1. The Avengers
The flight into Sokovia, a small city in Europe, was shockingly calm. I'm not usually one for flying in giant tin cans that can drop out of the sky in a blink of the eye, but I can admit when a flight is smooth and uncomplicated.
I reach into my back pocket and provide my passport upon reaching the small airport's security check-in. With a hint of a smile, I slide the worn blue book under the small opening in the glass where the security guard sits. He looks at the photo on the inside cover before checking to ensure I am who I say I am -- Vanessa Blake in this instance. He nods and slaps a stamp on an empty page before returning it to me. "Welcome to Sokovia, enjoy your stay." He drones as if he's said the same phrase over a hundred times already.
I push past the guard station and through the crowd of people waiting on loved ones and pull my dull gray baseball cap further down over my face as I carefully avoid the airport security cameras. This intel on the Avengers chasing their own lead better be good. I've been late to the party on too many times already. I don't particularly want to miss out on seeing the band in action again.
Once exiting the airport, I hail a cab and instruct the driver to bring me to the western border of the city. I don't have to tell him twice. We're headed straight through the heart of the small city in a matter of moments. And for the first time since landing, I sit back and let out a long breath. I have no idea what exactly it is I'm looking for. Maybe it's validation that just because I'm powered doesn't mean I'm inherently evil in nature. Even due to the circumstances surrounding my creation. Or perhaps I'm trying to find out if being a hero is something I could be. I shut my eyes and take a moment to relax. My fingers drum against my thighs as I watch the cobble and brick buildings pass by my window.
What am I doing?
I was trained to fight. I should just join the ranks of a military somewhere. Try to be normal. Try to live a life like anybody else. I never did ask for these abilities. I just want to be a regular Joe. What I'm looking to find doesn't fit into that. However, my entire existence has been manipulated to the point that sometimes I struggle with what it is I truly desire. That's probably why I dropped out of college two years ago, leaving with a fair amount of knowledge in technology and computers.
I hate to admit it, but maybe I'm not cut out for a normal life. It's not exactly easy to live a normal life with extraordinary abilities and a past so damaged that not even duct tape can fix it. Although, living in rural Kentucky surrounded by horse pastures for two short years while attempting to get a technology degree did help get myself centered. It helped me get to a point that I could at least act like a regular human.
Kentucky definitely helped with my anger issues and the unhinged rage I felt toward HYDRA. An anger I've since let go. I'm by no means okay with what happened, but I've since decided trying to live a normal life does not include trying to hunt down the very organization that created me.
Besides, going for a technology degree with a mischievous personality wasn't my brightest moment. I quickly found myself on the brink of being discovered after an illegal passion of hacking developed. I guess digging around in classified SHIELD files wasn't the best use of my time. However, it did ignite my insatiable desire to know more about the Avengers. Then when the DC attack occurred and all those files were leaked onto the internet, I remember being holed up in my apartment in Tennessee. For days I found myself reading up on any bit of information I could about the notorious group of superheroes. I may have been a college drop out at that point, but I still knew how to filter through redacted files with ease. The DC file leak was also how I got a list of contacts for various things I figured would be helpful in the future. One of such contacts was the one to give me this lead.
I scrunch my eyes shut tightly as I fight to keep a grimace off my face. Reminiscing always seems to trigger powerful migraines that can leave me vulnerable for days, thus I try to avoid thinking about my past. I gently tug my cap off and place it on the seat next to me. I no longer have a need for it at this time.
"Keep the change." I instruct my cab driver with a Russian tinged accent. I hand him enough European bills to cover the cost of the cab ride and then some upon arriving at my destination. He murmurs his thanks as I shut the door behind me.
I watch as my breath billows in a near translucent cloud before I zip my jacket up. After a brief moment of checking my surroundings for anyone who may be watching, I set off into the heart of the densely packed forest of pines. My boots crunch against the snow as I march on in the biting cold with determination.
As a manipulator of energy, I'm able to do exactly that -- manipulate energy surrounding me. I've had control over my abilities for a while now. Almost everything I do involving those enhancements is subconscious. Such as bending the atoms around myself to hover closer and not dissipate. This keep myself warm in such harsh conditions without the need for heavy clothing. I can tell you it makes trekking through a winter storm in Russia so much less stressful.
In the distance, through a less dense section of trees, I can see a HYDRA stronghold sitting high upon a large hill. And with my newly honed ability to detect heat signatures, I can tell there are quite a few underground bunkers filled with soldiers not too far ahead of my position. I decide that where I am is close enough to catch the action without being dead set in the middle of it. Or, at least, I hope so. I set out in my attempt to climb one of the towering pines to get a birds-eye view of the action, should this tip be valid.
It shouldn't be long now.
As predicted, the Avengers didn't take long to show up. I had been huddled up against the trunk of my selected pine for approximately two hours before the action began with a sudden, unexpected explosion beneath me.
