Well Fuck...That Ending Was Pretty Shitty (Chapter 17)
~Third Person P.O.V~
It's been a few hours since Dabi first kidnapped Izuku. The smaller male's condition was worsening, he was losing blood- it was beginning to get extremely hard to keep his eyes open. His breathing hitched in the back of his throat, red liquid threatening to spill out of his mouth any minute.
"You don't look so good there, shorty." Dabi taunted, stretching his mouth into a maddening smirk.
Izuku didn't say anything, his body was starting to feel so numb- he didn't even have the energy to scream anymore. He just wanted it all to stop.
"You know...I expected them to be here by now- maybe they don't care for you as much as I thought." Dabi mused his voice sounded soft but in a more teasing way, he squatted down in front of Izuku.
That one stung. Izuku knew it was just Dabi trying to get under his skin, and damn was it working, but he started to second guess the two boys he cares for. Do they not care? Are they really not going to come for him? It's been hours, maybe they want him gone. They're happy that he got kidnapped...they don't want him.
He tried so damn hard- but he couldn't stop it when the tears began to spill over. The salty liquid mixing with the blood that covered him.
"Are- are you crying? Oh! This is just too good." Dabi cackled, a wicked smile on his face as he took in how broken Izuku looked in that moment.
Crying didn't help him, he began to get a headache- a pulsing, throbbing headache. It hurt like hell. But that didn't stop him, maybe if he kept crying he would pass out from the pain. He just wanted it all to stop.
"Hey boss, we got a problem out here!" A disembodied voice shouted.
Dabi rolled his eyes, being quite annoyed that he wouldn't be able to gloat and tease Izuku anymore. "What? I'm a little busy, dumbass." He scoffed.
"It's just- there's these cars that keep doing circles around the building...maybe it's your brother?" The voice suggested, their voice cracking a bit with fear.
Pinching the bridge of his nose Dabi sighs, "Then shoot at the fucking cars for all I care!" he yelled. His vexation with the person slowly spiking into the 'Danger zone'.
There were a few moments of silence, then the painfully loud screeching of tires skidding across cement as well as gunfire. That's when the shooting began. Izuku could hear shots being fired from outside the building as well as inside.
Cursing under his breath, Dabi grabs his Glock off of the small table next to Izuku- speed walking to the front where everyone else was.
Izuku was barely hanging on at this point, his vision was blurring worse than ever now- and he felt so damn dizzy. Drawing in a painful intake of air he tries to focus on the things around him.
But it was no use...he could feel life's touch slowly slipping away from him.
He was going to die.
Meanwhile, Shoto was in the process of fighting Shigaraki off- dodging a few hits that the slightly shorter male threw at him. Having no patience to continue the fight, Shoto pulled his gun from his belt, shooting the boy in both of his legs a few times.
The boy let out screams of pain, glaring at Shoto as he walked away- not long after Hitoshi came to finish what the duel-haired teen started.
"Izuku!" Shoto called out, firing off a few shots at a few of Dabi's men- hitting them all.
"In here!" He heard Katsuki's voice call back, he sounded scared. This caused Shoto to run full speed, gasping in shock when he caught sight of the green-haired boy.
He was tied to a metal chair, a gag over his mouth, and his face paling. Blood covered him like a thick, death-filled blanket- drenching his clothing and pieces of his skin. His eyes were barely open, they kept fluttering shut as he took slow, shallow breaths.
"No, no, no, no. Hey, Izu come one- we're gonna get you out of here okay?" Shoto said, cutting off the ropes that bound him to the chair.
"Just keep those pretty eyes of yours open. We're here, just hang on baby." Katsuki sobbed, gently lifting the boy into his arms.
"Going somewhere?" Dabi's voice chuckled from behind them.
They froze, both of them boiling with rage at the sound of his voice. Shoto wanted him dead, Katsuki wanted him dead.
"Kat, take Izuku to the car and get him out of here." Shoto muttered darkly, his hand twitching to his gun.
"I'm not leaving you here!" Katsuki protested, his eyes still fresh with tears.
