Pilot (Chapter 1)
~Third Person P.O.V~
Izuku was buzzed with excitement, finally, after seven years he was coming home. The program his mother sent him to helped a lot, he rarely gets upset and loses his temper- which he's grateful for.
He sat patiently, his suitcase upright next to him while the breeze fondled with his green curls. It was loud, but that was to be expected at an airport. The jet engines roared to life from somewhere nearby, almost startling the poor boy, car horns honked, and people squealed with delight.
Those squeals were soon drowned out by his mother's. Turning he's met with a familiar pair of green eyes, now watering at the sight of her son being back home.
"ZuZu! Oh, my darling baby boy!" She beams, pulling him into one of her famous 'Mama bear' hugs- nearly squeezing the life out of him.
He giggled at her actions, taking in the all too comforting scent of pineapple and coconut she emitted. Pulling back he took a good look at her, she had definitely changed over the years that's for sure.
Her once slim figure had filled out, becoming more rounded and curved all over. Despite the locks of emerald hair on her head, he could pick out a few thin pieces of gray filling in, not that any of it mattered, she was still beautiful in his eyes.
After all she is his mother.
"Hey mom." He replies in a hushed whisper, his own tears brimming the corners of his eyes.
Just like his mother, he has also changed. As previously stated, he had a slight problem with his temper, but all for good reasons- for instance if someone was picking on a friend of his, he would snap, or if your were picking on him, he would snap. Although his mother loved that he stood up for himself as well as others, she knew he had a problem that needed to be fixed- thus him moving to America.
But there were also some physical aspects that had morphed since they had last seen each other, face to face.
He was still rather short for his age, alas his height may never change, but he had a bit of a muscular build now- lean, but nevertheless still muscular. His features had slightly shifted, the two freckles that his mother had gotten so used to had suddenly flourished, adorning his face like sprinkles.
Just like his height, another thing he could not get rid of was his baby face. Although, his cheeks had less of a curve to them, they were still there, rounded- but not too noticeable.
And his hair. Sure, it had always been curly, but as time passed on and the years went by, the curls had seemed to grow. It was almost impossible for him not to stand out, green curly hair was quite the eye-catcher.
"Here, do you need help with your bags-" Inko started, but stopped when she took notice of his now, strong arms. "I see, well never mind then" She chuckles, a light strew of blush decorating her nose and cheeks.
He matched her laugh, although his was more fruity and light, while hers was embarrassed and awkward.
"And where did you find the time to work out mister?" She raised an eyebrow, leading the way to where she parked her car.
Izuku beamed, his teeth seeming to glisten in the everlasting sun. "I made time, after they helped me calm down my...temper." He explained, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.
Inko nodded, doing her best not to pry. She knew it may have been a bit, dare I say, extreme, to send him to a different country- and all by himself at that. But when you're a single mother, working early morning shifts at a local cafe, and late night shifts as a nurse at the E.R, it can be quite hard when you are constantly getting calls from your sons school discussing the latest of fights and or arguments he wrapped himself in.
It was hard, and at the time, she was desperate.
Once they were in the comforting warmth of the car Inko started the engine. It's soft purr of the gears and mechanics coming to life calmed them both.
The car ride was silent. Neither of them knew what to do, nor what to say. The only two sounds that could be detected was the subdued sound of the tires fighting with the somewhat smooth concrete below, and the low hum of the radio.
Izuku bounced his knee, anticipation of arriving home getting to him.
"Nervous?" Inko giggled, observing her son with amusement.
"Yeah," Izuku chuckled, "Am I that obvious?"
"It's okay to be nervous honey, I am too." She said with a knowing look, biting her lip. "I just hope- no, pray, we can make this whole...'Living together' again, thing, work."
"Me too...yeah- me too."
(A/N I know this may not be how it looks in the Anime but this is how I envisioned it whilst writing so please bare with me!)
The was just like he remembered it to be. It was a small two story, and seemingly narrow on the outside, but looks can be deceiving. Once you walked in it filled out more, the living room right when you walk in, a decent sized couch and big TV lay in it, a brown rustic like coffee table a foot or two away from the couch.
Just a few feet away from the living room, the dining room table sat. Same brown, rustic aura on the table, a pot of green daisy's lay in the middle in a clear vase.
The kitchen was just another few short feet away, the entire downstairs having somewhat of an open-floor concept. Three bar stools right by the longer side of the counter, a stove, fridge, and a few other appliances. A white wooden door leading into the backyard all the way in the back of the kitchen, providing a bit of light from the window in the middle of said door.
Putting his luggage down by the front door, Izuku sighs happily, inhaling the, almost forgotten, scent of his mother's favorite room spray.
"I'm home!" He cheers, a toothy grin morphing his features.
Hey guys!!!
Thank you so much for choosing this story! For all of my O.G followers, do you think my writing has improved? I sure as hell do!
The chapters will get a bit more longer as we go on, we will be meeting the other two babes next chapter!
If you're new, hello welcome! You may call me, Lay or Cricket!
Until we meet again!!!❤💚💛
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