03. Old & New Friends
"You know what? Nevermind, just...come on. I've got places to be." There's another long pause between us as I fight with whether or not I should run for it. But considering all variables, it's more likely I'm seen as HYDRA right now and Stark won't bat a lash as he ends my life if I were to try and run. So I make the smart choice and allow myself to be escorted from the building onto the waiting Avengers jet outside the main building. I just can't shake the feeling of being watched on our way out.
As I approach the awaiting jet, I'm tempted to jump over the castle wall. I do NOT want to get into another flying deathtrap this soon after the last. And that was what? Literally an hour or two ago? Honestly, what am I doing with my life? I was trained to be a highly skilled infiltrator with the ability to slip in and out of a highly surveyed area without so much as a sneeze. Yet here I am. Getting on board a jet filled with the whole Avengers team. I must be severely out of practice.
"Uh, Tony, that's not the enhanced girl." Steven Rogers. The Captain America. Iced Americano. America's OG Dairy Queen Blizzard here in the flesh. Not sure if I should be offended by his statement or not.
"What do you mean this isn't the enhanced girl? Look at her eyes." Self-made inventor Tony Stark scoffs while closing the ramp behind us, effectively shutting us in. "JARVIS, take us home." The billionaire vacates his position behind me to take point at the head of the aircraft. Guess he figures I'm not going anywhere surrounded by this group. That or now the Captain is taking charge since he's coming very, very close.
I back up a few steps until met with a chilly metal behind me. I'm forced to look up into the patriotic eagle eyes of America's collective Husband MaterialTM. The skepticism vanishes with a blink as he takes in the one abnormality which immediately gives me away as someone who is enhanced — my eyes, the gateway to my soul and abilities. A dazzling pale gold which rivals the sun in all of its brilliance. "Who are you?" He asks with his deep authoritative voice. I, however, am too starstruck to actually answer. Now I'm stuck in an anxious stupor staring into the eyes of a man who I looked up to when I was trying to mold myself into a good person.
"Come on Cap, give the kid some room. She's freaked out." I can't say I saw the one and only Hawkeye leaping to my defense like this. For all he knows, I'm a HYDRA operative. Anyways, I always thought of him as the angsty-broody one who hides away in the shadowy rafters like a shady secret government agency... Then again, he may be totally doped up on morphine considering he's laid out on a gurney with a gaping wound on his side. Ouch.
"JARVIS, tell me what you can." Tony requests from the pilot's capsule as Mr. America backs off and goes to speak with Stark. I'm afraid to say something...but I always thought that prisoners are supposed to be handcuffed. Or restrained in some way. Not that I'm going to complain. But this just seems like poor planning. What if I was a dangerous criminal with a hunger for revenge? I mean, I don't know. I'm just getting that vibe from everybody watching me.
In an attempt to maintain some sort of tense peace, I move to the center of the aircraft so I'm fully visible. The Widow, ever the loyal friend, meets me halfway to Barton with a scowl and crossed arms. I stare right back as I hold my ground. "You need to cover the wound," I tell her flatly before my eyes flicker over to Clint. "Something sterile. Petroleum jelly, gauze, primapore."
"Why should we trust you?" Dr. Bruce Banner. The man, the myth, the legend, the extremely scary Veggie Giant. I must've glossed over him since he'd been hiding away in one of the wings.
"You shouldn't. But you should trust basic first aid unless your friend wants to catch a nasty infection. The air can be a cesspool for infectious disease, you know." I shoot him a wink before turning to lift a brow at the fiery Russian. "Do what you want with that information." I can sense her hesitancy to turn her back on me, but my words must carry enough weight for her to turn and tend to Clint's wound. I take a good look around the jet. This looks much less safe than a commercial aircraft so I quickly find the nearest seat and buckle in. Thor happens to be sitting a seat away from me. "So how's Asgard this time of year?" I offer a side-long grin in an attempt to strike up a casual conversation. The dark look of suspicion lifts from his face. He brightens up like a ray of sunshine, but before I can get the low-down on Asgard we're interrupted.
"Uh-uh, no. Thor, don't talk to the prisoner." Stark wags his finger at us while holding a tablet.
"Ooooh, so now I'm a prisoner huh?" I tease.
"Vanessa Blake, huh?" Stark scoffs.
"That'd be me." I smile fakely. The need for a sarcastic quip is gripping.
