Fuck It We're All Crackheads (Chapter 11)
~Third Person P.O.V~
It was around eight o'clock, everyone was back upstairs in Katsuki's room, currently moving his bed against the window to make room for a fort- the idea brought to you by Izuku. Mitsuki was somewhere in the house, passed out drunk no doubt, and Masaru was...well lets just say he was finally enjoying some alone time.
"I'm pretty sure we grabbed every single blanket and pillow in the house." Shoto observed, tugging at the corner of one of the blankets he was putting up.
"Have we Todoroki? Have we really?" Sero asked, walking into the hallway and coming back a second later with more blankets.
Izuku snorted, sending a shocked smile to Katsuki, "How many freaking blankets do you have?" he questioned.
"Way too fucking many Deku. Blame my mom for that shit though, she's always buying that type of crap." He grumbled, eyeing Hitoshi when he came stood next to Izuku.
'It'll be a miracle if I make it through the night without beating the shit out of him.' Katsuki thought, mumbling a few curse words under his breath.
After many, many attempts, the fort was finally finished. Shoto would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly excited to go in it, slightly. The ort took up most of the space in the room, so it was quite big inside, thankfully for them. Mina turned off the lights in the room, the only light coming from inside the assemblage of blankets.
They all sat in a circle, Mina, Himiko, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Hitoshi, Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto.
"Now what do we do?" Mina asked, secretly taking a bite from Himiko's ice cream she took.
"We can play Spin The Bottle?" Kaminari suggested.
Katsuki scoffed, until an idea popped up in his head, "How about Spin The Bottle mixed with Truth or Dare?"
"I'm game!" Sero declared, pumping up his fist in the air.
Shoto scooted himself outside the fort, rummaging around the room in the dark until he found a water bottle. "Okay, everyone know the rules?" He checked, getting a few non-verbal answers in return, "Good."
"I'll go first!" Mina said, spinning the bottle- which landed on Katsuki. "Truth or dare Bakubabe?" She asked, wiggiling her eyebrows in excitement.
"Fuck it, dare!" He said, leaning forward on his knees.
"I dare you to....stay in nothing but your boxers for the rest of the night!" Mina smirked, she knew he would never back out of a dare, which is why this was so funny to her.
Katsuki sighed, scrunching up his face in vexation- why? Of all the dares she could have chose for him! He kept up his poker face, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing he was embarrssed. "Fine." He grouched, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it out, his pants were next to go.
Izuku blushed, trying hard not to look next to him in Katsuki's direction. 'Hot damn! No- bad Izuku, he has a boyfriend...an equally. hot. boyfriend.' He mentally face palmed himself, training his eyes forward to make eyecontact with Himiko.
The bottle landed on Kaminari next, who quickly chose truth- anyone would be insane to take a dare from Katsuki.
"Lame," Katsuki snorted, "Out of everyone in this little circle, and you can't choose Shitty Hair, who would you kiss?"
Kaminari groans, looking around in deep thought. "Probably Shinso."
Everyone busted out laughing, Shinso had choked on his spit a little, they all stopped when they seen his serious expression.
"Wait- you're being for real?" Sero asked.
"Holy shit, he is!"
"I mean...I can see why, I guess." Izuku said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
He flushed a light tint of pink, avoiding everyone's blazing stare. What? It's not like he liked Hitoshi, he sees him as an older brother more than anything- but he'll admit...he's a very attractive boy. Not as attractive as Katsuki and Shoto but, still there.
The game continued on, Sero was dared to lick the bottom of Kaminari's shoe- which he actually did. Mina was currently wearing Himiko's bra, it was quite uncomfortable seeing as though she had a noticeably larger bust than her girlfriend. Shoto had a mustache drawn on by an Expo Marker, luckily for him. And Izuku had to take his shirt off, due to the fact that nobody believed him when he said he has abs- boy did he prove them wrong.
It was drawing closer and closer to three in the morning, the only people up were Hitoshi, Shoto, Katsuki, and Izuku...somewhat Izuku- he kept nodding off every few minutes, stubbornly fighting his sleep.
"For the love of god Izuku, go to sleep!" Hitoshi said, looking up from his phone to playfully glare at the boy.
"Bite me." He sleepily replied.
"Do you want to cuddle?" Shoto asked, extending his arms open for the boy, Izuku was far too tired to blush at his question. All he did was crawl past Katsuki, curling up in Shoto's arms.
It was quiet for a few beats, the three wanting to make sure Izuku was asleep before they began conversating.
"So you two obviously like him," The purple-haired teen commented, catching them both off guard.
"And what makes you think that?" Shoto's monotone voice replied.
Hitoshi scoffed, the corners of his mouth twitching as he fought off a smile. Instead, he settled for giving them a look that said, 'Seriously', as he shook his head. He wasn't blind, he could see the look of fondness Katsuki would give the smaller male, or how Shoto's eyes would light up whenever Izuku smiled. Hell, he was rooting for them. Izuku deserved someone who could make him happy, so him having two people who could do that? Seemed like a good idea to him.
"Well, besides the fact the you both looked like you wanted to brutally murder me the entire night- what about this?" Hitoshi said, motioning to the sleeping Izuku in Shoto's lap. "By the way, you don't have to worry about me Bosses- he's like a little brother to me."
"Speaking of, mind telling us how you, Mina, and Himiko really know him?" Katsuki asked, shifting up an eyebrow.
Hitoshi sucked in a breath through gritted teeth, he could tell Izuku didn't want them knowing for some reason- and he was going to respect that.
"Look, he doesn't want you guys to know- I don't know why he doesn't but...if that's his wish then I can't tell." Hitoshi defended, putting his hands up.
Shoto let out a noise of annoyance, running his fingers through Izuku's hair- marveling over how soft his hair felt.
"Oh by the way, Himiko told me about Dabi being back...if that's true guys then-"
"Then he'll want to start a war- yeah me Katsuki know." Shoto interjected, rubbing his thumb across the back of the blond's hand.
Katsuki snorted, puffing his chest out in determination, "If the dried up prune wants a fight then he'll get a fucking fight!"
"It's different now babe," Shoto groaned, hugging Izuku tighter to his chest, "Touya knows about Izuku. No doubt he pissed off about what happened at his house, he could be a target!"
The three sighed, going into deep thought- trying to formulate plans in their head. They all care about Izuku, in different ways but- they still care. And they will be damned if they let anything bad happen to him.
Mina snickered, snapping a few more photos along with everybody else of the sight before them.
Katsuki, who was still in nothing but his boxers, laid on top of Izuku's back- his arms wrapped around his waist with a blanket thrown over him. Izuku's head was buried deep into the crook of Shoto's neck, his arms hung loosely on his shoulders. And Shoto...well he was perfectly content where he was, it felt- it felt nice to him. So he was a little touch starved, much like Izuku, Katsuki has too much pride to show a lot of affection.
"Todoroki and Bakugo are so gonna kill us if they find out we have pictures!" Himiko giggled.
"Yep- but it was totally worth it." Sero added, his mouth pulled up into a smug smile.
Hey guys!!
I liked this chapter...IG. Guess who's running on a few hours of sleep again? Ding ding ding, it's me!
Until we meet again!!!
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