment before I snort. The corners of Cap's lips twitch upwards into a smile before we both start to laugh. I reach up and place a hand over my heart, shaking my head as I laugh. This wasn't exactly the outcome I was hoping for, but hey, doesn't some sort of accident happen when people do stupid stuff?
"What the hell?" I hear someone question from the other end of the hallway where Pietro is. One rather bemused looking Natasha is standing there, her arms tightly crossed over her chest. Her eyes are bright with an untamed fire and her lips are pulled into a flat line as one of her feet taps against the floor. I blink once and Pietro is next to Cap and me, the stopwatch long forgotten. He reaches forward and pulls me up by the bicep before righting Steve's wheelchair. I move to Rogers' side and place one of my arms under his before lifting him to his feet. He stands on one foot and hops over to his wheelchair, careful of his cast, before sitting in it.
"ABANDON SHIP!" I move to the back of the wheelchair and begin to push him forward as he tries to right himself in the chair. "GO GO GO!" I shout as I guide the injured Avenger's chair down the hallway, Pietro at my side as he runs at a normal pace. Meanwhile, Steve cackles like a child. Tears even begin to spring in the corners of his eyes as he laughs, his hand pulled up to his mouth in a futile attempt to quiet himself.
I wonder what other stupid stuff we can do with this wheelchair...
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