I can't fight the grin that works it's way onto my lips as the famous team arrives on the scene: Captain America, the super soldier out of time; Black Widow, mysterious combatant; Ironman, no explanation needed; Hawkeye, incredible 'supposed' deaf archer; Hulk, scientist Bruce Banner whose attempts at recreating the super soldier program backfired; and Thor, demi-god who threw a temper tantrum and his dad planted him right here on Earth to teach him a lesson. Although, technically Thor can come and go now as he pleases. Still, temper tantrums man. Don't do it.
I rest my chin in the palm of my hand as I think about this team. All of these heroes are people with warped pasts but against all odds made the best of them. It's reason enough to keep me curious about them.
And when you put them all together? You have a team. A so far unstoppable, formidable force to be reckoned with. They have a singular purpose: keep the world safe and overall free. Or, something like that.
I admit it's something I envy... Being a person of power means I have to keep my abilities hidden and out of the eyes of the public if I don't want to become a government lab rat. I'm afraid that if I dare to show myself as an enhanced person, I'd be taken in for more experimentation. Or worse yet, killed for being a 'threat to humanity' just like any other person I've heard of that's gifted. I'm not sure who the responsible party is for making the gifted disappear like smoke, but it makes no difference to me. It seems all enhanced persons end up a cold corpse on a slab in a morgue.
Speaking of enhanced persons, I've heard many reports of people who are just suspected of having abilities falling off the grid mysteriously. I suspect SHIELD took them out or recruited them. Thus, in a twisted way, I was glad when SHIELD fell all those months back.
I return my attention to the fight slowly winding up below my perch, which causes me to shift my position so I can crouch on the sturdy branch to get the best view. Below me, HYDRA agents that are decked out in Chitauri-based armor are marching, well, running towards The Avengers. The armored men aren't alone though. There's a heavily armored, bulky, and overall ugly steel tank that creaks and groans as it crushes the local flora.
On the opposing side, Hawkeye is perched in an open top armored vehicle that the Black Widow is driving. Following behind them is another Jeep-like truck filled with HYDRA enemies. In Widow's vehicle, Agent Barton is using his weapon of choice to take down soldiers wherever they may charge from. As he's firing arrows, Iron Man flies over them and takes out a HYDRA soldier close to Clint. At the same time, a soldier in Chitauri armor flies up beside Widow with the obvious intent to drag her out of the automobile.
As I watch from my perch, I closely analyze their actions and battle strategy. I try to work out how it is that they come up with their battle plans when facing an enemy that just won't die. However, I quickly realize there isn't much of a real strategy when it comes to these heroes. They just dive right in and seem to make it work. Example A? The Widow punches the solider in the throat, opens the door to the car, and then kicks the guy square in the face. This knocks him to the ground as the fiery-haired Avenger continues to drive. She seems unconcerned with what's happening around her as she speeds along, dodging anything that gets in her way.
Hey, I guess if it's not broken don't fix it right?
The other vehicle following Black Widow and Hawkeye finds a chance to pull up next to them. However, before the HYDRA agents can engage the two Avengers, Thor lands atop their Jeep and takes the soldiers out. The Asgardian then proceeds to use his hammer to take flight to an elevated platform where soldiers are firing at the team of superheroes. It takes him less than thirty seconds to dispatch all of the enemies.
While Thor's occupied, Captain America, atop his newest motorcycle, comes out of nowhere and knocks a man down before he grabs the guy by his ankle. The American patriot drags the enemy alongside his motorcycle before swinging him up into a group of soldiers fighting in front of a bunker. That said bunker then lights up in flames as it explodes, compliments of Iron Man.
As the bunker crumbles, Steve throws his shield at a sniper hiding behind some bushes. The shield then bounces off not only the intended target, but maybe two or three others before returning to the Captain after he punches another guy in the face. After his shield returns, Rogers reattaches it to his back. He continues to drive before having to make a sharp left as a bulky tank heads right for him. Before the tank is able to fire at the World War vet, Thor lands square on the front and sends it not only into flames but the air as well. That's when the Hulk emerges from a more heavily wooded area, catches the tank, and throws it aside before going to rip more screaming soldiers limb from limb.
At about the same time, Romanoff and Barton emerge from a now cleared out sector to the area the rest of the team are. I tilt my head curiously as I watch her aim the vehicle at a blockage ahead of them, there to protect a bunker. I could almost laugh. HYDRA agents don't seem to be getting any smarter in their fight to dominate the world.
Just as the Jeep approaches the roadblock, the iconic Captain America emerges from another section and drives parallel to his teammates. It seems his presence draws the whole team in. Iron Man is flying to the truck's right, with Cap on his left and The Hulk on his right, while Thor is on the very left of the truck with Barton and Widow on his right.
Really, though, what were the HYDRA agents thinking? Was an old-school barbed wire block and sandbags going to stop the superheroes?
In unison, and I can't fathom how they manage it, they all launch into the air and over this obstacle. Of course, the truck Natasha drives rams into it, which sent both her and Barton over the roadblock. Nevertheless, I still audibly hear myself gasp as I watch them. This team is just on some other level.
