020 ⎯⎯ Stay
— act two, scene ten: stay
Ricky didn't think his eyelids had ever felt so heavy as he sat there striving to stay awake. He could feel the pressure of Megara's resting head on his shoulder, he could feel himself slouching into the couch with every long minute that passed by, and yet he couldn't bring himself to move.
"Um, Megara?" Ricky whispered, hoping she could hear him without having to talk over the movie. He looked down at her, overlooking her dark long hair that she had let down from her bun moments after they walked into her house — he knew she could only truly relax once her hair was down. He then glanced over to the TV, noting how Julia Roberts was lovingly staring into Richard Gere's eyes. For a moment, he watched the two actors converse. He knew Megara would quiz him on it later, but he had to admit, it was a good movie.
It was crazy to think just over a month ago they had been sitting the same way on this very couch, talking about plans to get Ricky back with Nini, talking about how committed Ricky had been to the role of Troy.
Operation Heart Stealer was going so well, fantastic even. Ricky and Megara worked on their respective parts for the show nearly every day, often going to each other's house to work on Ricky's dance for the finale or Megara's posture as she wanted to show Carlos she was improving with the embodiment of her counterpart, Kelsi. She had Ashlyn's piano solo down and convinced Kourtney to let her do a different type of hair bun for the real show. At least she had that going for her.
And when they weren't rewatching High School Musical in Ricky's living room (and keeping Mike up with Ricky's clumsy dancing and Megara's coaching), they were working on more ways to pump up their love life. At least, the facade they had designed.
Showing a whole school that you were falling in love was hard when the signs of affection were limited. They mostly settled for holding hands when walking to classes or Ricky's arm over her shoulder, and of course a pet name splashed here or there. Megara was still against the idea of Ricky's lips going anywhere near hers ("Only God knows where those things have been, Bowen..."), but he had managed to plant a few strategically on her cheeks, temples, and even nose. Mostly when Megara was talking to her friends or when they were messing around during rehearsal. Basically, whenever they knew someone was watching, especially if they knew that person would turn around and spread the word. While she may not have been with Isaiah anymore, Megara knew it was aggravating EJ, and that was a good enough reason for her.
And it was also hard when you couldn't stand to be in the same room as each other for too long without wanting to combust.
Either Ricky Bowen really knew how to push her buttons, or she needed to get see someone to talk about her budding anger issues. More often than not, they would end up arguing over the smallest of things like how Ricky was mimicking her with his dancing or how Megara was being a slow eater at the dinner table. They tried to remember their promise to remain calm and cool about their agreement, but that would just result in the two sitting side by side in complete silence. Better not to say anything than to say something mean, right?
Yet when Megara found herself inviting him through the door, they'd end up on the same couch, each time they'd end up closer and closer until they'd end up sitting like they were right now.
And it was a lot for Ricky at that moment. He had always known Megara as someone who was aggressive and cold — at least to him — but now she was smaller and placid, harmonious even. He wasn't sure he'd ever see the day she'd be willingly sitting at his side, never mind curled up to him. Seeing her like this reminded him that under her armor and behind those cement walls she built, she was just a girl.
A soft snore fell from Megara's lips, knocking Ricky out of his trance. "Hey, Megara," he tried whispering again, bringing his left hand to his right shoulder where she laid her head, to try and sweep some of those dark locks out of her face. In doing so he could clearly see she was asleep and had never looked so peaceful. "Meggy..."
Ricky softly sighed, unable to hide the fact the sight was both pleasing and funny to him. He tried to grab for some pillows so he could rest her head under and planned a sneaky getaway — or the best he could get without disturbing her peace.
"Mm," she patted his right arm, feeling his body twitch even in her sleep, eyes still closed. "Is that you?" she softly asked.
Ricky nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Yeah, 'tis me, Meg," he replied in a hushed voice.
"Don't leave," her eyes slowly peeled open, seriousness in her voice like he had never seen it before. "'m comfy."
Ricky softly chuckled. "You're falling asleep."
Megara shook her head, each time she blinked it was longer and longer. "No, I'm not."
Ricky tilted his head, bringing his hand to her face again to brush her hair away. "Yes, you are."
"Don't go yet," she insisted, her doe eyes searching his for the feeling she was looking for — even if she didn't know what it was yet.
"What?" he swallowed the lump in his throat, the one that was gathering with each soft word she spoke.
"Stay," she managed to whisper before snuggling up to his shoulder again, wrapping her arms around his one to keep her still.
Ricky sighed loudly. "Well, I guess a couple more minutes won't hurt, right?"
Ricky rubbed his temples. Surely, this was the worst night of sleep he had ever had. But when he looked down to his chest to see Megara's head of curls sprawled out across his gray sweater, he knew it had been worth it.
Megara groaned, stretching out her arm over his body. She squeezed her eyes and then relaxed before realizing her hand was hitting something a little too hard, and there was no way it could have been her pillow.
Hesitantly, Megara peeled open her eyes, the remains of her makeup stuck to her eyelashes. She fixated her eyes on the body next to her and felt her heart drop to her stomach when she realized it was Ricky.
For the first time, she didn't know what to say. So many things flashed in her mind but she could not just settle on one. How could this have happened? When did this happen? Why was she cradled up on the couch when her bed was a couple of rooms away? Why was Ricky still there?
"Morning," Ricky spoke first, never taking his eyes away from the girl. How could he when she was inches away from his own face?
"Oh no, not again," Megara slowly sat up, her hair in tangled waves. Ricky watched her move, intrigued, the absence of her hair left his chest feeling bare. "No. No, this can't be happening," she insisted.
Ricky offered a sleepy tight-lipped smile, drifting off into a dream-like state with each blink he took. Suddenly he understood how Megara was so tired the night before. "It's happening."