"Huh, except...that person doesn't exist." Tony smiles with a hand on his chin. My face falls into a scowl.
"Yeah, well tell that to my passport."
"Love to. Have it with you?"
"Fuck off." I cross my legs and offer a defiant stare. "Last I checked you lot had no real authorization to make arrests."
"Consider this a citizens arrest."
"We aren't in America. You've got no jurisdiction."
"Fine, should we drop you over the ocean now then?"
"How do you know I'm not CIA? FBI?"
"They don't employ enhanced, at least not any we're not aware of." Bruce butts in with uncertainty. Tony motions to Banner while they share a quick look and nods.
"Don't they?" Ah, how powerful the seeds of doubt can be to those caught unaware. Whether or not they believe me could matter less as it's got them shut up for now. "Besides, I've done nothing wrong, yes? You've got no proof of criminal activity."
"Uh huh, what about that flash drive you got there, Sparky?"
"Computer data, just like what you got on that laptop. If it isn't illegal for you to steal from HYDRA, then it isn't for me." Boom. And now he's got no defense. I've stripped him of all cards he can play, and Stark knows it. "Right, well, this has been all fun and games but I'll be on my way as soon as we land." Before anyone else gets the idea of arguing with me, I produce my phone and earbuds. Nothing like some nice relaxing music while the Avengers argue in the background.
I'm stuck in my own head for hours afterward. I'm ready to combust until the jet sharply turns, making me glad I decided to buckle in. I can hear the landing gear coming to rest on a platform before the cargo hold opens and in rushes two nurses. They help Romanoff escort Barton off the aircraft and into the Tower. I allow the bustle to die down a bit before getting out of my seat. Thor brushes by me with the Scepter encased in a box. Better in his hands than HYDRA's. My eyes lift to Roger's, who sits near the cockpit.
"Lab's all set up, boss." A woman's voice pierces the dampening of my earbuds.
"Actually, he's the boss." Tony swivels around in his chair and points at Steve. At this point, I remove my earbuds and shuffle them and my phone into my coat pocket. "I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler..."
"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve asks as he gets up from his spot.
"NATO's got him." The dark haired woman hands over a tablet while she turns to walk with Steve out of the aircraft. However, they both stop when the woman sees me.
"Hill?" Today is full of surprises. Last time I saw her was right before I disappeared from northern New York. It was the first time I drifted into the wind after arriving in the States with Fury. She'd been in charge of training me on how to better defend myself.
"Wait, wait...you know little miss Vanessa Blake here?" Tony pipes up as he approaches us. Steve looks between the two of us. There's discontent within him that he doesn't know the whole story.
"Vanessa Blake?" Maria scoffs with a laugh.
"Yeah...alias." I timidly wring my fingers together.
"Well, I know Iris." Maria clarifies. I offer a tense smile while folding my hands in front of me.
"It's been awhile, hasn't it, Maria?" I falter when I see the frown. The frown of disappointment. That frown that could make my chest hurt because I knew I let her down. I open my mouth to apologize, but it doesn't quite make it out when she encases me in a hug.
"You know, I thought I lost you for awhile there."
"Ha, as if you could get rid of me that easily. Though I am sorry for scaring you...I just needed to get out and be my own person." My face drops when we separate. "I'm sorry about Fury. I know his passing must've been hard for you. I wasn't there for you and I owe you big time."
"Water under the bridge, Iris. You're here now." I nod my head before shuffling my feet. "Now, how'd you get into trouble this time, hm?" This causes a smile to erupt on both our faces.
"I was going after information...trying to find out where...he, went. I'm trying to find him." Maria's face drops to that of suspicion and I know she doesn't agree with my newest mission, but she knows better than to try and argue me out of it. "Just happened to get tangled up with your newest buddies here. They thought I was with HYDRA." We share a short laugh. "Uh...yeah. I was gonna get out of their hair here."
"What?" "What?" I don't think me, Tony, or Steve were expecting that quick shift.
"We should catch up...and I'm sure you can help Tony figure out these two new enhanced — Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. Twins." I look between Maria and Tony with unease.
"Can we trust her?" Stark asks seriously, looking me up and down.
"With your life." Hill promises before she and Steve leave the jet to continue their talk. It leaves me behind with the ever suspicious Tony Stark, much to my chagrin.
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