Shoto placed a loving, quick kiss on the blond's lips, leaning down to do the same to Izuku's forehead. "I'll be right behind you guys, but I have to take care of this first." He whispered.
"You better come back to us, you hear me? We fucking need you." Katsuki sniffed, already booking it for the door. That was the blond's way of saying 'I love you'.
The duel-haired teen slowly turned around, gun already aimed for his older brother- Dabi doing the same. This continued for a few minutes, neither said nor did anything, just stared and aimed their guns at each other.
Shoto ducked just in time, as Dabi fired off the first shot- taking this chance to shoot him in the foot.
"Fuck!" Dabi cursed, sliding across to the side and hiding behind a crate.
"Hey dumbass!" Shoto called out to his brother, "You should pay more attention to your surroundings."
Dabi was confused for a second, then stiffened when he felt the tip of a gun being pressed against the side of his chest. Hitoshi glowered at his former boss, his finger flicking over the trigger a few times...before he pulled it. And he kept pulling it, stopping until he was sure the raven-haired boy was dead.
They were currently at the hospital, Izuku's injuries were too fatal for Katsuki to patch up himself. Their mother's were there as well, the two boys being forced to tell them everything. Rei cried, thinking that there was some way she could have stopped all of this from happening, Mitsuki was just glad the boys were safe now. And Inko? She was livid. But she didn't show it.
The women agreed not to go to the cops about all of this, not wanting their sons to got to prison and have their lives being thrown away.
It was around midnight by now, Izuku had just woken up, still extremely sore from the events that took place not too long ago.
"Hey, guys." Izuku smiled weakly, Shoto and Katsuki snapped their heads forward, tearful smiles gracing their lips.
Katsuki kissed his softly on the lips, Shoto doing the same- both of the boys bring careful not to be too harsh with him. "How're you feeling baby?" Katsuki asked, regret burning in his eyes as he looked at Izuku's condition.
"Like shit...but I'll manage. Wait- where's my mom, is she here?" Izuku looked around frantically.
"All of our mother's are here Izu, we kind of told them everything." Shoto said, carefully running his fingers through Izuku's hair.
The freckled boy cursed under his breath, pursing his lips as he looked at both boys. "Can you guys go get her? I wanna see her." Izuku breathed out, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
They both nodded, walking out to go get Inko. Mitsuki and Rei were nowhere in sight, the green-haired woman sat patiently on a bench a little ways outside of Izuku's room- fumbling with her thumbs nervously.
"He's awake." Katsuki mumbled, squeezing Shoto's hand to calm his nerves.
Inko glowered at the two boys, shaking her head disapprovingly. "Good. Now I want you both to leave." She said, sticking her nose the air.
"I beg your pardon?" Shoto scoffed, Katsuki going wide-eyed at her statement.
"You heard me. From this moment on, you both aren't allowed to see my son- it's your fault he was kidnapped, your fault he almost died. It'll do him good not to be with you both." She huffed, standing up and pushing her way past them.
"You can't be serious!" Katsuki protested, Shoto holding his arm back as he tried to go after the shorter woman.
"I very much am. If I do find out you've been talking to him, I'll go to the police...and tell them everything." Inko threatened, being dead serious about it.
And with that, she walked off, disappearing into Izuku's room.
"We have a big problem now." Shoto muttered.
"Yeah, no shit."
Hey guys!!
Did I just end this book with a cliffhanger? Yes. Yes I did. I have a date set for when the sequel will be released...MAY 14th.
It gives me a month to work on another fic I'll be posting, as well as write out a plot of the sequel.
It's called, 'Partners?'
Summary: He finally did it. After blood, sweat, and a shit ton of tears...Izuku Midoriya is now the number one pro hero in Japan. Amazing, right? It's been a few years since he became number one pro, he's 24 now- pro life is going great.
That is until he gets badly injured in a previous fight, now Uraraka thinks it would be best for him to have a partner until he learns 'Self-care'. Except his partner happens to be Katsuki Bakugo, the number two hero in Japan.
What could go wrong?
I will be posting it sometime this week so be on the lookout for it!
And that's all for now!!!
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