The Avengers proceed to split up so they might cover more ground. The Hulk branches out to the right, Steve and Tony continue on straightforward, Natasha dive rolls through the snow before sprinting through the snow, Barton manages to somehow land on his feet and take off, and Thor takes his now charged hammer and brings it to the ground. As his hammer makes contact with the frozen earth, it electrocutes a number of HYDRA men in his surrounding area.
Further away now, Tony keeps pace with the man out of time, taking out bunkers and other enemies as they go. Then he flies above the tree line and I lose my visual on him. My first guess is that he's going to attempt to breach the fort that lay ahead of the team. Now that I think about it, Black Widow and Hawkeye are also beyond my sight.
Watching the group fight is a real treat considering they all have such unique fighting styles. It's because of this that it's hard to choose someone to watch. Speaking of unique fighting styles, Captain America throwing his motorcycle at an oncoming HYDRA vehicle is rather uncommon. But just moments prior, I managed to overhear him very assertively yell 'Language!'
Two guesses as to who probably earned that comment.
However, this is also when my blood runs cold. I'm not 100% sure, but despite my high position in the tree, I believe I've been spotted by the Asgardian. Given, it might not be hard to spot me when you're able to fly. My fear is almost proven true when he stops beneath the tree I'm in. I silently position myself to be perpendicular to the branch while my back presses against the trunk. I close my eyes and slow my breathing in an attempt to prevent the white wisps of condensation leaving my lips from giving away my position.
Below me, I hear the Captain making his way to Thor as they pick up banter. I manage to make out their joking about a new wave of HYDRA soldiers and a tank 'lining up because they're so excited.' Next thing I know, I hear Thor graze his mighty hammer against Roger's famous shield, sending an electric shock wave at the new militants. I'm acutely aware of this attack due to the extreme amount of energy it creates. I can feel it in the air and sense it with my body, even as high up as I am. I don't have to look to know that the attack does its purpose in taking out their enemies.
That's when it happens. Thor asks if the man out of time knows if there are spies in the trees. Apparently, he has seen one.
I wonder who that could be.
Cautiously, I poke my head over the side of the limb I'm on. Bad decision really, as the god and supersoldier are looking up. Their eyes quickly find me. Steve throws his shield into the air without hesitation. I move my head at once, frightened that he's aiming for my face. I'm very wrong in that assumption though. Instead, the shield smashes against the limb I'm on and it rattles the branch to the point I lose my seating and find myself tumbling over the edge. I let out a startled yelp as I fall, cold wind rushing through my hair and ears, only to be caught midway by strong arms. I can tell it's Thor by the amount of energy that rolls off of him. Afterall, he is the god of thunder.
As soon as he lands, I push myself away from him and land in the crunchy snow in the process. Yeah, many girls would have killed for the opportunity to be in his arms, but not me. I'd rather have nothing to do with him or anyone for that matter.
As I hit the cold ground, I open my mouth and I crawl away from both of the Avengers. Well, I can now officially confirm that I'm no longer an anonymous face to these two. "Holy sh-"
"Language." Captain America cuts me off before I can finish the nasty expletive.
"The Captain does not seem to approve of such filthy words in your Midgardian vocabulary." Thor reprises me with a stern look. I move further away, looking at the two men who are watching me wearily. This was absolutely not part of the plan. I wasn't quite ready to make myself known to the group. After all, I don't know what their policy is for dealing with powered people.
"She doesn't look HYDRA." I hear Rogers mumble to Thor. He agrees, showing it in the form of nodding his head.
"The hell I'm HYDRA." I snarl furiously. My Russian accent grows thick with anger. I'm offended that I'd ever be thought to be in league with their death organization. Not that they know it, but HYDRA are the ones who ruined my life.
"I say we take this one with us, for questioning." I guess that's Thor's way of saying they probably shouldn't kill me. However, even though it's better than being shot dead, I don't approve of this idea. Before either of them can make a move to grab me, I act quickly.
A sudden burst of golden energy emanating from within me is forced outward toward them. It manages to force both men backward. Even though this reveals myself as a powered person, it's also my best bet of escaping them. After all, they're both above average and one needs to fight fire with fire.
Both of them don't seem to be expecting this sudden and unusual attack but they manage to stay on their feet. At the same moment, Natasha's voice comes through their comms, requesting help urgently. Thor gives Cap a look and the soldier nods before Thor is swinging his hammer and taking to the sky.
Someone must've gotten hurt, I guess.
While blondie flies off, I manage to get my feet under me. There's a queasy feeling in my stomach as I stare down the trained Avenger before me. There's no chance that I'd be able to defeat him in a fight. However, I have no choice but to try if I want to get out of this situation.
I'm preparing to make an escape in an attempt to avoiding fighting Rogers when a blur, blue in color, suddenly rushes past me. My hair obscures my sight as a rush of wind surrounds me. This doesn't stop me from hearing the Captain grunt and sensing the flash of energy that zips by.
By the time I've managed to move my hair from my face, I'm being lifted. For a split second, I'm able to see the Captain recovering himself from the sudden attack on his person. Next thing I know, I'm whizzing past trees while being carried by some unknown force bridal style.
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