The Gang's All Here! (Chapter 9)
~Third Person P.O.V~
Izuku was sitting on his bed, Himiko and Mina right next to him gorging out on popcorn. Mina was currently occupied, braiding Izuku's hair and all, while Himiko busied herself with applying a face mask onto herself and him.
"Okay, seriously guys- remind me again how I let you drag me into this?" Izuku smiled, he didn't mind it really- in fact, he loved it...he just wasn't going to admit it.
"Oh, hush Poke-A-Dot! You'll ruin the mask if you keep smiling like that!" Himiko scolded, reapplying a coat of green in an area that had less of it.
Mina had a devilish smirk on her face, a look she usually got when an idea popped up in her head- which were never good ones. "How opposed are you to getting a pedicure Poke-A-Dot?" She asked him, already motioning for Himiko to get the supplies out of her bag.
"Um- very opposed...MiMi, KoKo?" He couldn't see what they were doing, due to the fact that he had cucumbers resting on his eyelids. "Guys? Don't you dare!" He gasped when he felt something cold press against his toe.
"Too late!" Himiko giggled, already beginning the process of giving him a pedicure.
He sighed, deciding to just give in to the inevitable. It was a Saturday, Mina and Himiko had dropped by earlier that morning, planning to spend the entire day with their best friend. Inko was all too thrilled at the idea, she was quite pleased that her son was making friends- and you know...had a social life.
"So, Bos- I mean Todoroki, tells me you're in his group for the assignment!" Mina commented, running the brush through his tangled curls.
Izuku nodded, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl. "Yeah...hey I noticed you guys sit with them at lunch- you all friends or something?" Izuku asked, trying to keep his voice as light as possible.
"Something like that," Himiko giggles, scrubbing the bottom of his foot, "you have to catch us up on what you've been up to lately though!" she changes the subject.
He snorted flashbacks from getting into a fight resurfacing in his mind. "Well, I got into a fight yesterday, I've been trying to catch up on Arrow- apparently it ended this year! Um, what else-"
"Back the fuck up," Mina interjected, scooting over so she was sitting in front of him next to Himiko. "Izuku how the hell did you get into a fight? Do I need to slap a bitch?!" She questioned, her 'Big sister' voice coming into play.
"No, I'm fine MiMi. I swear. Long story short is- Shoto's brother came over here, one thing lead to another and I'm pretty sure I fractured his nose." Izuku chuckled, trying to dismiss her worries. Little does he know when he mentioned Dabi it made both of them worried.
"Wait a minute- Dabi was at your house?!" Himiko asked, anxiety for the boy bubbling up in her chest.
Izuku took the cucumbers off his eyes, gazing at both of the girls in front of him with seriousness. "Yeah," He answered slowly, trying to decipher their expressions, "Why? Do you know something I don't?" he asked. He knew they did, they're his best friends- he could tell when they were keeping something from him.
Hell, it didn't take him long to find out they were dating.
"We can't...really tell you." Mina grimaced at the end, her face scrunching up with guilt at her statement.
"And why the hell not?" Izuku pressed, folding his arms across his chest.
Thankfully, before they could answer Izuku's phone began ringing- he shot them both a look as if to say 'We'll talk about this later' before answering.
"Hello?" He recognized that voice all too well, it was Katsuki.
"Kacchan? How'd you get my number?!" Izuku asked, looking at his two friends accusingly- they both shook their heads.
"Don't worry about it," Katsuki laughed, hesitating for a minute- which Izuku easily picked up on.
"Was there a reason behind you calling me Kacchan? Or..."
He heard him sigh on the other end, muffled shouts of encouragement barely audible from his end- but he still heard it.
"Yeah, my mom is having a barbecue type thing today- I know your mom is coming but...she said you most likely weren't gonna be there. I was just um- calling to let you know that if you change your mind you can come." Katsuki stuttered, catching Izuku off guard.
For one, he had no clue about the barbecue, and two- did Katsuki actually stutter just now? Or was he dreaming?
"Uh, yeah okay...thanks Kacchan! I'll see you later then!" Izuku giggled, hanging up the phone.
He turned his attention back to his friends, cocking up an eyebrow. "Pack your shit up, we have a barbecue to get ready for."
They were in the car now, Inko was pleased and also very surprised that Izuku wanted to come, or even knew about it- but she didn't push it. She was currently engaged in a conversation with the Himiko and Mina- she wasn't too flummoxed when she found out about how the three teens knew each other. Again, she was just happy her son had some friends, and better yet...friends who understand him.
"Okay, okay- so you and Izuku did what exactly?!" Inko laughed, Himiko was currently telling her about one of their attempts to escape the program to go get food.
"We told the moderators there that Mina was having a seizure- which she made it seem totally believable by the way, while we snuck out! We got caught when we came back, obviously, but it was worth it!" The blonde smiled, shaking her head at the thought.
Izuku chimed in, his face pulled up into a wide grin, "Those burgers were good as hell!"
The two nodded in agreement, Mina was able to get a burger as well, seeing as though Himiko stuffed one in her bra. "Preach Poke-A-Dot, preach!" Mina cheered, placing a hand over her heart dramatically.
"What's up with that nickname of his?" Inko questioned, never taking her eyes off the road ahead of her.
The three laughed, Himiko face flushing a shade of pink that put Mina's hair to shame.
"When we all met, Himiko said it looked like I had a bunch of Poke-A-Dot's on my face from afar," Izuku replied, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly at the girl beside him.
Inko just smiled, some of her guilt easing away once she learned of all the fond memories he has of the program- it made it...easier? For lack of better words, just knowing that he wasn't miserable at the place comforted her.
Ultimately, they arrived at the Bakugo's house. A few familiar faces were waiting outside, such as Mitsuki and Rei (who were waving excitedly at the car).
They all climbed out, hugs and greeting were shared before they headed inside.
"All the kids are upstairs in Katsuki's room if you guys want to head up- he and Shoto have been bugging us on whether or not you were coming Izuku!" Mitsuki commented, her and Rei chuckling in unison.
Izuku blushed, which didn't go unnoticed by the group of women surrounding him. Clearing his throat he gives a small nod, rushing up the steps as fast as he could- Mina and Himiko tailing behind him.
(Idk what Katsuki's room looks like, so um bare with me guys!)
Katsuki's room was relatively big, a large bed placed against the side of the wall furnished in black and orange comforters. A nice sized dresser and TV on the other side, his walls adorned with posters and such.
Kirishima sat on the bed, laying on his stomach with Kaminari laying on top of him. Sero, Katsuki, and Shoto were currently occupied with playing a video game- they were far too consumed in the game to notice to new arrivals.
"Oh, Poke-A-Dot, we forgot to tell you!" Mina exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.
Izuku turned to her, tilting his head to the side, "What?"
"Guess who else got released from the program?" Himiko jumped in, bubbling with excitement.
"Who- Hitoshi?!"
Hey guys!!!
I liked this chapter so um...that's good right? Next chapter I'm fucking excited to write so yayayayaya!!!!
I'm currently babysitting all three of my baby siblings so that's fun! They're all taking a nap so I decided to finish up this chapter while I had the chance!
Until we meet again!!!
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