Megara pushed her palm flat against his chest as she mustered up the strength to help her sit up, groaning as she then ran a hand through her long locks. "We have got to stop meeting like this."
"Why?" he rose less gracefully than her.
"Ah, you guys are awake!" Matthew Montez said as he waltzed into the room, dressed in a blue buttoned polo with a pair of nice jeans. On his wrist was his nice gold watch — the one he'd bought himself for father's day years ago. Megara and Ricky craned their necks as they glanced over the couch to get a good look at him.
"What time is it?" Megara asked.
"It's barely ten, pumpkin. You know I don't cook but I got some pancakes from that store down the road you guys like," he answered, bringing a paper cup to his lips. Megara was sure it was filled to the brim with hazelnut coffee.
"And my parents haven't already filed a missing person report for me?" Ricky asked.
Mr. Montez shook his head. "I came into the kitchen before midnight and saw you guys asleep, I just called your dad to ask if you could spend the night. I couldn't bring myself to wake you up."
The teens' eyes were bulging out of their heads as they turned to face each other, in shock over everything Mr. Montez just said and how cool he was being about the whole thing. Granted, they were just a pair of good friends to Megara's dad. The only people who knew about Ricky and Megara were... Ricky and Megara.
"Um, I think one of your shirts might be in my room," Megara finally spoke, ignoring the way her dad's eyebrow slanted at her suggestive words. "From um... practice last week."
Ricky gave her a firm nod, patting his hand over her knee. "Okay, thank you," he said before rising from the couch and heading to her room.
With Ricky gone, Megara straightened out the dress she had been wearing from the night before and approached her dad. Out of all the situations she had gotten herself into, this one was by far the worst. Which wasn't really saying a lot, but she was feeling like she was taking advantage of the fact that her dad trusted her so much. "You're not... mad?" she asked, fiddling with her fingers out of nervousness.
Mr. Montez shrugged. "Why would I be? You just fell asleep on the couch after a long day together."
"Yeah, together," Megara emphasized.
Suddenly, Mr. Montez's juice pouring came to a stop. "Tuts, is there something you're not telling me?"
Megara smacked her lips. "Nah, pops. Just... making sure."
"Alright. I'm thinking I'm going to be heading out in a while to go with the guys from the office for some golf."
"Sounds like fun." It was farthest from the truth, but she was just glad her dad was doing something other than work.
"You have any... big plans?" he asked.
"Um, I'm not sure yet. If Ricky stays over we'll probably just rehearse for the show again."
"Alright, sounds good. Just remember the house rules."
Megara nodded. "Yes, dad."
"And don't burn the house down."
"Yes, dad."
"And don't let Ricky use the stove here."
"I heard that!"
Only minutes after she had gotten home from being out of the city with her family for Thanksgiving, K.C. plopped down onto her bed with a grunt, staring down at her phone screen. None of the memes she had sent Gina had been read, which was alarming to her since being left on read (or replied to with one of those eye-rolling emojis) was the usual response she got from Gina. But being full-on ghosted was not.
She thought about what she should do for what seemed like ages as she played with her bright yellow phone in her hands. Even though her heart beated out of her chest at the idea of it, she knew giving the girl a call would be the best answer.
For a brief moment, K.C.'s thumb hovered over Gina's contact. Since K.C. had ended up helping Big Red with photos for their program, Gina's portrait as Taylor was her designated contact picture. It wasn't like the two were posing for selfies together anytime soon. Plus she thought Gina stood out when she wore pink. After a few annoying rings from her phone, K.C. heard Gina pick up. "K.C.? Why are you calling me?"
K.C. blinked her eyes rapidly, unsure where this sudden bout of harshness had come from. Sure, since she knew Gina, the girl had been somewhat of a forceful and competitive person, but since homecoming last month (and the time they had to save Miss Jenn's job like a day after) they had been on better terms. Friends, even. Or so she thought. "Because you weren't answering my texts?"
"Oh," she could hear Gina answer on the other side of the phone as if confused by the answer she got.
"Oh?" K.C. asked. "That's it? You doing okay, G?"
Even though she couldn't see her, K.C. could sense how flabbergasted Gina was. "I'm sorry, really, I've just been busy."
"Oh," K.C. slouched into her pillows. "Now I feel really stupid for calling."
"No, um... K.C., I need to tell you something," Gina cleared her throat. "I'm moving again, I've been busy packing." K.C. sat in complete silence as those words echoed in her head. "Hello, you there?"
"You're... moving?" K.C. finally brought herself to ask.
Gina nodded, even though she couldn't see her. "Yeah, it was kinda sprung on me at the last minute."
"Are you okay?" K.C. found herself sinking farther into her twin bed as she spoke, wrapping her arms around her own torso as if it would provide any comfort to her.
Gina quivered her lip over her phone speaker. "I'll be fine. I kinda have to be."
"There's absolutely no chance you can stay?"
"Nope," K.C. could hear Gina sniffle. "It's a done deal, I'm already gone."
"Have you been crying?" K.C. couldn't stop the words flowing from her mouth. K.C. clawed at her hair, upset with herself for sounding so stupid. "I'm sorry, that was really dumb to ask."
"It's okay."
"Well, um, you can call me if you need anything, I guess," K.C. mumbled into the speaker of her phone, becoming more and more discouraged with each passing second. It would be her luck that she'd finally make a friend and then she'd lose her.
Then Gina sighed really loudly. "You're gonna have to let it go, Kay."
"Just, forget about me and let me go," Gina said. "There's no point in calling anymore."
"But—" K.C. couldn't even get a full word out before her call was disconnected, leaving her staring at her phone screen in deafening silence, the picture of Gina as Taylor staring back at her.
this week was 4 years since tatbilb and 15 years since hsm2 was released!!
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